Diamondais2006-09-29 18:36:02
QUOTE(Noola @ Sep 29 2006, 02:32 PM) 336888

I do stuff like that too. I put ' in front of things I type in IMs all the time.

Im really careful about this since I dont like people I know RL knowing I play, but sometimes when Im talking to my one friend Ill up and call my boyfriend Narid cause thats who he played.

And, its a known fact. I play wayyyy too much.

Unknown2006-09-29 18:37:49
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 29 2006, 01:36 PM) 336891
Im really careful about this since I dont like people I know RL knowing I play, but sometimes when Im talking to my one friend Ill up and call my boyfriend Narid cause thats who he played.

And, its a known fact. I play wayyyy too much.

you live in Men's coat factory

Diamondais2006-09-29 18:40:39
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 29 2006, 02:37 PM) 336893
you live in Men's coat factory

No, I live in one of the biggest cities in Canada.

Unknown2006-09-29 18:42:00
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 29 2006, 01:40 PM) 336895
No, I live in one of the biggest cities in Canada.

but, Burlington IS Men's coat factory... unless...

Diamondais2006-09-29 18:44:01
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 29 2006, 02:42 PM) 336898
but, Burlington IS Men's coat factory... unless...

Unless theres about 5 other cities named the same and theres a company that uses the name. Yes, that is what youre looking for.

The five isn't a known fact, Im exagerrating thank you. Theres at least another one in the States and I wouldnt be surprised if there are others. Lots of names get reused.
Reiha2006-09-29 18:49:18
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 29 2006, 09:44 AM) 336899
Unless theres about 5 other cities named the same and theres a company that uses the name. Yes, that is what youre looking for.

The five isn't a known fact, Im exagerrating thank you. Theres at least another one in the States and I wouldnt be surprised if there are others. Lots of names get reused.
I thought you meant this Burlington...
And here I was, getting all excited and ready to stalk you

Unknown2006-09-29 18:51:40
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 29 2006, 01:44 PM) 336899
Unless theres about 5 other cities named the same and theres a company that uses the name. Yes, that is what youre looking for.

The five isn't a known fact, Im exagerrating thank you. Theres at least another one in the States and I wouldnt be surprised if there are others. Lots of names get reused.
Burlington, Ontario, the largest Burlington in Canada
Burlington, Vermont, the largest city in Vermont and home to the University of Vermont
Other places in the United States
Cities and towns
Burlington, Colorado
Burlington, Connecticut
Burlington, Illinois
Burlington, Indiana
Burlington, Iowa
Burlington, Kansas
Burlington, Kentucky
Burlington, Maine
Burlington, Massachusetts
Burlington, Michigan
Burlington, New Jersey
Burlington, New York
Burlington, North Carolina
Burlington, North Dakota
Burlington, Ohio
Burlington, Oklahoma
Burlington, Pennsylvania
Burlington, Vermont
Burlington, Washington
Burlington, West Virginia
Burlington, Wisconsin
Burlington, Wyoming
Burlington (town), Wisconsin
Burlington County, New Jersey
Burlington Flats, New York
Burlington Junction, Missouri
Burlington Township, Illinois
Burlington Township, Indiana
Burlington Township, Kansas
Burlington Township, Lapeer County, Michigan
Burlington Township, Calhoun County, Michigan
Burlington Township, Minnesota
Burlington Township, New Jersey
Burlington Township, North Dakota
Burlington Township, Ohio
Burlington Township, Pennsylvania
South Burlington, Vermont
West Burlington, Iowa
West Burlington, New York
West Burlington Township, Pennsylvania
Yay for Matamoros only having 4 cities in the whole world and one in Pennsylvania spelled MatamorAs.
Altough, Matamoros IS a bloody last name. And by Bloody I mean killer like bloody. Mata =killer Moros = moor. Yay for the Spanish "conquista" and a war against the Muslims!

Isluna2006-09-29 18:53:05
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 29 2006, 08:08 AM) 336798
Please please send a message to his GM or something IC.
That's just lame behavior, and no one deserves to log into that.

I would, but seeing as Isluna is a rogue, and from word of mouth Glomdoring cares nothing for rogues, why would they care that one of their members killed her? And yes, I am going off of word of mouth IG and that post about the way the totems are tuned. But other wise I agree, no one should have to log into that, even if they are the ones who do that to others.
And before we hear a well you should have just ran away, I tried, but I had to focus body and by the time I realised I needed to, and did, I died. Guess its just one of those classic griefer case's of kill just because you can.

Diamondais2006-09-29 18:56:33
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Sep 29 2006, 02:51 PM) 336903

Unknown2006-09-29 18:58:00
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 29 2006, 01:56 PM) 336907

I may be.. I'm already late for class and after that is club meeting and prolly be out at 8 Central time. So maybe I'll be able to hex/aeon you for a while

Reiha2006-09-29 19:05:07
QUOTE(isluna @ Sep 29 2006, 09:53 AM) 336905
I would, but seeing as Isluna is a rogue, and from word of mouth Glomdoring cares nothing for rogues, why would they care that one of their members killed her? And yes, I am going off of word of mouth IG and that post about the way the totems are tuned. But other wise I agree, no one should have to log into that, even if they are the ones who do that to others.
And before we hear a well you should have just ran away, I tried, but I had to focus body and by the time I realised I needed to, and did, I died. Guess its just one of those classic griefer case's of kill just because you can.

Laysus2006-09-29 19:06:59
QUOTE(vale_kant @ Sep 29 2006, 02:15 PM) 336787
QFT. The only thing more OOC than the 17-yr-old know-it-all is talking about last night's football game.

People who take part in my quizzes end up with oddly even scores.
Laysus is cruel to faster typers - after all, only I can see what orders they answer in, and I can be picky with how accurate they have to be >.>
Anarias2006-09-29 19:13:34
QUOTE(geb @ Sep 29 2006, 06:29 AM) 336779
No, your answer implied there was a difference when I stated that you guys do the same thing with Faethorn. I made a statement that you guys are doing it in Faethorn too. You turn around and state that there is a difference between protecting your interests and annexing an area as a direct response to my statement. Then I took that as an implication that you consider what the Serenwilde is doing in Faethorn is different than what we are doing in the Inner Sea. Your statement implied that the Serenwilde is only protecting its interest, not annexing Faethorn. So I then made my statement in response.
That's a lot of assuming and implying. Its ok to just take things at face value every now and then. I was talking about annexing territory generally and you kept trying to point the finger at everyone else. My point was and still is that it does not matter who is doing it, its still wrong. Please take that at face value.
I found this quote from you justifying the actions of Kalodan when he killed a young glom shadowcaster faeling on Faethorn. His only excuse for doing it was that he could smell honeycakes on the faeling. Seems to me that such an action was fine by you back then, when it was your own doing it.
That quote isn't justifying Kalodan's behaviour. At the time I wrote that I still wasn't playing the game consistently. There was a lot of drama and moaning about it and I said, well its to be expected to some degree. That does not mean that I approve of the action, it means I have low expectations of people. How 'bout this, I'll make a new post about the annexation and get out all my feelings on the issue once and for all.
Shayle2006-09-29 19:43:37
QUOTE(isluna @ Sep 29 2006, 02:53 PM) 336905
I would, but seeing as Isluna is a rogue, and from word of mouth Glomdoring cares nothing for rogues, why would they care that one of their members killed her? And yes, I am going off of word of mouth IG and that post about the way the totems are tuned. But other wise I agree, no one should have to log into that, even if they are the ones who do that to others.
And before we hear a well you should have just ran away, I tried, but I had to focus body and by the time I realised I needed to, and did, I died. Guess its just one of those classic griefer case's of kill just because you can.

Send an IC message to someone, please. I really don't think it's right to let him get away with being a jerk just cause he thinks he can. Trust me, Isluna, no leader of Glomdoring would condone it, we dont' care about rogues in Glomdoring, but we do care about the actions of our members.

Exarius2006-09-29 20:02:44
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Sep 29 2006, 10:09 AM) 336823
Here's the log:
Isluna tells you, "This glommy has the aetherplex melded."
You tell Isluna, "Incabulos?"
Isluna tells you, "Yes."
You tell Isluna, "Well, he's dead if he pisses someone off."
Isluna tells you, "He is stronger then me."
Isluna tells you, "Oh well. As long as he leaves me alone."
then after a few seconds:
Isluna tells you, "He is killing me."
You tell Isluna, "Ally me then defend me." <-- my mistake, I should have defended her
ally isluna
Isluna is now one of your allies.
Isluna has been shocked into an early grave by Druid Incabulos of the
You see the death occur at the Aetherplex Chamber.
Then the conversation between Incabulos and me:
You tell Druid Incabulos of the Blackthorn, "Bastard."
Incabulos tells you, "Yes, yes I am."
Incabulos tells you, "Have fun.

You tell Druid Incabulos of the Blackthorn, "Wtf did she ever did to you
Incabulos tells you, "Nothing. It was just a senseless revenge.

Incabulos tells you, "Have a nice day."
You tell Druid Incabulos of the Blackthorn, "For?"
You tell Druid Incabulos of the Blackthorn, "Nice day my arse."
After that he enemied me, declared me then his demesne hit me, after I sent a message to Xenthos, this is what I told Incabulos.
You tell Druid Incabulos of the Blackthorn, "Oh well, go talk to Xenthos about
your behaviour, have a nice day."
Incabulos tells you, "Have a nice day. Give my regards to Haiden."
You tell Druid Incabulos of the Blackthorn, "And what has Haiden have to do with
all this?"
Then that's the end of our conversation.
You know, this sounds an awful lot like what happened with me in Tosha the other day. Different character, but considering the timing and the targets, I do have to wonder if we're talking about one mind and/or allies with a completely OOC agenda.
Anyone else who keeps out of PvP been hit recently by a total stranger completely out of the blue, or is it just me and my friends?
Unknown2006-09-29 20:06:33
Incabulos and Haiden are both complete retards. That is all.
Ista2006-09-29 20:08:49
I hate that I can feel me getting sick, so I know that this weeked is going to be when all of it hits. Why can't it hit me when I have school? It'd be nice to have a day off.
On the plus side, we just got in satellite TV and so now I get to watch Adult Swim at 8:30 instead of 11:30. I've yet to decide if this is really a good thing.
On the plus side, we just got in satellite TV and so now I get to watch Adult Swim at 8:30 instead of 11:30. I've yet to decide if this is really a good thing.
Xenthos2006-09-29 20:11:40
QUOTE(Exarius @ Sep 29 2006, 04:02 PM) 336930
Anyone else who keeps out of PvP been hit recently by a total stranger completely out of the blue, or is it just me and my friends?
I doubt this one has anything to do with you.
Just with a pita (no, not Isluna).
Unknown2006-09-29 20:18:46
bet 50000 gold on green
You bet 50000 sovereigns on green, eliciting a wry grin and a wink from Bridon, the roulette spinner.
2563h, 3847m, 3862e, 10p, 11715en, 18285w ex-
Bridon, the roulette spinner says, "No more bets!" and gives the wheel a good spin. The ball begins to smoothly spin around the wheel.
2563h, 3847m, 3862e, 10p, 11715en, 18285w ex-
The ball starts to bounce around wildly on the wheel, giving you no idea where it will stop.
2563h, 3847m, 3862e, 10p, 11715en, 18285w ex-
The ball finally settles down on 00.
Bridon, the roulette spinner exclaims to you, "We have a winner! You've won 850000 gold!" He returns the stakes for your winning bets, and hands you your winnings.
You bet 50000 sovereigns on green, eliciting a wry grin and a wink from Bridon, the roulette spinner.
2563h, 3847m, 3862e, 10p, 11715en, 18285w ex-
Bridon, the roulette spinner says, "No more bets!" and gives the wheel a good spin. The ball begins to smoothly spin around the wheel.
2563h, 3847m, 3862e, 10p, 11715en, 18285w ex-
The ball starts to bounce around wildly on the wheel, giving you no idea where it will stop.
2563h, 3847m, 3862e, 10p, 11715en, 18285w ex-
The ball finally settles down on 00.
Bridon, the roulette spinner exclaims to you, "We have a winner! You've won 850000 gold!" He returns the stakes for your winning bets, and hands you your winnings.
Annd the credit market just haaaaas to be screwed up.

Shamarah2006-09-29 20:19:36
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 29 2006, 04:18 PM) 336936
Annd the credit market just haaaaas to be screwed up.