Geb2006-09-30 19:26:06
I feel there is a perfectly sound reason to kill the Gorgog Leader. He is part of a process that allows a person to open the gate, allowing Gorgogs to flow in. Those creatures are indiscriminate in whom they target and so are considered dangerous by Celest. To keep the portal closed, some in Celest do take it upon themselves to kill Gognigin as preventive measure.
Unknown2006-09-30 19:27:57
QUOTE(geb @ Sep 30 2006, 12:26 PM) 337189
I feel there is a perfectly sound reason to kill the Gorgog Leader. He is part of a process that allows a person to open the gate, allowing Gorgogs to flow in. Those creatures are indiscriminate in whom they target and so are considered dangerous by Celest. To keep the portal closed, some in Celest do take it upon themselves to kill Gognigin as preventive measure.
Ja, killing them is fine when you're trying to prevent a major quest like that, it's just that it's usually out of spite or greed rather than the quest. Same goes for the cook and the Castle Djwhatever quest.
Nico2006-09-30 19:43:47
I haven't killed anyone for bashing Aslarans in almost 2 RL months, Guido. I have may threatened and scared someone more recently than that, but even then it was at least several weeks ago.
Unknown2006-09-30 20:09:04
QUOTE(Nico @ Sep 30 2006, 12:43 PM) 337193
I haven't killed anyone for bashing Aslarans in almost 2 RL months, Guido. I have may threatened and scared someone more recently than that, but even then it was at least several weeks ago.
Then don't complain about the avenger system stopping you from doing something you don't even do?
Nico2006-09-30 20:14:37
Um, what? I'm not complaining about the avenger system not allowing me to defend Aslarans.
I'm complaining that it severely limits PK on prime to the point where it is a farce. It's stupid that the avenger/vitae is the penultimate defense on prime. Aslarans are simply one minor facet of prime.
I'm complaining that it severely limits PK on prime to the point where it is a farce. It's stupid that the avenger/vitae is the penultimate defense on prime. Aslarans are simply one minor facet of prime.
Unknown2006-09-30 21:34:37
I reiterate, I HATE novices who's only purpose is to have a funny name or to piss people off, or to in general cause grief, get a quick laugh, and you never see them again, until they make their next alt.
We just had someone with an inappropriate name kicking gaurds, and just kept kicking them and getting out of afflictions until we kicked him out and killed him.
Now no one can tell me he wasn't just trying to get a funny deathsight out of that with his name.
We just had someone with an inappropriate name kicking gaurds, and just kept kicking them and getting out of afflictions until we kicked him out and killed him.
Now no one can tell me he wasn't just trying to get a funny deathsight out of that with his name.
Diamondais2006-09-30 21:40:23
That one called me a freak for saying hello, walked off, walked back in, started laughing and cackling. Stupid Grace, I wanted to cudgel him. 

Unknown2006-09-30 21:47:08
QUOTE(Nico @ Sep 30 2006, 04:14 PM) 337199
I'm not complaining about the avenger system not allowing me to defend Aslarans.
However, in rebuttal to myself:

Image taken from filler on Errant Story.
Tervic2006-09-30 21:51:37
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Sep 30 2006, 09:11 AM) 337151
Celestians kills the cook cause he's 'evil' so in return some people (like me) kill Surtami as a warning.
Celestians kill Gognigin so in return we kill Marinus
Celestians don't really give a damn, they kill those 'important' denizens so that their enemies will be hindered in getting gold to buy credits (or just get gold).
Really now, if I where that person, I'd just leave the denizens who trade corpses for gold alone but no, cause the people who has everything (trans skill, uber cool arties) or mostly anything ('fighters' a.k.a griefers) will kill them so we'll suffer.
I really wonder where Celest's youngings bash since most of the 'good' bashing grounds are off limits to them? The old times before the stupid rule was implemented, was hunting Aslarans and Krokani, now Krokani is mostly bashed out by Celestians and Gorgogs as well.
So when it comes to bashing, Celest really suck.
Multiple points, bolded for your ease of reading.
1.) wtf is up with you and bashing celest? ever since YOU decided to suicide that's all I see from you on the forums, and quite frankly, it's irritating. But that's just a personal rant.
2.) Killing Surtami as a =warning=? No, it's not a warning, it just pisses people off. In mag, Celest, and glom alike. Probably even seren but I wouldn't know. And keep in mind that there are other :censor:ed up people who also kill denizens when the ones they want around are not. So there's this thing, called a cycle. It ends up with everyone being pissed off.
3.) if you'd really just leave the denizens alone, DO IT! Break the cycle!
Also, just as a disclaimer, points 2 and 3 apply to everyone.
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 30 2006, 11:31 AM) 337173
I prefer the use of paranoia over killing them... much more amusing

Oh I remember this one time when I seduced the entire aslaran camp and Bashara (who was for some odd reason a personal enemy, can't remember for the life of me why) walked in and was immediately ganked by a harem of aslaran females. That was fuuuuunny, and I'm thinking of making the seduction run a regular thing for me (ooooo sketchy trill). But yeah, paranoia's fun too.
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Sep 30 2006, 02:47 PM) 337243
Ah, well others are actually. Though considering the aslaran's in that camp are a band of militaristic outlaws in the middle of a war I doubt they have the organizational structure or amount of scribes needed to keep records of their enemies. (Their wannabe scribes are all busy training for genocide.)
Then why do all of them except Ciarrus and Surtami have sensuous dispositions?
Unknown2006-09-30 22:04:12
QUOTE(Tervic @ Sep 30 2006, 11:51 PM) 337245
Then why do all of them except Ciarrus and Surtami have sensuous dispositions?
Because they're who... unregistered, untrained Companions *nudge Firefly fans*.
Seriously, aslarans are the more evil ones in the aslaran-krokani pairing. I've written about it 5+ times already, at least a paragraph of length each time, and I don't really feel like doing it again so I'll give you a short version - they want every krokani gutted and dead on the ground. Yup, you heard it - every friggin' krokani, even those who do not serve Kar'chen. And don't attack PC krokani probably only because of game limitations.
Unknown2006-09-30 22:05:31
Why, because they like to breed a lot, it's the only way they keep their population up when everyone from level 50-70 is killing them. 
And for another webcomic to back me up on that point:

Image taken from The Noob Comic.
Edit:Oh sorry this is rants right? BAH! I HATE YOU ALL AND STUFF! ... was that ranty enough?

And for another webcomic to back me up on that point:

Image taken from The Noob Comic.
Edit:Oh sorry this is rants right? BAH! I HATE YOU ALL AND STUFF! ... was that ranty enough?

Kharaen2006-10-01 02:07:51
Nico's sig makes me want to shave my cat. 

Tervic2006-10-01 02:09:41
QUOTE(Cuber @ Sep 30 2006, 03:04 PM) 337249
Because they're who... unregistered, untrained Companions *nudge Firefly fans*.
That made me laugh

Oh, and /me is a firefly fan bigtime.

Unknown2006-10-01 03:46:14
Hate it that whenever I wake up I feel soooooooooo heavy as if a large slab of stone was on top of me the entire night. I do a bit of exercises now and then, eat the right kind of food and still feeling heavy

Acrune2006-10-01 03:49:52
Curse that gravity.
Daganev2006-10-01 04:37:55
QUOTE(Fallen @ Sep 28 2006, 11:18 PM) 336753
...ok.. whoever did this.. needs to die.
Fiiirst it was..
and then.. someone thought it would be funny to buy and reprice...
Daganev.. i'm look at you.

Nope not me.
I find it stupid to buy credits and then to resell them at a higher price. I like to sell credits at a high price and then days or weeks later buy credits at lower prices.
Now for my rant... I entered artisinal with a picture based on the idea that glomdoring was in the middle of dieing and would be for a few days... on sept 30 at 8pm my time. then I find out it got submited for october.... Grumble!.. and when I log in, Viravain is one with the forest and glomdoring isn't dieing anymore... oh well.
Out of fustration I shall post the image...

Taraki2006-10-01 04:41:27
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Sep 30 2006, 05:47 PM) 337243
Down with Physics!
Tervic2006-10-01 05:31:31
QUOTE(Taraki @ Sep 30 2006, 09:41 PM) 337427
Down with Physics!

Taraki2006-10-01 05:37:38
I just thought of something
With Viravian gone, where does Squibbles go? 

Felandi2006-10-01 06:19:49
Are any sorts of rants and regrets allowed here? Either way.
I am so upset with myself and the world right now, the voting system just lost me a place in the poetry contest simply becuse two of those that voted for me by mistake voted for the wrong poem! ( two people forgot to vote but thats besides the point) It is horrible to know you should have won if everything had went as it should have.
And now as a result, absolutely NOTHING can be done about it! Gah!
I am so upset with myself and the world right now, the voting system just lost me a place in the poetry contest simply becuse two of those that voted for me by mistake voted for the wrong poem! ( two people forgot to vote but thats besides the point) It is horrible to know you should have won if everything had went as it should have.
And now as a result, absolutely NOTHING can be done about it! Gah!