Unknown2006-10-01 06:25:23
Okay Nico... you're doing it too far, killing Denizens is one thing, KILL STEALING is another.

EDIT: Here's the Log
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. There
are 2 enormous gorgogs here.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3223h, 4300m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You bleed 5 health.
3218h, 4300m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3218h, 4220m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
probe 77910
Looking mainly like other high-quality letters, this is made of fine white paper
furled into a cylinder, and tied with a red ribbon. A soft, faint pink glow
emanating from it tells you that it has been magically preserved.
It weighs 1 ounce(s).
A magically-preserved letter is holding:
17285 gold sovereigns.
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing
you with intense, scorching heat.
2693h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
The final blow proves too much for an enormous gorgog, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous gorgog.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You cannot pick up an enormous gorgog.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
"gorgog86770" an enormous gorgog
Number of objects: 2
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. Crafted
of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an
enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3223h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2443h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
With earth-shaking steps, an enormous gorgog strides in from the south, fists
2443h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2967h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
You sigh in relief as the fire on your body flickers and fades.
2967h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
2967h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
3128h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 14 health.
3114h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing
you with intense, scorching heat.
2602h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
2602h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
The final blow proves too much for an enormous gorgog, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous gorgog.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
2602h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2602h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You pick up 199 gold sovereigns.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You cannot pick up an enormous gorgog.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You put 199 gold sovereigns in a magically-preserved letter.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
"gorgog86066" an enormous gorgog
Number of objects: 2
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. Crafted
of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an
enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched. Lord Nico Cair'ellis,
Shakiniel's Charge is here, shrouded. He wields an angelic battle hammer in each
hand. <-- He was invisible so I didn't see him enter and this is what he did
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico pounds
him, but it barely fazes him.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico pounds
him, but it barely fazes him.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3150h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3150h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2520h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
You sigh in relief as the fire on your body flickers and fades.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico pounds
him, but it barely fazes him.
Nico has scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico
powerfully pounds him, making him stagger back.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 4045m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3223h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 12 health.
3211h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
You shout "Oi!" at the top of your voice.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3057h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3057h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
3057h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
The final blow proves too much for an enormous gorgog, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous gorgog.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
3057h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 13 health.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You pick up 207 gold sovereigns.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
I see no "gorgog" to take.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You put 207 gold sovereigns in a magically-preserved letter.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
Number of objects: 1
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. Lord
Nico Cair'ellis, Shakiniel's Charge is here, shrouded. He wields an angelic
battle hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
say mine!!
You exclaim, "Mine!"
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Hot, humid
steam fills the caves here, fogging vision somewhat and making it difficult to
discern the particulars of the passage through its warm, almost intoxicating
haze. The mud lining the cave's walls here is a prelude to the large mud pit to
the south, which is circular in shape and quite wide, though its depth cannot be
discerned due to the opacity of the mud within. A bubble occasionally rises up
from the pit's depths to reach the surface and pop, spraying mud everywhere. A
white marble gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3205h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
Number of objects: 1
3205h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You bleed 2 health.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
glance s
Wallowing in a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see a single exit leading north.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Muddy passage.
Crafted of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours,
an enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched. Lord Nico Cair'ellis,
Shakiniel's Charge is here, shrouded. He wields an angelic battle hammer in each
You see exits leading southeast and west.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
An enormous gorgog stares at Nico, the flames in his eyes brightening and
searing him with intense, scorching heat.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Nico takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Base of an abrupt rise in the caves.
You see exits leading east and up.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Sudden drop down in the caves.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see exits leading northwest and down.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Sloping cave passageway.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see exits leading southeast and southwest.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Winding cave passageway.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Crafted of
fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an enormous
gorgog stands here with fists clenched. <-- Nico not yet around
You see exits leading northeast and northwest.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3203h, 3880m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2593h, 3955m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3100h, 3955m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3100h, 3955m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
3100h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 12 health.
3088h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2422h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
Acolyte Kalas Hraddon, of the Gaping Maw
Sex : Male Race : Mugwump
Level : 79 (41%) Rank : Metamortal
Health : 2422/3223 Endurance : 14122/15015
Mana : 3875/4645 Willpower : 19917/22125
Ego : 3697/3460 Reserves : 95%
Karma : 79% Esteem : 0%
You are ranked 111th in Lusternia.
You stand tall as a proud citizen of the Mighty Dominion of Magnagora.
You have reached the rank of 'Laborer' in your city.
You are a Student of Suffering in the Nihilists.
You are a Walker of Lost Lands in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are a member of the clan called 'Adiks.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Kalas Legacy.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Midnight Legion.'
You are 17 years old, having been born on the 19th of Tzarin, 140 years after
the Coming of Estarra.
2422h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2422h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
symbol strike gorgog
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2964h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
2964h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing
you with intense, scorching heat.
2443h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
You bleed 13 health.
2430h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
You must regain equilibrium first.
2430h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
2430h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
You sigh in relief as the fire on your body flickers and fades.
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that
*** SHIELDED ***
remains hovering before him.
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2591h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3223h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception. <-- he came in and loses his invisibility, I shielded next as I mostly do whenever the denizen I'm killing is near death.
3223h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p x-
evoke pentagram
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Muttering words of power, you trace a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that
remains hovering before you, protecting against assault.
3223h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog mutters and pokes his index finger towards you and makes a
hooking gesture. Invisible energies slam against you, ripping apart your magical
shield of protection.
3223h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 5 health.
3218h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico whips an angelic battle hammer through the air in front of an enormous
gorgog, to no effect.
3218h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3218h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
Nico has scored a CRITICAL hit!
The blow continues into an enormous gorgog's body, causing a sickening cracking
and mashing sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment,
vanishing suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
An enormous gorgog has been slain by Nico.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Nico suddenly scoops up the corpse of an enormous gorgog
I can't believe how low he can get.

EDIT: Here's the Log
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. There
are 2 enormous gorgogs here.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3223h, 4300m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You bleed 5 health.
3218h, 4300m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3218h, 4220m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
probe 77910
Looking mainly like other high-quality letters, this is made of fine white paper
furled into a cylinder, and tied with a red ribbon. A soft, faint pink glow
emanating from it tells you that it has been magically preserved.
It weighs 1 ounce(s).
A magically-preserved letter is holding:
17285 gold sovereigns.
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing
you with intense, scorching heat.
2693h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 4295m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
The final blow proves too much for an enormous gorgog, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous gorgog.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You cannot pick up an enormous gorgog.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
"gorgog86770" an enormous gorgog
Number of objects: 2
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. Crafted
of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an
enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3223h, 4215m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3223h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2443h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
With earth-shaking steps, an enormous gorgog strides in from the south, fists
2443h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2967h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
You sigh in relief as the fire on your body flickers and fades.
2967h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
2967h, 4135m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit!
3128h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 14 health.
3114h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing
you with intense, scorching heat.
2602h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
2602h, 4130m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
The final blow proves too much for an enormous gorgog, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous gorgog.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
2602h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2602h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You pick up 199 gold sovereigns.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You cannot pick up an enormous gorgog.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You put 199 gold sovereigns in a magically-preserved letter.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
"gorgog86066" an enormous gorgog
Number of objects: 2
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. Crafted
of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an
enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched. Lord Nico Cair'ellis,
Shakiniel's Charge is here, shrouded. He wields an angelic battle hammer in each
hand. <-- He was invisible so I didn't see him enter and this is what he did
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico pounds
him, but it barely fazes him.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico pounds
him, but it barely fazes him.
3150h, 4050m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3150h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3150h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2520h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
You sigh in relief as the fire on your body flickers and fades.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico pounds
him, but it barely fazes him.
Nico has scored a CRUSHING CRITICAL hit.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. Nico
powerfully pounds him, making him stagger back.
3155h, 3970m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 4045m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3223h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 12 health.
3211h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
You shout "Oi!" at the top of your voice.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2527h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3057h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3057h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
3057h, 3965m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
The final blow proves too much for an enormous gorgog, who expires, pitifully.
You have slain an enormous gorgog.
A large pile of sovereigns spill from the corpse.
You suddenly scoop up the corpse of an enormous gorgog.
3057h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 13 health.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You pick up 207 gold sovereigns.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
I see no "gorgog" to take.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You put 207 gold sovereigns in a magically-preserved letter.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
Number of objects: 1
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. A white marble
gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor soul. Lord
Nico Cair'ellis, Shakiniel's Charge is here, shrouded. He wields an angelic
battle hammer in each hand.
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
say mine!!
You exclaim, "Mine!"
3044h, 3885m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Before a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Hot, humid
steam fills the caves here, fogging vision somewhat and making it difficult to
discern the particulars of the passage through its warm, almost intoxicating
haze. The mud lining the cave's walls here is a prelude to the large mud pit to
the south, which is circular in shape and quite wide, though its depth cannot be
discerned due to the opacity of the mud within. A bubble occasionally rises up
from the pit's depths to reach the surface and pop, spraying mud everywhere. A
white marble gravestone stands vigil here, memorializing the death of some poor
You see exits leading south and northwest.
3205h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
"gravestone12806" a white marble gravestone
Number of objects: 1
3205h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You bleed 2 health.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
glance s
Wallowing in a mud pit.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see a single exit leading north.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Muddy passage.
Crafted of fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours,
an enormous gorgog stands here with fists clenched. Lord Nico Cair'ellis,
Shakiniel's Charge is here, shrouded. He wields an angelic battle hammer in each
You see exits leading southeast and west.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
An enormous gorgog stares at Nico, the flames in his eyes brightening and
searing him with intense, scorching heat.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Nico takes a drink from a pearl vial.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Base of an abrupt rise in the caves.
You see exits leading east and up.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Sudden drop down in the caves.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see exits leading northwest and down.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Sloping cave passageway.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here.
You see exits leading southeast and southwest.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Winding cave passageway.
The shadowy outline of a twisted forest casts a dark gloom here. Crafted of
fluid mud which flows up from the ground into its muscular contours, an enormous
gorgog stands here with fists clenched. <-- Nico not yet around
You see exits leading northeast and northwest.
3203h, 3960m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
3203h, 3880m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2593h, 3955m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3100h, 3955m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3100h, 3955m, 3697e, 10p ex-
symbol strike gorgog
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
3100h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 12 health.
3088h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
With a roar of feral anger, an enormous gorgog slams a huge fist into your
abdomen, doubling you over with the brute force of the impact.
2422h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
Acolyte Kalas Hraddon, of the Gaping Maw
Sex : Male Race : Mugwump
Level : 79 (41%) Rank : Metamortal
Health : 2422/3223 Endurance : 14122/15015
Mana : 3875/4645 Willpower : 19917/22125
Ego : 3697/3460 Reserves : 95%
Karma : 79% Esteem : 0%
You are ranked 111th in Lusternia.
You stand tall as a proud citizen of the Mighty Dominion of Magnagora.
You have reached the rank of 'Laborer' in your city.
You are a Student of Suffering in the Nihilists.
You are a Walker of Lost Lands in the Fellowship of Explorers.
You are a member of the clan called 'Adiks.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Kalas Legacy.'
You are a member of the clan called 'The Midnight Legion.'
You are 17 years old, having been born on the 19th of Tzarin, 140 years after
the Coming of Estarra.
2422h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2422h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
symbol strike gorgog
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
2964h, 3875m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
2964h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog stares at you, the flames in his eyes brightening and searing
you with intense, scorching heat.
2443h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
You bleed 13 health.
2430h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
You must regain equilibrium first.
2430h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p x-
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
2430h, 3795m, 3697e, 10p ex-
You point a bloody symbol of pain towards an enormous gorgog, and a gout of
black fire slams into his chest.
You have scored a CRITICAL hit!
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
You sigh in relief as the fire on your body flickers and fades.
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog mutters and traces a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that
*** SHIELDED ***
remains hovering before him.
2430h, 3715m, 3697e, 10p x-
You may drink another health, mana, or bromide potion.
2591h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p x-
drink health
You take a drink from an amethyst vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
3223h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p x-
Nico slowly fades into view, returning to the realm of perception. <-- he came in and loses his invisibility, I shielded next as I mostly do whenever the denizen I'm killing is near death.
3223h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p x-
evoke pentagram
{ Equilibrium Recovered }
3223h, 3790m, 3697e, 10p ex-
Muttering words of power, you trace a cobalt blue pentagram in the air that
remains hovering before you, protecting against assault.
3223h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
An enormous gorgog mutters and pokes his index finger towards you and makes a
hooking gesture. Invisible energies slam against you, ripping apart your magical
shield of protection.
3223h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
You bleed 5 health.
3218h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico whips an angelic battle hammer through the air in front of an enormous
gorgog, to no effect.
3218h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
You must regain equilibrium first.
3218h, 3760m, 3697e, 10p x-
symbol strike gorgog
Nico wildly swings an angelic battle hammer at an enormous gorgog. With great
force, Nico pounds him with a resounding crack.
Nico has scored a CRITICAL hit!
The blow continues into an enormous gorgog's body, causing a sickening cracking
and mashing sound. A terrible rictus of pain twists his features for a moment,
vanishing suddenly as he falls, lifeless, to the ground.
An enormous gorgog has been slain by Nico.
Many golden sovereigns spill from the corpse.
Nico suddenly scoops up the corpse of an enormous gorgog
I can't believe how low he can get.
Nico2006-10-01 06:45:12
Drop your status against me, and I'd be happy to simply kill you next time I run into you while bashing. Honestly, why am I supposed to act 'nice' and play 'fair' against a sworn city enemy who attacks Celestians and angels at any opportunity? Not to mention kills merians and aslarans...
For those wondering what happened, I was out bashing gorgogs, ran into Hraddon. He has status on me. I simply killed one or two gorgogs that he was killing at the time. And then suddenly all of Mag is wondering why I'm being such a jerk
Most people know me for someone who doesn't grief/act like an arse just to be an arse. Sometimes though, you really deserve it, and I'm happy to oblige.
For those wondering what happened, I was out bashing gorgogs, ran into Hraddon. He has status on me. I simply killed one or two gorgogs that he was killing at the time. And then suddenly all of Mag is wondering why I'm being such a jerk

Most people know me for someone who doesn't grief/act like an arse just to be an arse. Sometimes though, you really deserve it, and I'm happy to oblige.
Furien2006-10-01 06:47:11
Okay, one question.
What the
is so 'omfg goody lighty <3 must protect' about blood thirsty fanatical savages living in an outcast camp?
What the

Unknown2006-10-01 06:47:34
Okay okay, I deserve to be killed but kill stealing is something I hate so please don't do it in the near future
And there is a reason I want to have status up
In fact, THERE is a reason why they place the Avenger and made the PK system in the first place
As long as the Avenger still exists, I'll use it till the time comes the Admin and Coders decided to take it out.
Any problems, please issue then let them decide or bug it if it is indeed a bug.

And there is a reason I want to have status up

In fact, THERE is a reason why they place the Avenger and made the PK system in the first place
As long as the Avenger still exists, I'll use it till the time comes the Admin and Coders decided to take it out.
Any problems, please issue then let them decide or bug it if it is indeed a bug.
Geb2006-10-01 06:48:20
Heh, you have not had that character that long and already you have passed mine in level. Bah, I just can't seem to get myself to bash longer than 10 to 15 minutes. I wonder if I will ever see 80. Then again, not one of my characters in any of the realms have ever made it to 80.
Tervic2006-10-01 06:49:02
quote name='Lightzout' date='Sep 30 2006, 11:25 PM' post='337451']
From your log, it looks like -you- stole the kill on the first one...
I'm 78..... and I hate bashing too.
From your log, it looks like -you- stole the kill on the first one...

QUOTE(geb @ Sep 30 2006, 11:48 PM) 337457
Heh, you have not had that character that long and already you have passed mine in level. Bah, I just can't seem to get myself to bash longer than 10 to 15 minutes. I wonder if I will ever see 80. Then again, not one of my characters in any of the realms have ever made it to 80.
I'm 78..... and I hate bashing too.
Unknown2006-10-01 06:50:20
QUOTE(geb @ Oct 1 2006, 02:48 PM) 337457
Heh, you have not had that character that long and already you have passed mine in level. Bah, I just can't seem to get myself to bash longer than 10 to 15 minutes. I wonder if I will ever see 80. Then again, not one of my characters in any of the realms have ever made it to 80.
Grind sir Geb, grind your way to Demigodhood

Acrune2006-10-01 06:52:02
QUOTE(Tervic @ Oct 1 2006, 02:49 AM) 337458
From your log, it looks like -you- stole the kill on the first one...

That does in fact appear to be the case. Looks to me like Nico was just getting his rightful gorgog. Now please stop griefing Celestians, its rude and uncalled for. Nico was just innocently skipping along and hunting before you came along deciding to abuse the avenger and steal his kills, knowing perfectly well he could do nothing to stop you. You should be ashamed of yourself.
Unknown2006-10-01 06:54:15
QUOTE(Acrune @ Oct 1 2006, 02:52 PM) 337461
That does in fact appear to be the case. Looks to me like Nico was just getting his rightful gorgog. Now please stop griefing Celestians, its rude and uncalled for. Nico was just innocently skipping along and hunting before you came along deciding to abuse the avenger and steal his kills, knowing perfectly well he could do nothing to stop you. You should be ashamed of yourself.
I did not kill steal Acrune

EDIT: And I have a trigger whenever I kill someone, it scans and looks in the room and do INFO HERE
Nico2006-10-01 06:54:39
QUOTE(Furien @ Oct 1 2006, 02:47 AM) 337455
Okay, one question.
What the

If you wanted us to go -that- route, every sentient, non-taint aligned being in the basin would be protected under the Light. I sometimes protect the aslarans because ohmygosh, Nico IS aslaran.
Few other Celestians do the same. Talkan, for one. Dunno of any others.
EDIT: Honestly, if you don't want me to 'steal' your kills, you're fully allowed to, you know, attack me and -make- me stop. Hiding behind status, then complaining that I should let you bash in peace is, well, kinda lame.
Acrune2006-10-01 07:03:25
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Oct 1 2006, 02:54 AM) 337462
I did not kill steal Acrune

EDIT: And I have a trigger whenever I kill someone, it scans and looks at the room and do INFO HERE
Your log says otherwise

Unknown2006-10-01 07:05:16
QUOTE(Acrune @ Oct 1 2006, 03:03 PM) 337465
Your log says otherwise

Reiha2006-10-01 07:14:27
QUOTE(Acrune @ Sep 30 2006, 10:03 PM) 337465
Your log says otherwise

I'm confused, if he's in the room, I'm under the impression it's his kill - not someone who walks in. Doesn't QL show who's presently in the room? I've never bashed Gorgogs, so I'm not familiar with the layout, I might have got something confused.

Nico2006-10-01 07:25:04
QUOTE(Reiha @ Oct 1 2006, 03:14 AM) 337469
I'm confused, if he's in the room, I'm under the impression it's his kill - not someone who walks in. Doesn't QL show who's presently in the room? I've never bashed Gorgogs, so I'm not familiar with the layout, I might have got something confused.

Well, I'm not arguing that I didn't steal his kills. I did. I'm not ashamed of it. Like I said earlier, i don't understand why I'm expected not to...
It's one thing when the other guy is 'innocent', but Hraddon clearly is an enemy of Celest, and a continual nuisance, to boot. Again, like I mentioned earlier, I would've been much happier simply killing him, but with status in the way....what was I supposed to do, cheer him on as he bashes?

EDIT: editted for a misplaced smiley
Acrune2006-10-01 07:28:19
QUOTE(Nico @ Oct 1 2006, 03:25 AM) 337472
Well, I'm not arguing that I didn't steal his kills. I did. I'm not ashamed of it. Like I said earlier, i don't understand why I'm expected not to...
If you had stuck to the story, I bet we could have convinced half the people here that you were the one wronged

Nico2006-10-01 07:30:15
QUOTE(Acrune @ Oct 1 2006, 03:28 AM) 337473
If you had stuck to the story, I bet we could have convinced half the people here that you were the one wronged

Aww, but then that'd ruin my whole campaign to be the most hated in the basin!! Guess I dropped the ball on that one.

Forren2006-10-01 07:31:20
QUOTE(geb @ Oct 1 2006, 06:48 AM) 337457
Heh, you have not had that character that long and already you have passed mine in level. Bah, I just can't seem to get myself to bash longer than 10 to 15 minutes. I wonder if I will ever see 80. Then again, not one of my characters in any of the realms have ever made it to 80.
I'm the type who can do it for twelve hours straight.. yeah.
Seriously though, after level 79, it's tons more fun. 79 is the worst level ever.
Unknown2006-10-01 07:31:29
To Nico:
Well, gonna lay off playing for this in a few hours or the rest of the day to clear things off, better this than putting OOC in it
To Acrune:
He's at fault, I may be Mag but I'm innocent, I'll never hurt a fly *catchfly*!
Anyways, see you guys in a few hours or next day
To Forren:
I remember that time I was higher level than you... then after a few weeks (?) I was surprised you passed me by level and might.

Well, gonna lay off playing for this in a few hours or the rest of the day to clear things off, better this than putting OOC in it
To Acrune:
He's at fault, I may be Mag but I'm innocent, I'll never hurt a fly *catchfly*!

Anyways, see you guys in a few hours or next day

To Forren:
I remember that time I was higher level than you... then after a few weeks (?) I was surprised you passed me by level and might.

Valarien2006-10-01 08:50:46
QUOTE(Forren @ Oct 1 2006, 12:31 AM) 337475
I'm the type who can do it for twelve hours straight.. yeah.
Seriously though, after level 79, it's tons more fun. 79 is the worst level ever.
Until you hit 98/99.

Ashteru2006-10-01 09:44:50
Actually, the levels from 85 to 90 were the worst, with 88 being the absolute devil. DEVIL. I think I stayed 88 for like 3 months.