Xavius2006-06-13 01:09:22
And I refer you back to mine. You have all the leeway in the world.
Unknown2006-06-13 01:12:29
Just one example of where you are wrong: city/commune war is impossible because alchemy and alembics are available only to communes. Thus, Celest could never fight Serenwilde and Magnagora could never fight Glomdoring. That's some severe limitations brought on solely by game mechanics right there.
Xavius2006-06-13 01:13:15
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jun 12 2006, 08:12 PM) 297504
Just one example of where you are wrong: city/commune war is impossible because alchemy and alembics are available only to communes. Thus, Celest could never fight Serenwilde and Magnagora could never fight Glomdoring. That's some severe limitations brought on solely by game mechanics right there.
Must be tough now that you picked a fight with Glomdoring, eh?
Hazar2006-06-13 01:14:26
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jun 12 2006, 08:06 PM) 297501
The only leeway the admins don't give you is to make another stupid shout quoting a Flash video talking about nuclear war, Guido.
I raid. And teach active fighters.
Ahem. Allow me to distinguish between 'active fighter' and 'active combatant'.
Shayle, for example, is an 'active combatant'. She doesn't fight to live, she lives to fight. Combat is something she can do, but it is not a prime part of her charecter.
Murphy, on the other hand, is an 'active fighter'. He lives to fight, not the other way around. Combat is something he does - in his case fairly well - and it is a central part of his charecter.
Thus said, Glomdoring's active fighters.
1. Xavius. Yes, you do fight. I must give you that.
2. Weylin. I haven't seen him lately, so this must not be true. Unfortunately, he falls in the 'psychopathic novice' category.
3. Daereth. See above, without some of the class.
4. Diamante. And only kind of - he's moving into some other venues.
5. Borca.
That's all them I can think of.
Xenthos2006-06-13 01:15:25
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jun 12 2006, 09:12 PM) 297504
Just one example of where you are wrong: city/commune war is impossible because alchemy and alembics are available only to communes. Thus, Celest could never fight Serenwilde and Magnagora could never fight Glomdoring. That's some severe limitations brought on solely by game mechanics right there.
And yet, we have no access to cleanse enchantments (curing sap / ectoplasm) if we're at war with the cities, and we lack levitation as well (means we go BOOM quite a bit of the time), etc. It's not quite as bad as not having alchemy, but you guys seriously downplay this to a large extent when it really is something that we Communes have to think about.
I mean, where do we get our sigils from? Those sigils protect our shops from ghosts, for example. What about monoliths to protect Ethereal?
Unknown2006-06-13 01:15:37
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jun 13 2006, 01:13 AM) 297505
Must be tough now that you picked a fight with Glomdoring, eh?
Way to add to your argument, childish comments = excellent debate. Glomdoring and Magnagora are not at war. Were I to personally try and find an alchemist I would never find one, but luckily my city's shopkeepers can. If open hostilities were to ensue, that would end as well, and we'd run dry.
Xavius2006-06-13 01:16:42
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jun 12 2006, 08:14 PM) 297506
Ahem. Allow me to distinguish between 'active fighter' and 'active combatant'.
Shayle, for example, is an 'active combatant'. She doesn't fight to live, she lives to fight. Combat is something she can do, but it is not a prime part of her charecter.
Murphy, on the other hand, is an 'active fighter'. He lives to fight, not the other way around. Combat is something he does - in his case fairly well - and it is a central part of his charecter.
Thus said, Glomdoring's active fighters.
1. Xavius. Yes, you do fight. I must give you that.
2. Weylin. I haven't seen him lately, so this must not be true. Unfortunately, he falls in the 'psychopathic novice' category.
3. Daereth. See above, without some of the class.
4. Diamante. And only kind of - he's moving into some other venues.
5. Borca.
That's all them I can think of.
Nirrti? She's mah new raidin' buddy!

With any luck, Marius will be joining her within a month or so.
...I had more, but I guess they've all gone inactive.

Hazar2006-06-13 01:18:00
Right, Nirrti. I forget her sometimes because we rarely see each other.
Unknown2006-06-13 01:21:30
Being a demigod does not transform you into a fighter, Xavius. And most of the people listed are, well, bad. Who is Daereth, anyway? I'm sure you have plenty of people willing to fight, and who enjoy it, but Magnagora and Celest could make lists three times that big. Hell, watch me do it off the top of my head, and I'm not even into fighting.
1. Daevos
2. Kaervas
3. Lyco
4. Murphy
5. Torak
6. Revan
7. Athana
8. Ixion
9. Alger
10. Mederrach
11. Stagar (maybe)
12. Rakor
13. Marcalo
14. Stangmar
1. Daevos
2. Kaervas
3. Lyco
4. Murphy
5. Torak
6. Revan
7. Athana
8. Ixion
9. Alger
10. Mederrach
11. Stagar (maybe)
12. Rakor
13. Marcalo
14. Stangmar
Xavius2006-06-13 01:22:33
I can beat 9-14. 
And who said I was a demigod?
And 3 last time I tried, but hey, it was new for Lyco then.

And who said I was a demigod?
And 3 last time I tried, but hey, it was new for Lyco then.
Diamondais2006-06-13 01:22:41
Everyones got a point really, were all capable of influencing something a certain way and in some ways unable. Give it time, work at it, eventually it will most likely happen.
Unknown2006-06-13 01:23:25
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jun 13 2006, 01:22 AM) 297513
I can beat 9-14.

And who said I was a demigod?
Talking about Marius. And you being able to beat them does not make them automatically non-fighters.
Hazar2006-06-13 01:25:47
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jun 12 2006, 08:21 PM) 297512
Being a demigod does not transform you into a fighter, Xavius. And most of the people listed are, well, bad. Who is Daereth, anyway? I'm sure you have plenty of people willing to fight, and who enjoy it, but Magnagora and Celest could make lists three times that big. Hell, watch me do it off the top of my head, and I'm not even into fighting.
1. Daevos
2. Kaervas
3. Lyco
4. Murphy
5. Torak
6. Revan
7. Athana
8. Ixion
9. Alger
10. Mederrach
11. Stagar (maybe)
12. Rakor
13. Marcalo
14. Stangmar
And I just mentioned Daereth because he's particularly bloodthirsty. Though inept. I was trying to pad the list.
Unknown2006-06-13 01:27:32
If I wanted to pad the list I could put down 100 names, most of us are pretty bloodthirsty.
Hazar2006-06-13 01:28:25
Again, my point. I HAD to pad the list to reach FIVE. You got TWELVE without effort.
Unknown2006-06-13 01:48:19
I also hate Exarius for pimping out every single damn Aslaran female in the game. He snatches them up like they're toys - I've actually seen him at the portal of fate practically trying to kidnap the poor newbies. I wonder how many have actually been freaked out by him trying to exercise his need to be king of all the cat people and to expand his harem.
Diamondais2006-06-13 01:49:35
Youre enjoying ranting, arent ya?
Unknown2006-06-13 01:50:26
Far too much.
Hazar2006-06-13 01:52:08
To steal someone else's line;
Bookbinders are like buses.
Bookbinders are like buses.

Valarien2006-06-13 01:59:49
Rawr, commence random hate-posty-ness.
I hate that I'm inept as a fighter, save my delicious Curing Skill and ability to Bedevil through anything but bound and prone. I hate that my Rp has made Val sort of worthless, lately, but at least that's going to change in the near future. I hate this writing block that's kept me from fashioning any decent rituals and abhor the fact that it took a small, evil book in order for me to gain enough inspiration to write something coherent for my lovely library. I also hate the fact that my dumbass needs to organize and subject so much of what's contained within... I should do that tonight...
I'm sad at the fact that glom doesn't raid, Val doesn't care, but we're wasting a lot of potential and fun times simply because we wanna be switzerland over here. Then again, it may be necessary - While we -are- growing in members, we still have those pathetic times when there's only three of us around.. the times people abuse to gain revenge, which is lame. Lastly, I hate the fact that my goddamned ooc feelings and inhibitions are getting in the way of me playing Val how he -should- be played. But, once again, that's gonna change here, soon.
I'm also -secretly- annoyed at the changed policy to the fae. When I -first- came around, Glom was evil, 'nuff said. Fae don't wanna come to our side? Fine, kill them and make them come to our side. Slaughter everything that was moving if it wasn't willing to support us, it was the way. It's really sad that we had to turn a 180 just to stop being bashed on constantly by the then largest org in the fxcking game.
Know what I want? I want a hostile takeover of the Glomdoring Government by a crazed and amazing leader who wants us to kill crap and fight it out like we used to do, screw everybody's feelings and still all the while supported by the active Divine there. (<3 Vira) EDIT: Not that I don't think Xenthos isn't the best Marshal we've had, mind you.) But you know, I also want a Commune that -can- do that, and not just get reamed because we don't have enough top-tier fighters.
I miss you, Aranya
I hate that I'm inept as a fighter, save my delicious Curing Skill and ability to Bedevil through anything but bound and prone. I hate that my Rp has made Val sort of worthless, lately, but at least that's going to change in the near future. I hate this writing block that's kept me from fashioning any decent rituals and abhor the fact that it took a small, evil book in order for me to gain enough inspiration to write something coherent for my lovely library. I also hate the fact that my dumbass needs to organize and subject so much of what's contained within... I should do that tonight...
I'm sad at the fact that glom doesn't raid, Val doesn't care, but we're wasting a lot of potential and fun times simply because we wanna be switzerland over here. Then again, it may be necessary - While we -are- growing in members, we still have those pathetic times when there's only three of us around.. the times people abuse to gain revenge, which is lame. Lastly, I hate the fact that my goddamned ooc feelings and inhibitions are getting in the way of me playing Val how he -should- be played. But, once again, that's gonna change here, soon.
I'm also -secretly- annoyed at the changed policy to the fae. When I -first- came around, Glom was evil, 'nuff said. Fae don't wanna come to our side? Fine, kill them and make them come to our side. Slaughter everything that was moving if it wasn't willing to support us, it was the way. It's really sad that we had to turn a 180 just to stop being bashed on constantly by the then largest org in the fxcking game.
Know what I want? I want a hostile takeover of the Glomdoring Government by a crazed and amazing leader who wants us to kill crap and fight it out like we used to do, screw everybody's feelings and still all the while supported by the active Divine there. (<3 Vira) EDIT: Not that I don't think Xenthos isn't the best Marshal we've had, mind you.) But you know, I also want a Commune that -can- do that, and not just get reamed because we don't have enough top-tier fighters.
I miss you, Aranya