Unknown2006-10-16 20:26:11
I hate the fact that right now, my character and I are lost. Ksil's lost, cuz she's not sure if she belongs in BT or Not, and that sort. I'm lost cuz I don't know what the hell I want, and I'm constantly bitching about my mom's actions and such...
More later! must leave school.
More later! must leave school.
Xavius2006-10-16 20:33:21
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Oct 16 2006, 03:26 PM) 343382
I hate the fact that right now, my character and I are lost. Ksil's lost, cuz she's not sure if she belongs in BT or Not, and that sort. I'm lost cuz I don't know what the hell I want, and I'm constantly bitching about my mom's actions and such...
More later! must leave school.

Right, so, can't post without a rant.
I hate that my vacation day is being wasted catering to customers that the

Noola2006-10-16 21:19:28
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 16 2006, 02:32 PM) 343366
I hate that I got disconnected just as I was told I was GA. Then I couldn't reconnect and was late to class. I was in such a hurry that I didn't get a coat or umbrella so I had to walk back across campus in the pouring rain.
I'm in a really horrible mood. Make an alt and

Poor Joli. You're having an awful day, aren't you? You need a hug.

I wouldn't make an alt just to mess with anyone. That's annoying. In fact, if I did make an alt, I'd be willing to bet that no one would know. Except divine adminy types who can look at the registration info or something, and they wouldn't tell or nothin, so it'd be my secret till I told.

Unknown2006-10-16 23:23:50
I'll just make this short, instead of spewing everything I wanted to say.
I may not be playing much or at all any more because my life's pretty much taken a bad turn. I need to sit down and talk with my mom and my siblings. Hopefully things will get better, but everytime it seems that it does, it really didn't. The wound just got covered up with a cloth and left to bleed. Now, salt and knifes have been shoved into the wound once more and its gotten bigger and its bleeding a hell of a lot more. I might or might not continue to browse the forums, simply because they often make me want to come back. So we'll see.
I may not be playing much or at all any more because my life's pretty much taken a bad turn. I need to sit down and talk with my mom and my siblings. Hopefully things will get better, but everytime it seems that it does, it really didn't. The wound just got covered up with a cloth and left to bleed. Now, salt and knifes have been shoved into the wound once more and its gotten bigger and its bleeding a hell of a lot more. I might or might not continue to browse the forums, simply because they often make me want to come back. So we'll see.
Kaileigh2006-10-16 23:40:31
Got bored, reading posts.
I've gained 8 pounds since I've been in college. I've started skipping meals to get that to go away though..
*puts on healthy hat* That actually makes it worse. Your body realizes it's not getting the same ammount of food that it used to and lowers your metabolism thus making you lose weight slower or not at all.
Anyway. I hate my sudden lack of creativity. And the fact that I'm getting sick.
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 13 2006, 04:05 PM) 342429
I've gained 8 pounds since I've been in college. I've started skipping meals to get that to go away though..

*puts on healthy hat* That actually makes it worse. Your body realizes it's not getting the same ammount of food that it used to and lowers your metabolism thus making you lose weight slower or not at all.
Anyway. I hate my sudden lack of creativity. And the fact that I'm getting sick.
Joli2006-10-16 23:44:55

Diamondais2006-10-17 02:17:26
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 16 2006, 12:12 PM) 343304
I just explain it to them. "I need you to learn 16 lessons of Elementalism from me now, please. You'll find that you can only handle 15 lessons at a time, so you can break it up however you wish."
Or something to that effect. Not terribly good as far as roleplay goes, I know and I usually try to stay IC as much as possible while teaching, but roleplay has to come in second to some basic things like learning lessons in the very beginning. I think anyway. I only do it for the first couple of Skills though, cause after that they know how many they can learn at a time, so I just tell them how many they need to learn from me and check to see what their abilities are so I can tell if they've done what I said or not.
I told said Novie to learn 61 lessons, explaining before hand you could learn up to 15 lessons at a time. They learned 75 and confused the hell out of me. I gotta get more people to teach damn it! There was a novice waiting for instruction, I asked, and honestly I dont have the time for it tonight. Gone now..

Im starting to have a life! Let me live it!

Ista2006-10-17 02:30:22
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 16 2006, 08:17 PM) 343471
I told said Novie to learn 61 lessons, explaining before hand you could learn up to 15 lessons at a time. They learned 75 and confused the hell out of me. I gotta get more people to teach damn it! There was a novice waiting for instruction, I asked, and honestly I dont have the time for it tonight. Gone now..

Im starting to have a life! Let me live it!

Sorry. I'll start teaching soon, honest. I just have novice burn out from the moondancers and I've been enjoying my little break.
Diamondais2006-10-17 02:38:59
QUOTE(Ista @ Oct 16 2006, 10:30 PM) 343473
Sorry. I'll start teaching soon, honest. I just have novice burn out from the moondancers and I've been enjoying my little break.
Ohhh...I understand that. I dont blame a few people. I have gotten a few to work with it a bit, for which Im very grateful to see. As well as training my first Protege to teach novices as well as any other things hed like to learn.

Just need a way of making it seem more interesting to both parties involved, but I cant offer bribes. Except for a Lowfavour anyways occasionally.

Anarias2006-10-17 03:24:21
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 16 2006, 08:38 PM) 343475
Just need a way of making it seem more interesting to both parties involved, but I cant offer bribes. Except for a Lowfavour anyways occasionally.

You can always poke me to offer bribes.
Kharaen2006-10-17 03:33:48
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 16 2006, 10:17 PM) 343471
I told said Novie to learn 61 lessons, explaining before hand you could learn up to 15 lessons at a time. They learned 75 and confused the hell out of me. I gotta get more people to teach damn it! There was a novice waiting for instruction, I asked, and honestly I dont have the time for it tonight. Gone now..

Im starting to have a life! Let me live it!

I teach when you aren't around Dy, and sometimes even when you are :/ Just can't stand dumb novices, or AFK novices. Or novices that suicide/quit after you taught them for 30-60 minutes. Bloody annoying.
Unknown2006-10-17 04:13:33
I hate Magnagora
But the bears are 6-0!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
Superbowl here we come!
But the bears are 6-0!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
Superbowl here we come!

Joli2006-10-17 16:42:08
I hate that I'm doing something important in game and then why internet connection dies. Just dies. Dies completely all over campus. So.. I'm spazzing out big time.. because everytime I do something wrong I feel like Morgfyre is going to eat me even though he's been terribly nice to me in game and has been doing nothing but tell me how good of a job I'm doing. I worry too damn much. But seriously.. me and my roommate were both on our computers typing away and then all the sudden... WHAM NO INTERNET.. so woe to us. She actually slept last night.
Bhiele2006-10-17 17:49:15
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 17 2006, 04:42 PM) 343634
I hate that I'm doing something important in game and then why internet connection dies. Just dies. Dies completely all over campus. So.. I'm spazzing out big time.. because everytime I do something wrong I feel like Morgfyre is going to eat me even though he's been terribly nice to me in game and has been doing nothing but tell me how good of a job I'm doing. I worry too damn much. But seriously.. me and my roommate were both on our computers typing away and then all the sudden... WHAM NO INTERNET.. so woe to us. She actually slept last night.
I feel your pain. It is storming here, and I keep losing power and internet. I lost all four of my designs for the instrument contest in the Harbingers.

Reiha2006-10-17 18:07:38

500k of our gold (a lot made off from credits bought in real life) was spent on trapping Nil, Earth (I didn't ask), and the Catacombs, and of course we won't get reimbursed. I am certainly all for helping the city, BUT FIVE

Nico2006-10-17 18:29:51
Um, why aren't you getting reimbursed??
Kinda shoddy deal, there.
Oh, and damn your traps. Catacombs has become a deathtrap if ild's around.
Kinda shoddy deal, there.
Oh, and damn your traps. Catacombs has become a deathtrap if ild's around.
Ashteru2006-10-18 00:06:40
I HATE people who influence even though they know they'll probably screw up, dragging the influence out.
Unknown2006-10-18 00:14:24
I hate the fact that Rockholm revolted while I'm studying for midterms. 

Furien2006-10-18 00:43:19
I had a meld up before any non-Seren got there, Iunno if it'd have mattered, since Seren flooded the place in seconds. 

Unknown2006-10-18 00:58:53
Oh, hey, I hate the fact that I can't demesne anymore, too!