Diamondais2006-10-21 00:30:44
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 20 2006, 08:28 PM) 344719
I hate that there's no link at the bottom of the forums pages (I'm using the Celestia skin) to go back to the main forums or other areas in the forums, so I always have to scroll all the way to the top to use the link there.
Edit - Wait, I think I just found it. I hate that it was so hard to find!
And I hate that I live in a van down by the river!

My god..Memories of my grade 11 comedy show..whatever it was called.

Joli2006-10-21 01:10:19
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 20 2006, 07:28 PM) 344719
And I hate that I live in a van down by the river!

You do?
Unknown2006-10-21 01:16:26
I hate that I made a very simple mistake that caused me to make a stupid shout.
Joli2006-10-21 01:28:38
I hate that Charune didn't go OH ME OH ME.. 

Tiran2006-10-21 01:43:02
QUOTE(Xavius @ Oct 20 2006, 05:09 PM) 344692
Minister can't kick anyone with rank of any kind.
But, yeah, if enough votes show up to remove guild leaders, there's no patron who'll save you.
Good thing they don't have the rank yet

Unknown2006-10-21 01:46:28
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 20 2006, 06:43 PM) 344750
Good thing they don't have the rank yet

GC and GA count as rank, even if they don't have Cityrank, as far as I know. Because you can't be GM, GC, or GA without being a member of the org the guild belongs to.
Tiran2006-10-21 01:55:07
QUOTE(Fallen @ Oct 20 2006, 07:46 PM) 344753
GC and GA count as rank, even if they don't have Cityrank, as far as I know. Because you can't be GM, GC, or GA without being a member of the org the guild belongs to.
Foiled again. Guess I'll have to count on their lunch date with Morgfyre.
Joli2006-10-21 02:00:05
I keep wanting to hug Morgfyre.. I have no idea why. The thought just keeps occuring, but I doubt he'd like me messaging him for one.
Cairam2006-10-21 02:07:37
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 20 2006, 06:10 PM) 344731
You do?
Close enough! It's actually an RV next to a canal...
Joli2006-10-21 02:12:38
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 20 2006, 09:07 PM) 344762
Close enough! It's actually an RV next to a canal...
Oh man, I was worried.. bout to say get your butt of the computer and go find a house.

Cairam2006-10-21 02:14:46
It was my nod to Chris Farley and his SNL skit.
I thought you'd be wondering how I had internet service in a van, but I guess that's not so unusual anymore. Wifi hotspots, whee!
I thought you'd be wondering how I had internet service in a van, but I guess that's not so unusual anymore. Wifi hotspots, whee!
Joli2006-10-21 02:32:43
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 20 2006, 09:14 PM) 344767
It was my nod to Chris Farley and his SNL skit.
I thought you'd be wondering how I had internet service in a van, but I guess that's not so unusual anymore. Wifi hotspots, whee!
If you lived in a van with wireless.. you'd have your priorities wayyyy too messed up.

Verithrax2006-10-21 02:45:42
Internet > Caffeine > Food > Housing
Joli2006-10-21 02:49:17
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 20 2006, 09:45 PM) 344774
Internet > Caffeine > Food > Housing
Internet > Sending Joli a card.

Furien2006-10-21 03:03:29
I hate how after a whole real life day I can't get past the damn wall at Mount Zoaka. 

Joli2006-10-21 06:32:23
I actually put my head in my hands and cried a few minutes ago.
I hate my parents and my family. They are constantly calling/ranting/griping at me about my grades. That's the only reason they call. Do you have any tests? Did you outline your chapters? Are you studying? What are you doing? Why aren't you studying? Are you on your computer? I don't trust you. You aren't intelligent enough to do this. You're not studying. You're on your computer. You're out too much. What the
is wrong with you?
My mom wants to come and "help" me study again for my test Thursday.. help being.. taking me off campus and forcing me to study. Can't leave the room. Can't nap. Can't get online. Can't call anyone. Books. Last time she did it.. I had to stay in the same place for 3 hours. I got sick twice.
I hate my parents and my family. They are constantly calling/ranting/griping at me about my grades. That's the only reason they call. Do you have any tests? Did you outline your chapters? Are you studying? What are you doing? Why aren't you studying? Are you on your computer? I don't trust you. You aren't intelligent enough to do this. You're not studying. You're on your computer. You're out too much. What the

My mom wants to come and "help" me study again for my test Thursday.. help being.. taking me off campus and forcing me to study. Can't leave the room. Can't nap. Can't get online. Can't call anyone. Books. Last time she did it.. I had to stay in the same place for 3 hours. I got sick twice.
Shorlen2006-10-21 07:01:13
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 21 2006, 02:32 AM) 344806
I actually put my head in my hands and cried a few minutes ago.
I hate my parents and my family. They are constantly calling/ranting/griping at me about my grades. That's the only reason they call. Do you have any tests? Did you outline your chapters? Are you studying? What are you doing? Why aren't you studying? Are you on your computer? I don't trust you. You aren't intelligent enough to do this. You're not studying. You're on your computer. You're out too much. What the
is wrong with you?
My mom wants to come and "help" me study again for my test Thursday.. help being.. taking me off campus and forcing me to study. Can't leave the room. Can't nap. Can't get online. Can't call anyone. Books. Last time she did it.. I had to stay in the same place for 3 hours. I got sick twice.
I hate my parents and my family. They are constantly calling/ranting/griping at me about my grades. That's the only reason they call. Do you have any tests? Did you outline your chapters? Are you studying? What are you doing? Why aren't you studying? Are you on your computer? I don't trust you. You aren't intelligent enough to do this. You're not studying. You're on your computer. You're out too much. What the

My mom wants to come and "help" me study again for my test Thursday.. help being.. taking me off campus and forcing me to study. Can't leave the room. Can't nap. Can't get online. Can't call anyone. Books. Last time she did it.. I had to stay in the same place for 3 hours. I got sick twice.
My mom tried to be overbearing with me when I went to school. It was simple to handle. I disconnected my phone, changed my email address, refused to tell her my dorm room number or mailbox number, and blocked her on AIM. Four months later, I said hello. My mom cried, apologized, and hasn't been overbearing since.
Noola2006-10-21 07:23:05
I hate that I let all my disappointment, worry and frustration build up and make me yell at my friends. Sorry Shaeden, Raflein, Fionn and Kyrog. I was really awful. And it was so stupid. Who cares about bins and pricing? I hate that I let a stupid thing like that make me so mad. I also hate that I embarassed myself in front of Terentia. I also hate that I didn't get any of the actual things done that I'd wanted to get done, done cause I wouldn't just give up on how to make the stupid pricing and bins do what I wanted.
Ah well. I'm just tired I think.

Ah well. I'm just tired I think.

Reiha2006-10-21 07:26:37
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 20 2006, 10:23 PM) 344812
I hate that I let all my disappointment, worry and frustration build up and make me yell at my friends. Sorry Shaeden, Raflein, Fionn and Kyrog. I was really awful. And it was so stupid. Who cares about bins and pricing? I hate that I let a stupid thing like that make me so mad. I also hate that I embarassed myself in front of Terentia. I also hate that I didn't get any of the actual things done that I'd wanted to get done, done cause I wouldn't just give up on how to make the stupid pricing and bins do what I wanted.
Ah well. I'm just tired I think.

You know what would make you feel better? Converting and coming over to Magna - oh, I better stop. It's getting old/is old, but I can't help it

Joli2006-10-21 07:36:59
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 21 2006, 02:01 AM) 344810
My mom tried to be overbearing with me when I went to school. It was simple to handle. I disconnected my phone, changed my email address, refused to tell her my dorm room number or mailbox number, and blocked her on AIM. Four months later, I said hello. My mom cried, apologized, and hasn't been overbearing since.
I can't drive. So this would be a problem.. seeing as how I need a car to get a job to get money..