Shamarah2006-10-21 22:22:33
Or, y'know, have read the now-famous net neutrality speech.
Reiha2006-10-21 22:28:48
QUOTE(Narrath @ Oct 21 2006, 12:54 PM) 344986
Yeah, and she gave a invalid reason. I wasn't avoiding a snub I was simply asking your Fiance to tell you I was sorry I wasn't going to jump and have every one send you a tell or talk to you in person. I barely harassed you, I only bugged you about Undersecretary and Sybl being Amira. I apologized to the people, basically you and Verithrax about the disrespect.
I'm going to take a little break from arguing 5+ hours about personal things and doing household chores like doing my brother's laundry... so please forgive me if I sounded rude or will sound rude, but...
Unless the player was multiplaying, Sybl is not Amira, being on at the same time and all. And I have spoken to both, on both my geo and caco, and from what I surmised, they are very good at roleplaying or ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON WHICH IS MORE PLAUSIBLE IN THIS GIVEN SITUATION.
People can only accept apologies every so often. I feel very, very sorry for the people you take time to bug over and over again, only to pull a Niyu, doing the same thing afterwards after going, "Gee golly gosh, I'm sorry it's won't happen again!" on the same / or a different character. Quite frankly I do not know you, but the troubles you have caused for other characters is disresepectful, purposeful, and annoying. I also do not know why my boyfriend even tolerates you, after you harass him on AIM constantly. He's probably too polite to ask you to leave him alone, as he doesn't like scolding people iRL. And as for your msg you sent in game, since I can't log in Reiha the moment, don't bother sending that comment then if that's what you believe.
If you get a kick out of bugging people and receving negative attention, I will be sure to make you orgasm next time you bug someone close to me, a respectable player, or myself.
And my apologies if this sounds harsh, but I am feeling a bit angry at the moment. As usual.

Unknown2006-10-21 22:35:54
All those words are around true, although, who is your boyfriend? And I only talk to two people from Lusternia on AIM i'm not to particular about giving mine out.
Unknown2006-10-21 22:41:55
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 21 2006, 11:22 PM) 345008
Yeah, but I was wondering if he had read UserFriendly's great take on ... Wow, I think I just worked out what the Taint is once and for all! It's what happened when Cthulhu and Crud Puppy did... whatever those creatures do together. And maybe the Wyrd was what happened Hastur raped the result... I need sleep

Joli2006-10-21 23:06:03
QUOTE(Reiha @ Oct 21 2006, 05:28 PM) 345012
If you get a kick out of bugging people and receving negative attention, I will be sure to make you orgasm next time you bug someone close to me, a respectable player, or myself.

Unknown2006-10-21 23:11:29
you'll make me Orgasm? Creepy..
Shryke2006-10-21 23:16:59
Sano, you need to change your personality, or ..... Just do something.
Diamondais2006-10-22 02:43:15
The worl moves, but I do not. I send things, but they do not go. Bad internet. 

Arix2006-10-22 02:59:31
it happens, Dia.
Isluna2006-10-22 03:05:46
This is an ooc rant.
I love halloween I really do, I dress up every year, hand out candy. I was even a cat in the drive thru of a Taco Johns one year. Nearly fried my cat ears along with some ole's.
But this year I get to (my boss dragged me into) work on the local haunted house. I take a 160 mile round trip every other friday and sunday, I get home around 7 pm. I got home around midnight, or near to last night, tired hunrgy and grumpy.
Yeah sure, they gave me a marshal and a sledge hammer and told me to have fun. He was short, and I broke the bull pin lock thingy in half. Half an hour later I was bored, and the door was still stuck shut.
I been there sense 5 am this morning, and I get to do it again tomarrow. Then all next week after work.. I don't think I wanna dress up this year and hand out candy.
I love halloween I really do, I dress up every year, hand out candy. I was even a cat in the drive thru of a Taco Johns one year. Nearly fried my cat ears along with some ole's.

But this year I get to (my boss dragged me into) work on the local haunted house. I take a 160 mile round trip every other friday and sunday, I get home around 7 pm. I got home around midnight, or near to last night, tired hunrgy and grumpy.
Yeah sure, they gave me a marshal and a sledge hammer and told me to have fun. He was short, and I broke the bull pin lock thingy in half. Half an hour later I was bored, and the door was still stuck shut.
I been there sense 5 am this morning, and I get to do it again tomarrow. Then all next week after work.. I don't think I wanna dress up this year and hand out candy.

Genos2006-10-22 03:48:18
Sano, you need to change your personality, or ..... Just do something.
I suggest a prefrontal lobotomy.
Joli2006-10-22 03:53:14
I hate that stupid shit involving people in game makes me cry.
Veonira2006-10-22 04:04:27
Joli, I really think that you get too emotionally involved in this game at times. In order to successfully run your guild, you need to just harden up, realize it's a game, and that you have the power to just bitch slap anyone who steps out of line in your guild (assuming it's not a personal reason). If you're actually crying in real life over something some dumbass does in a game, you should probably be taking a break and logging out for a while.
Ildaudid2006-10-22 04:08:27
I agree, thats why I have a Stretch Armstrong, I shoot him with a Glock 23 when the game makes me mad.... then I buy a new Stretch the next day 

Joli2006-10-22 04:09:32
That's why I didn't say the game. It's people talking to me outside of the game from Lusternia that are bothering/upsetting me.
Shorlen2006-10-22 04:26:01
QUOTE(Narrath @ Oct 21 2006, 06:21 PM) 345005
Ah, yes.. I have realized I have earned it, as I had told arix I was acting like a twa(fill in the next letter) Either way, I'm done ranting, sorry for wasting your time every one.
No you're not, you'll be back with YET ANOTHER alt soon enough just to harrass us all

Xavius2006-10-22 05:21:40
Joli2006-10-22 05:26:36
Reiha2006-10-22 05:52:05
Xavius, that wasn't very nice, even if you meant well 
And if people are annoying you outside the game, Joli, block 'em if you can. It feels very, very good! You certainly don't have any obligations to listen to them if they are bothering you at your expense
Although I'm thinking of taking an extensive look at the site after my bad day... *cough*
Sooooo here comes my rant as one might expect! Yay.
I just spent $170+ on groceries and other things, like getting a little money plant for my mom when she eventually comes back (she's getting into Feng Shui), some filing items for my dad because he's been working on the bills since my mother's absense, a lil rug, some trash bins, etc etc etc...
I come home with all these groceries, coming in and out, leaving the light on of course so that I can see, and my brother, who is fusing with the couch as he watches TV, says irritated, "Hey, can you turn off the light."
It's been a while since I blurted out to him, "F*** YOU!"
It felt good
Though I could have been more mature about it, but I thought I should be allowed that indulgence. 

And if people are annoying you outside the game, Joli, block 'em if you can. It feels very, very good! You certainly don't have any obligations to listen to them if they are bothering you at your expense

Although I'm thinking of taking an extensive look at the site after my bad day... *cough*

I just spent $170+ on groceries and other things, like getting a little money plant for my mom when she eventually comes back (she's getting into Feng Shui), some filing items for my dad because he's been working on the bills since my mother's absense, a lil rug, some trash bins, etc etc etc...
I come home with all these groceries, coming in and out, leaving the light on of course so that I can see, and my brother, who is fusing with the couch as he watches TV, says irritated, "Hey, can you turn off the light."
It's been a while since I blurted out to him, "F*** YOU!"
It felt good

Cairam2006-10-22 05:54:21