Forren2006-10-23 04:21:02
QUOTE(Veonira @ Oct 23 2006, 04:19 AM) 345488
I hate how for some reason I can't connect to any IRC channels from my stupid dorm room and I want to go kill whoever is in charge of the internet because I used to live in the IRC room, so I basically can't be there for the next year.
I'm on the same internet as you...
Not sure why it's not working.
Joli2006-10-23 04:26:20
I hate that people talk about me on IRC when I'm not there..
Simimi2006-10-23 04:29:21
Nah they weren't talking about you, they were using you as an example in a joke about a hypothetical context, and comparing IC to OOC.
You have nothing to worry about Joli-hun
You have nothing to worry about Joli-hun
Unknown2006-10-23 04:32:19
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 22 2006, 09:26 PM) 345492
I hate that people talk about me on IRC when I'm not there..
Get in there then, you Oral-sex-hating-Veri-loving-cyber-bunny!

Verithrax2006-10-23 04:32:58
I hate getting disfavoured for no real reason, I hate people who don't recognize that I need to be a dick sometimes if I want to get anything done in this guild, and I hate how every single instance of me being a dick is orders of magnitude more visible than the instances of me being helpful and nice.
Joli2006-10-23 04:47:56
QUOTE(Fallen @ Oct 22 2006, 11:32 PM) 345495
Get in there then, you Oral-sex-hating-Veri-loving-cyber-bunny!

Pish, you have no idea what you're talking about.
Veri defend me!
Tiran2006-10-23 04:49:20
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 22 2006, 10:32 PM) 345496
I hate getting disfavoured for no real reason, I hate people who don't recognize that I need to be a dick sometimes if I want to get anything done in this guild, and I hate how every single instance of me being a dick is orders of magnitude more visible than the instances of me being helpful and nice.
The way I understand things, you were warned repeatedly about what you were doing, and there were still complaints about it. Granted, this is an outsider's point of view. It's something that plagued Veri in the Geos, and apparently continues to plague you in the Cacophony. People do not like being under you because you they feel you treat them like dirt, or less than that. Ildar never really had a problem with him, but Veri treated him decently well, and Ildar suspects it was for two reasons, because he was high enough in the guild to vote, and because he was higher than Veri in the city.
When it looks like all you're out to do is play the politics game and make it big, and you're hurting the smaller ones in the guild on your way, things don't bode well. While sometimes you need to be firm when dealing with people, I don't see a reason to be a dick in order to get things done. It usually means you need to take a step back from the game for a while, because it's still just a game.
Joli2006-10-23 04:54:56
I dunno.. He scolded Aia's daughter for spam emoting and all hell broke loose.. but she was spamming the entire room. Come on people, that's retarded.
Tiran2006-10-23 04:57:45
I'd've told our daughter to stop too if I'd been there, but I doubt that's the only thing that led up to this. And one certainly doesn't need to be a dick in that case.
Sylphas2006-10-23 04:58:35
I've only heard second hand what's been happening. But Verithrax has an IC history of being a powerhungry asshole, so I'm hard-pressed to trust a word a he says about how his actions are only for the greater good.
Joli2006-10-23 05:03:53
Well I asked Aia IG what happened and she wouldn't tell me who it was, so.. yeah..
That sort of bothers me.

Verithrax2006-10-23 05:12:29
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 23 2006, 02:49 AM) 345503
The way I understand things, you were warned repeatedly about what you were doing,
I wasn't warned at all.
and there were still complaints about it. Granted, this is an outsider's point of view. It's something that plagued Veri in the Geos, and apparently continues to plague you in the Cacophony. People do not like being under you because you they feel you treat them like dirt, or less than that.
A MAJOR part of Verithrax' roleplay is the immediate field of reward and punishment he generates. If you're good-natured, smart, respectful, nice, talented, or just not doing anything wrong, Verithrax will treat you will. If you spam romping your mother seven times, Verithrax will give you a warning kick, torture, what have you. If you're a moron, Verithrax will kill you. This is in the fine tradition of Magnagoran leaders (Hell, he's not one tenth as bad as Murphy) and personally, people who complain about it ought to harden up or move to Celest.
Ildar never really had a problem with him, but Veri treated him decently well, and Ildar suspects it was for two reasons, because he was high enough in the guild to vote, and because he was higher than Veri in the city.
Verithrax has no qualms about being a dick to people with more city rank than him. In reality, it was because Ildar is not an idiot. I invite anyone who thinks Verithrax is a dick to watch me train a novice. Verithrax, as other people have previously stated, is not mean or a bastard - He is brutally honest. And for the record, sucking up to him gets you a kick too. Harden the 
When it looks like all you're out to do is play the politics game and make it big, and you're hurting the smaller ones in the guild on your way, things don't bode well. While sometimes you need to be firm when dealing with people, I don't see a reason to be a dick in order to get things done. It usually means you need to take a step back from the game for a while, because it's still just a game.
'Being a dick' is my own exaggeration, and I suppose you can say I'm firm. The thing is, this is Magnagora. IF you whine about getting whipped after you do something massively stupid (Like spam emoting), then you really need to harden up or reconsider your place in the city. I'm on a mission from Godess to reclaim the city from all the snugglers.
And yes, Verithrax is power-hungry, but he's also interested in very little besides doing good with his power (What else would he do? Run away with the guild coffers, or something?). And he takes more crap than people realise.
Athana2006-10-23 05:13:28
I really hate drama and guys who feel like they need to cuss you out in order to get their point across... yes, horrible night for me 

Reiha2006-10-23 05:17:28
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 22 2006, 08:12 PM) 345511
'Being a dick' is my own exaggeration, and I suppose you can say I'm firm. The thing is, this is Magnagora. IF you whine about getting whipped after you do something massively stupid (Like spam emoting), then you really need to harden up or reconsider your place in the city. I'm on a mission from Godess to reclaim the city from all the snugglers.
Are Joli and Reiha safe?

And Athana, give 'em the evil eye and silent treatment! That might work.

Verithrax2006-10-23 05:20:42
As long as you don't spam emotes at the frikken Megalith...
Tiran2006-10-23 05:31:47
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 22 2006, 11:12 PM) 345511
I wasn't warned at all.
So there wasn't a guild post about acceptable behaviour, at the very least, and neither Aia nor Joli had ever spoken to you about it?
A MAJOR part of Verithrax' roleplay is the immediate field of reward and punishment he generates. If you're good-natured, smart, respectful, nice, talented, or just not doing anything wrong, Verithrax will treat you will. If you spam romping your mother seven times, Verithrax will give you a warning kick, torture, what have you. If you're a moron, Verithrax will kill you. This is in the fine tradition of Magnagoran leaders (Hell, he's not one tenth as bad as Murphy) and personally, people who complain about it ought to harden up or move to Celest.
I don't approve of spam emoting anymore than you, but I usualy find it far more constrctive just to ask them to stop. Usually they will, if they don't and they're proving themselves stupid, go ahead and use more drastic measures.
Verithrax has no qualms about being a dick to people with more city rank than him. In reality, it was because Ildar is not an idiot. I invite anyone who thinks Verithrax is a dick to watch me train a novice. Verithrax, as other people have previously stated, is not mean or a bastard - He is brutally honest. And for the record, sucking up to him gets you a kick too. Harden the

Being brutally honest is often the same thing as being mean or a bastard, at least in net result. People do not care about the process someone else uses to reach their actions. That's why tact exists, so you can still tell people the truth, without using a howitzer to do it.
'Being a dick' is my own exaggeration, and I suppose you can say I'm firm. The thing is, this is Magnagora. IF you whine about getting whipped after you do something massively stupid (Like spam emoting), then you really need to harden up or reconsider your place in the city. I'm on a mission from Godess to reclaim the city from all the snugglers.
If the whipping came out of the blue, even for something massively stupid, it doesn't teach anything. It sounds like you're complaining about the same thing they are at that point - being punished for something without receiving a warning. You can argue semantics about whether it's justified or not, but as you say, this is Magnagora, and rank means law.
And yes, Verithrax is power-hungry, but he's also interested in very little besides doing good with his power (What else would he do? Run away with the guild coffers, or something?). And he takes more crap than people realise.
People don't need power to do good. One has the potential to do a great deal of good as Secretary, yet after the Geo elections he went into retirement, even though he still had a decent amount of power and could do good with it. It seems the priorities are power first, doing good second. It's fine if you want to RP a character like that, but don't be surprised if people are resistant to his attempts to climb the ranks. It's bad form when the guild has been around a week, and there's already rumours of plans to overthrow the GM floating around.
Ixion2006-10-23 05:42:00
I hold that power has little correlation whatsoever to privaledges and ranks or titles. While those can be springboards, deep-seated respect from your subordinates and peers alike is what matters.
Gandal2006-10-23 05:50:23
WOW has Jack's ranting wish come true. Lack of Rants, psh! 

Joli2006-10-23 05:55:59
I hate how I just got enemied to Glomdoring. OOCly... Joli doesn't really give a crap IG since she pretty much hates the place since Viravain called her a whore and well.. yeah.. she just dislikes their entire view on life.
I do however love how I was told to mock my own Divine. I do. I wrote a song comparing Raezon to Elcyrion and sang it on clan channels. I think Nym might remember it from long ago. Haven't mocked Morg yet, because I actually like him
I do however love how I was told to mock my own Divine. I do. I wrote a song comparing Raezon to Elcyrion and sang it on clan channels. I think Nym might remember it from long ago. Haven't mocked Morg yet, because I actually like him

Verithrax2006-10-23 06:01:05
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 23 2006, 03:31 AM) 345516
So there wasn't a guild post about acceptable behaviour, at the very least, and neither Aia nor Joli had ever spoken to you about it?
I don't approve of spam emoting anymore than you, but I usualy find it far more constrctive just to ask them to stop. Usually they will, if they don't and they're proving themselves stupid, go ahead and use more drastic measures.
It's a knee-jerk reaction. I'm not particularly sure of how that went though; unfortunately, I can't dig out the log right now.
Being brutally honest is often the same thing as being mean or a bastard, at least in net result. People do not care about the process someone else uses to reach their actions. That's why tact exists, so you can still tell people the truth, without using a howitzer to do it.
It's how I play my character. I know it ticks people off, but I believe it's better than babying them. And Verithrax tends to be nice about it if you're thick-yet-well-intentioned. Willingness to learn counts for a lot. (Again, let me dig up a log of me pointing out what was wrong with a novice's description and helping him get it into shape right before a test, then waiting for him to locate some herbs he dropped, before giving him the test, listening to his song, congratulating him in traditional Verithrax style, and advancing him. I'm nice to people too, y'know.)
If the whipping came out of the blue, even for something massively stupid, it doesn't teach anything. It sounds like you're complaining about the same thing they are at that point - being punished for something without receiving a warning. You can argue semantics about whether it's justified or not, but as you say, this is Magnagora, and rank means law.
I never did what Murphy and Revan do - Snap at people with a crucifixion or staff. Unless you happen to catch Verithrax in a particularly bad mood, it usually goes warning-threaten-smack-hardenup, geneerally. If it's a knee-jerk reaction, it goes smack-explain.
People don't need power to do good. One has the potential to do a great deal of good as Secretary, yet after the Geo elections he went into retirement, even though he still had a decent amount of power and could do good with it. It seems the priorities are power first, doing good second. It's fine if you want to RP a character like that, but don't be surprised if people are resistant to his attempts to climb the ranks. It's bad form when the guild has been around a week, and there's already rumours of plans to overthrow the GM floating around.
I did do a great deal of good as a Secretary, and frankly, losing the election wasn't what made me want to retire at that point - The fact that the game was becoming increasingly unrewarding to me made me want to retire.
Besides, I only ever contested when I really believed I could do a better job than the current administration, either due to incompetence or inactivity.