Noola2006-10-23 17:43:41
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 23 2006, 12:37 PM) 345680
Oh wait. I have a real rant. Surgery is tomorrow morning, and I am scared and sad.

Tiran2006-10-23 17:44:59
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 23 2006, 11:37 AM) 345679
People I killed (In-game, ever, under any circumstances since I moved to Magnagora or as far as can remember): 1
People I attacked (This includes doing something non-letal but ICly painful for demonstration purposes): Less than ten, probably.
Novices I mistreated in any way shape or form: None. I wait until they can have a decent working knowledge of how the game works. It's not fair to punish someone who has no chance of knowing what he's doing.
So yeah, the rumours of me being a novice-killing machine have been hugely exaggerated.
Would the one be the one who made that post on the Mag news board?

QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 23 2006, 11:37 AM) 345680
Oh wait. I have a real rant. Surgery is tomorrow morning, and I am scared and sad.

Hope it goes well and quick. Haven't been through it myself, but some family who has, and it's not much fun.
Verithrax2006-10-23 17:55:44
QUOTE(Tiran @ Oct 23 2006, 03:44 PM) 345686
Would the one be the one who made that post on the Mag news board?

Yeah... after running through the Geomancer's whole leadership and basically being told that yes, Verithrax was entitled to kill him.
Veonira2006-10-23 17:56:36
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 23 2006, 01:37 PM) 345680
Oh wait. I have a real rant. Surgery is tomorrow morning, and I am scared and sad.

I have to get surgery in a couple weeks too. Probably not as major as yours, but still not fun all the same!
And this isn't a rant, but THANK GOD that freaking "You have elections or referendums to vote in" message is finally gone from when I log in after this past Geomancer champ election. It's been there for over a year and it's finally gone <3
As for the argument about Verithrax, I always found him refreshing to have in the guild. He kept people in line, however sometimes I do think he stepped over the line. I often had people avoiding him for any sort of interview and coming to me, complaining about he had killed them (often newbs or fresh out of novicehood people) or what not for something they didn't even realize was disrespect, etc. It's good to enforce that respect, but I think sometimes Veri did go a little overboard. But in general I liked what he did.
Sylphas2006-10-23 17:57:45
How'd I read the post? I proofread it for her.
As for rants:
Acrobatics was obviously designed with Tarot in mind. I'd rather have most inept skills than Hyperactive, since it's almost worthless for Ecologic or Illusionist bards. Springup is the same way. It needs a lot of work, and hopefully we'll get Celest's rolled out and then get some envoy work done and I'll actually bother to trans Acrobatics.
As for rants:
Acrobatics was obviously designed with Tarot in mind. I'd rather have most inept skills than Hyperactive, since it's almost worthless for Ecologic or Illusionist bards. Springup is the same way. It needs a lot of work, and hopefully we'll get Celest's rolled out and then get some envoy work done and I'll actually bother to trans Acrobatics.
Anarias2006-10-23 18:17:52
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 23 2006, 11:37 AM) 345680
Oh wait. I have a real rant. Surgery is tomorrow morning, and I am scared and sad.

Oi, what surgery is this? Major, minor?
Forren2006-10-23 18:50:14
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 23 2006, 05:37 PM) 345679
People I killed (In-game, ever, under any circumstances since I moved to Magnagora or as far as can remember): 1
People I attacked (This includes doing something non-letal but ICly painful for demonstration purposes): Less than ten, probably.
Novices I mistreated in any way shape or form: None. I wait until they can have a decent working knowledge of how the game works. It's not fair to punish someone who has no chance of knowing what he's doing.
So yeah, the rumours of me being a novice-killing machine have been hugely exaggerated.
Wait, so why were you arguing with Geb about combat on the other page?
Joli2006-10-23 18:58:38
I hate that I'm running on less than 2 hours of sleep. I'm about to take a nap since I just got done with classes.. My head hurts so bad. The guy that drives me to bowling class was smoking and it gave me a migraine and I feel like crap now.
Shayle.. I know what you said is true. It is in most cases.. my mind takes something and makes it into something huge and my body reacts to it, causing stomach problems, back spasms, and/or migraines. I'm trying to relax, but it seems like everywhere on the forums shit is getting thrown and most of it is aimed at me and/or Verithrax and it bothers me oocly.
Shayle.. I know what you said is true. It is in most cases.. my mind takes something and makes it into something huge and my body reacts to it, causing stomach problems, back spasms, and/or migraines. I'm trying to relax, but it seems like everywhere on the forums shit is getting thrown and most of it is aimed at me and/or Verithrax and it bothers me oocly.
Noola2006-10-23 19:01:53
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 23 2006, 01:58 PM) 345712
The guy that drives me to bowling class was smoking and it gave me a migraine and I feel like crap now.
Oooh! I hate inconsiderate smokers.

And wow! Bowling class! That sounds like a fun class! I love bowling. Not really any good at it, but it's super fun.

Sylphas2006-10-23 19:24:39
My parents quit smoking for two years. When they started back up, I couldn't breathe around smoke, I just automatically exhaled as soon as I breathed any in. I had to either breathe through my shirt, stick my head out the window, or just leave. 

Shayle2006-10-23 19:37:18
QUOTE(Anarias @ Oct 23 2006, 02:17 PM) 345705
Oi, what surgery is this? Major, minor?
Knee reconstruction, because I tore up the ligaments in my left knee again (even the graft from last time

And I quit smoking about two months ago. It's hard, really hard, so go easy on the smokers. Most of them would like to quit but just think they can't. It took me a very VERY long time to give it up, and I couldn't do it until -I- was ready. (I know it's a terrible habit, but it's a lot easier to say "Just quit!" than to be the one quitting.)
Noola2006-10-23 19:47:16
Oh I don't have anything against smokers per say. I even voted against banning smoking in bars when it came up for election where I lived (I mean's a bar!). I just have a problem with inconsiderate ones. Which goes for all inconsiderate people really. But if you're driving in an small inclosed space with someone you really ought to be polite and ask if they mind you smoking. I mean they're a guest in your car, right? Hospitality! 

Diamondais2006-10-23 19:56:39
Hope the surgery goes well Shayle, with no complications or anything. And let us know how you are!
My connection to the game died..again..
Enough to see I have 20 credits. 
My connection to the game died..again..

Aiwendil2006-10-23 20:10:48
QUOTE(Ialie @ Oct 24 2006, 01:40 AM) 345684
You've got me spendin'.......
*grin* Return of The Song, eh?

Anarias2006-10-23 20:11:23
QUOTE(Shayle @ Oct 23 2006, 01:37 PM) 345729
Knee reconstruction, because I tore up the ligaments in my left knee again (even the graft from last time

Ouch. That really sucks. On the plus side, you'll get painkillers! Yay fentanyl!
Unknown2006-10-23 20:15:11
Me: "30% XP BONUS! OMFG!" *goes hunting*
Lusternia: "Nothx." *dies*
Me: "...
EDIT: Disregard that, it seems I can't read.
Lusternia: "Nothx." *dies*
Me: "...

EDIT: Disregard that, it seems I can't read.
Taraki2006-10-23 20:36:31
Congrats you won the Hamster Hunt!


Ashteru2006-10-23 20:51:18
For once, I broke my word and chose to buy another bunch of credits before christmas, and then I can't because the side is down, gah. >.<
Veonira2006-10-23 21:08:56
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 23 2006, 03:47 PM) 345735
Oh I don't have anything against smokers per say. I even voted against banning smoking in bars when it came up for election where I lived (I mean's a bar!). I just have a problem with inconsiderate ones. Which goes for all inconsiderate people really. But if you're driving in an small inclosed space with someone you really ought to be polite and ask if they mind you smoking. I mean they're a guest in your car, right? Hospitality!

I agree. I hate when I'm walking to class and get a nice puff of smoke blown in my face by a passerby. The fact my grandmother had severe emphysema and my aunt and uncle were basically forced to quit but even now it's too late for them doesn't make my opinion of it ay better. I like pink lungs kthx, so don't blow smoke in my face.
Cairam2006-10-23 21:11:24
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 23 2006, 01:51 PM) 345790
For once, I broke my word and chose to buy another bunch of credits before christmas, and then I can't because the side is down, gah. >.<
It's a sign, Ash! "You can't control yourself not to buy credits, so I'm going to make it so you CAN'T buy credits!"
Or maybe not.
I know, I'm having to fight the urge to buy credits, even with the bonus sale... I need to save all my money to get to Israel. But with that in mind, it makes it a lot easier not to spend money on things I don't really need.