Ialie2006-10-24 02:57:43
QUOTE(Anarias @ Oct 23 2006, 10:34 PM) 345983
That's what I've been saying since Nirrti recited her poem for Glom's sphere. The moment I heard 'bard' I knew it was all going to hell.

Anarias2006-10-24 03:30:32
QUOTE(Ialie @ Oct 23 2006, 08:57 PM) 345998

In Achaea people wouldn't shut up about how much they wanted bards. I didn't get it. Then the bards were released and they sucked majorly. I thought, how did you not see this coming? Bards are fools in tights doing handstands and backflips while singing horridly awful rhymes about inane things.
Lusternian ones are pretty impressive as far as the Music skill goes, I'll concede that. Composing your own music and bonding with instruments is pretty darn spiffy. Still. I have almost no faith in people to not be fools in tights acting like morons. I say almost no faith because looking at people like you, Yini, Elryn, Nirrti and others makes me think there is a fraction of a chance that things may be different.
Ialie2006-10-24 03:35:27
QUOTE(Anarias @ Oct 23 2006, 11:30 PM) 346008
In Achaea people wouldn't shut up about how much they wanted bards. I didn't get it. Then the bards were released and they sucked majorly. I thought, how did you not see this coming? Bards are fools in tights doing handstands and backflips while singing horridly awful rhymes about inane things.
Lusternian ones are pretty impressive as far as the Music skill goes, I'll concede that. Composing your own music and bonding with instruments is pretty darn spiffy. Still. I have almost no faith in people to not be fools in tights acting like morons. I say almost no faith because looking at people like you, Yini, Elryn, Nirrti and others makes me think there is a fraction of a chance that things may be different.
The imperian bards would give you great hope and inspiration.
Hiriako2006-10-24 03:37:55
Hmmm...really, if Bards are that bad, I'll just start thumping them rather strongly with my hammers. I don't have patience for idiots in the game, I have too many to deal with in real life 

Xavius2006-10-24 03:52:15
The Achaean bards were wonderful! People didn't understand the combat, so they called it underpowered. The only downside was the internal growing pain. The initial leaders should have never been left in a room together. Me + Gani + Arna + Ralph = begrudged truce. Truce - (Me + Ralph) = catfight.
Druken2006-10-24 04:14:06
Ialie- ... and spendin' time on me
And, my effing apartment is always colder than it is outside. The windows are closed, the heat's always on, and there's nothing else I can come up with to make the frigid temperature make sense.
It's disgusting.
Finally- Fallen, Shayle's signature is incredible. <3
And, my effing apartment is always colder than it is outside. The windows are closed, the heat's always on, and there's nothing else I can come up with to make the frigid temperature make sense.

Finally- Fallen, Shayle's signature is incredible. <3
Ista2006-10-24 04:53:33
I hate that such a lovely week has been sort of ruined by this guy being a stubborn arse.
Joli2006-10-24 05:59:58
Acolyte Stagar Nil'Goeth, Savant of Rage brands you a traitor to Magnagora and casts you out.
Bauto tells you, "I apoligize."
You tell Tormentor Haiden, The Unholy Wrath, "Why did I get kicked out?"
Haiden tells you, "You were kicked."
You tell Tormentor Haiden, The Unholy Wrath, "Why?"
Haiden tells you, "Meant to have a question mark."
You tell Tormentor Haiden, The Unholy Wrath, "Stagar just kicked me out."
Haiden tells you, "What the."
Stagar tells you, "And with my ever devilish patience, i've gotten revenge."
Stagar tells you, "Savour it in your misery."
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with
motes of bright light.
Bauto tells you, "I apoligize."
You tell Tormentor Haiden, The Unholy Wrath, "Why did I get kicked out?"
Haiden tells you, "You were kicked."
You tell Tormentor Haiden, The Unholy Wrath, "Why?"
Haiden tells you, "Meant to have a question mark."
You tell Tormentor Haiden, The Unholy Wrath, "Stagar just kicked me out."
Haiden tells you, "What the."
Stagar tells you, "And with my ever devilish patience, i've gotten revenge."
Stagar tells you, "Savour it in your misery."
You feel a slight tug within your chest and the air around you sparkles with
motes of bright light.
Verithrax2006-10-24 06:02:10
Someone on IRC: Stagar's quickly turning into the next Sano. Only difference is that Stagar has the potential to do damage.
Reiha2006-10-24 06:36:05
I find this very very very very very very very very veryvery very very very very very very very very very very very very very very amusing Stagar, of all characters, booted and enemied someone. Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to kick Reiha out next 
Though I have no idea what's going on so... *zips mouth*

Though I have no idea what's going on so... *zips mouth*
Tsuki2006-10-24 06:51:26
QUOTE(Reiha @ Oct 24 2006, 02:36 AM) 346055
I find this very very very very very very very very veryvery very very very very very very very very very very very very very very amusing Stagar, of all characters, booted and enemied someone. Wouldn't be surprised if he tried to kick Reiha out next

Though I have no idea what's going on so... *zips mouth*
"Try" would be the operative word there, aren't you a GM? GMs are even above CR6 upon being elected, can't just be kicked out by someone.

Unknown2006-10-24 07:00:03
QUOTE(Xavius @ Oct 23 2006, 08:52 PM) 346012
The Achaean bards were wonderful! People didn't understand the combat, so they called it underpowered. The only downside was the internal growing pain. The initial leaders should have never been left in a room together. Me + Gani + Arna + Ralph = begrudged truce. Truce - (Me + Ralph) = catfight.
Your son needed to be shot though

Reiha2006-10-24 07:20:58
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Oct 23 2006, 09:51 PM) 346056
"Try" would be the operative word there, aren't you a GM? GMs are even above CR6 upon being elected, can't just be kicked out by someone.

Try, he seems to have some powerful friends on his side...and I have... um, I have....goofball charm?

Edit: And yes I posted that waaay too late. :/
Ixion2006-10-24 07:28:03
2006/10/24 07:13:35 - Asarnil kicked out Stagar.

Unknown2006-10-24 07:39:01
Was fun everyone. Enjoy yourselves more now because i'll be gone? Apparently I was such a burden.

Was fun everyone. Enjoy yourselves more now because i'll be gone? Apparently I was such a burden.

Joli2006-10-24 07:39:44
QUOTE(Ixion @ Oct 24 2006, 02:28 AM) 346064
2006/10/24 07:13:35 - Asarnil kicked out Stagar.

Magnagorans should be thanking me for giving them a reason to get rid of him.

Verithrax2006-10-24 07:41:44
Thanking you? I'm the one who died.
Joli2006-10-24 07:44:38
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 24 2006, 02:41 AM) 346068
Thanking you? I'm the one who died.
Nobody cared when you died!

Reiha2006-10-24 07:52:03
QUOTE(Stagar Feyranti @ Oct 23 2006, 10:39 PM) 346066

Was fun everyone. Enjoy yourselves more now because i'll be gone? Apparently I was such a burden.

I don't think it should be taken personally, though it's rare having a character like Stagar around, OOC fondness doesn't excuse people for ICly keeping him in considering the actions the character took.
Unknown2006-10-24 07:58:35
QUOTE(Reiha @ Oct 24 2006, 07:52 AM) 346071
I don't think it should be taken personally, though it's rare having a character like Stagar around, OOC fondness doesn't excuse people for ICly keeping him in considering the actions the character took.
I have to agree there. I'm dying to know why a certain someone kept favouring over and over.. and over.. and over? Granted, I'm not around all the time but it looked a bit excessive on the logs..