Verithrax2006-10-24 09:08:12
I hate it that there was no drama or bitching at all in the forums after all the drama in the Cacophony and Magnagora.
Damn, you forum goons suck.
Damn, you forum goons suck.
Ashteru2006-10-24 10:44:31
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 24 2006, 09:08 AM) 346084
I hate it that there was no drama or bitching at all in the forums after all the drama in the Cacophony and Magnagora.
Damn, you forum goons suck.
I can kill your guildtutor if you want.
Shiri2006-10-24 10:54:14
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Oct 24 2006, 11:44 AM) 346093
I can kill your guildtutor if you want.
Why not just kill the whole guildhall!?
Ashteru2006-10-24 10:59:40
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 24 2006, 10:54 AM) 346095
Why not just kill the whole guildhall!?
'cause it's our friggin Church! I can't destroy our church.

And another rant. Mag is friggin going down the drain lately.
Verithrax2006-10-24 11:12:22
When I quit an org, it's usually a sign of its impending doom. Just look at what happened to Celest after I quit.
Tzekelkan2006-10-24 11:43:59
Joli2006-10-24 11:45:31
I hate that I was sitting in my bed wide awake just a few minutes ago and I kept hearing this noise, like someone climbing in the wall, turning one of those rain maker thingys. After having the nightmare I had, I was scared out of my mind and the fact that after I rolled over facing the wall the noises start wasn't helping.. 
It was like Stagar was gonna get me in real life.

It was like Stagar was gonna get me in real life.
Unknown2006-10-24 11:50:05
QUOTE(tzekelkan @ Oct 24 2006, 12:43 PM) 346107
That was fun

Oh, and BTW, I was right in thinking that you meant the dwarves had abused and molested you, right?

Tzekelkan2006-10-24 11:51:04
QUOTE(Ytraelux @ Oct 24 2006, 01:50 PM) 346109
That was fun

Oh, and BTW, I was right in thinking that you meant the dwarves had abused and molested you, right?

Oh, the pain.
Cairam2006-10-24 11:57:44
Pft. He said he was gonna leave before, and then OMZGAWD, BARDS!!! And then he didn't.
Shiri2006-10-24 11:59:27
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 24 2006, 12:57 PM) 346112
Pft. He said he was gonna leave before, and then OMZGAWD, BARDS!!! And then he didn't.
...what was this in reference to?

Cairam2006-10-24 12:01:56
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 24 2006, 04:59 AM) 346113
...what was this in reference to?

Uh, to Stagar saying he was leaving, yet again.

I love your new avatar! That is so cute! Is there more to the picture?
Shiri2006-10-24 12:05:12
There isn't any more to the picture of Nejii per se. I only asked Gelo if I was allowed to use that part, he had a couple other characters though. You should ask him!
(I agree that it's cute though, much
to Gelo for it!)
(I agree that it's cute though, much

Geb2006-10-24 12:23:02
QUOTE(Verithrax @ Oct 24 2006, 12:12 PM) 346102
When I quit an org, it's usually a sign of its impending doom. Just look at what happened to Celest after I quit.
From some people's point of view, it seems like your arrival spells the doom of an organization. Your departure just means the job is done.
Verithrax2006-10-24 12:32:56
I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. Fear me.
Now I just have to get into Glomdoring so I can officially have burned out every org.
Now I just have to get into Glomdoring so I can officially have burned out every org.
Veonira2006-10-24 13:39:36
QUOTE(Xavius @ Oct 23 2006, 11:52 PM) 346012
The Achaean bards were wonderful! People didn't understand the combat, so they called it underpowered. The only downside was the internal growing pain. The initial leaders should have never been left in a room together. Me + Gani + Arna + Ralph = begrudged truce. Truce - (Me + Ralph) = catfight.
I loved Ralph! He gave me a pet octopus which I had for 50+ years (dating back to before bards existed) then one day someone robbed me and ATE it. I sent them on the biggest guilt trip ever but at least it got them to give me everything else back xD
And all I have to say about whatever happened in Cacophony is, eh?!
Kharvik2006-10-24 14:22:17
QUOTE(Veonira @ Oct 24 2006, 09:39 AM) 346134
And all I have to say about whatever happened in Cacophony is, eh?!
All I can think of to say to that is LOL
Sylphas2006-10-24 14:42:07
I have no clue what happened, and it's annoying me. And I can't call Aia since I'm at work. 

Tiran2006-10-24 15:56:34
Short version is that there was a power struggle (or something close to it) and stuff happened. In any case, I don't think we're allowed to talk about it for the moment, so you'll all have to wait a few days.
Ialie2006-10-24 15:59:24
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 24 2006, 07:45 AM) 346108
I hate that I was sitting in my bed wide awake just a few minutes ago and I kept hearing this noise, like someone climbing in the wall, turning one of those rain maker thingys. After having the nightmare I had, I was scared out of my mind and the fact that after I rolled over facing the wall the noises start wasn't helping..

It was like Stagar was gonna get me in real life.
Possibly bats. There was a bat in my uncles house once... I had every intention of taking the poor thing outside and setting it free cause I love bats. I think they are adorrible but this bat spread its wings and flew at me and I fsking lost it. When I came to my self I had it in pillowcase and I was beating the screaming thing over and over and over again against the wall.