Exeryte2006-10-26 02:44:48
I remember reading the Ebonguard log once, and Narsrim killed the poor Ebonglom Wyrdling. I couldn't help feeling sorry for our entire guildhall, just being killed like that... 

Shorlen2006-10-26 03:12:57
QUOTE(Exeryte @ Oct 25 2006, 10:44 PM) 346736
I remember reading the Ebonguard log once, and Narsrim killed the poor Ebonglom Wyrdling. I couldn't help feeling sorry for our entire guildhall, just being killed like that... 

Yes, but it spawned the funniest Idiots! post EVER

Ista2006-10-26 03:36:23
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 25 2006, 09:12 PM) 346739
Yes, but it spawned the funniest Idiots! post EVER

Now I'm annoyed because I don't even know where to start looking for this. Is it an actual topic in idiots?
Shiri2006-10-26 03:39:17
Yes. I'll see if I can find it for ya.
EDIT: http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php?show...c=8756&st=0
As for the context: http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php?show...c=8744&st=0
EDIT: http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php?show...c=8756&st=0
As for the context: http://forums.lusternia.com/index.php?show...c=8744&st=0
Kyleel2006-10-26 04:05:12
I hate finally getting some time on, hoping to finally collect some spectres and get my symbol back, but then getting caught in a raid on nil, with no symbol, one pact and no power.
Which of course ends up in a massive team kill.
I don't know... combat like that just doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Which of course ends up in a massive team kill.
I don't know... combat like that just doesn't interest me in the slightest.
Ixion2006-10-26 04:22:46
Heh, I had to qq for a bit. Mag has really lost its enthusiasm.
Athana2006-10-26 04:46:06
Yeah I left too, it's not really the enthusiasm that made me leave it was the frustration that there wasn't a very capable geomancer to break the demesne so I said screw it
*sigh* guess i'll be going mage again...as much as I love the bard abilities

Ixion2006-10-26 04:48:02
Hrm, who will sing me TaintedLove if you switch.
Dvyrus2006-10-26 04:49:04
QUOTE(Athana @ Oct 25 2006, 11:46 PM) 346761
Yeah I left too, it's not really the enthusiasm that made me leave it was the frustration that there wasn't a very capable geomancer to break the demesne so I said screw it

Right after you left a geomancer came up... actually

Kyleel2006-10-26 04:52:23
I was just trying to think, how many times have I actually fought anyone 1vs1..
I remember a couple of times against Narsrim...
Just seems to me that those fights were way more fun than dying to teams, even out-matched and out-skilled as I was.
I remember a couple of times against Narsrim...
Just seems to me that those fights were way more fun than dying to teams, even out-matched and out-skilled as I was.
Reiha2006-10-26 05:22:29
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 25 2006, 04:19 PM) 346698
Jagrerox was no fun.

No guards? Even after that threat was made, the leadership didn't think about requesting one, maybe two, guards? Not that it would of helped

Tsuki2006-10-26 05:51:20
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Oct 25 2006, 10:17 PM) 346726
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Oct 25 2006, 09:51 PM) 346710
I've tried porting to Moondancers (Tsuki, IIRC). All of Moondance Tower is monolithed.

The Moondancers have had high security since as long as I can remember ...
High security area! Keep out!

(Closest thing to an electric fence ...)

Jack2006-10-26 06:31:18
QUOTE(Ixion @ Oct 26 2006, 05:48 AM) 346762
Hrm, who will sing me TaintedLove if you switch.
Sometimes I feel I've got to (bum bum) run away, I've got to (bum bum) get away from the pain you drive into the heart of me...
Tiran2006-10-26 08:41:20
I hate how the last little while, Lusternia has been reminding me of an elementary school playground. Seems like the maturity level of people has been dropping for some reason, and it makes me sad. 

Ashteru2006-10-26 10:15:53
What was worse was that I was IN the wyrmling while it was dead. I think that made Ash a bit nuts, clawing his way out of the poophole of a dead wyrm...
Shamarah2006-10-26 10:17:21
QUOTE(Tsuki @ Oct 26 2006, 01:51 AM) 346774
The Moondancers have had high security since as long as I can remember ...
High security area! Keep out!

(Closest thing to an electric fence ...)

But of course!

Joli2006-10-26 11:36:09
I hate that my roommate sleeps with her computer. She leaves on her headset and I can hear strange things coming from them at night. She leaves her webcam on when she sleeps.. and that's just creepy in itself. So yeah.. she got a webcam for her birthday and I don't think she ever turns it off. She sleeps with it on, eats with it on, has it online at night, and these are the only times I'm around her, so I don't know what else she's doing with it, but I can imagine. Verithrax can vouch for me that she was almost naked last night and it's really freaking cold here, so something had to of been going on, because she hates being cold. Oh and her adjusting her clothes when I came in from supper last night was a tip off too... 

Laysus2006-10-26 11:40:14
I hate having a 9-6 at uni on a thursday, 7 of my 10 hours of contact time a week therein.
Shorlen2006-10-26 11:53:44
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 26 2006, 07:36 AM) 346830
I hate that my roommate sleeps with her computer. She leaves on her headset and I can hear strange things coming from them at night. She leaves her webcam on when she sleeps.. and that's just creepy in itself. So yeah.. she got a webcam for her birthday and I don't think she ever turns it off. She sleeps with it on, eats with it on, has it online at night, and these are the only times I'm around her, so I don't know what else she's doing with it, but I can imagine. Verithrax can vouch for me that she was almost naked last night and it's really freaking cold here, so something had to of been going on, because she hates being cold. Oh and her adjusting her clothes when I came in from supper last night was a tip off too... 

Hey, people need to pay for tuition somehow

Joli2006-10-26 11:58:08
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Oct 26 2006, 06:53 AM) 346834
Hey, people need to pay for tuition somehow

Yeah, but those people can see me sometimes.