Unknown2006-10-26 19:34:08
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 26 2006, 12:28 PM) 346915
What's with IG characters refering to their parents and even GRANDparents as hot or sexy about? I mean it's one thing for it to be OOC refering to the IC character in abstract or the character's player. But I've seen all sorts of people do it IC and mean it IC... and it creeps me out everytime.

Noola2006-10-26 19:38:16
QUOTE(Wesmin @ Oct 26 2006, 02:34 PM) 346992
I bet your grandmother doesn't wield magical forces and can keep a dozen whippersnappers in their place if they give offense to her either though.

You don't know my grandmother!
Acrune2006-10-26 20:29:09
My grandmother kills mice with hammers and kills snakes with a garden hoe. She is teh coolest 

Shayle2006-10-26 22:32:01
I feel like I've been hit by a truck. 

Athana2006-10-26 22:46:22
I hate it when people go into a combat situation and things don't turn out as nicely as one would hope and they start blaming everyone else for the failed attempt. Seriously, it happens to everyone. Keep your cool, grow up and move on.
Ixion2006-10-26 22:46:53
What the hell happened to Mag. It's like they've all been beat over the head constantly until clueless and unable to think on their own. Given I make mistakes sometimes in leading, but when I have to *beckon retardeddumbshit* 20 times in a row before they follow what's the point? Twice slow people have gotten the group killed, and when we did expel a group from the catacombs the geos sit on their asses and wait for someone to tell them to tess back in to break before they regroup and come back in-- with or without Malicia abusing grace on ethereal.
I really lack the words... when is Gaudi coming out?
What the hell happened to Mag. It's like they've all been beat over the head constantly until clueless and unable to think on their own. Given I make mistakes sometimes in leading, but when I have to *beckon retardeddumbshit* 20 times in a row before they follow what's the point? Twice slow people have gotten the group killed, and when we did expel a group from the catacombs the geos sit on their asses and wait for someone to tell them to tess back in to break before they regroup and come back in-- with or without Malicia abusing grace on ethereal.
I really lack the words... when is Gaudi coming out?
Shamarah2006-10-26 22:49:53
QUOTE(Athana @ Oct 26 2006, 06:46 PM) 347070
I hate it when people go into a combat situation and things don't turn out as nicely as one would hope and they start blaming everyone else for the failed attempt. Seriously, it happens to everyone. Keep your cool, grow up and move on.
QUOTE(Ixion @ Oct 26 2006, 06:46 PM) 347071
What the hell happened to Mag. It's like they've all been beat over the head constantly until clueless and unable to think on their own. Given I make mistakes sometimes in leading, but when I have to *beckon retardeddumbshit* 20 times in a row before they follow what's the point? Twice slow people have gotten the group killed, and when we did expel a group from the catacombs the geos sit on their asses and wait for someone to tell them to tess back in to break before they regroup and come back in-- with or without Malicia abusing grace on ethereal.
I really lack the words... when is Gaudi coming out?

Ixion2006-10-26 22:50:43
You're projecting idiocy again, her comment was a general one and so was mine.
Simimi2006-10-26 22:54:26
Ix, I am one of those "dumbshits" who may or may not have gotten our raiding group killed last night because SUPRISE SUPRISE MY FIRST TIME IN A NIL RAID AND I DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO!
If you want your people to know what to do, teach them what to do... Not saying your not teaching them or anything, but sometimes it takes a little effort to train a soldier, you know. (as in, you do in fact know that, not as a question)
If you want your people to know what to do, teach them what to do... Not saying your not teaching them or anything, but sometimes it takes a little effort to train a soldier, you know. (as in, you do in fact know that, not as a question)
Ixion2006-10-26 22:56:26
If it were someone who did not already know what to do, then I'd say you have a point.
Athana2006-10-26 23:08:34
There are so many things that could have been keeping them from responding fast enough.. Ever play lusternia and have to divert a little attention to something else for a quick second? If you really believed they should have known what they were doing and tried getting them to follow a billion times then leave them behind! It's the decision of the leader to let one person die rather than waiting and sacrificing the death of the entire group.
Reiha2006-10-26 23:23:32
I failed in my leadership to say the least, and tried to order other geos to come help break and what not a bit too late before we left the Megalith.
And I'm not sure how the Geo comment was a general one. Kind of seems like a personal attack. One our members was on nexus and lagging like hell like I was, and he couldn't do much. When we are following and entering a room, it helps if one says, "Break", thought it might be a given but we can't see and sometimes I have to type ql which lags me. Sometimes it's too spammy to see: "Look around. This is already tainted!". I needed to set effects up, several times that was canceled and I was ignored. The pits did not make it easy for me to meld. We were not always at a breaking point. Also, it didn't help I was at 0% power in my reserves when I entered realms.
I will work with Revan and see what we can do to train our geos (and myself) better.
And I'm not sure how the Geo comment was a general one. Kind of seems like a personal attack. One our members was on nexus and lagging like hell like I was, and he couldn't do much. When we are following and entering a room, it helps if one says, "Break", thought it might be a given but we can't see and sometimes I have to type ql which lags me. Sometimes it's too spammy to see: "Look around. This is already tainted!". I needed to set effects up, several times that was canceled and I was ignored. The pits did not make it easy for me to meld. We were not always at a breaking point. Also, it didn't help I was at 0% power in my reserves when I entered realms.
I will work with Revan and see what we can do to train our geos (and myself) better.
Ildaudid2006-10-27 01:28:22
Tra la la....
I died. I didnt know how to turn on shrine effects, and I didn't have the privs to enemy the bastards defiling our shrines... I also was redeffing and being pulled around and be-bopin in and out... I lost my dog... and guess what.... I don't care... I had fun...
It does get irritating when people don't actually come to defend tho, so I would be more pissed if people didn't bother coming than if they came and got all confused.
The Narsrim horde of spores/hermits in a shop so they never decay... But at least the spores will stop coming soon... they angered me because they broke treaties and I still think nothing that has an early decay life should ever be allowed to be kept in stored in a place they never decay to be used only for raiding, it is cheap, but then again nothing will be done about it until Celest cries over it. So I guess we will have to use the same cheap methods until you all whine that it isn't fair that Mag is allowed to do it also..

I died. I didnt know how to turn on shrine effects, and I didn't have the privs to enemy the bastards defiling our shrines... I also was redeffing and being pulled around and be-bopin in and out... I lost my dog... and guess what.... I don't care... I had fun...

The Narsrim horde of spores/hermits in a shop so they never decay... But at least the spores will stop coming soon... they angered me because they broke treaties and I still think nothing that has an early decay life should ever be allowed to be kept in stored in a place they never decay to be used only for raiding, it is cheap, but then again nothing will be done about it until Celest cries over it. So I guess we will have to use the same cheap methods until you all whine that it isn't fair that Mag is allowed to do it also..

Ashteru2006-10-27 01:49:13
Loan me steel, bummer. 

Aiakon2006-10-27 07:43:36
QUOTE(Ixion @ Oct 26 2006, 11:46 PM) 347071
What the hell happened to Mag. It's like they've all been beat over the head constantly until clueless and unable to think on their own. Given I make mistakes sometimes in leading, but when I have to *beckon retardeddumbshit* 20 times in a row before they follow what's the point? Twice slow people have gotten the group killed, and when we did expel a group from the catacombs the geos sit on their asses and wait for someone to tell them to tess back in to break before they regroup and come back in-- with or without Malicia abusing grace on ethereal.
I really lack the words... when is Gaudi coming out?
Your leading was fine, whatever Narsrim may shout - and you just have to abandon slow people. I was sod all use last night because I was 1) between 4 to 10 seconds lagging, and 2) manually curing. Aka - I was screwed. Geos aren't exactly full of fighters right now, but it'll get better.
Reiha, you didn't fail in your leadership at all: if the Geos aren't great at fighting, that's hardly your fault after just a year in the job.
Unknown2006-10-27 08:12:56

The Megalith of Doom says to you, "Need more Essence.."

Unknown2006-10-27 09:42:51
Asking for a conciliation of yourself, you give 65000 gold to Queen Maeve of the Fae.
"You may peacefully conduct business with Mother Night for 9 months," Queen Maeve of the Fae says to

Shiri2006-10-27 09:58:18
QUOTE(Avaer @ Oct 27 2006, 10:42 AM) 347258

Joli2006-10-27 10:03:56
I wonder why my roommate never sleeps.
Unknown2006-10-27 10:28:42
I hate that my lower left wisdom tooth just decided to grow through the gum. I'm in constant pain - it's not unbearable, but it never friggin' stops! And it makes eating anything really difficult. Open mouth wider = bigger pain.