Shiri2006-10-30 08:36:29

Unknown2006-10-30 09:51:04
EDIT: Forget what I posted here...
Diamondais2006-10-30 12:57:48
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Oct 30 2006, 03:36 AM) 348319
what the friggen freak?! I have more than 1000 posts?!
wow I don't have a life
and rant
I'm inactive.. I wish I didn't have a cool social life that had me out of home till like 10 pm or so

You honestly have missed much beyond the opening of the Spiritsingers (This always reminds me of this one series..but I cant remember the name.) and the end of the war. So go live your life.
edit: Typos.
Ashteru2006-10-30 13:55:49
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Oct 30 2006, 02:47 AM) 348212
Try a burst organs technique too, work the gut, slapknuckles, then head, leg, gut... move around and keep them off
Burstorgans = uselessness, it even failed on Volgrant.

Ohhh well, the joys of going a new class.

Unknown2006-10-30 14:14:44
chelp shopkeeping
Composed by: Sivriel
Composed on: 2006/06/22 19:20 GMT
Shopkeeping Rules and Regualtions:
6 other rules I will be polite and not post.
7. PRICING: Tradebans placed by the commune leadership on any group of
people must be worked into the pricing policies of shops housed by the
commune. Any shop found doing business with persons banned from trade
will result in its owner being held responsible for the tradeban
violation. Shop owners are expected to be aware of any such bans once an
announcement to the commune has been made. Also, no shop housed by the
commune may refuse business with members of the commune.
You discern:
You are standing in the Serenwilde Forest.
Your environment conforms to that of forest.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.
The Moonhart Market.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Large, rounded timbers frame the doorway into this quaint shop, flanked by a
pair of small windows that look out into the branches of the Moonhart Mother
tree. The walls are freshly scrubbed and lit with candles, brightening the
interior without detracting from the natural beauty of the wooden planks. A long
counter runs across the middle of the shop, behind which stand shelves laden
with a variety of goods for the discerning shopper. Hackles risen, a fierce
timberwolf prowls about here. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is
the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading east (open door) and in (closed door).
The shop attendant glares at you angrily and refuses to assist you.
Seeker of the Moon, Nirandi
Sex : Female Race : Aslaran
Level : 23 (7%) Rank : Notable
Health : 1220/1220 Endurance : 5000/5000
Mana : 1308/1358 Willpower : 5690/5690
Ego : 1289/1289 Reserves : 0%
Karma : 19% Esteem : 0%
You stand tall as a proud member of the Alliance of Serenwilde.
You have reached the rank of 'Ward' in your commune.
You are a Moonlight Apprentice in the Moondancers.

p.s. sorry thought I got who I was in there
Composed by: Sivriel
Composed on: 2006/06/22 19:20 GMT
Shopkeeping Rules and Regualtions:
6 other rules I will be polite and not post.
7. PRICING: Tradebans placed by the commune leadership on any group of
people must be worked into the pricing policies of shops housed by the
commune. Any shop found doing business with persons banned from trade
will result in its owner being held responsible for the tradeban
violation. Shop owners are expected to be aware of any such bans once an
announcement to the commune has been made. Also, no shop housed by the
commune may refuse business with members of the commune.
You discern:
You are standing in the Serenwilde Forest.
Your environment conforms to that of forest.
You are in the Prime Material Plane.
The Moonhart Market.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky.
Large, rounded timbers frame the doorway into this quaint shop, flanked by a
pair of small windows that look out into the branches of the Moonhart Mother
tree. The walls are freshly scrubbed and lit with candles, brightening the
interior without detracting from the natural beauty of the wooden planks. A long
counter runs across the middle of the shop, behind which stand shelves laden
with a variety of goods for the discerning shopper. Hackles risen, a fierce
timberwolf prowls about here. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is
the command to see what is for sale.
You see exits leading east (open door) and in (closed door).
The shop attendant glares at you angrily and refuses to assist you.
Seeker of the Moon, Nirandi
Sex : Female Race : Aslaran
Level : 23 (7%) Rank : Notable
Health : 1220/1220 Endurance : 5000/5000
Mana : 1308/1358 Willpower : 5690/5690
Ego : 1289/1289 Reserves : 0%
Karma : 19% Esteem : 0%
You stand tall as a proud member of the Alliance of Serenwilde.
You have reached the rank of 'Ward' in your commune.
You are a Moonlight Apprentice in the Moondancers.

p.s. sorry thought I got who I was in there
Cairam2006-10-30 14:52:16
Is there a tradeban against the Zorana clan? Or maybe any of Exarius' clans?
Unknown2006-10-30 15:00:01
QUOTE(Cairam @ Oct 30 2006, 07:52 AM) 348348
Is there a tradeban against the Zorana clan? Or maybe any of Exarius' clans?
If there was when I asked about it they would have said that was a problem. First thing I asked Sivriel was what the trade bans where. This is what I was messaged:
Sivriel: 10/01 11:32 "Celest and enemies are banned by the commune. Guilds
and Orders and certain other organizations might have other restrictions, but
they would only count for members.
If I recall right I asked about that then. I honestly don't remember what I asked word for word though, but this is what I got next:
Sivriel: 10/02 13:22 "If you told me it was about the Moonhart Market, I
could have told you that I'm already working on it. Anarias told me that you
cannot buy there. It will not stay that way."
There has been nothing sense, and I haven't been able to be around as much so that might be why. Can't even see who owns the shop to ask them myself.
Tiran2006-10-30 15:30:05
QUOTE(Byakugan @ Oct 30 2006, 12:13 AM) 348306
Poor you, I know who you are.

It's not like I've been making a secret that I'm Ildar, Stagar.
Ista2006-10-30 16:50:48
I hate not knowing if someone got my letter or not. And if they did, then what they think of said letter. Darn you, telepathy! WORK!
Joli2006-10-30 18:05:20
You know.. I hate to admit it, but I'd rather be hazed than be on Lusternia for prolonged periods of time. That's just how much I hate the game right now.
Anarias2006-10-30 18:53:23
QUOTE(Nirandi @ Oct 30 2006, 08:00 AM) 348350
If there was when I asked about it they would have said that was a problem. First thing I asked Sivriel was what the trade bans where. This is what I was messaged:
Sivriel: 10/01 11:32 "Celest and enemies are banned by the commune. Guilds
and Orders and certain other organizations might have other restrictions, but
they would only count for members.
If I recall right I asked about that then. I honestly don't remember what I asked word for word though, but this is what I got next:
Sivriel: 10/02 13:22 "If you told me it was about the Moonhart Market, I
could have told you that I'm already working on it. Anarias told me that you
cannot buy there. It will not stay that way."
There has been nothing sense, and I haven't been able to be around as much so that might be why. Can't even see who owns the shop to ask them myself.
You've got to be frickin' kidding me. I've been over this three times now. Gah. I'll find out what's going on.
Ildaudid2006-10-30 19:02:00
While you are at it, make sure I am not on those enemy lists, half of the shopkeepers in Serenwilde glare at me too!! At lil ol me!!!!
I am not enemied

Sylphas2006-10-30 19:09:37
Bah, that's Shakaya's, isn't it? This bodes ill for my not letting Talnaras discriminate against Exarius's companions. 

Sarrasri2006-10-30 19:12:49
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Oct 30 2006, 11:09 AM) 348391
Bah, that's Shakaya's, isn't it?
Ixion2006-10-30 19:55:32
I can buy there, hee!
Sylphas2006-10-30 20:20:52
Actually, last I checked, there were only four terribly overpriced platters left. You're not missing anything.
Tzekelkan2006-10-30 20:35:17
This has got to be the most active not-pinned thread EVAR! It's annoying to read!
Noola2006-10-30 20:39:24
QUOTE(tzekelkan @ Oct 30 2006, 02:35 PM) 348429
This has got to be the most active not-pinned thread EVAR! It's annoying to read!
It's pinned by usage!
Here's something annoying: I've just discovered there's a hole somewhere in my car's radiator system. Either in the radiator itself or in a hose somewhere. How? Cause when I was putting water in, it all poured right back out again into a lovely puddle under my car.

Forren2006-10-30 20:44:49
QUOTE(Joli @ Oct 30 2006, 06:05 PM) 348372
You know.. I hate to admit it, but I'd rather be hazed than be on Lusternia for prolonged periods of time. That's just how much I hate the game right now.
You really shouldn't be hating it that much. If it is really bothering you, change something. Don't like dying in combat? Bash to live longer, get a system to cure better (and live longer), etc. Don't like certain people? Join a different org. Or something. There are lots of things you can do to change it up and make the game interesting.
It really is just a game - you shouldn't hate something that's designed to be fun.
Shayle2006-10-30 21:18:34
QUOTE(Forren @ Oct 30 2006, 03:44 PM) 348434
It really is just a game - you shouldn't hate something that's designed to be fun.
One man's fun is another man's...un-fun.

I have to say that it's rare I agree with Joli, but Lusternia has just been un-fun lately.