Gwylifar2006-11-01 17:11:30
For most people, it stops being scratchy after a month or so. But then, most people don't make it through the month because they keep going "ewww, scratchy!" and cut it off. Then again, most people live in places without weather, so it doesn't matter.
Reiha2006-11-01 17:21:45
QUOTE(Noola @ Nov 1 2006, 08:56 AM) 349234
Down with Bam Squish! Up with interesting death!
If it helps, I will try to scold you for dying because you didn't go Kalas (assuming if I kill you)
And how come you're never in an area where I can kidnap you?! Leave Celest once in a while!!
Shorlen2006-11-01 17:23:34

Noola2006-11-01 17:42:56
QUOTE(Reiha @ Nov 1 2006, 11:21 AM) 349248
If it helps, I will try to scold you for dying because you didn't go Kalas (assuming if I kill you)
And how come you're never in an area where I can kidnap you?! Leave Celest once in a while!!
I been tryin! But I've always got all these messages to reply to and news posts to write and projects and ghelps and people to talk to and so on. I was gonna go on a mountain run (I like to circle the mountains a few times cause I can get gold (from scholars and rockeaters) and critters to offer (moose) to Lyreth where as other places I might go only give me one or the other) last night but then I got yelled at in tells cause I posted a couple of requests I'd gotten from guildmemebers up on the guildleaders clan for discussion and someone didn't think one of them was a good idea, only instead of just saying that, he yelled at me.

Long story short (too late!), I didn't stay around very long last night and never went on the mountain run. But I will soon, I'll turn off my tells if I have to.

Ista2006-11-01 18:16:33
I was preparing to do the patience exercise, when a novice came about. Little did I know that I really would get an exercise in patience. I got a novice who ignored me and would not respond to anything when I sent them tells. I tried to explain to them how to do things, and then they poofed.
Ah well, back to the stones.
Oh, and I hate it when you have your phone on vibrate and people keep calling, over and over. Maybe if I'm not answering, there is a reason! The person who did it, I know could not be calling me for an emergency. Most likely, just calling to tell me he's gone for the day.
Ah well, back to the stones.
Oh, and I hate it when you have your phone on vibrate and people keep calling, over and over. Maybe if I'm not answering, there is a reason! The person who did it, I know could not be calling me for an emergency. Most likely, just calling to tell me he's gone for the day.
Bhiele2006-11-01 19:04:41
I hate I have to work late tonight. Finally have my internet and cable on in my new house, but I am stuck here for twelve hours.
I have all these projects I am eager to get started on, and I need to research some help files for it...but can't log back in until I get home because we've too many people wandering our cubbies today.
If someone wants to be a dear and PM me some help files from Glomdoring I will be your best friend for a whole week.
edited to add~~ Thanks to Fallen for saving my day!

If someone wants to be a dear and PM me some help files from Glomdoring I will be your best friend for a whole week.

edited to add~~ Thanks to Fallen for saving my day!
Tervic2006-11-01 20:00:42
QUOTE(Reiha @ Nov 1 2006, 07:38 AM) 349205
Mag will be in a better position some day. We have been improving.
And sorry to hear about your parents

And Tervic, welcome to the world of being so called 'griefed' - either for being a city enemy, unenemied person from an opposing org, etc. Glomdoring is probably the only place that sees little of this.
Makes me wish the divine would let Deepnight become more official-ish.
I love how people missed the point....
If you kill me, don't apologize. Dance on my corpse, laugh sadistically, whoop like a monkey, and I'll snicker and be like "ah well, time for a trip up to astral", but don't EVER say you're sorry, because I'm of the disposition that you have to hate someone beyond all possible belief to want to kill them. Perhaps tell me WHY you killed me instead. Hell, if someone were to kill me IRL and then apologize I swear I'd find a way to reincarnate and beat them over the head with a rusty iron pipe. So I guess I just failed at OOC/IC separation there, because I reacted the way I, the player feel about people killing me.
Anyways, there's no hard feelings because I got all the **** out of my system already (ahhh the joys of laser tag. got a personal record by over 100 points

On a completely random tangent,
GOOD GOD HOW HAVE I BEEN LIVING WITH A MERE 13 CON FOR THE LAST YEAR!? (and that's with yellow, con platter, weathering, lucky fortuna.... oh wait.. that's still only +2 because of stupid weighting *grumblegrumble*)
Ashteru2006-11-01 20:07:26
QUOTE(Tervic @ Nov 1 2006, 09:00 PM) 349321
On a completely random tangent,
GOOD GOD HOW HAVE I BEEN LIVING WITH A MERE 13 CON FOR THE LAST YEAR!? (and that's with yellow, con platter, weathering, lucky fortuna.... oh wait.. that's still only +2 because of stupid weighting *grumblegrumble*)
Strength : 20 Dexterity : 13 Constitution : 19 Intelligence : 12 Size : 16 Charisma : 12

Shorlen2006-11-01 20:09:01
QUOTE(Tervic @ Nov 1 2006, 03:00 PM) 349321
But how do some nihilists get their demons to strike twice in rapid succession? did I miss something there?
Scourge, a 10P skill to have your demon doublehit about five times. Angels get the same skill, but it's called Wrath.
Ashteru2006-11-01 20:09:34
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 1 2006, 09:09 PM) 349328
Sourge, a 10P skill to have your demon doublehit about five times. Angels get the same skill, but it's called Wrath.

Shorlen2006-11-01 20:22:43
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Nov 1 2006, 03:09 PM) 349329

That's EXACTLY what I wrote, stop misquoting me

Ashteru2006-11-01 20:28:59
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Nov 1 2006, 09:22 PM) 349338
That's EXACTLY what I wrote, stop misquoting me


Cairam2006-11-01 20:42:10
QUOTE(Ista @ Nov 1 2006, 10:16 AM) 349263
Oh, and I hate it when you have your phone on vibrate and people keep calling, over and over. Maybe if I'm not answering, there is a reason! The person who did it, I know could not be calling me for an emergency. Most likely, just calling to tell me he's gone for the day.
I could say something about this, but I'd hate to sexually harass anyone in a third party manner.

Noola2006-11-01 20:46:26
QUOTE(Cairam @ Nov 1 2006, 02:42 PM) 349346
I could say something about this, but I'd hate to sexually harass anyone in a third party manner.

So funny cause I had the exact same thought!
Tervic2006-11-01 21:02:17
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Nov 1 2006, 12:07 PM) 349326
Strength : 20 Dexterity : 13 Constitution : 19 Intelligence : 12 Size : 16 Charisma : 12

Oh hush you.
Reiha2006-11-01 21:17:24
QUOTE(Tervic @ Nov 1 2006, 12:00 PM) 349321
I love how people missed the point....
If you kill me, don't apologize. Dance on my corpse, laugh sadistically, whoop like a monkey, and I'll snicker and be like "ah well, time for a trip up to astral", but don't EVER say you're sorry, because I'm of the disposition that you have to hate someone beyond all possible belief to want to kill them. Perhaps tell me WHY you killed me instead. Hell, if someone were to kill me IRL and then apologize I swear I'd find a way to reincarnate and beat them over the head with a rusty iron pipe. So I guess I just failed at OOC/IC separation there, because I reacted the way I, the player feel about people killing me.
Oh. Oops. Some people feel differently about that, guess I should have read through it better.
Sylphas2006-11-01 21:20:40
QUOTE(Noola @ Nov 1 2006, 11:56 AM) 349234
A little facial hair is ok. I kind of like the scruffy haven't shaved in a couple of days look. But full on facial hair? No thanks!
I like the look, but I hate brushburn on my face.

Anyway, for today's rant, I'm just going to copy and paste this from my livejournal from last week, because it's still applicable:
Dear homeless and/or

1. If you routinely piss yourself, DON'T COME TO MY

2. Even if you just smell like you routinely piss yourself, you're still covered by rule #1.
3. If you happen to not bathe for weeks at a time, please don't stand next to the desk where I'm working. If I have to smell you much longer, I'm kicking your ass out. Bearing a foul stench is against our patron behaviour policy.
4. Don't hide behind a

5. No, you're not the only one we charge for DVDs. Though I'm pretty sure if were to charge just one person, you'd be it.
6. God will not smite me because I'm mean to you. He probably thinks you're crazy too.
7. No, you can't have my phone number. No, I won't come over to your place.
8. Stop following me around the library. You're not a lost puppy, sadly enough; if you were, I could kick you out instead of just threatening to call security on you. Again.
9. Sighing and glaring at me only make me more adamant about not bending policy for you.
10. No, Larry Johnson does not want to marry you. I do not know his home phone number, nor would I give it to you if I did.
11. Don't bother researching breast implants. I'll tell you right now: they won't help. You're fugly, and nothing is going to help with that.
12. I know we're in a library, but goddamn, speak up a bit. I don't read lips. I can't help you if I can't hear you.
13. I don't speak French. Or Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, or any language besides English. I'm sorry, but I just don't.
14. I'm glad you drank your bottle of brandy outside, and didn't bring it in. But please don't leave it laying on our steps.
15. And finally: STFU + GTFO.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
Joli2006-11-01 21:21:17
QUOTE(Ixion @ Nov 1 2006, 10:56 AM) 349181
You're not a boy?
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Nov 1 2006, 11:01 AM) 349185

I'm very very female.

And I hate that my campus floods so easily. It's up to my damn knees and I had to wade through it. I almost tripped and fell in the road..

Unknown2006-11-01 21:28:43
QUOTE(Joli @ Nov 1 2006, 09:21 PM) 349367
I'm very very female.

And I hate that my campus floods so easily. It's up to my damn knees and I had to wade through it. I almost tripped and fell in the road..

Well I went on holiday to Scotland last week, slipped on some black ice outside the hotel, and I did fall in the road. Difficult to sit down without screaming about pain in a relatively embarrasing place.
Acrune2006-11-01 21:40:22
I wish sucky people would jump me now and then.
I only get people like Ixion and Ethelon, so I just leave instead of fighting. 
Edit: Oh, and I've been growing a beard so I can rub it while pondering. Interestingly enough, my grades are higher then usual. Pondering beard = higher grades?

Edit: Oh, and I've been growing a beard so I can rub it while pondering. Interestingly enough, my grades are higher then usual. Pondering beard = higher grades?