Shayle2006-11-04 17:17:49
QUOTE(Anisu @ Nov 4 2006, 08:02 AM) 350660
I hate that on monday I am going to Kosovo instead of the military academy because I happen to be inbetween assignments and they needed a sharpshooter. And thus I'll be once again without computer for a while. (Don't worry I can still give out prices abusing the sattelite connection, but for only 1 hour a week)

Good luck, Anisu. Be safe, please.
Reiha2006-11-04 18:41:03
QUOTE(Anisu @ Nov 4 2006, 05:02 AM) 350660
I hate that on monday I am going to Kosovo instead of the military academy because I happen to be inbetween assignments and they needed a sharpshooter. And thus I'll be once again without computer for a while. (Don't worry I can still give out prices abusing the sattelite connection, but for only 1 hour a week)

*grab* Come back soon! And just for you, lots more !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cause I know you

And *peer Ixion*
Anisu2006-11-04 18:49:57
QUOTE(Shayle @ Nov 4 2006, 06:17 PM) 350695
Good luck, Anisu. Be safe, please.
pish the only danger I'll encounter are Americans that don't understand the 'disarment barrel shoot' system and so instead of just shooting an empty gun without a clip into it (to release the spring) shoot an entire clip in it (I'm not indicating Americans are dummer then others, but only americans have this problem, and the higher in rank they are the more problems they seem to have with it). It's only 'international base security service'. Meaning I spend entire days sitting behind a machine gun playing cards with my spotter and occasionally loading my carabine to make the local folks bugger off. (yes loading the chamber of a weapon is a very eery sound and makes even other soldiers quiet and turn away as it means 'this is your final warning before people die')
Reiha: ofcourse I come back like they say in Dutch 'Onkruid vergaat niet' which in english would be 'weeds don't die' so you see I'm invinsible

Diamondais2006-11-04 18:57:09
I hate that I feel so irritated with Hartstone and Serenwilde. I suppose Im just a bit bored Ive almost reached every goal Ive set.
Ill feel better after I have a few credits from the sale.
On a side note, I feel very proud of the manse Im designing.

On a side note, I feel very proud of the manse Im designing.
Reiha2006-11-04 19:02:37
QUOTE(diamondais @ Nov 4 2006, 10:57 AM) 350749
On a side note, I feel very proud of the manse Im designing.
Reiha wants to see!
Unknown2006-11-04 19:04:06
Ixion, it really isn't my sister's fault. Yeah, she should have gone a bit slower when changing lanes but its the road's fault. Mom thinks that we really where only going 45-50, which is what the whole of the highway was going. Its the stupid potholes and dips on damn highway fault!!
Diamondais2006-11-04 19:06:04
QUOTE(Reiha @ Nov 4 2006, 02:02 PM) 350753
Reiha wants to see!
Id show it to you if it existed, but it doesnt yet..

Reiha2006-11-04 19:16:52
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Nov 4 2006, 11:04 AM) 350755
Ixion, it really isn't my sister's fault. Yeah, she should have gone a bit slower when changing lanes but its the road's fault. Mom thinks that we really where only going 45-50, which is what the whole of the highway was going. Its the stupid potholes and dips on damn highway fault!!
He was joking, I think

And I still wanna see, pm 'em to me, Dia! *wails and whines*
Veonira2006-11-04 20:37:14
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Nov 4 2006, 02:04 PM) 350755
Ixion, it really isn't my sister's fault. Yeah, she should have gone a bit slower when changing lanes but its the road's fault. Mom thinks that we really where only going 45-50, which is what the whole of the highway was going. Its the stupid potholes and dips on damn highway fault!!
Um, wouldn't it be the swerving at 45-50mph and not the potholes that did it.
I mean, just a thought.
Sorry, I just really hate when people play around with cars, it doesn't only endanger the driver and their passengers, but other people on the road too.
Acrune2006-11-04 20:45:53
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Nov 4 2006, 02:04 PM) 350755
Ixion, it really isn't my sister's fault. Yeah, she should have gone a bit slower when changing lanes but its the road's fault. Mom thinks that we really where only going 45-50, which is what the whole of the highway was going. Its the stupid potholes and dips on damn highway fault!!
No, definitely sounds like its your sister's fault.
Don't be stupid with cars...
Unknown2006-11-04 21:45:02
<.< My sister wasn't swivering, that's what I originally thought but I was wrong. She just moved over from the far right to the far left and hit the pot hole and lost control. We thought she had gotten mad or something cuz she went deathly quite. She says that she got into the "zone" and was like Crap...gotta find a way to get out of this, cuz the first swiver, when we hit the dip or whatever, told her it was going to go to hell. So..yeah, not really her fault.
Tzekelkan2006-11-04 21:58:56
I hate this stupid book I have to read. In French.
Soll2006-11-04 22:13:22
I hate being a tampon.
Aiakon2006-11-04 22:15:15
QUOTE(Soll @ Nov 4 2006, 10:13 PM) 350823
I hate being a tampon.
You revolt me. Unless you're doing an impression of Prince Charles, in which case I find you amusing.
Arix2006-11-04 22:16:30
Tzekelkan2006-11-04 22:22:05
QUOTE(Soll @ Nov 4 2006, 11:13 PM) 350823
Good idea Shaeden, I'm not repeating it either.
Never mind.
Reiha2006-11-04 22:27:05
QUOTE(Soll @ Nov 4 2006, 02:13 PM) 350823
I hate being a tampon.
Shaeden2006-11-04 22:29:21
QUOTE(Soll @ Nov 4 2006, 05:13 PM) 350823
Stuff that I'm not repeating

Arix2006-11-04 22:34:18
please change your sig and avatar, Soll
Veonira2006-11-05 03:37:39
I keep accidentally moving my lips and it hurting.