Cairam2006-11-06 02:04:52
Hee, poor Noola. I always just push the cart over as soon as I'm done emptying it, and let the cashier do their job.
I hate that eggnog is fattening, but I love the stuff.
I also hate that eggnog only comes out after Halloween. Or around Halloween, sometime. And that it goes away sometime in January.
I also hate that there probably won't be eggnog in Israel. Le sigh.
I hate that eggnog is fattening, but I love the stuff.
I also hate that eggnog only comes out after Halloween. Or around Halloween, sometime. And that it goes away sometime in January.
I also hate that there probably won't be eggnog in Israel. Le sigh.
Acrune2006-11-06 02:10:01
QUOTE(Noola @ Nov 5 2006, 08:50 PM) 351257
Here's something I hate:
Customers will come up with a whole cart full of stuff and start putting it on the conveyor and I'll start scanning it and putting it into bags. Well, the bag area is REALLY small and it fills up with full bags rather quickly. But the folks who're buying the stuff will stand there next to their empty cart watching me fill up the space and try to stack full bags and then finally when I start leaning over and putting full bags on the floor, they'll be all like "Hey! I should put these in the cart, shouldn't I?"
Yes. Yes you should.
Here's something I hate:
Customers will come up with a whole cart full of stuff and start putting it on the conveyor and I'll start scanning it and puting it into bags. Well, instead of waiting until I fill a bag up and pull it off the bag-rack, they'll start pulling half empty bags off themselves. Then saying things like "Hey, why don't you put that stuff in this bag too?"
I would, if you'd leave the bag alone till I fill it.
But, I can buy some credits this week cause of this job, so it's allllllll good.

Isn't cashiering awesome?

Reiha2006-11-06 02:23:22
QUOTE(Noola @ Nov 5 2006, 05:50 PM) 351257
Here's something I hate:
Customers will come up with a whole cart full of stuff and start putting it on the conveyor and I'll start scanning it and putting it into bags. Well, the bag area is REALLY small and it fills up with full bags rather quickly. But the folks who're buying the stuff will stand there next to their empty cart watching me fill up the space and try to stack full bags and then finally when I start leaning over and putting full bags on the floor, they'll be all like "Hey! I should put these in the cart, shouldn't I?"
Yes. Yes you should.
Here's something I hate:
Customers will come up with a whole cart full of stuff and start putting it on the conveyor and I'll start scanning it and puting it into bags. Well, instead of waiting until I fill a bag up and pull it off the bag-rack, they'll start pulling half empty bags off themselves. Then saying things like "Hey, why don't you put that stuff in this bag too?"
I would, if you'd leave the bag alone till I fill it.
But, I can buy some credits this week cause of this job, so it's allllllll good.

All the stores I go the cashiers put it in the cart

Unknown2006-11-06 02:30:12
QUOTE(Cairam @ Nov 5 2006, 06:04 PM) 351259
Hee, poor Noola. I always just push the cart over as soon as I'm done emptying it, and let the cashier do their job.
I hate that eggnog is fattening, but I love the stuff.
I also hate that eggnog only comes out after Halloween. Or around Halloween, sometime. And that it goes away sometime in January.
I also hate that there probably won't be eggnog in Israel. Le sigh.
I hate that eggnog is fattening, but I love the stuff.
I also hate that eggnog only comes out after Halloween. Or around Halloween, sometime. And that it goes away sometime in January.
I also hate that there probably won't be eggnog in Israel. Le sigh.
I can buy you tons of eggnog for a christmas present and ship it over to you.

Shaeden2006-11-06 02:30:37
*Reads horror stories about cashiering*
*wanders off to study so he can pass*
*wanders off to study so he can pass*
Acrune2006-11-06 03:16:11
QUOTE(shaeden @ Nov 5 2006, 09:30 PM) 351273
*Reads horror stories about cashiering*
*wanders off to study so he can pass*
Pah, I'm still in school, and my GPA is... uh... above 3.0.

I cashier because if I don't work someplace, I go insane and fall into depression with all the free time I have, and thats not a road I want to go down again.

Unknown2006-11-06 03:17:28
Can this thread be moved to the Real World section?
Acrune2006-11-06 03:18:25
No. *pet post count*
Sarrasri2006-11-06 03:37:16
I hate overcomplications of simple situations. 

Shiri2006-11-06 04:14:44
I hate oversimplifications of complicated situations. 

Acrune2006-11-06 04:16:00
QUOTE(Shiri @ Nov 5 2006, 11:14 PM) 351307
I don't beleive in that word.

Noola2006-11-06 04:24:10
QUOTE(Avaer @ Nov 5 2006, 09:17 PM) 351289
Can this thread be moved to the Real World section?
Why? People rant about all sorts of IG things in it. So what if now and again a RL tangent gets started. It doesn't last very long. Cause this is for random rants. And randomly, somone'll rant about something completely different and the tangent will be over.
I like this thread. It's been around almost the entire time I've been posting. That's pretty awesome.
And for a rant of an IG nature: I hate when I'm waiting for someone to send me a message about something, and they send me a message, but it's not about the thing I wanted them to send me a message about.

Gelo2006-11-06 04:41:46
QUOTE(Cairam @ Nov 6 2006, 12:04 PM) 351259
Hee, poor Noola. I always just push the cart over as soon as I'm done emptying it, and let the cashier do their job.
I hate that eggnog is fattening, but I love the stuff.
I also hate that eggnog only comes out after Halloween. Or around Halloween, sometime. And that it goes away sometime in January.
I also hate that there probably won't be eggnog in Israel. Le sigh.
We have eggnogs here all thoughout the year. Lucky us

I hate credit prices in the market today. Achaeaish prices.
Reiha2006-11-06 06:30:26

Noola2006-11-06 06:53:56
Thanks Acrune! 

Ixion2006-11-06 08:21:24
QUOTE(Soll @ Jun 12 2006, 05:29 PM) 297430

Shorlen2006-11-06 08:22:43
I'm fraking pissed that this thread was moved.

Soll2006-11-06 08:33:36
QUOTE(Ixion @ Nov 6 2006, 08:21 AM) 351373

Heh. I noticed that again today. I thought it was still the end of the thread, so I was all ":blink: Who logged into my account and posteed that?!" Then I saw the date.
Shiri2006-11-06 08:51:34
I kinda liked this where it was, but...oh well. It's not a huge difference.
Joli2006-11-06 10:13:54
I hate that I tripped and fell on campus.. I actually heard my ankle snap. I'm going to the school nurse sometime tomorrow, but see.. I'm not supposed to be walking on it and the nurse is across campus.. >_<
I am proud of myself for not crying when it happened though, because I always cry about everything. I did however start crying when I saw that it was swollen to the size of a.. maybe a baseball... I've never had anything swell that big before.
I am proud of myself for not crying when it happened though, because I always cry about everything. I did however start crying when I saw that it was swollen to the size of a.. maybe a baseball... I've never had anything swell that big before.