Unknown2007-01-20 00:03:12
Noola. What. The.
Can't you have an avatar that doesn't scare me?

Can't you have an avatar that doesn't scare me?
Unknown2007-01-20 00:13:13
I think you used up all of your kittens and then some.
Sylphas2007-01-20 00:45:11
I've actually said ROFL outloud. As a word.
Noola2007-01-20 01:24:50
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Jan 19 2007, 06:03 PM) 375318
Noola. What. The.

Can't you have an avatar that doesn't scare me?

When Tekora and I had our fun little Avatar throw-down, I decided I really liked this one too much to not use it!
And on a less amusing note... I just locked my keys in my car and I don't have any spares. Not sure what I'm going to do about it... Guess I'll have to call a locksmith or something... and shell out who knows how much money I don't have to spend at the moment.

Acrune2007-01-20 02:25:46
See if you can find someone who knows how to jimmy it open with a clotheshanger 

Unknown2007-01-20 04:33:26
Why is Rigormortis an affliction? That makes no sense. Rigor mortis ONLY occurs after death.
Mirk2007-01-20 04:44:57
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Jan 19 2007, 10:33 PM) 375368
Why is Rigormortis an affliction? That makes no sense. Rigor mortis ONLY occurs after death.
It's a fantasy world. Deal with it.
Tekora2007-01-20 05:23:02
Noola2007-01-20 16:16:10
QUOTE(Acrune @ Jan 19 2007, 08:25 PM) 375354
See if you can find someone who knows how to jimmy it open with a clotheshanger 

I wasn't able to.

But I still got my keys out! I wrapped a wire hanger around the end of my mop and squeezed through the broken side window on the van - which opens about 8 inches and after a few trys (like for a good 20 minutes! It was harder than I'd thought it was going to be!

It's funny, the guy who sold me the van had, instead of getting the window fixed, had the door it's in jerry-rigged so that you can't open it or manually unlock it from the inside, you have to use the button on the keyring. Which is why, despite the fact I was able to squeeze the top half of my body into my vehicle, I was still unable to get the door open!

Shishi2007-01-20 16:44:42
QUOTE(Tekora @ Jan 19 2007, 09:23 PM) 375374
me too, I tried to change the skin but it doesn't work when I try to look at topics

Kharaen2007-01-20 16:58:31
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Jan 19 2007, 11:33 PM) 375368
Why is Rigormortis an affliction? That makes no sense. Rigor mortis ONLY occurs after death.
Why are there undead viscanti running around? Sheesh, they must have Rigormortis 24/7!
Unknown2007-01-21 11:39:24
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Jan 21 2007, 12:58 AM) 375426
Why are there undead viscanti running around? Sheesh, they must have Rigormortis 24/7!
Psh. Simple explanation. Magic.
Slightly less simple explanation, something to do with the Taint.
I mean, I can argue about the Taint or magic hindering the effects of death and whatnot, but not for rigor mortis as an affliction.
Perhaps I should be more specific. I just don't like the name rigor mortis as an affliction for living people. Might make sense for it as an affliction for undead, but does this mean that whenever you are afflicted with rigor mortis, you die and come back to life? And there is no way I can use magic as an explanation for this. Perhaps someone can.
Unknown2007-01-21 16:20:44
The biochemical cause of rigor mortis is hydrolysis of ATP in the muscle tissue, the chemical energy source required for movement. Myosin molecules devoid of ATP become permanently adherent to actin filaments to form actomyosin complex, causing muscles to become rigid. After the pH of the muscle has become 5.5, release of autolytic enzymes stored in lysosomes will take place. The major proteolytic enzymes are Cathepsins and Calpains. These enzymes act at the myofibrillar proteins and hydrolyse them. As a result, the actomyosin complex is broken down and muscles become "soft" again. This is known as resolution of rigor.
Magic causes that. There, simple.

Xenthos2007-01-21 16:30:10
LMAO is the best acronym and emote.
Go in-game and do it.
You know you want to.
Go in-game and do it.
You know you want to.
Diamondais2007-01-21 16:37:45
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jan 21 2007, 11:30 AM) 375720
LMAO is the best acronym and emote.
Go in-game and do it.
You know you want to.
Go in-game and do it.
You know you want to.
I certainly like when people do it. It's a good laugh.
Unknown2007-01-21 16:46:32
I keep trying to submit my kick-ass poem into Bardic, but it won't go through. 
Why do you hate me?

Why do you hate me?

Cairam2007-01-21 16:53:20
I think I've ruined my life.
I'm such a bitch.
I'm sorry, Narses.
I'm such a bitch.
I'm sorry, Narses.

Arkzrael2007-01-21 17:30:43
QUOTE(Noola @ Jan 19 2007, 07:24 PM) 375333
And on a less amusing note... I just locked my keys in my car and I don't have any spares. Not sure what I'm going to do about it... Guess I'll have to call a locksmith or something... and shell out who knows how much money I don't have to spend at the moment. 

Try me locking my keys in the car at my buddy's house the last time it actually managed to run. It was late, we'd been playing video games and stuff, and I'd stayed over two nights, so I wasn't in the best look or shape. Me: in bondage pants and a ripped shirt with bright blue hair, my buddy:a skinny hispanic kid in old jeans and a torn shirt, and another friend: looking perpetually stoned all the time...with a clotheshanger and a screwdriver, trying to get into an old white cadillac at 3 am...
It took me two hours to convince the cops it was -my- car and we weren't trying to steal anything.

Unknown2007-01-22 01:59:36

Sylphas2007-01-22 07:01:47
I wish I could bring myself to care about the Superbowl this year. It's so much more fun if it matters.
Damn you Ravens! Good job stopping them getting touchdowns. Now stop the
ing field goals, morons!
Damn you Ravens! Good job stopping them getting touchdowns. Now stop the