Hazar2006-06-13 02:02:29
QUOTE(Valarien @ Jun 12 2006, 08:59 PM) 297539
-random ranting-
I'm also -secretly- annoyed at the changed policy to the fae. When I -first- came around, Glom was evil, 'nuff said. Fae don't wanna come to our side? Fine, kill them and make them come to our side. Slaughter everything that was moving if it wasn't willing to support us, it was the way. It's really sad that we had to turn a 180 just to stop being bashed on constantly by the then largest org in the fxcking game.
Know what I want? I want a hostile takeover of the Glomdoring Government by a crazed and amazing leader who wants us to kill crap and fight it out like we used to do, screw everybody's feelings and still all the while supported by the active Divine there. (<3 Vira) But you know, I also want a Commune that -can- do that, and not just get reamed because we don't have enough top-tier fighters.
I miss you, Aranya

See, for about a week I wanted to be that crazed leader. Then I gave up, because I'm never on enough, and wouldn't be able to do half of what Xenth does, simply because I'm NOT THERE. I really, really, really hate the fact that I don't have the playtime to do what I want to.
I also hate the fact that I want to be on the Shadow Court, but don't particularly feel like replacing anyone currently on it.

Unknown2006-06-13 02:04:22
QUOTE(Valarien @ Jun 13 2006, 01:59 AM) 297539
Know what I want? I want a hostile takeover of the Glomdoring Government by a crazed and amazing leader who wants us to kill crap and fight it out like we used to do, screw everybody's feelings and still all the while supported by the active Divine there. (<3 Vira) EDIT: Not that I don't think Xenthos isn't the best Marshal we've had, mind you.) But you know, I also want a Commune that -can- do that, and not just get reamed because we don't have enough top-tier fighters.
Why do people always avoid bashing on Xethos and Shayle? "SDFLKJSLDF GLOMDORING SUCKS (but xenthos and shayle are the best leaders ever WOOOT!)". Not that they deserve it (I think they do, but they probobly don't), but it's sort of funny.
ANYWAY, that will -never- happen.
Hazar2006-06-13 02:05:43
Well, like I said; they're nice, and they're freakishly active.
There's very little they -do- that's frustrating. It's more what they -don't- do.
There's very little they -do- that's frustrating. It's more what they -don't- do.
Xenthos2006-06-13 02:06:30
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jun 12 2006, 10:04 PM) 297541
Why do people always avoid bashing on Xethos and Shayle? "SDFLKJSLDF GLOMDORING SUCKS (but xenthos and shayle are the best leaders ever WOOOT!)". Not that they deserve it (I think they do, but they probobly don't), but it's sort of funny.
To be honest, "Best Marshall we've had" is not actually saying much, and *could* still be considered a bash.

Unknown2006-06-13 02:08:01
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jun 13 2006, 02:06 AM) 297543
To be honest, "Best Marshall we've had" is not actually saying much, and *could* still be considered a bash.

Realized that after posting. Though I could argue that Chade is better, even if he was Marshall for about a day. But that would be 'best person who was Marshall', not 'best Marshall'.
Archthron2006-06-13 02:31:11
On a related note, I'm also really annoyed that sparwho and the like are terrible at helping find spars. How can my Glommie improve the martial state if he can't learn to fight?
Okin2006-06-13 02:47:04
I'm also -secretly- annoyed at the changed policy to the fae. When I -first- came around, Glom was evil, 'nuff said. Fae don't wanna come to our side? Fine, kill them and make them come to our side. Slaughter everything that was moving if it wasn't willing to support us, it was the way. It's really sad that we had to turn a 180 just to stop being bashed on constantly by the then largest org in the fxcking game.
Total agreement! Indeed, beyond ME being openly unhappy about Glom's general attitude toward the treatment of the fae, Okin is actually secretly annoyed, too. It is, in fact, his biggest gripe whatsoever with Shayle (<3 Shayle! *snuggle*) As I understand it, the only reason Glomdoring lost it's uber-scary-"Night or death" attitude was because the Serenwilde kicked our asses.
Well, that's not the situation any more. Back when we had no chance whatsoever of standing up to Serenwilde in combat, even RP demanded the supremacist Glomdoring go 'undercover' for a while. Not any more, but it's been so long we've forgotten. Okin loves the Glom leadership, but only because he firmly believes they're just biding their time a little more than they need to.
So, total agreement with Valarien.
PS. I heart Shayle.
Laysus2006-06-13 02:52:21
I'm pissed off that it's impossible to make much head in my current state through bashing, and that it's impossible to get a decent fight 1v1 against someone I can handle outside the arena >.<
Xavius2006-06-13 03:19:13
I hate how Magnagora thinks it can be all buddy-buddy with us just because.
We can kill Serens just fine by ourselves, thankyouverymuch.
We can kill Serens just fine by ourselves, thankyouverymuch.
Unknown2006-06-13 03:21:08
And yet you have zero villages. Your military might is a thing to be feared.
Shiri2006-06-13 03:25:32
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jun 13 2006, 04:19 AM) 297555
I hate how Magnagora thinks it can be all buddy-buddy with us just because.
We can kill Serens just fine by ourselves, thankyouverymuch.
Who was it that killed Folken? I can't remember which part of the group it was.

Tekora2006-06-13 03:46:31

Tervic2006-06-13 04:33:12
QUOTE(Tekora @ Jun 12 2006, 08:46 PM) 297563

I know!1! it makes high sadness... Trill and lucidian should get Hallifiaxian as a laguage
Unknown2006-06-13 04:33:37
I f***ing need MAGIC INK!!!!!!!!
Vix2006-06-13 04:34:43
I'm perfectly happy since I'm oblivious to the ingame troubles and frustrations. Ignorance truly is bliss. 
Yeah, okay, I'm bored though. People need to post more.

Yeah, okay, I'm bored though. People need to post more.
Razenth2006-06-13 05:03:39
I think Jack was right... with Narsrim gone, I HAVE noticed a marked decrease of interesting Idiots threads. Well, interesting as in I get to read all the insults that get hurled back and forth.
Unknown2006-06-13 05:48:04
3. Daereth. See above, without some of the class.
I'm not sure what you mean about Daereth, while I'll agree Weylin does fall into the psychopathic novice description quite a bit, Daereth, who does need to be a little tamer, actually has some depth to his character and is a fairly competent fighter for the skills he does have. Another person who I believe is one of teh best members of the Ebonguard is Thul. He doesn't consider himself a fighter at all but he has at least made a serious effort to know about combat and stay alive.
Anyway, just wanted to stand up for one of the few active Ebonguard members who is making an effort.
Terenas2006-06-13 06:19:53
This came across as funny to me.
Shayle, for example, is an 'active combatant'. She doesn't fight to live, she lives to fight. Combat is something she can do, but it is not a prime part of her charecter.
Murphy, on the other hand, is an 'active fighter'. He lives to fight, not the other way around. Combat is something he does - in his case fairly well - and it is a central part of his charecter.
Where's the distinction?
Shayle, for example, is an 'active combatant'. She doesn't fight to live, she lives to fight. Combat is something she can do, but it is not a prime part of her charecter.
Murphy, on the other hand, is an 'active fighter'. He lives to fight, not the other way around. Combat is something he does - in his case fairly well - and it is a central part of his charecter.
Where's the distinction?

Unknown2006-06-13 06:29:32
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jun 13 2006, 11:21 AM) 297556
And yet you have zero villages. Your military might is a thing to be feared.
With all the peaced revolts, military might doesn't figure extensively into the equation. It's the simple fact that Glomdoring has a smaller playerbase, ergo we have about one-third of any other organisation's turnout in a village, with half or less of those able to influence. It's extremely hard to see how we have no villages, yes it is.
As much as I love Glomdoring, sometimes the only-two-to-three-other-people-online thing depresses me. It's something that can and has been exploited, and there's nothing we can do about it but hope to find some good recruits amongst the recent influx of people with

Ashteru2006-06-13 06:44:26
QUOTE(Silferras @ Jun 13 2006, 06:29 AM) 297597
As much as I love Glomdoring, sometimes the only-two-to-three-other-people-online thing depresses me. It's something that can and has been exploited, and there's nothing we can do about it but hope to find some good recruits amongst the recent influx of people with

Awww, you can always talk to me when I am bashing. (Which is quite often....<.<)
Oh yeah: I am pissed at how Marius tends to bash out the whole of prime and whores experience. Yeah, that pisses me off. My level isn't yet high enough to just plow through the catas (ask again at 90) but it pisses me off how fast he gains levels. Oh well. At least I am cuter.