Unknown2007-02-06 00:15:07
Small rant, but something that's been going on for along freaking time!!!
IS IT TOO MUCH TO EVEN BOTHER CLEANING UP YOUR FREAKING MESS PEOPLE?!?!?! Of course! It'd make to much bloody sense to take a kitchen towel, and scoop up the crumbs and dumb them into the freaking trash can! Then take the freakin' sponge, wet it a bit and wipe up the freaking leftover jam! Bloody, freaking assholes. I swear.
Whoever's doing it will die. I'm tired of going into the kitchen to get a sandwich to seeing a big swath of crumbs all over the bloody counters. I'm tired of cleaning it up! It takes what? 2 seconds to clean up. Bastards.
I feel better.

I feel better.
Unknown2007-02-06 01:51:20
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Feb 6 2007, 11:15 AM) 380827
Small rant, but something that's been going on for along freaking time!!!
IS IT TOO MUCH TO EVEN BOTHER CLEANING UP YOUR FREAKING MESS PEOPLE?!?!?! Of course! It'd make to much bloody sense to take a kitchen towel, and scoop up the crumbs and dumb them into the freaking trash can! Then take the freakin' sponge, wet it a bit and wipe up the freaking leftover jam! Bloody, freaking assholes. I swear.
Whoever's doing it will die. I'm tired of going into the kitchen to get a sandwich to seeing a big swath of crumbs all over the bloody counters. I'm tired of cleaning it up! It takes what? 2 seconds to clean up. Bastards.
I feel better.

I feel better.
Oh god do I feel your pain! I just realised today where that horrible garbage smell in my house was coming from. One of my housemates who happens to have a room next to mine had a bag of old bread rolls and creamy pasta salad sitting just inside his effing door! How the hell do people live like that.
Unknown2007-02-06 10:22:11
QUOTE(arkzrael @ Feb 5 2007, 04:55 AM) 380520
For the last time...I didn't make it up! >_< It was Master Chief!
After working on a poem for days, I finally see the part about 'discernable acrostic' and the 'six or eight syllables'. Now I'll have to start all over again, and I'm not sure if I can finish it by the deadline. If not, then I'll have to send in my villanelle in an undiscernable acrostic form and that is six to eight syllables.
Jigan2007-02-06 15:21:41
I hate the winter, and I hate the cold As soon as it looks like it's going to warm up, the temperature drops.
My actual rant is that having ice form over your right eye as you are walking down the street due to tears and melting ice. It was enough to keep my eye closed to keep it from jabbing me.
Eye ice rant. I win.
My actual rant is that having ice form over your right eye as you are walking down the street due to tears and melting ice. It was enough to keep my eye closed to keep it from jabbing me.
Eye ice rant. I win.
Isluna2007-02-06 19:35:59
I hate my car right now, I come home for lunch. Get out of it, and the radiator dumps. I just checked the sucker this weekend.. I don't want to sit here stuck at home, with yearly filing waiting that should have been started on last month. But NOOO, they waited to ask till this month to get me to move into their office for a week, only to see a messy system thats going to take me a week to set up right, topped off with setting up a second computer in the desk I am emptying out.... I would rather be sleeping right now, adds to being grumpy over all this... 

Arkzrael2007-02-06 19:58:30
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Feb 6 2007, 04:22 AM) 380982
After working on a poem for days, I finally see the part about 'discernable acrostic' and the 'six or eight syllables'. Now I'll have to start all over again, and I'm not sure if I can finish it by the deadline. If not, then I'll have to send in my villanelle in an undiscernable acrostic form and that is six to eight syllables.
I don't know how many random poems I have gotten for this thing that don't follow any of the format at all, it's like people read 'write a poem' and skipped the remaining 95% of the post, down to the 'on a letter and mail it to me' part. So, I've had a bucketload of poems mailed to me, and perhaps only two have actually fit the villanelle, acrostic, six-to-eight syllable format, actually used the Glory be to Glomdoring as a refrain, and included the words: harbinger, song, and...wyrd, I think. I thought it was terribly hard at first, and then I realized that if you didn't try very hard, you could actually write it much easier than if you thought about it too much. Still...blame Master Chief, I didn't make it up.
On a slight other rant...I'm running on no smokes (grr), lowcalorielowsodiumlowcholesterollowcarbfatfree food (double grr), but my grandmother managed to make my day when she handed me my laundry and informed me she washed my Dethklok t-shirt, fishnet shirts, and Tripp pants in Snuggle softener and 'hung them up on wire hangers so they didn't get wrinkled' (-eyetwitch-). Three hours of sleep, filled out fifteen to twenty job apps today...and waiting on the very late boyfriend to pick me up so I can herd hormone-driven teenagers with swords for three hours tonight...I'm going to break down before the day is done and this is the least busy/stressful of my days this week.
Xavius2007-02-06 21:44:41
QUOTE(arkzrael @ Feb 6 2007, 01:58 PM) 381097
I don't know how many random poems I have gotten for this thing that don't follow any of the format at all, it's like people read 'write a poem' and skipped the remaining 95% of the post, down to the 'on a letter and mail it to me' part. So, I've had a bucketload of poems mailed to me, and perhaps only two have actually fit the villanelle, acrostic, six-to-eight syllable format, actually used the Glory be to Glomdoring as a refrain, and included the words: harbinger, song, and...wyrd, I think.
I don't know how many random poems I have gotten for this thing that don't follow any of the format at all, it's like people read 'write a poem' and skipped the remaining 95% of the post, down to the 'on a letter and mail it to me' part. So, I've had a bucketload of poems mailed to me, and perhaps only two have actually fit the villanelle, acrostic, six-to-eight syllable format, actually used the Glory be to Glomdoring as a refrain, and included the words: harbinger, song, and...wyrd, I think.
It is beyond the realm of physical possibility for the poem to be completed as your post described. The refrain and acrostic are mutually exclusive. I told Arel this. I'm thinking the message didn't make it to you.
Daganev2007-02-06 21:46:39
QUOTE(Xavius @ Feb 6 2007, 01:44 PM) 381138
It is beyond the realm of physical possibility for the poem to be completed as your post described. The refrain and acrostic are mutually exclusive. I told Arel this. I'm thinking the message didn't make it to you.
Its really not that hard to add 2 stanzas. Most people should have figured that out.
Xavius2007-02-06 22:09:05
Date: 1/26/2007 at 23:48
From: Seer Arkzrael, Mistress of the Quill
To : Everyone
Subj: Structured Poetry Challenge
Greetings, Dark Forest
Upon suggestion, the Library is holding a structured poetry contest.
This contest will end the month of Estar, of the year 169. There will be
a big prize for the winner, who will have their poem published, and the
remaining entries will be bound together in a collection to be published
Structuring for the poems is as follows:
- Villanelle:
Refrain 1 (a)
Line 2 (B)
Refrain 2 (a)
Line 4 (a)
Line 5 (B)
Refrain 1 (a)
Line 7 (a)
Line 8 (B)
Refrain 2 (a)
Line 10 (a)
Line 11 (B)
Refrain 1 (a)
Line 13 (a)
Line 14 (B)
Refrain 2 (a)
Line 16 (a)
Line 17 (B)
In which (a) and (B) are the two rhyming sounds.
It must be an acrostic of 'Glory be to Glomdoring', with a certain
letter of each line spelling out the phrase in a discernible fashion.
It must also include the words Wyrd, Harbingers, and Song, each at least
once in the poem.
'Glory be to Glomdoring' must be either refrain 1 or 2. All other lines
must be six or eight syllables long.
Again, submissions must be handed or mailed to me by Estar of 169, the
tenth anniversary of the creation of the Harbingers. Be sure to include
the title and your name on your piece. Each piece must fulfill all of
the structuring specifications, but the rest is up to you. I look
forward to seeing many pieces in the coming months!
Seer Arkzrael Le'Vondati, Mistress of the Quill
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Shanthin, in the year 167 CE.
Date: 1/26/2007 at 23:48
From: Seer Arkzrael, Mistress of the Quill
To : Everyone
Subj: Structured Poetry Challenge
Greetings, Dark Forest
Upon suggestion, the Library is holding a structured poetry contest.
This contest will end the month of Estar, of the year 169. There will be
a big prize for the winner, who will have their poem published, and the
remaining entries will be bound together in a collection to be published
Structuring for the poems is as follows:
- Villanelle:
Refrain 1 (a)
Line 2 (B)
Refrain 2 (a)
Line 4 (a)
Line 5 (B)
Refrain 1 (a)
Line 7 (a)
Line 8 (B)
Refrain 2 (a)
Line 10 (a)
Line 11 (B)
Refrain 1 (a)
Line 13 (a)
Line 14 (B)
Refrain 2 (a)
Line 16 (a)
Line 17 (B)
In which (a) and (B) are the two rhyming sounds.
It must be an acrostic of 'Glory be to Glomdoring', with a certain
letter of each line spelling out the phrase in a discernible fashion.
It must also include the words Wyrd, Harbingers, and Song, each at least
once in the poem.
'Glory be to Glomdoring' must be either refrain 1 or 2. All other lines
must be six or eight syllables long.
Again, submissions must be handed or mailed to me by Estar of 169, the
tenth anniversary of the creation of the Harbingers. Be sure to include
the title and your name on your piece. Each piece must fulfill all of
the structuring specifications, but the rest is up to you. I look
forward to seeing many pieces in the coming months!
Seer Arkzrael Le'Vondati, Mistress of the Quill
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Shanthin, in the year 167 CE.
Without actually attempting to write a poem, I want you to see this.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.
Valarien2007-02-06 22:12:01
QUOTE(Xavius @ Feb 6 2007, 04:09 PM) 381151
Without actually attempting to write a poem, I want you to see this.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.

Aiakon2007-02-06 22:14:08
QUOTE(Xavius @ Feb 6 2007, 10:09 PM) 381151
Without actually attempting to write a poem, I want you to see this.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.
What a wonderful poem.
Xavius2007-02-06 22:26:48
QUOTE(Aiakon @ Feb 6 2007, 04:14 PM) 381154
What a wonderful poem.
Uncrowned angry smiley to you, Aiakon. UNCROWNED ANGRY SMILEY!
Arkzrael2007-02-06 22:34:48
QUOTE(Xavius @ Feb 6 2007, 04:09 PM) 381151
Without actually attempting to write a poem, I want you to see this.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.
Glory be to Glomdoring
Gaily gallant wyrden song
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Rosy ransomed ruffled thong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Yearns the youthful yew bough bringing
Barnacled and briny un-bong
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Easy Harbinger is screwing
Titillating Donkey Kong
Glory be to Glomdoring
Over Tree, great Crow is cawing
Gain for Seren's chopping throng
Lightly creep through shadow falling
Over honeyed silver tinkling
Mistress Shayle's beaded thong
That's the end of the form. Is there a discernable acrostic in there anywhere? We're not even mentioning that we're six letters short, or nine lines.
Two darkside points to you for that.
Three brownie points for making nearly spray Mountain Dew on the keyboard.
But honest to god, I have a couple that so far as I can see have managed to make all of it work.
Vionne2007-02-07 01:34:48
I forgot about the acrostic thing 
I read it as "acoustic" for some reason.

I read it as "acoustic" for some reason.
Lysandus2007-02-07 01:49:59
QUOTE(isluna @ Feb 7 2007, 03:35 AM) 381094
I hate my car right now, I come home for lunch. Get out of it, and the radiator dumps. I just checked the sucker this weekend.. I don't want to sit here stuck at home, with yearly filing waiting that should have been started on last month. But NOOO, they waited to ask till this month to get me to move into their office for a week, only to see a messy system thats going to take me a week to set up right, topped off with setting up a second computer in the desk I am emptying out.... I would rather be sleeping right now, adds to being grumpy over all this... 

Gandal2007-02-07 03:38:38
Trying to play Impy and got my first novice jump ever.
Took me like 15-20 minutes to get out of Dis or whatever. Anyone know what 'Student of Manoa' is? I'm guessing Antioch, but maybe Stavenn? Meh, if it doesn't work out, I'll be back to bashing on Gandal in Lusty, which is getting better with all the crits
. So I guess that crits increase by level instead of plateauing at 50, 65, and 80? Because I'm DEFINITELY getting more than before at 74.

Unknown2007-02-07 03:47:48
Blasted Ontario.
There were three grade 12 math courses this year. The Man decided that two of those three were too difficult, so one of them should be split into two courses and the other one should be condensed into one of those courses.
So the three math courses I took count for nothing, and now I need to find a way to take three more.
Blargh. Stupid people should not hold the intelligent ones behind.
There were three grade 12 math courses this year. The Man decided that two of those three were too difficult, so one of them should be split into two courses and the other one should be condensed into one of those courses.
So the three math courses I took count for nothing, and now I need to find a way to take three more.
Blargh. Stupid people should not hold the intelligent ones behind.
Diamondais2007-02-07 03:51:51
(Wow, didn't realize you were one city away.)
Yes, the people in charge of Ontario's schools are ugh. So many courses get cancelled or assimilated into other courses so that they no long count, or even do the right work, as they should.
Yes, the people in charge of Ontario's schools are ugh. So many courses get cancelled or assimilated into other courses so that they no long count, or even do the right work, as they should.
Unknown2007-02-07 04:24:44
QUOTE(Gandal @ Feb 6 2007, 07:38 PM) 381240
Trying to play Impy and got my first novice jump ever.
Took me like 15-20 minutes to get out of Dis or whatever. Anyone know what 'Student of Manoa' is? I'm guessing Antioch, but maybe Stavenn? Meh, if it doesn't work out, I'll be back to bashing on Gandal in Lusty, which is getting better with all the crits
. So I guess that crits increase by level instead of plateauing at 50, 65, and 80? Because I'm DEFINITELY getting more than before at 74.

Student of Manoa isn't really affiliated with a city. It's apart of the Taekyon guild. They swing either Antioch or Ithaqua. Anti-magick monks. Dis is relatively easy to get out of if you know how to work it. If you need any help or have questions I'm a rusty player of Impy so PM or e-mail me.
A bit of advice, be very very patient with Impy. It's anal retentive and people are griefers even as novices.
Gandal2007-02-07 04:28:48
Yeah...I'm a mage. But still. Anyway...some seem nice, some...strange. I asked the person who killed me why, and no response. I contacted someone in my guild and he asked, no response. Apparently it's getting resolved right now or something.
And, I made 9000 gold today off gorgogs and I sealed the rift. Woo. Oh, wait, this a complaining thread. Um, I'm pissed because this thread is ONLY 300 pages long
And, I made 9000 gold today off gorgogs and I sealed the rift. Woo. Oh, wait, this a complaining thread. Um, I'm pissed because this thread is ONLY 300 pages long