Shiri2007-02-07 04:58:49
I'm angry that I got the 6000th reply. 

Diamante2007-02-07 06:29:46
cookies are tasty
Shiri2007-02-07 06:30:47
QUOTE(Diamante @ Feb 7 2007, 06:29 AM) 381267
6001th, noob
Reading the post is tech.
6001st POST. 6000th REPLY. Noob.

Unknown2007-02-07 12:07:21
QUOTE(Xavius @ Feb 7 2007, 05:44 AM) 381138
It is beyond the realm of physical possibility for the poem to be completed as your post described. The refrain and acrostic are mutually exclusive. I told Arel this. I'm thinking the message didn't make it to you.
Actually, it is possible, despite head-explodingly hard. I'm just worried if I have the time to work it.
Edit: Wait a sec. Is it 'six to eight' or 'six or eight'?
And about the only good that I can think of the super-structed poems are that if I actually managed to make one, I'll have very little competition.

Shayle2007-02-07 13:12:58
(insert non-crowned LOL smiley here)
I have not, in all my days of being an English teacher, seen a poem that ends more powerfully than "Mistress Shayle's beaded thong."
(Man why do ALL the smileys have to look that way *sadface*)
I have not, in all my days of being an English teacher, seen a poem that ends more powerfully than "Mistress Shayle's beaded thong."

(Man why do ALL the smileys have to look that way *sadface*)
Unknown2007-02-07 14:29:15
QUOTE(Shayle @ Feb 7 2007, 09:12 PM) 381319
(insert non-crowned LOL smiley here)
I have not, in all my days of being an English teacher, seen a poem that ends more powerfully than "Mistress Shayle's beaded thong."
(Man why do ALL the smileys have to look that way *sadface*)
I have not, in all my days of being an English teacher, seen a poem that ends more powerfully than "Mistress Shayle's beaded thong."

(Man why do ALL the smileys have to look that way *sadface*)
Does she? Wear a beaded thong, that is.

Lucan2007-02-07 15:27:34
QUOTE(arkzrael @ Feb 6 2007, 05:34 PM) 381165
Two darkside points to you for that.
Three brownie points for making nearly spray Mountain Dew on the keyboard.
But honest to god, I have a couple that so far as I can see have managed to make all of it work.
Two darkside points to you for that.
Three brownie points for making nearly spray Mountain Dew on the keyboard.
But honest to god, I have a couple that so far as I can see have managed to make all of it work.
OOH! Me! I did!!

Xavius, that made me nearly cry with laughter. Damn you!!
Xavius2007-02-07 21:37:48
QUOTE(Caerulo @ Feb 7 2007, 08:29 AM) 381332
Does she? Wear a beaded thong, that is. 

I'm fairly sure that there are no thongs in Lusternia that are rosy, ruffled, and beaded. Furthermore, if anything of Shayle's was ever held for ransom, the ransomer disappeared along with any memory of him.
Arkzrael2007-02-08 00:48:35
QUOTE(Xavius @ Feb 7 2007, 03:37 PM) 381384
I'm fairly sure that there are no thongs in Lusternia that are rosy, ruffled, and beaded. Furthermore, if anything of Shayle's was ever held for ransom, the ransomer disappeared along with any memory of him. design ideas...-scribbles frantically in her notebook-
Gelo2007-02-08 07:23:42
My ex cheated on me while we were still together.
What a whore.
My ex cheated on me while we were still together.
What a whore.
Unknown2007-02-08 08:54:56
QUOTE(Gelo @ Feb 8 2007, 06:23 PM) 381542
My ex cheated on me while we were still together.
What a whore.
My ex cheated on me while we were still together.
What a whore.
That sucks dude happens. I've cheated on an ex or two, I've been cheated on plenty of times. Doesn't make it ok but it isn't really uncommon. You'll probably do it one day.
Gelo2007-02-08 09:27:39
Uh... not likely.
I dont play with people's hearts. I couldn't. (non-crowned smilie)
It sucks to love so much. Sucks to love someone who turns out to be a whore.
I dont play with people's hearts. I couldn't. (non-crowned smilie)
It sucks to love so much. Sucks to love someone who turns out to be a whore.
Reiha2007-02-08 10:27:31
There's really no reason to cheat, unless you're getting revenge, even then it's still bad...
And I'm sorry Gelo, have no idea how it feels, (nor do I ever want to find out) but hope you feel better soon
And I'm sorry Gelo, have no idea how it feels, (nor do I ever want to find out) but hope you feel better soon

Gelo2007-02-08 14:17:40
Nah, I'm all good right now. I just had that emotion spike when I found out. She's not worth my tears anymore. Thanks Reiha and Quidgy.

Ixion2007-02-08 16:46:46

Arkzrael2007-02-08 17:26:44
Cracked rib from fencing. Cold with the coughing and sneezing. 51 degrees here in the basement.
And no matter what I hurts.
Cracked rib from fencing. Cold with the coughing and sneezing. 51 degrees here in the basement.
And no matter what I hurts.
Sylphas2007-02-08 18:46:15
Wow, you can break bones while fencing? Was that saber?
Arkzrael2007-02-08 19:51:10
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Feb 8 2007, 12:46 PM) 381678
Wow, you can break bones while fencing? Was that saber?
Yes, you can break bones. No, it was not a saber. I avoid saber like the plague, on account of the fact that I can rarely find a properly trained opponent that wants to fight it either. Saber leaves serious welts, due to the fact that it is, for all intents and purposes in its fencing form, a metal whip. No, I was fighting heavy rapier, in a team vs team melee. I was 'legless' and short an arm, so I didn't have my buckler, ducking under two teammates' blades who were vainly attempting some sort of 'save the cripple' move. The two guys we were fighting against were hip-to-hip, like a man with four arms, and one of them found a hole in my defenses as I was thrusting for his throat, and reared his blade back past his shoulder before driving it straight into the lower left section of my ribcage. The blade was a stiffer style, capable of being fought either heavy rapier or sidesword class, and didn't bend when it connected. I was wearing a thick cloth doublet over my clothes, good armor for heavy rapier, not good armor for an opponent who cannot discern between heavy rapier/sidesword/heavy weapon combat.
Needless to say, I am pissed and in pain. I suppose I'll be stepping up to all leather upper body armor next week for practice.
Sylphas2007-02-08 22:47:54
Ooo, that sounds like fun. Well, not the actually bonebreaking.
I thought you meant more sport fencing, where things like that seem a lot less likely.
I thought you meant more sport fencing, where things like that seem a lot less likely.
Arkzrael2007-02-09 04:52:53
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Feb 8 2007, 04:47 PM) 381737
Ooo, that sounds like fun. Well, not the actually bonebreaking.
I thought you meant more sport fencing, where things like that seem a lot less likely.
I thought you meant more sport fencing, where things like that seem a lot less likely.
Oh, oh no no. I do renaissance style fencing, none of that boringly lateral collegiate stuff (though I have done that...tedious, not as fun). Meaning, more contact, more freedom of movement, travelling to tons of events, all sorts of fun. Well, except for this week. It's alright, though. The guy who hit me will be sans-manparts come next Tuesday.