Isluna2007-02-15 13:33:46
Ok, doctors, and holidays make me sick. No joke, every holiday for the last ten years I have gotten sick before, or on. This one was no different. I have been getting ear aches on and off for a few weeks. Go to the doc after two weeks of this and what do I get, 'oh it's nothing'. Three weeks-'still nothing'. It's ruining my karma, I can't hear the phones in the office half the time. And Aleve takes way to long to be of use.
Arkzrael2007-02-15 23:00:29
QUOTE(Luccini @ Feb 14 2007, 02:51 PM) 383260
So... when do the winners get announced n' stuff?
Not that I'm anxious.
Not that I'm anxious.
Winners get announced when the PMS is over and I can be in a good mood enough to sit still and re-read through all of them and go through the checklist of requirements for each. As well as figure out what the hell the prizes are. Without a million other questions and tells coming in for urgent problems while I'm doing it! So...there, it's officially announced...stop asking me!
Reiha2007-02-20 09:40:57
Wish the vet had told me about the mysterious extra two months of chemotherapy beforehand, the

Arkzrael2007-02-20 09:58:07
I love people who make plans to hang out, we go hang for a bit, and then simply because I know how to dye hair...I get carted off to someone's house to recolor their bedamned head some other color, or array of colors, for a six-hour back and forth chemical fiasco in which I can't breathe from all the dyes and bleaches, my clothes get splattered with the blacks everyone must have, and I get to see the 'happy' drugstore/Sally's Beauty Supply/WalMart clerks over and over as more kits and chemicals are bought for a moron who PICKED THE WRONG COLOR WITHOUT ME ALONG IN THE FIRST PLACE. -sigh- Two color strippers, a bleach kit, a brunette kit, a black kit, a red kit later...I'm tired and my EYES ARE BURNING.
Unknown2007-02-20 11:33:57
We can hope their hair falls out I guess?
Arix2007-02-20 11:52:07
or you could use your powers of hair manipulation and MAKE it fall out
Unknown2007-02-20 11:57:33
You're a nasty piece of work. I like you.
Arkzrael2007-02-21 00:21:11
I was tempted to blindfold them, explain that I was using a new hair technique and pull out the shears and SHAVE IT ALL OFF.
They had me up until nearly 6am -cries-
They had me up until nearly 6am -cries-
Arix2007-02-21 00:40:20
give them a 'Britney Spears'
Amarysse2007-02-21 00:42:27
How would she do that? Steal their underwear, loan them a trailer and a tank top, and convince them that Planned Parenthood is a sin?
Arix2007-02-21 00:58:17
I was gonna say shave their head, but that works too
Arkzrael2007-02-21 02:38:30
QUOTE(Amarysse @ Feb 20 2007, 06:42 PM) 384932
How would she do that? Steal their underwear, loan them a trailer and a tank top, and convince them that Planned Parenthood is a sin?
Yeah, darkside points for that one, teehee.
Arix2007-02-21 02:44:30

Sylphas2007-02-21 06:25:17
QUOTE(Arix @ Feb 20 2007, 09:44 PM) 384949

This is the "I just dropped something on the floor and can't quite be bothered to pick it up" smiley. I get that look a lot, I just don't wear crowns.


This is the "Please sis, no more makeup. I'm 15 now, I can't be your doll forever!" smiley. Please don't use this smiley, TMI about your sibling relationships.

The "did I just see a bee fly into my beer can? I really hope not. Should I risk it?" smiley. I freaking hate when this happens, but I'm not sure we need a smiley for it.
Shiri2007-02-21 06:36:49

Daganev2007-02-21 08:11:59
Ok, I just have to say, Heathrow airport SUCKS!!! I have never felt so angry at an airport before. Thank god the British airways planes were comfortable. *shudder* Never using London as a connection again if I can help it....
Reiha2007-02-23 03:26:02

Xavius2007-02-23 05:08:46
New signature!
Gelo2007-02-23 13:14:08
Someone push Edencebastard into the burning pits of Nil please. 

Ayridion2007-02-23 13:15:01
With pleasure.