Genevieve2007-03-16 18:12:52
Wow ummm... that sounds immensely sucky.
Unknown2007-03-17 13:12:21
Having the stomach flu sucks. Alot.
Sylphas2007-03-17 15:48:19
Getting off of work early is great.
Getting home three
ing hours later because of snow and traffic and idiots, that really sucks.
Getting home three

Forren2007-03-17 16:17:55
Aiakon takes a long drag off his pipe.
3571h, 7000m, 2188e, 10p, 20096en, 33460w elrkdbp<>-heartstop
With a heavy overhand stroke, Daevos slams the sinuous claw of midnight storms down upon you. Daevos hacks through your neck like it's butter, and your view of the world suddenly spins wildly as your head flies through the air.
As your severed head hits the ground, you thankfully succumb to death.
You have been slain by Daevos.
A plug of coltsfoot falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a malevolent demon falls out of your inventory.
A calamus root falls out of your inventory.
A calamus root falls out of your inventory.
A stalk of faeleaf falls out of your inventory.
The mortal threads of your being severed, you scream in agony as the Divine spark within you enfolds your body with scorching flames, weaving in the broken threads and restoring you to life.
You are blind and can see nothing but darkness.
3328h, 7000m, 6700e, 0p, 21900en, 33900w esSilrxdb<>-stance legs
focus mind
With grim, final resolve you gather the mental strength to slay yourself and as a tear drops from your eye, you end your time on this mortal coil by stopping your heart in an instant.
You have been slain by misadventure.
The mortal threads of your being severed, you scream in agony as the Divine spark within you enfolds your body with scorching flames, weaving in the broken threads and restoring you to life.
3571h, 7000m, 2188e, 10p, 20096en, 33460w elrkdbp<>-heartstop
With a heavy overhand stroke, Daevos slams the sinuous claw of midnight storms down upon you. Daevos hacks through your neck like it's butter, and your view of the world suddenly spins wildly as your head flies through the air.
As your severed head hits the ground, you thankfully succumb to death.
You have been slain by Daevos.
A plug of coltsfoot falls out of your inventory.
The corpse of a malevolent demon falls out of your inventory.
A calamus root falls out of your inventory.
A calamus root falls out of your inventory.
A stalk of faeleaf falls out of your inventory.
The mortal threads of your being severed, you scream in agony as the Divine spark within you enfolds your body with scorching flames, weaving in the broken threads and restoring you to life.
You are blind and can see nothing but darkness.
3328h, 7000m, 6700e, 0p, 21900en, 33900w esSilrxdb<>-stance legs
focus mind
With grim, final resolve you gather the mental strength to slay yourself and as a tear drops from your eye, you end your time on this mortal coil by stopping your heart in an instant.
You have been slain by misadventure.
The mortal threads of your being severed, you scream in agony as the Divine spark within you enfolds your body with scorching flames, weaving in the broken threads and restoring you to life.
Diamondais2007-03-17 16:24:44
Ouch, that's a lot of essence lost isn't it?
Forren2007-03-17 16:27:33
QUOTE(diamondais @ Mar 17 2007, 12:24 PM) 391417
Ouch, that's a lot of essence lost isn't it?
700,000, yeah. That's seven normal astral trips without a circlet.
Arkzrael2007-03-19 16:21:58
Always, I'm thirty seconds too slow to log out...
EDIT: And that's all you need to know.
EDIT: And that's all you need to know.

Evette2007-03-20 01:00:16
being nine months prego sucks
Tervic2007-03-20 09:01:22
QUOTE(Asarnil @ Mar 15 2007, 12:26 AM) 390955

Nuahaha that's great. And so true too. It's how I fixed my old computer. Apparently there was a dustbunny lodged in a bad place and kicking it.... well... fixed the problem!

QUOTE(Gwynevere @ Mar 15 2007, 03:13 PM) 391154
Tired of people associating "snuggly" with "stupid", especially when people believe that's who I am as a player. I'm not claiming to be the brightest star in the sky, but yeah. Heh. Thanks a lot...
I have my own plans and reasons for Gwyne's actions... but it really peevs me when people treat me that way out of the game. Get over yourselves
Get to know me first before you start talking crap.

I have my own plans and reasons for Gwyne's actions... but it really peevs me when people treat me that way out of the game. Get over yourselves

I don't tag you as snuggly or stupid. Just insane. I find it HIGHLY amusing, especially when you call Ishimoru "strange banana man". I'm still lording that over him, by the way. Feed me more cannon fodder!
Arix2007-03-20 12:39:57
strange...banana man?
Diamondais2007-03-20 12:42:13
QUOTE(Arix @ Mar 20 2007, 07:39 AM) 391978
strange...banana man?
You know Arix, I'm not really sure we -really- want to know.
Gwynevere2007-03-20 19:34:09
QUOTE(Arix @ Mar 20 2007, 04:39 AM) 391978
strange...banana man?
Ahaha! Tervic was calling me a Strange Banana... and it made me laugh, so I started calling Ishimoru that, just cause it was fun to say.

Arix2007-03-20 19:36:15
Reiha2007-03-20 20:04:11
Ishimoru likes being called, "pudding", fyi.
And I miss I certain someone who won't be playing anymore :/ Our characters never really got to hang out, but I still miss her!
And I miss I certain someone who won't be playing anymore :/ Our characters never really got to hang out, but I still miss her!

Arel2007-03-21 04:36:44
It seriously aggravates me that ESPN talks massive crap about MAC teams and gives them no respect. The woman commentator for the BGSU vs. Vanderbilt game for the women's tournament was being such an idiot.
Tervic2007-03-21 09:04:53
QUOTE(Gwynevere @ Mar 20 2007, 12:34 PM) 392038
Ahaha! Tervic was calling me a Strange Banana... and it made me laugh, so I started calling Ishimoru that, just cause it was fun to say. 

No, I called ISHIMORU the strange banana

YOU, on the other hand, dearest crazy, are quite clearly a bizzleshomp.
Ashteru2007-03-22 17:55:34
:censor: them!
Just spent two hours working out to get rid of some of my steam.
:censor: them!
Just spent two hours working out to get rid of some of my steam.
Shayle2007-03-22 19:41:19
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Mar 22 2007, 01:55 PM) 392491

Ashteru2007-03-22 19:45:24
Didn't include all teachers. Just some of mine. <.<
(Seeing my momma is also one. ~_~)
(Seeing my momma is also one. ~_~)
Xavius2007-03-22 20:55:30
Transfer credits. Or, rather, the lack of them.
I have 48 credit hours of college work at other institutions and credit-by-examination scores equivalent to another 20 hours. These include such things as Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English Composition, Biology I and II, Intro to Artistic Photography, and many hours of philosophy and theology. A grand total of zero credits transferred, and I am looking into taking more gen eds, which include things like...Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English Composition, Biology I and II, Beginning Photography and Darkroom, and the entirety of the philosophy and religious studies departments.

I have 48 credit hours of college work at other institutions and credit-by-examination scores equivalent to another 20 hours. These include such things as Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English Composition, Biology I and II, Intro to Artistic Photography, and many hours of philosophy and theology. A grand total of zero credits transferred, and I am looking into taking more gen eds, which include things like...Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English Composition, Biology I and II, Beginning Photography and Darkroom, and the entirety of the philosophy and religious studies departments.