Unknown2007-05-27 21:14:20
QUOTE(Noola @ May 27 2007, 12:50 PM) 412368
I have a headache. Not quite a migrane but a very close cousin. Like an Uncle Daddy kind of cousin. I hate headaches especially ones that hurt so bad you feel like you might vomit and your skin feels all hot and every bit of light stabs you in the eyes like needles. Those suck.
I'm gonna go lay back down now and pray I either die or manage to go to sleep till the medicine kicks in.
I'm gonna go lay back down now and pray I either die or manage to go to sleep till the medicine kicks in.
I've had a weird headache for the past week too, can only go onto Lusty for half-an-hour most of the times before feeling like throwing up. It's like this stabbing feeling in the back of my neck that allows me to only i) walk around like a zombie or ii) lie in bed. Hope we both get better soon!!
Unknown2007-05-27 21:45:07
QUOTE(Shou @ May 27 2007, 05:14 PM) 412382
I've had a weird headache for the past week too, can only go onto Lusty for half-an-hour most of the times before feeling like throwing up. It's like this stabbing feeling in the back of my neck that allows me to only i) walk around like a zombie or ii) lie in bed. Hope we both get better soon!!
See: Doctor.
Noola2007-05-27 22:39:25
QUOTE(Shou @ May 27 2007, 04:14 PM) 412382
I've had a weird headache for the past week too, can only go onto Lusty for half-an-hour most of the times before feeling like throwing up. It's like this stabbing feeling in the back of my neck that allows me to only i) walk around like a zombie or ii) lie in bed. Hope we both get better soon!!
That sucks! My headache is mostly gone now, thank goodness. A nice four hour nap and a slight overdose of over the counter painkillers did wonders. Still a little achy but nothing like before.
Yours sounds bad though... if I had one that bad for a whole week I'd go crazy. Is it stress? I only ask cause of the back of the neck aspect... usually when I get headaches that focus on that general area, they're stress related.
Unknown2007-05-27 23:43:26
Hmm shouldn't be stress, since I'm off school now, but who knows. It's been on and off, I keep thinking it's gone and then poof, it comes back again, usually in the afternoon and evening. Not like a killer headache though, feels more like imminent doom slowly throbbing in my head. Yeeaah... if this headache still exists tomorrow morning I'll go see a doctor =S
Arix2007-05-27 23:54:29
mmm...throbbing doom
Unknown2007-05-28 00:08:52
It sounds like a migraine rather than a headache...headache's don't usually make people want to throw up. Are you sensitive to light?
Arix2007-05-28 00:12:30
My rant: My upstairs neighbor is playing this loud, repetitive bass music. Because he's upstairs, I can't use my usual technique of 'drown them out with really awful music'. Grrrr
Noola2007-05-28 00:17:38
QUOTE(Quidgyboo @ May 27 2007, 07:08 PM) 412397
It sounds like a migraine rather than a headache...headache's don't usually make people want to throw up. Are you sensitive to light?
Well, I dunno about Shou, but my headache today wasn't quite a migrane. When I have a migrane I can't even get out of bed and walk in a straight line. Even moving my eyes from left to right makes me sick. I get them every now and then. Today though, that was just a bad, bad headache.
Unknown2007-05-28 00:27:10
To be honest I've never understood the difference between a migraine and a headache ... should go look that up sometime -lol-. I'm not sensitive to light, or at least I don't recall ever having problems with it. I'm looking at my screen right now and it's not too bad, and I think my neck feels weird mostly due to the fact that I've been lying my head on a pillow for a majority of my time. In any case I think all the symptoms should go away by tomorrow, and if not then I will seek out professional help. Well I don't want to cause a ruckus over my headaches, but thanks for showing some concern =)
and @Arix: My brother's room is right next to mine and he has one of those 6-speaker stereo systems. He likes to play a mix of Backstreet Boys, weird songs that circulate on p2p servers, and stuff that I call 'devil music' haha. Hmm, that may be one of the sources of these head pains...
and @Arix: My brother's room is right next to mine and he has one of those 6-speaker stereo systems. He likes to play a mix of Backstreet Boys, weird songs that circulate on p2p servers, and stuff that I call 'devil music' haha. Hmm, that may be one of the sources of these head pains...
Arix2007-05-28 00:38:59
I have one of those boomboxes from the 90's, that thing can get loud
Noola2007-05-28 00:40:42
QUOTE(Arix @ May 27 2007, 07:38 PM) 412403
I have one of those boomboxes from the 90's, that thing can get loud
Oooh! I used to have one of those! My little sister ruined it though.
Charune2007-05-28 00:44:50
QUOTE(Shou @ May 27 2007, 06:27 PM) 412401
To be honest I've never understood the difference between a migraine and a headache
Trust me if you have a migraine you will know it. If you are not curled up in a ball whimpering in pain or at the hospital being dosed with Triptan or Imitrex and oxygen.. odds are you haven't experienced a migraine. I have spent my life with them, they make me look forward to just having a headache.
Unknown2007-05-28 01:23:56
I've only had one or two in my life. One had me crying like a baby and the other had me throwing up due to the pain. Not fun.
Anyway, my rant: Doctors who do't bother to return my calls or faxes. We pay them almost $19/ 5 minutes of their time and they still don't bother! I can't do my job properly if they won't respond.
Anyway, my rant: Doctors who do't bother to return my calls or faxes. We pay them almost $19/ 5 minutes of their time and they still don't bother! I can't do my job properly if they won't respond.
Unknown2007-05-28 03:24:54
QUOTE(Charune @ May 27 2007, 08:44 PM) 412405
Trust me if you have a migraine you will know it. If you are not curled up in a ball whimpering in pain or at the hospital being dosed with Triptan or Imitrex and oxygen.. odds are you haven't experienced a migraine. I have spent my life with them, they make me look forward to just having a headache.
Except I try to sleep while curled up and whimpering in pain...
Furien2007-05-28 18:52:04
My little brother is such a....buttmunch.
About five months ago, he's yelling at me to get off the computer an hour early (with no explanation whatsoever) and along with touching my back and hair (of which I DESPISE), he starts yanking at my headphones. My only set of headphones now has just ONE EARPHONE. Bastard. I've had to listen to alllll the annoying people in the house and the loud people outside for five months 'cause I don't have two headphones to blast music in.
I wake up today to find my one last headphone scattered around the room. The fuzzy ear thing (so you don't have to put your ear against wires and plastic) is sitting behind the desk. The headphone and wires etc. are about 7 feet away, barely concealed behind some magazines. The grey holder-thingy (attaches to the earphone and goes over the top of your ear) is still missing. After 15 minutes, my mother happens to find it saying "I'd found it earlier, but I forgot where I put it." Can't blame her.
Now, the holder deal won't fit in well with the earphone. It's constantly hanging loose and looks like it's gonna fall.
About five months ago, he's yelling at me to get off the computer an hour early (with no explanation whatsoever) and along with touching my back and hair (of which I DESPISE), he starts yanking at my headphones. My only set of headphones now has just ONE EARPHONE. Bastard. I've had to listen to alllll the annoying people in the house and the loud people outside for five months 'cause I don't have two headphones to blast music in.
I wake up today to find my one last headphone scattered around the room. The fuzzy ear thing (so you don't have to put your ear against wires and plastic) is sitting behind the desk. The headphone and wires etc. are about 7 feet away, barely concealed behind some magazines. The grey holder-thingy (attaches to the earphone and goes over the top of your ear) is still missing. After 15 minutes, my mother happens to find it saying "I'd found it earlier, but I forgot where I put it." Can't blame her.
Now, the holder deal won't fit in well with the earphone. It's constantly hanging loose and looks like it's gonna fall.

Ashteru2007-05-29 01:20:15
I'd say....buy a new one? 

Sarrasri2007-05-29 01:59:09
QUOTE(Ashteru @ May 28 2007, 06:20 PM) 412631
I'd say....buy a new one? 

Like you keep saying you need a new headset? (Which you do by the way.)
Furien2007-05-29 02:04:22
Four days to next payday.

Sylphas2007-05-29 05:27:27
QUOTE(Corinthian @ May 27 2007, 01:30 PM) 412375
I wish I was your friend so I could brag around you
And if I had WoW I would so have sexual favors from my girlfriend while both of us playing at the same time.. we are kinky
oh, if only I had the money

And if I had WoW I would so have sexual favors from my girlfriend while both of us playing at the same time.. we are kinky
oh, if only I had the money

When you least expect it, I'm going to punch you in the face. Through the internet. You'll be laughing at something on YouTube or doing god only knows what, having a great time, and then WHAM, you'll be flat on your ass wondering why the room is spinning.

Diamondais2007-05-29 14:49:48
Callia, please please please get rid of those three things in your sig that wont show up. The computers I'm able to use are getting annoyed!