Sylphas2007-06-25 21:43:58
What I don't get is why people would even ask that much. In my entire lifetime, if I save everything I ever make, I might have a couple million dollars. Even if you take every last cent I've ever had or will have, I would not be able to pay that. So how the hell does it work? Do people honestly set out to ruin people's lives over :censor: like one pair of lost pants? If so, they should be hung, immediately, from the nearest object of suitable height and left there to rot as a warning to others.
Sylphas2007-06-26 06:37:27
Internet being a prick and dropping me in the middle of trying out Nightbane. Damn you internet!
On the bright side, we got plenty of Prince practice in before that, so that was good.
On the other hand, my work schedule means I might get a spot in Karazhan one night a week, maybe, if someone else isn't on that night.
On the bright side, we got plenty of Prince practice in before that, so that was good.
On the other hand, my work schedule means I might get a spot in Karazhan one night a week, maybe, if someone else isn't on that night.

Yrael2007-06-26 06:44:25
The rain. It's supposed to have changed from el nino to la nina, but screw the farmers, I want my clear nights back.
Also, the wait until my assessment day.
*hiss ADF*
Also, the wait until my assessment day.
*hiss ADF*
Shiri2007-06-26 06:51:38
QUOTE(Yrael @ Jun 26 2007, 07:44 AM) 420552
The rain. It's supposed to have changed from el nino to la nina, but screw the farmers, I want my clear nights back.
Also, the wait until my assessment day.
*hiss ADF*
Also, the wait until my assessment day.
*hiss ADF*
The rain. I love the rain! But now I feel guilty because while I was enjoying it, 3 people apparently drowned under various bizarre circumstances across the country...apparently a river in Yorkshire flooded over and somehow drowned a healthy adult who got his foot trapped in a drain in the street by completely submerging him. Wow. Dambursts and so forth too.
Sylphas2007-06-27 06:55:09
Learning to juggle four/five balls after learning three is just about as hard as learning to juggle was in the first place. I should just go back to working on club tricks or something. 

Jack2007-06-27 06:58:32
Why is my bladder so weak? I've had literally five pee's in about as many hours. Not even little dribbly ones either, I'm talking full blown, hands behind your head, back-crackling-as-you-stretch morning pee's.
I heard that on the news, and that's just about the most horrifying way to die I can think of. It's like torture.
My mum's reaction was "why didn't they cut his foot off? At least he would've survived."
The rain. I love the rain! But now I feel guilty because while I was enjoying it, 3 people apparently drowned under various bizarre circumstances across the country...apparently a river in Yorkshire flooded over and somehow drowned a healthy adult who got his foot trapped in a drain in the street by completely submerging him. Wow. Dambursts and so forth too.
I heard that on the news, and that's just about the most horrifying way to die I can think of. It's like torture.
My mum's reaction was "why didn't they cut his foot off? At least he would've survived."

Shiri2007-06-27 08:28:23
QUOTE(Jack @ Jun 27 2007, 07:58 AM) 421027
I heard that on the news, and that's just about the most horrifying way to die I can think of. It's like torture.
My mum's reaction was "why didn't they cut his foot off? At least he would've survived."
I heard that on the news, and that's just about the most horrifying way to die I can think of. It's like torture.
My mum's reaction was "why didn't they cut his foot off? At least he would've survived."

Wow. That sounds like the kind of thing my brother would say.
Unknown2007-06-27 08:53:47
would make sense to cut his foot off. I mean if they can't get him out of the drain that is. Feet cutting shouldn't be the first option. It's a good plan b though.
Shiri2007-06-27 09:07:31
How can "they" cut his foot off, if there was a "they", if they're also being drowned and swept away by a flash flood that has to reach at least chest height on an average man?
Unknown2007-06-27 18:15:08

He gives up and a tidle wave of water comes
Anarias2007-06-28 08:38:02
QUOTE(Jack @ Jun 27 2007, 12:58 AM) 421027
Why is my bladder so weak? I've had literally five pee's in about as many hours. Not even little dribbly ones either, I'm talking full blown, hands behind your head, back-crackling-as-you-stretch morning pee's.
Sounds like someone has a case of the grapefruit prostate!
Hazar2007-06-28 11:42:21
Last night, when I was working on my paper, it was so hot that I was literally taking off clothes and my hair was assuming the consistency of pasta. This morning, when I'm working on my paper, it's cold enough that I'm putting on a jacket.
Yrael2007-06-28 12:26:34
I'm now down from the 35 hours a week of work at 3 jobs that gave me a comfortable buffer of money ontop of my expenses to 20, which is just enough to cover them and give me maybe an extra hundred a week, due to trying to kill a manager.
Sylphas2007-06-28 12:46:03
Well, jobs usually do frown on attempted murder at work, you can't really blame them for cutting your hours after that.
Hazar2007-06-28 12:47:55
Maybe where you work.
Yrael2007-06-28 12:54:34
The owner had seen me dealing with the :censor: the manager had handed me for over a month without a word out of me. I don't like being king hit in the back of the head either, again without provocation.
Sylphas2007-06-28 12:59:06
If you're going to kill people at work, at least aim for the ones at the top, and take over. I doubt the shareholders will say much if you're standing over a mound of corpses, covered in blood, laughing.
Yrael2007-06-28 13:02:26
Hardy freakin' har har.
Xavius2007-06-28 14:25:19
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Jun 28 2007, 07:59 AM) 421391
If you're going to kill people at work, at least aim for the ones at the top, and take over. I doubt the shareholders will say much if you're standing over a mound of corpses, covered in blood, laughing.
Oh, I'm sure they'll say something, just not to you. Probably "Sell, sell!"
EDIT: Which is a shame, because something like that would triple worker efficiency.
Unknown2007-06-28 15:32:47
QUOTE(Sylphas @ Jun 28 2007, 12:59 PM) 421391
If you're going to kill people at work, at least aim for the ones at the top, and take over. I doubt the shareholders will say much if you're standing over a mound of corpses, covered in blood, laughing.
That's about right.
The trick is to kill everyone that freaks out until the only people that are left are the ones that are paralyzed by fear, then you just set them to work and go and chillax in the bosses office.