Ildaudid2006-06-29 19:20:10
Ok good, and not from a lightie! Thanks Xenthos... remind me to slap that lightie who told me it was Protectors.
Shorlen2006-06-29 20:23:00
QUOTE(diamondais @ Jun 29 2006, 03:01 PM) 303754
Im really hating this lack of interest in Novices in Serenwilde right now..especially since I actually worked up the nerve to ask for an advancement test.
We're working on it

Unknown2006-06-29 20:23:53
QUOTE(Shorlen @ Jun 29 2006, 01:23 PM) 303783
We're working on it

Work faster!
Diamondais2006-06-29 20:24:41
The sad thing is, there was an undersec around and I walked by him and he was doing nothing.
Now Im afraid to ask.

Shorlen2006-06-29 20:25:27
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Jun 29 2006, 04:23 PM) 303784
Work faster!
If I fail my thesis, I will become a REAL bum, and not a pretend one. I'd rather focus on that a bit more than Lusternia at the moment, sadly

QUOTE(diamondais @ Jun 29 2006, 04:24 PM) 303785
The sad thing is, there was an undersec around and I walked by him and he was doing nothing.
Now Im afraid to ask.

What guild, Moondancers?
Diamondais2006-06-29 20:26:10
Edit: To Shorlen: And you go worky on Thesis, they take a lot of work.
Edit: To Shorlen: And you go worky on Thesis, they take a lot of work.
Shorlen2006-06-29 20:32:56
QUOTE(diamondais @ Jun 29 2006, 04:26 PM) 303787
Edit: To Shorlen: And you go worky on Thesis, they take a lot of work.
Edit: To Shorlen: And you go worky on Thesis, they take a lot of work.
Project partner is out for a bit

Diamondais2006-06-29 20:40:07
Good point.
And you shouldnt talk about others behind their back
And you shouldnt talk about others behind their back

Unknown2006-06-29 21:13:58
...Then work faster on the Thesis! >.< And then work faster on Lusternia problems!!
Diamondais2006-06-29 21:15:27
He was working on the Novice bit a bit..then he got distracted by something important that anyone understands.
Shorlen2006-06-29 21:16:30
QUOTE(diamondais @ Jun 29 2006, 05:15 PM) 303794
He was working on the Novice bit a bit..then he got distracted by something important that anyone understands.
I was TRYING to help, but Shamarah kept attacking the Serenwilde >_<
Shamarah2006-06-29 21:23:48
Dreamweavers irritate me. Not because they have any chance whatsoever of killing me, but because they can make me have to sleep for a few minutes and there's nothing I can do about it.
Shorlen2006-06-29 21:37:28
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 29 2006, 05:23 PM) 303797
Dreamweavers irritate me. Not because they have any chance whatsoever of killing me, but because they can make me have to sleep for a few minutes and there's nothing I can do about it.
You were asleep at 1,000 mana at one point. And I had 7 power

Shamarah2006-06-29 21:40:08
I was using metawake; I'd have woken up before you got eq back.
I was surprised you didn't use Posess at several points though.
I was surprised you didn't use Posess at several points though.
Shorlen2006-06-29 21:45:37
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 29 2006, 05:40 PM) 303804
I was using metawake; I'd have woken up before you got eq back.
I was surprised you didn't use Posess at several points though.
I only have it because of a strongfavour that I forgot I had :facepalm: I don't consider it worthwhile as a combat skill, and I don't know the commands to use any of your skills

Shamarah2006-06-29 21:53:30
There are numerous absurdly broken ways to use Dreamweaving in combat, but no one uses them because there aren't really any Dreamweaver fighters.
Shorlen2006-06-29 21:56:28
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 29 2006, 05:53 PM) 303812
There are numerous absurdly broken ways to use Dreamweaving in combat, but no one uses them because there aren't really any Dreamweaver fighters.
I'm trying to learn

The fact that communication between dreamweavers is nigh impossible while dreamweaving really does cramp many of them though

Shamarah2006-06-29 21:56:45
Why does FLING LUST AT GROUND consume a use of Enigma? 

Shorlen2006-06-29 21:58:28
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 29 2006, 05:56 PM) 303816
Why does FLING LUST AT GROUND consume a use of Enigma? 

Because love is mysterioius.
Verithrax2006-06-29 23:20:05
QUOTE(Shamarah @ Jun 29 2006, 06:56 PM) 303816
Why does FLING LUST AT GROUND consume a use of Enigma?

Someone just joined the Celestines...