Unknown2007-08-16 01:00:35
That's true, and I would never buy an RTS for a console. I can't imagine trying to control that. However, Overlord for the 360 did a nice job of integrating some RTS elements into the game without making it impossible to handle. I think the Xbox is as good as you'll get for console FPSing. Something about the triggers makes it oh-so-satisfying.
True about fighting games...but not only are those only good on consoles, but really only good on the PS2. It's the only controller that seems to work with them. I want one of those spiffy Street Fighter joy-stick-arcade-button pad things.
True about fighting games...but not only are those only good on consoles, but really only good on the PS2. It's the only controller that seems to work with them. I want one of those spiffy Street Fighter joy-stick-arcade-button pad things.
Shiri2007-08-16 01:04:53
Yeah, Smash bros was ridiculously clunky coming from PS2 Soul Calibur 2 and Guilty Gear XX#Reload.
Never heard of Overlord. I've a PS2 and my brother a GC, but never seen a lot of GC games.
Never heard of Overlord. I've a PS2 and my brother a GC, but never seen a lot of GC games.
Unknown2007-08-16 01:39:01
Is it just me, or have a bunch of new characters been added to SSBB?
Unknown2007-08-16 01:39:03
The Wii manages to pull off FPS just fine. And Metroid Prime 3 is coming out in just 2 and a half weeks, baby! Yeah!
Oh, and the Wii could also manage RTS games just fine, due to the fact that its pretty much usable like a mouse. Just lacking the hotkeys, but that could be remedied in various ways, especially if you attach the nunchuck.
Oh, and the Wii could also manage RTS games just fine, due to the fact that its pretty much usable like a mouse. Just lacking the hotkeys, but that could be remedied in various ways, especially if you attach the nunchuck.
Shiri2007-08-16 01:44:44
QUOTE(S.A.W. @ Aug 16 2007, 02:39 AM) 434006
The Wii manages to pull off FPS just fine. And Metroid Prime 3 is coming out in just 2 and a half weeks, baby! Yeah!
Oh, and the Wii could also manage RTS games just fine, due to the fact that its pretty much usable like a mouse. Just lacking the hotkeys, but that could be remedied in various ways, especially if you attach the nunchuck.
Oh, and the Wii could also manage RTS games just fine, due to the fact that its pretty much usable like a mouse. Just lacking the hotkeys, but that could be remedied in various ways, especially if you attach the nunchuck.
I'm not convinced it'd be able to do an RTS like starcraft like that without exhausting yourself, but I'll concede on the FPS.
How would you move though?
Unknown2007-08-16 02:21:01
Metroid Prime 3 makes me wish I had an Wii so bad. I -loved- the first two.
I think a FPS would be great on the Wii: You move with the nunchuck joy stick, and you aim and fire with the Wii-mote.
I think a FPS would be great on the Wii: You move with the nunchuck joy stick, and you aim and fire with the Wii-mote.
Acrune2007-08-16 02:25:28
Overlord is amusing, but soooo, easy. I have yet to get below half health.
Can't wait for Halo 3
Gears of War makes me angry when the bullets don't go where I aim.
Can't wait for Halo 3

Unknown2007-08-16 03:33:13
They are willing to make different add ons to the wiimote. For a RTS they could easily make one with just a bunch of hotkey buttons.
Shiri2007-08-16 03:38:46
Control groups would be a bitch, too.
Sylphas2007-08-16 04:41:04
Joystick pads are great until your
ing joystick pops off in the middle of a match. I hate to whine, but you really can't brag about beating someone who can't move. 

Unknown2007-08-17 01:14:36
Actually, as someone who uses the Wii Browser pretty often, you can use the wii-mote like a mouse without much exertion, because you basically just have to move your wrist if your arm is propped on something.
Not only that, but a small keyboard attachment that connects to the Wiimote would pretty much make an RTS work perfectly.
Though, really what I want is an attachment for the Wiimote that is actually a second pointer, so you can play a game where you dual-wield guns that you can fire at opposite targets. Now thaaat would be sweet.
Metroid i'm definitely grabbing. I love RE4: Wii Edition, even though its hard as hell. But the point-and-shoot functionality is just so much fun.
I'm also looking forward to "No More Heroes" which looks like it'll be really fun. How can a beam katana-wielding assassin and over-the-top anime gore not equal fun?
Though, the game I want most is Sadness, but there's so little released about it. All thats really known is that its a survival horror game that will be set in Pre-WWI Europe, and that it will be black and white. You play a woman who is trying to protect her narcoleptic son after you both get stranded in the wilderness with werewolves and other nasty things after you. That just sounds like tons of fun.
Not only that, but a small keyboard attachment that connects to the Wiimote would pretty much make an RTS work perfectly.
Though, really what I want is an attachment for the Wiimote that is actually a second pointer, so you can play a game where you dual-wield guns that you can fire at opposite targets. Now thaaat would be sweet.
Metroid i'm definitely grabbing. I love RE4: Wii Edition, even though its hard as hell. But the point-and-shoot functionality is just so much fun.
I'm also looking forward to "No More Heroes" which looks like it'll be really fun. How can a beam katana-wielding assassin and over-the-top anime gore not equal fun?
Though, the game I want most is Sadness, but there's so little released about it. All thats really known is that its a survival horror game that will be set in Pre-WWI Europe, and that it will be black and white. You play a woman who is trying to protect her narcoleptic son after you both get stranded in the wilderness with werewolves and other nasty things after you. That just sounds like tons of fun.
Acrune2007-08-17 02:21:05
*My last day of internship
*I called to see if I have to report for jury duty tomorrow, and I have to call again tomorrow at noon to see if I have to report at 1:30. I was supposed to go to the beach this weekend, but jury duty may screw me out of that. I've already had one vacation ruined this summer, lets see if we can make it oh for two. The possibility of jury duty has already screwed me out of a days wage (~$120...)
*Power went out for no reason for nearly 3 hours while I was bashing. Luckily I had already finished the gorgog I was killing...
I'm grumpy
*I called to see if I have to report for jury duty tomorrow, and I have to call again tomorrow at noon to see if I have to report at 1:30. I was supposed to go to the beach this weekend, but jury duty may screw me out of that. I've already had one vacation ruined this summer, lets see if we can make it oh for two. The possibility of jury duty has already screwed me out of a days wage (~$120...)
*Power went out for no reason for nearly 3 hours while I was bashing. Luckily I had already finished the gorgog I was killing...
I'm grumpy

Moriana2007-08-20 23:53:53
I'm starting to feel...inaudible.
Not even insignificant, or unimportant, or forgotten. Just good old unheard.
I know I have a soft voice, but still, it's somewhat annoying to have to project just to say "Good morning," more annoying to not be heard at all, and even worse to have people complacently fill in what they think I said instead of what I actually said. Maybe I should take up interpretative dance as a means of communication. It probably couldn't be much more imprecise than the spoken word.
Not even insignificant, or unimportant, or forgotten. Just good old unheard.
I know I have a soft voice, but still, it's somewhat annoying to have to project just to say "Good morning," more annoying to not be heard at all, and even worse to have people complacently fill in what they think I said instead of what I actually said. Maybe I should take up interpretative dance as a means of communication. It probably couldn't be much more imprecise than the spoken word.
Unknown2007-08-20 23:58:07
QUOTE(Moriana @ Aug 20 2007, 06:53 PM) 434942
I know I have a soft voice, but still, it's somewhat annoying to have to project just to say "Good morning," more annoying to not be heard at all, and even worse to have people complacently fill in what they think I said instead of what I actually said.
I also enjoy fishing!
Moriana2007-08-21 00:10:23

Waah! Stop making light of my heartrending pain!
Shayle2007-08-21 02:32:24
Cancer strikes again.
Evil Evil Evil.
Evil Evil Evil.
Diamondais2007-08-21 03:08:27
QUOTE(Shayle @ Aug 20 2007, 10:32 PM) 434971
Cancer strikes again.
Evil Evil Evil.
Evil Evil Evil.
Isn't it?

Reiha2007-08-21 05:35:06
QUOTE(Moriana @ Aug 20 2007, 05:10 PM) 434946

Waah! Stop making light of my heartrending pain!
When he does that, just stab him in the throat with a unsharpened pencil, and whisper softly into his ear, "I said 'good morning',

Emo rant: losing and being hated by two friends after gaining one. Sux.

Ildaudid2007-08-21 06:26:03
QUOTE(Reiha @ Aug 21 2007, 01:35 AM) 435013
Emo rant: losing and being hated by two friends after gaining one. Sux. 

Confucius say:
Ahh, but one true friend is always better than 2 false friends. So I am sure you have truly lost nothing, yet gained everything.

Shiri2007-08-21 11:14:10
Got a new game, which is fine, but after a while of playing it I start to get seasick. Anyone know a cure for that?