Shiri2007-09-06 06:00:08
I only really see Alodia's of those as terrible. It goes onto the second line of things, which is aggravating. The others aren't so bad.
Unknown2007-09-06 06:02:56
I'm sure there are worse out there, I was just posting what I saw at the time.
Alodia2007-09-06 06:07:59

Though there's nothing I can do about the Suffix It IS LONG!
Yrael2007-09-06 06:10:22
How about "Alodia, Matron Mother"
Alodia2007-09-06 06:17:17
Am I Matronic?!!!
Then my rant is People viewing me as Matronic!!!
Then my rant is People viewing me as Matronic!!!
Yrael2007-09-06 06:30:05
Matron more in a religious sense. You don't have to slap your full guild title on the end. I'm sure people recognise Alodia, if only for the fact that she's great fun to stalk.
Gelo2007-09-06 08:55:34
QUOTE(Alodia @ Sep 6 2007, 04:17 PM) 439105
Am I Matronic?!!!
Then my rant is People viewing me as Matronic!!!
Then my rant is People viewing me as Matronic!!!
How about just Mrs. Alodia Hornstar?

Arix2007-09-06 10:13:36
I think Gelo Luminare sounds better
Acrune2007-09-07 05:07:20
93 (88%)
I need to get out more....

Furien2007-09-07 22:49:20
Lets see if I can summarize it. I'm full of rants today- COMPLETELY. (Okay, whoa, it's long.)
Recently, the stalker chick (who will be mentioned henceforth as 'devil girl') that has been stalking me for the past freaking YEAR and making my freshman life at school miserable has backed off. Sort of.
She's dating my brother. My younger brother. Who is in eighth grade. And she's in tenth grade, with me.
Normally, I'd be OMG GAG YOU FREAK at this (because of the school difference and the fact its my brother and..her, of all people) but I've tolerated it.
An unfortunate side effect of this is that she's been hanging out around my apartment complex. A lot. Making-me-want-to-shut-the-windows lot. I just figured, y'know, she'll stay out there. If she gets too close I'll just have to nail a cross to my door.
She crept closer and closer, one way or another. Her and two other girls that made my life miserable at school (I really should just tell them I'm gay so they scram :/) tried to lure me outside three days ago. They said they had a book I loaned to them last year. Bull. If I was going to loan them something, it'd be duct tape over their mouth or a class transfer. ><
Of course, I just shrugged them off. Dealt with it before. But, well, she found a new way to get at me.
She started becoming friends with my little brother on Xbox Live before they dated (we share the same gamertag, so I can't play Live without getting PO'd anymore) and, eventually, would start playing here. At our house. Together.
I absolutely HATE this girl being in my house. I mean, I sometimes imagine myself throwing a Bible at her and watching her shriek and dissolve in a cloud of smoke. However, I'm not religious nor does life work so conveniently. She comes in here and completely invades my privacy- she can see what I'm doing on the computer, just about anything in my daily life which I constantly tried to hide from her. She plays Xbox live upstairs in the bedroom that I share with my brother and me. Last night, she brought over her freaking parakeet at one point and my brother put the damn thing on my shoulder. See, normally, I'm fine with birds. They're nice. But this girl's spent a good 5-10 bus rides trying to get me to touch it when she brought it to school during lunch (wings clipped) enough for me to think it's probably some hellish bat. My little brother put it right in between my shoulder blades. Normally, that's where my long hair would be if that asian barber hadn't attacked it like a crazed sheep, so I almost went NUTS before telling him to get the thing off.
-At this point, she's back in the house. Le sigh.-
Last night, as well, she stayed for a good five hours to walk with my step-dad thing (they aren't married or engaged ). And then watched a horror movie together, all three of them. I didn't notice until AFTER the movie how she completely murdered my brother's hair. His bangs are yellow/blonde. The right side, near his ears, is green. THe left side, near his ears, is red. Everything else is BLACK.
Its like she's slowly and viciously prying open this shell that I've told her to stay the hell away from since day one, and have since then told her multiple times to just..GTFO.
And now, as I edit this part, she's upstairs. In my room. With my cat. And my books, my games (probably playing my own games, too), my week-old pack of icebreaker mints, my BED and who knows what else. I seriously don't want to seem like a paranoid, delusional jackass, but this is driving me ABSOLUTELY NUTS. ><
Lets see if I can summarize it. I'm full of rants today- COMPLETELY. (Okay, whoa, it's long.)
Recently, the stalker chick (who will be mentioned henceforth as 'devil girl') that has been stalking me for the past freaking YEAR and making my freshman life at school miserable has backed off. Sort of.
She's dating my brother. My younger brother. Who is in eighth grade. And she's in tenth grade, with me.
Normally, I'd be OMG GAG YOU FREAK at this (because of the school difference and the fact its my brother and..her, of all people) but I've tolerated it.
An unfortunate side effect of this is that she's been hanging out around my apartment complex. A lot. Making-me-want-to-shut-the-windows lot. I just figured, y'know, she'll stay out there. If she gets too close I'll just have to nail a cross to my door.
She crept closer and closer, one way or another. Her and two other girls that made my life miserable at school (I really should just tell them I'm gay so they scram :/) tried to lure me outside three days ago. They said they had a book I loaned to them last year. Bull. If I was going to loan them something, it'd be duct tape over their mouth or a class transfer. ><
Of course, I just shrugged them off. Dealt with it before. But, well, she found a new way to get at me.
She started becoming friends with my little brother on Xbox Live before they dated (we share the same gamertag, so I can't play Live without getting PO'd anymore) and, eventually, would start playing here. At our house. Together.
I absolutely HATE this girl being in my house. I mean, I sometimes imagine myself throwing a Bible at her and watching her shriek and dissolve in a cloud of smoke. However, I'm not religious nor does life work so conveniently. She comes in here and completely invades my privacy- she can see what I'm doing on the computer, just about anything in my daily life which I constantly tried to hide from her. She plays Xbox live upstairs in the bedroom that I share with my brother and me. Last night, she brought over her freaking parakeet at one point and my brother put the damn thing on my shoulder. See, normally, I'm fine with birds. They're nice. But this girl's spent a good 5-10 bus rides trying to get me to touch it when she brought it to school during lunch (wings clipped) enough for me to think it's probably some hellish bat. My little brother put it right in between my shoulder blades. Normally, that's where my long hair would be if that asian barber hadn't attacked it like a crazed sheep, so I almost went NUTS before telling him to get the thing off.
-At this point, she's back in the house. Le sigh.-
Last night, as well, she stayed for a good five hours to walk with my step-dad thing (they aren't married or engaged ). And then watched a horror movie together, all three of them. I didn't notice until AFTER the movie how she completely murdered my brother's hair. His bangs are yellow/blonde. The right side, near his ears, is green. THe left side, near his ears, is red. Everything else is BLACK.
Its like she's slowly and viciously prying open this shell that I've told her to stay the hell away from since day one, and have since then told her multiple times to just..GTFO.
And now, as I edit this part, she's upstairs. In my room. With my cat. And my books, my games (probably playing my own games, too), my week-old pack of icebreaker mints, my BED and who knows what else. I seriously don't want to seem like a paranoid, delusional jackass, but this is driving me ABSOLUTELY NUTS. ><
Unknown2007-09-07 23:00:49
I can relate sort of, my brother kept inviting his ex back to our house despite the fact that they just broke up and then they'd close the door of his room and sometimes I'd hear them just whispering to each other and at times she just cried quietly and gods I hate that kind of stuff it makes me want to stomp on babies.
Unknown2007-09-07 23:02:09
QUOTE(Furien @ Sep 7 2007, 06:49 PM) 439585
And now, as I edit this part, she's upstairs. In my room. With my cat. And my books, my games (probably playing my own games, too), my week-old pack of icebreaker mints, my BED and who knows what else. I seriously don't want to seem like a paranoid, delusional jackass, but this is driving me ABSOLUTELY NUTS. ><
Scare her away. It can't be that hard, just be creative.
Yrael2007-09-08 00:49:20
QUOTE(Furien @ Sep 8 2007, 08:49 AM) 439585
Furien's rant.
Okay, let me tell you what you want to hear:
This is not normal, or socially acceptable behavior.
Wait until your brother is gone and talk to your parents about it, and what you can do. Tell them what you've done, what she has done. They should be able to put some pressure on your little brother. You should not have to be worried about going outside. If it ever escalates to even a hint of anything physical, go straight to the police; consider going anyway. I'm not sure how American police work, but here, they can do an "unofficial" visit to warn someone. This is not the sort of thing you should have to put up with. You can't exactly lay into her (or perhaps you can, and are significantly stronger than all three of them?) but there are other options that you need to try, not sit and passively take it.
Edit: Oh, and just keep her out of your stuff. It is yours. Not hers. Remove it from the room if it's in a public area, or remove her. If it's because of the xbox, put it into a public spot and take a cable or something, and play stupid, except for when she isn't here. Why do I suddenly feel old?
Ymbryne2007-09-08 03:44:32
QUOTE(Yrael @ Sep 8 2007, 12:49 AM) 439607
Okay, let me tell you what you want to hear:
This is not normal, or socially acceptable behavior.
Wait until your brother is gone and talk to your parents about it, and what you can do. Tell them what you've done, what she has done. They should be able to put some pressure on your little brother. You should not have to be worried about going outside. If it ever escalates to even a hint of anything physical, go straight to the police; consider going anyway. I'm not sure how American police work, but here, they can do an "unofficial" visit to warn someone. This is not the sort of thing you should have to put up with. You can't exactly lay into her (or perhaps you can, and are significantly stronger than all three of them?) but there are other options that you need to try, not sit and passively take it.
Edit: Oh, and just keep her out of your stuff. It is yours. Not hers. Remove it from the room if it's in a public area, or remove her. If it's because of the xbox, put it into a public spot and take a cable or something, and play stupid, except for when she isn't here. Why do I suddenly feel old?
This is not normal, or socially acceptable behavior.
Wait until your brother is gone and talk to your parents about it, and what you can do. Tell them what you've done, what she has done. They should be able to put some pressure on your little brother. You should not have to be worried about going outside. If it ever escalates to even a hint of anything physical, go straight to the police; consider going anyway. I'm not sure how American police work, but here, they can do an "unofficial" visit to warn someone. This is not the sort of thing you should have to put up with. You can't exactly lay into her (or perhaps you can, and are significantly stronger than all three of them?) but there are other options that you need to try, not sit and passively take it.
Edit: Oh, and just keep her out of your stuff. It is yours. Not hers. Remove it from the room if it's in a public area, or remove her. If it's because of the xbox, put it into a public spot and take a cable or something, and play stupid, except for when she isn't here. Why do I suddenly feel old?
QFT. I can't believe you had the patience to put up with her for as long as you have. And what kind of school lets people bring parakeets?

Furien2007-09-08 07:25:23
So, apparently, after telling my mother every last ounce of annoyance this has been giving me, she's restricted her from coming into the bedroom. And I can 'just ignore her' in the living room.
No, I really cannot 'just ignore' this girl. Why does this girl stalk me? Because, last year, she used to like me. Same devil girl/stalker chick I always ranted about. I did not like her back. I hope that I'd NEVER like her back because of the crap I'm going through right now. I made it clear to her that I don't like her back. She seemed to back off. But now she just seems to be drifting closer to me, whether I like it or not. Does anyone seem to take me seriously with it? No, not really. Probably because she likes me, and they get the whole feeling that 'he's not at that girl-liking stage yet' and probably dismiss the notion that she really is driving me nuts entirely.
EVERY TIME I hear the rattle of a chain, I find myself looking around to see if I need to avoid her.
EVERY TIME I see a strange hair style, dyed red hair, or someone with loads of gothic makeup I'm completely drawn in the opposite direction.
I rush between classes because she asked me this morning what my classes were. I don't care if that's just casual interest- I told her I don't want to talk to her. At all. A lot.
I'm rarely outside for more than fifteen minutes because I know she's often hanging around my apartment complex.
I'm not going to have what's really my last (or second to last) hideout invaded by this girl for eight hours straight every damn day just so she can be with my little brother.
It also appears that my brother was asking my mother to let her sleep over tonight. Or let him sleep over at her place. I'm talking a 13 and a 15 year old, here. This is driving me absolutely insane.
It's like my friend put it. 'The bad thing is that she might be doing this just to get at you'. And, really, that might be true. She may be trying to get at me. She may not. Do I know? No. Will I ever know? No. Because I'm too paranoid to believe it either way.
Now I just need to sleep on the couch for a good month or so, and maybe even drag this computer out to the garage. Fun stuff. :/
Edit: My mother is sleeping on the couch tonight. WONDERFUL.
No, I really cannot 'just ignore' this girl. Why does this girl stalk me? Because, last year, she used to like me. Same devil girl/stalker chick I always ranted about. I did not like her back. I hope that I'd NEVER like her back because of the crap I'm going through right now. I made it clear to her that I don't like her back. She seemed to back off. But now she just seems to be drifting closer to me, whether I like it or not. Does anyone seem to take me seriously with it? No, not really. Probably because she likes me, and they get the whole feeling that 'he's not at that girl-liking stage yet' and probably dismiss the notion that she really is driving me nuts entirely.
EVERY TIME I hear the rattle of a chain, I find myself looking around to see if I need to avoid her.
EVERY TIME I see a strange hair style, dyed red hair, or someone with loads of gothic makeup I'm completely drawn in the opposite direction.
I rush between classes because she asked me this morning what my classes were. I don't care if that's just casual interest- I told her I don't want to talk to her. At all. A lot.
I'm rarely outside for more than fifteen minutes because I know she's often hanging around my apartment complex.
I'm not going to have what's really my last (or second to last) hideout invaded by this girl for eight hours straight every damn day just so she can be with my little brother.
It also appears that my brother was asking my mother to let her sleep over tonight. Or let him sleep over at her place. I'm talking a 13 and a 15 year old, here. This is driving me absolutely insane.
It's like my friend put it. 'The bad thing is that she might be doing this just to get at you'. And, really, that might be true. She may be trying to get at me. She may not. Do I know? No. Will I ever know? No. Because I'm too paranoid to believe it either way.
Now I just need to sleep on the couch for a good month or so, and maybe even drag this computer out to the garage. Fun stuff. :/
Edit: My mother is sleeping on the couch tonight. WONDERFUL.
Veonira2007-09-11 03:29:43
An excerpt from a book I'm reading for an archaeology class, this is just one part of the 62 pages I have yet read (And I still have no idea what it's about)...
"What is abandoned by whom? The being by Being, which does and does not belong to it. The being then appears thus, it appears as object and as available Being, as if Being were not.... Then this is shown: that Being abandons the being means: Being dissimulates itself in the being-manifest of the being. And Being itself becomes essentially determined as this withdrawing self-dissimulation....Abandoned by Being: that Being abandons the being, that Being is consigned to itself and becomes the object of calculation. This is not simply a "fall" but the first history of Being itself."
And I'm supposed to be able to discuss this and know what it's about for 3 hours in class!?
"What is abandoned by whom? The being by Being, which does and does not belong to it. The being then appears thus, it appears as object and as available Being, as if Being were not.... Then this is shown: that Being abandons the being means: Being dissimulates itself in the being-manifest of the being. And Being itself becomes essentially determined as this withdrawing self-dissimulation....Abandoned by Being: that Being abandons the being, that Being is consigned to itself and becomes the object of calculation. This is not simply a "fall" but the first history of Being itself."
And I'm supposed to be able to discuss this and know what it's about for 3 hours in class!?
Tirenae2007-09-11 03:33:43
So. Narsrim, how goes?
Shiri2007-09-11 03:35:10
He can't post.
Tirenae2007-09-11 03:40:02
Well, hello anyway!
That is so annoying that lust goes down when I'm making major changes and trying to come at least partially back.
Well, hello anyway!
That is so annoying that lust goes down when I'm making major changes and trying to come at least partially back.
Reiha2007-09-11 15:24:58
Celina and Revan, you broke my zmud!
Even when I reload it or if I'm offline, it spams "cast cleanse me"! I tried deleting everything with the word cleanse in it (nearly), but it still does it! Arrrghhh.