Yuniko2007-09-17 15:43:49
hate hate hate hate hate hate hate haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate school. im hungry. no eating or drinking in the computer lab.
my stomach hurts and i cant just lie down either, annnnd i wanna talk and not do work but cant do that either, no people to talk to--i.e. people i CONSIDER friends and actually wanna talk to--in this class

Acrune2007-09-17 16:03:33
Then graduate faster!
Yuniko2007-09-17 16:13:10
im taking online courses and night classes, along with regular school
im tryyiing. ill be graduating a semester early

Acrune2007-09-18 19:34:58
DoK, nooooooo 

Acrune2007-09-19 01:41:39
All this outside time is getting in the way of my lusternia playing.
Gelo2007-09-19 03:02:48
Ok so maybe I had something to do with her attempt to suicide 
She and her whole family apparently thought that I was her boyfriend. And saying "uh no Sir, I'm not her boyfriend." in front of the whole family over dinner did it. I swear I had no idea.
I got a new job now though, so meh...

She and her whole family apparently thought that I was her boyfriend. And saying "uh no Sir, I'm not her boyfriend." in front of the whole family over dinner did it. I swear I had no idea.

I got a new job now though, so meh...
Unknown2007-09-19 03:15:03
You've made me realize what a truly horrid person I am. I know that it's really not funny, but I can't stop laughing.
Unknown2007-09-19 03:24:44
QUOTE(requiem dot exe @ Sep 18 2007, 08:15 PM) 442879
You've made me realize what a truly horrid person I am. I know that it's really not funny, but I can't stop laughing.
I'm right there with you though, so no worries.

Shiri2007-09-19 03:29:06
Wow, Gelo, that's, um, interesting.
Hope that situation improves for ya...

Acrune2007-09-19 03:30:55
Thats... awkward...
Shryke2007-09-19 05:48:43
Now you gotta hit it and run.
Gelo2007-09-19 07:56:25
The sad thing is that the whole family is great. Good and friendly people. They were all smiles when we arrived. I can't forget the look on their faces when I said I wasn't her boyfriend. By the looks on their faces I could see I said something wrong. But I honestly didn't know what.
The next two minutes was like a hour, complete silence, broken only when she started sobbing and ran upstairs.
I still feel guilty.
Extremely guilty.
The next two minutes was like a hour, complete silence, broken only when she started sobbing and ran upstairs.
I still feel guilty.

Ildaudid2007-09-19 11:41:07
Here ya go, this will make you feel better.
I get my stepdad his pain medicine (he has some type of ear infection) and is staying with me until it clears up and I can take him down to rehab....
So I get his medicine filled. He takes a couple. Then at 8:00pm on Monday night, he tells me he needs to get some cigarrettes.. I say ok, see ya in a little bit. (For some reason he takes his pain medicine with him... yea I am not dumb I know why he took it
I watch the season premiere of both prisonbreak and k-ville, and the bastard still isn't back. He shows up at 1am and then I guess goes to sleep (I heard him pull up)
Tuesday, he is bitching about his pain in his ear. And is coughing like he was smoking butane all night.
I am thinking well your ear wouldn't effin hurt if you had the 20 effin pills the doctor gave you, and not have "lost" them to your dealer, you dumb
Anyways, he goes to the doctor again, and this idiot doctor rewrites him a new script. I told him, to take it to a certain pharmacy, not the one he normally uses... He takes it to one I DIDN'T say to go to. So I knew what was going to happen, but I go try to get it anyways. The pharmacy says it is too soon for his new script and it won't be ready until the 21st. (Like I thought, when you use your insurance that fast for the same type of medicine, be it antibiotics or anything else, they don't let you fill it.)
So I tell him, and he is upset about it, but still won't admit where the other 20 effin pills went to in 6 hours.... GRRRRRR
I can't play Lusty when he is here too, cuz everytime I sit down at the comp and he is here, he thinks that means I want to have long discussions about whatever he is watching on TV at the moment.
I don't sit at a computer to discuss things. meh! What an effin great week off!!! Babysitting an addict!!! Stupid people need to learn to control their vices. Be a functioning addict at the very worst. Or understand the keyword in "recreational drugs"!! People forget to remember what recreational means
I get my stepdad his pain medicine (he has some type of ear infection) and is staying with me until it clears up and I can take him down to rehab....
So I get his medicine filled. He takes a couple. Then at 8:00pm on Monday night, he tells me he needs to get some cigarrettes.. I say ok, see ya in a little bit. (For some reason he takes his pain medicine with him... yea I am not dumb I know why he took it

I watch the season premiere of both prisonbreak and k-ville, and the bastard still isn't back. He shows up at 1am and then I guess goes to sleep (I heard him pull up)
Tuesday, he is bitching about his pain in his ear. And is coughing like he was smoking butane all night.
I am thinking well your ear wouldn't effin hurt if you had the 20 effin pills the doctor gave you, and not have "lost" them to your dealer, you dumb

Anyways, he goes to the doctor again, and this idiot doctor rewrites him a new script. I told him, to take it to a certain pharmacy, not the one he normally uses... He takes it to one I DIDN'T say to go to. So I knew what was going to happen, but I go try to get it anyways. The pharmacy says it is too soon for his new script and it won't be ready until the 21st. (Like I thought, when you use your insurance that fast for the same type of medicine, be it antibiotics or anything else, they don't let you fill it.)
So I tell him, and he is upset about it, but still won't admit where the other 20 effin pills went to in 6 hours.... GRRRRRR
I can't play Lusty when he is here too, cuz everytime I sit down at the comp and he is here, he thinks that means I want to have long discussions about whatever he is watching on TV at the moment.
I don't sit at a computer to discuss things. meh! What an effin great week off!!! Babysitting an addict!!! Stupid people need to learn to control their vices. Be a functioning addict at the very worst. Or understand the keyword in "recreational drugs"!! People forget to remember what recreational means

Isluna2007-09-19 15:02:26

My own rant, I hurt. Well my shoulder hurts, they didn't mess with my shoulder during the surgery, but thats really the only ouchy I feel. I was up every hour last night trying to rub the ache away. That and this is as close to lust as I can get till later this afternoon. Which I guess wouldn't be too bad but typing hurts my shoulder. So yeah I have to stop every few words and wait out the wave of pain. And if I go home I don't have my do it for you guy, who has been up every hour with me asking if I was ok. Guess I will just sip my coffee, play games on his PDA and wish bad thoughts on who ever did what they did to make my shoulder hurt so.
Furien2007-09-19 22:04:45
Man. Between school, homework, extra math lessons, RL drama..I hardly seem to have time to actually -do- anything big on Lusternia, anymore. :/
Unknown2007-09-20 01:06:42
QUOTE(Furien @ Sep 19 2007, 06:04 PM) 442993
Man. Between school, homework, extra math lessons, RL drama..I hardly seem to have time to actually -do- anything big on Lusternia, anymore. :/
Now all you need is a job.

Acrune2007-09-20 02:30:28
Hate group work. Only two out of the four have given me their parts, the third can't give me his until tomorrow (its due tomorrow) and I haven't even heard from the fourth, so I have no idea what he's doing his part on, so I can't write mine. We'd be better organized, but I was the only one who showed up to our planned meeting on tuesday. 

Furien2007-09-20 13:53:48
Ildaudid2007-09-20 20:47:22
QUOTE(Furien @ Sep 20 2007, 09:53 AM) 443158
wtf you have a song?
ah bay they day eh effhe he achay eee jota ka ellay emmay ennay oh pay coo array essay tay ooh ublay ublaydoublay equis eeegregoria theta and enna??
How is there a song to those phonetic sounds?
Xenthos2007-09-20 20:56:50
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ Sep 20 2007, 04:47 PM) 443192
wtf you have a song?
ah bay they day eh effhe he achay eee jota ka ellay emmay ennay oh pay coo array essay tay ooh ublay ublaydoublay equis eeegregoria theta and enna??
How is there a song to those phonetic sounds?
ah bay they day eh effhe he achay eee jota ka ellay emmay ennay oh pay coo array essay tay ooh ublay ublaydoublay equis eeegregoria theta and enna??
How is there a song to those phonetic sounds?
You never learned the Alphabet to a tune?