Jack2007-09-22 12:51:12
It sucks working in retail because everybody suddenly gets a superiority complex, like somehow they're better than you because you're serving them.
Newsflash, geniuses! Working in a crummy job isn't my sole aspiration in my life! It's just a way of subsidizing my EMA.
Newsflash, geniuses! Working in a crummy job isn't my sole aspiration in my life! It's just a way of subsidizing my EMA.
Unknown2007-09-22 13:42:28
QUOTE(Jack @ Sep 22 2007, 07:51 AM) 443525
It sucks working in retail because everybody suddenly gets a superiority complex, like somehow they're better than you because you're serving them.
Newsflash, geniuses! Working in a crummy job isn't my sole aspiration in my life! It's just a way of subsidizing my EMA.
Newsflash, geniuses! Working in a crummy job isn't my sole aspiration in my life! It's just a way of subsidizing my EMA.
I've often thought that people choose to be rude to all the wrong people. For instance, at work, people will suck up to visiting vice-presidents, etc., but be very rude to IT people, cafeteria workers, etc.
You know, that vice-president isn't even going to remember who you are five minutes later, but that cook will almost certainly remember to spit in your gyro.
Shayle2007-09-22 13:45:35
QUOTE(Demetrios @ Sep 22 2007, 09:42 AM) 443529
I've often thought that people choose to be rude to all the wrong people. For instance, at work, people will suck up to visiting vice-presidents, etc., but be very rude to IT people, cafeteria workers, etc.
You know, that vice-president isn't even going to remember who you are five minutes later, but that cook will almost certainly remember to spit in your gyro.
You know, that vice-president isn't even going to remember who you are five minutes later, but that cook will almost certainly remember to spit in your gyro.
So so so SO true.
And yeah, waiting tables is great money, but not worth the condescension. I remember waiting tables as a grad student, and some idiot man starting snapping his fingers at me while calling "Waitress! Oh Waitress!"
I don't think I lasted much longer at that particular establishment.
Unknown2007-09-22 14:14:56
QUOTE(Shayle @ Sep 22 2007, 08:45 AM) 443531
And yeah, waiting tables is great money, but not worth the condescension. I remember waiting tables as a grad student, and some idiot man starting snapping his fingers at me while calling "Waitress! Oh Waitress!"
I don't think I lasted much longer at that particular establishment.
I don't think I lasted much longer at that particular establishment.
An idiot man snaps his fingers calling, "Waitress! Oh, Waitress!"
Shayle emerges from the foliage.
Smiling prettily, Shayle stabs a fork through the man's hand, pinning it to the table.
Shayle says, "So sorry to have kept you waiting. One moment."
Shayle washes her hands.
Diamondais2007-09-22 14:21:00
QUOTE(Jack @ Sep 22 2007, 08:51 AM) 443525
It sucks working in retail because everybody suddenly gets a superiority complex, like somehow they're better than you because you're serving them.
Newsflash, geniuses! Working in a crummy job isn't my sole aspiration in my life! It's just a way of subsidizing my EMA.
Newsflash, geniuses! Working in a crummy job isn't my sole aspiration in my life! It's just a way of subsidizing my EMA.
I've found that at the deli I work at.

People forget though, I'm cutting their food. I can do bad stuff if I want to.

(note these meat shavings probably have been there since I cleaned last, which can be anywhere between 10 minutes to two hours depending on how many customers I have)
Xavius2007-09-22 22:11:44
QUOTE(Reiha @ Sep 21 2007, 09:21 PM) 443477
Somebody wanted to return an item just with a receipt... but no item. They got mad when I said I couldn't do it, and claimed they'd rather shop at Nordstroms. She said she was going to use the same receipt from our store over there...which I highly doubt they'll accept as well, with no item. My new manager thought she was strange though, so I didn't feel so self-conscious if I did something wrong.
Why are people so weird.
Why are people so weird.
Now wait. Explain this to me. How do you return an item without an item?
"Here, here's my receipt. I want my money back."
Acrune2007-09-22 22:40:08
Ah, retail work. Good times, good times.
But NEVER AGAIN. Especially during the holiday season
But NEVER AGAIN. Especially during the holiday season

Furien2007-09-22 22:40:11
lol. Stomach flu. May still be worms, but it probably is a stomach flu.
A certain devil girl has been guzzling some of the medicine in the house for her own sickness (sneezing, coughing, etc.) and I've probably contracted something for her. Go figure. Did I mention my little brother is stealing one of our cellphones randomly just so he can text her?
Oh, and she painted his toenails black. Not kidding. Gave him makeup around the eyes and painted his eyelids bright green. There's little curves near his eyebrows from the makeup and it makes him look egyptian.
And some people seem to have the impression I like this girl because I'm obviously only noticing her screaming rock music giving me a headache, disgusting makeup, violent spreading of the stomach flu and violation of my room because I'm jealous I'm not going out of her. Riiiiiiight.
(My mother says I can 'just ignore her', btw, and her boyfriend's excuse is 'if I had it my way, she wouldn't be in this house at all'. Which would be a nice alternative, really.)
Well, back to feeling like I'm starving and having 3 homework assignments due on Monday while my parents will probably force me to attend, starving or not.
Edit: She just offered me a chicken burger, too. Which is considerate, considering I feel like I'm starving regardless of what I eat, but my paranoid self is screaming 'LOL SHE'S GOING TO GIVE YOU MALARIA MAN' even though I know that isn't the case.
A certain devil girl has been guzzling some of the medicine in the house for her own sickness (sneezing, coughing, etc.) and I've probably contracted something for her. Go figure. Did I mention my little brother is stealing one of our cellphones randomly just so he can text her?
Oh, and she painted his toenails black. Not kidding. Gave him makeup around the eyes and painted his eyelids bright green. There's little curves near his eyebrows from the makeup and it makes him look egyptian.
And some people seem to have the impression I like this girl because I'm obviously only noticing her screaming rock music giving me a headache, disgusting makeup, violent spreading of the stomach flu and violation of my room because I'm jealous I'm not going out of her. Riiiiiiight.
(My mother says I can 'just ignore her', btw, and her boyfriend's excuse is 'if I had it my way, she wouldn't be in this house at all'. Which would be a nice alternative, really.)
Well, back to feeling like I'm starving and having 3 homework assignments due on Monday while my parents will probably force me to attend, starving or not.

Edit: She just offered me a chicken burger, too. Which is considerate, considering I feel like I'm starving regardless of what I eat, but my paranoid self is screaming 'LOL SHE'S GOING TO GIVE YOU MALARIA MAN' even though I know that isn't the case.
Yrael2007-09-23 05:08:13
I love losing one of two jobs because the nice suited g-man from the state office who was there to complain to the owner decided "OMIGAWD. ALCOHOL SCRUB IS NOT ENOUGH. HE MUST WEAR LATEX GLOVES WHILE CUTTING. BITCH BITCH YOU HORRIBLE MAN YOU'LL KILL ALL THE CUSTOMERS HEY CUSTOMERS YOU ALL HAVE AIDS LOL"
Well, not exactly, but you get the idea. At least my nights are mostly free now.
Well, not exactly, but you get the idea. At least my nights are mostly free now.
Ymbryne2007-09-23 05:49:25
QUOTE(Yrael @ Sep 23 2007, 05:08 AM) 443645
I love losing one of two jobs because the nice suited g-man from the state office who was there to complain to the owner decided "OMIGAWD. ALCOHOL SCRUB IS NOT ENOUGH. HE MUST WEAR LATEX GLOVES WHILE CUTTING. BITCH BITCH YOU HORRIBLE MAN YOU'LL KILL ALL THE CUSTOMERS HEY CUSTOMERS YOU ALL HAVE AIDS LOL"
Well, not exactly, but you get the idea. At least my nights are mostly free now.
Well, not exactly, but you get the idea. At least my nights are mostly free now.
Acrune2007-09-23 18:10:13
FYI, 105 days of lusternia game time doesn't prepare you well for a 24 mile bike ride. I thought I would be good because I walk about 90 minutes a day and I've lost about 10 lbs, so I'm more fit then I've been, but geez, I can barely stand and when I do, my legs shake.
Ildaudid2007-09-23 19:35:08
QUOTE(Furien @ Sep 22 2007, 06:40 PM) 443596
And some people seem to have the impression I like this girl because I'm obviously only noticing her screaming rock music giving me a headache, disgusting makeup, violent spreading of the stomach flu and violation of my room because I'm jealous I'm not going out of her. Riiiiiiight.

You either like her, and in that phase of ewww girls icky. Or you are some wierd hypochondriac, who is being harrassed by a non family member, who is in your house.
Simply, kick the bitch out of your house. Tell your mom, either she leaves or you leave, and if your mom doesn't believe you, LEAVE THE HOUSE FOR 1 WEEK. Blood is thicker than water normally.
But I have this suspicion that you like the girl, or there is more to this then you are actually venting. Something like she is your sister, or the mother of your child, or something that is missing from this already "Days of Our Lives" bizzare house you live in.
Are you sure you are not a new Sims game with AI that posts on random forums complaining about the RL person who is controlling the "Sim House" you live in??

Callus2007-09-23 20:04:42
I just have to say. Reading all this stuff... Makes me feel a hell of a lot better about my life. Anyways...
For the past month, I've been mainly handling my best friend, talking him out of suicide and depression and the likes. His girlfriend left him, and he just can't bear it. He loves her more than life itself. And I'm not talking some random teenage crush (he's 15), he's extremely mature, and he truly loves her (or is obsessed, but that's another story). It's just a complicated tale of on again off again which I don't feel like telling. What concerns me is his depression (which directly copies over onto my heart, so I'm pretty down most of the time) and suicidal attitude, which I have no control over, because logic doesn't work while he's blinded by love, and I have no friend-power over him because, when he doesn't have her, nothing else matters to him, so arguments like "If you care about me at all, you will NOT kill yourself!" fail miserably.
So that's... bad. Not half as bad as some of the stuff I've seen here (
at Ild's woes), but bad.
For the past month, I've been mainly handling my best friend, talking him out of suicide and depression and the likes. His girlfriend left him, and he just can't bear it. He loves her more than life itself. And I'm not talking some random teenage crush (he's 15), he's extremely mature, and he truly loves her (or is obsessed, but that's another story). It's just a complicated tale of on again off again which I don't feel like telling. What concerns me is his depression (which directly copies over onto my heart, so I'm pretty down most of the time) and suicidal attitude, which I have no control over, because logic doesn't work while he's blinded by love, and I have no friend-power over him because, when he doesn't have her, nothing else matters to him, so arguments like "If you care about me at all, you will NOT kill yourself!" fail miserably.
So that's... bad. Not half as bad as some of the stuff I've seen here (

Furien2007-09-23 20:06:16
If this was a Sims house, I'd be torturing her. Maybe lock her in a jail cell, get her eaten by a carnivorous plant, zapped up by aliens, turned into a monster. Anything.
Unknown2007-09-24 01:41:42
Dude, if it's really that bad then get a grip and do something about it, it's your home, like Ildaudid said.
@Ildaudid: 15 is usually past the 'eww' and somewhat into 'ooh' phase.
@Ildaudid: 15 is usually past the 'eww' and somewhat into 'ooh' phase.

Ildaudid2007-09-24 04:11:04
QUOTE(Kashim @ Sep 23 2007, 09:41 PM) 443760
Dude, if it's really that bad then get a grip and do something about it, it's your home, like Ildaudid said.
@Ildaudid: 15 is usually past the 'eww' and somewhat into 'ooh' phase.
@Ildaudid: 15 is usually past the 'eww' and somewhat into 'ooh' phase.

Yeah I know, but it may be in this new Sim Furien Special Edition

Aoife2007-09-24 05:01:07
QUOTE(Reiha @ Sep 21 2007, 10:21 PM) 443477
Somebody wanted to return an item just with a receipt... but no item. They got mad when I said I couldn't do it, and claimed they'd rather shop at Nordstroms. She said she was going to use the same receipt from our store over there...which I highly doubt they'll accept as well, with no item. My new manager thought she was strange though, so I didn't feel so self-conscious if I did something wrong.
Why are people so weird.
Why are people so weird.
I used to work at.... we'll call it "a certain semi-upscale grocery/specialty food store". Said store happens to have something of a loose return policy.
This means that said store is, quite often, shafted. People will:
- Bring in a receipt but no item and say they want a return.
- "Bring in" multiple expensive items (like frozen lamb, which is around $15/package) without a receipt and demand a return
- Bring in items WELL past the expiration date and demand a return.
The funniest example of this ever? This store switched over to bar codes about...oh, 5 years ago now. Back when I was a newish employee about two years ago, a woman came into the store and demanded to see the manager, because she wanted to return a can of roasted tomatoes or some such, claiming it had gone bad. The can was bloated. It was huge. It was probably carrying botulism!
She wanted a return. The can did not have a bar code. The manager attempted to explain in polite terms that the item had not been carried in the store for at least three years, and that she couldn't really give the woman a return given that she'd had the item sitting in her house for 3+ years, had no receipt, etc.
This woman ranted and raved, threatened never to come back, to tell all her friends what an awful store (store name) is, etc.
My manager eventually gave in just to shut her up, found the price in some really old account or other, and gave her the return.
Three year old can of tomatoes, people.
Reiha2007-09-24 06:46:52
QUOTE(Aoife @ Sep 23 2007, 10:01 PM) 443785
I used to work at.... we'll call it "a certain semi-upscale grocery/specialty food store". Said store happens to have something of a loose return policy.
This means that said store is, quite often, shafted. People will:
- Bring in a receipt but no item and say they want a return.
- "Bring in" multiple expensive items (like frozen lamb, which is around $15/package) without a receipt and demand a return
- Bring in items WELL past the expiration date and demand a return.
The funniest example of this ever? This store switched over to bar codes about...oh, 5 years ago now. Back when I was a newish employee about two years ago, a woman came into the store and demanded to see the manager, because she wanted to return a can of roasted tomatoes or some such, claiming it had gone bad. The can was bloated. It was huge. It was probably carrying botulism!
She wanted a return. The can did not have a bar code. The manager attempted to explain in polite terms that the item had not been carried in the store for at least three years, and that she couldn't really give the woman a return given that she'd had the item sitting in her house for 3+ years, had no receipt, etc.
This woman ranted and raved, threatened never to come back, to tell all her friends what an awful store (store name) is, etc.
My manager eventually gave in just to shut her up, found the price in some really old account or other, and gave her the return.
Three year old can of tomatoes, people.
This means that said store is, quite often, shafted. People will:
- Bring in a receipt but no item and say they want a return.
- "Bring in" multiple expensive items (like frozen lamb, which is around $15/package) without a receipt and demand a return
- Bring in items WELL past the expiration date and demand a return.
The funniest example of this ever? This store switched over to bar codes about...oh, 5 years ago now. Back when I was a newish employee about two years ago, a woman came into the store and demanded to see the manager, because she wanted to return a can of roasted tomatoes or some such, claiming it had gone bad. The can was bloated. It was huge. It was probably carrying botulism!
She wanted a return. The can did not have a bar code. The manager attempted to explain in polite terms that the item had not been carried in the store for at least three years, and that she couldn't really give the woman a return given that she'd had the item sitting in her house for 3+ years, had no receipt, etc.
This woman ranted and raved, threatened never to come back, to tell all her friends what an awful store (store name) is, etc.
My manager eventually gave in just to shut her up, found the price in some really old account or other, and gave her the return.
Three year old can of tomatoes, people.
Well, people know

I think I'll switch to accounting, despite what people tell me about it.
Isluna2007-09-24 07:23:39
Ouch, I am sooo sorry, I work in a store with a big sigh that says, 'NO REFUNDS or RETURNS' and next to it 'We Reserve the Right to Refuse Business' And I have sent many a walking out the door.
My rant, ok my birthday was saturday, and I was given a kitten. I have two small dogs. Kittens are cute, I like cats, but two small dogs already. She is a cute little kitten, that sneezes, and coughs and has a runny nose. Ok vet bill is all I see in the future. I just had surgery, I have yet to pay on that.
I get a call at work, I feel like hell, and I now have two kittens. I am being picked on by a spaz and slept on by a sick kitten. They don't weigh a pound together, and they are already picking on me!
My rant, ok my birthday was saturday, and I was given a kitten. I have two small dogs. Kittens are cute, I like cats, but two small dogs already. She is a cute little kitten, that sneezes, and coughs and has a runny nose. Ok vet bill is all I see in the future. I just had surgery, I have yet to pay on that.
I get a call at work, I feel like hell, and I now have two kittens. I am being picked on by a spaz and slept on by a sick kitten. They don't weigh a pound together, and they are already picking on me!
Unknown2007-09-24 16:58:15
The fact that I screw up the way I walk once I start thinking about it.
At one point, I'm walking to lunch, gliding through the city's financial district like I own the place. Then, I pass a group of beautiful women walking the other direction, and I get self-conscious and proceed to mimic having a small seizure.
At one point, I'm walking to lunch, gliding through the city's financial district like I own the place. Then, I pass a group of beautiful women walking the other direction, and I get self-conscious and proceed to mimic having a small seizure.