Moriana2007-10-01 15:39:07
My rant is that every time I sit down at the computer to actually do something productive, I...log onto Lusternia instead. I don't even accomplish anything useful there, but I'm so addicted that I start playing anyway. "Playing" may not even describe it; I wander around, quest a little, bash a little, and occasionally talk to people, but little more than that.
Meanwhile, the work piles up alongside the computer, ever so slowly at first, but growing bigger with increasing rapidity.
Damn you, Lusternia.
Meanwhile, the work piles up alongside the computer, ever so slowly at first, but growing bigger with increasing rapidity.
Damn you, Lusternia.
Unknown2007-10-01 15:48:30
QUOTE(Moriana @ Oct 1 2007, 10:39 AM) 445660
My rant is that every time I sit down at the computer to actually do something productive, I...log onto Lusternia instead. I don't even accomplish anything useful there, but I'm so addicted that I start playing anyway. "Playing" may not even describe it; I wander around, quest a little, bash a little, and occasionally talk to people, but little more than that.
My rant is that you are unproductive at all the wrong times of day.
Arix2007-10-01 15:58:48
Some jackass dropped another letter at the Megalith, and I'm too lazy to pull up Lack of Rants 3 to put this there
Ialie2007-10-01 16:03:56
What does it say?
Arix2007-10-01 16:05:59
some long-ass bullcrap about Celest and the Light
Kharaen2007-10-04 00:58:35
My building is so dangerous, and I live on the most dangerous floor is where all the pimps, whores, and drug addicts get placed in >.> right now a pair of guys are beating the crap out of each other in the hall and banging doors and yelling >> I called the police hope they get here soon...
Diamondais2007-10-04 01:16:24
QUOTE(Furien @ Oct 1 2007, 02:20 AM) 445600
I've had the most unceasing worry just nag at me, lately, regarding of what I'm going to do once I leave High School.
I've already got a University I'm fairly sure I wanna go to- University of Washington. In Seattle, which I hear is an awesome town, and it'd be nice to get outside the house to a town that's fun, for once.
Yet at the same time, I keep worrying that I'll screw up in High School, even though I'm only a sophomore. I wanna get nice grades, get into advanced classes, do a few extra activities for a good college app. Participate in a few charities. And for some reason, I know such a thing probably isn't hard for me, but I still constantly nag myself over it.
And even during HS, I still need to worry about getting a job since I apparently don't have any help from my family when it comes to college cash. Eh. Fun stuff.
Guess I just need to find some sort of hobby to relax myself beyond just reading loads of books.
I've already got a University I'm fairly sure I wanna go to- University of Washington. In Seattle, which I hear is an awesome town, and it'd be nice to get outside the house to a town that's fun, for once.
Yet at the same time, I keep worrying that I'll screw up in High School, even though I'm only a sophomore. I wanna get nice grades, get into advanced classes, do a few extra activities for a good college app. Participate in a few charities. And for some reason, I know such a thing probably isn't hard for me, but I still constantly nag myself over it.

And even during HS, I still need to worry about getting a job since I apparently don't have any help from my family when it comes to college cash. Eh. Fun stuff.
Guess I just need to find some sort of hobby to relax myself beyond just reading loads of books.

Just keep up with your work, hand it in and study. You'll do fine. Go for help when you need it.
As for cash and paying for Tuition, I'm on my own for that here. My first year at university, providing I get accepted to the ones I want (Algoma U or Waterloo), will drain all the money I do have and will work for in the next coming year. Why? Algoma and Waterloo aren't any where near, anything near has way high standards and Res alone costs almost as much as my courses.
yendos2007-10-04 01:46:18
QUOTE(Furien @ Oct 1 2007, 12:20 AM) 445600
College worries
Don't worry about screwing up, you'll do fine. I actually skipped my last two years of high school to go to college. Imagine how nervous I was/am. Things work out though. As far as funding goes, most Universities have ample programs to help with funding. Just keep working hard and don't let yourself worry about not being able to make it. It never hurts to start talking to the college now too. Sophomore and Junior years are the best times to talk to potential schools and look around. I know you have one in mind but don't forget to look at others as well.
Alodia2007-10-04 10:37:08
GRRR Desperate Housewives and Teri Hatcher... it's sad that they'd include something demeaning and racist in their script... And to think I enjoyed watching it in the past...
Our Medical Students ARE EVEN BETTER!!!

Yrael2007-10-04 14:52:16
Being reminded of a visit to another Lusternian when sleep deprived.
See, I have a bad habit of doing stupid things involving sleep, work and visits. I think my most recent was driving to canberra after two shifts (I do two jobs) on no sleep (five hour drive) moving furniture for a day, then driving back to do work. Now, that was bad. Fallign asleep at the wheel, etc.
But this one I was told about? I remember NOTHING. Pulling up, and then waking up at 5am the next day. I didn't bring anything. An atlas, two packets of nodoze (empty). And pants. I hate being reminded of stuff like that.
See, I have a bad habit of doing stupid things involving sleep, work and visits. I think my most recent was driving to canberra after two shifts (I do two jobs) on no sleep (five hour drive) moving furniture for a day, then driving back to do work. Now, that was bad. Fallign asleep at the wheel, etc.
But this one I was told about? I remember NOTHING. Pulling up, and then waking up at 5am the next day. I didn't bring anything. An atlas, two packets of nodoze (empty). And pants. I hate being reminded of stuff like that.
Lenalith2007-10-04 19:08:02
My delete key keeps sticking. And I stayed up too late to go to bed properly now. Sigh.
Unknown2007-10-05 20:45:05
WTF... I order a bag from the States, wait 2 weeks to get it, and pay $50 in customs which is more than half of what the original price was.
The bag finally gets here and... IT'S THE WRONG COLOUR.

The bag finally gets here and... IT'S THE WRONG COLOUR.

Diamondais2007-10-06 02:18:17
QUOTE(Shou @ Oct 5 2007, 04:45 PM) 447025
WTF... I order a bag from the States, wait 2 weeks to get it, and pay $50 in customs which is more than half of what the original price was.
The bag finally gets here and... IT'S THE WRONG COLOUR.

The bag finally gets here and... IT'S THE WRONG COLOUR.

At least the 1$ is on par now. Wont seem so bad for price.

Kharaen2007-10-06 02:22:59
QUOTE(diamondais @ Oct 5 2007, 10:18 PM) 447092
At least the 1$ is on par now. Wont seem so bad for price. 

CAD has actually surpassed USD amazingly...
Nerra2007-10-06 14:19:18
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Oct 5 2007, 10:22 PM) 447093
CAD has actually surpassed USD amazingly...
That was gonna be my rant. Now people like me won`t find any jobs between this and the next Liberals or NDP raising minimum wage... I might even vote PC this election to keep the wages low and the jobs plentiful :S
Anisu2007-10-06 22:53:32
my real life rant, I wanted to purchase World in conflict, but I got home after the stores closed so I figured if I want to play it on my laptop in the week (I will not be getting of base for a while). I will just purchase it in digital format, however for some crappy reason World in Conflict can not be sold in digital form to Belgium. There is the US store that only allows the game to be purchased in the USA (the store sells most other games to any country and send me a mail saying it was on request of the producer) so I figure fine I will go to a UK digital store, after all the DVD sold in Belgium is the UK edition, and even though the site only says it does not sell the game to germany they to do not sell to Belgium, once again on request of the producer.
I swear one day I will review my decision to not use ripped games just because of game producers being freaking idiots.
I swear one day I will review my decision to not use ripped games just because of game producers being freaking idiots.
Unknown2007-10-06 23:45:52
My system is being completely moronic.
My herbqueue refuses to cure "crushedleftfoot" or "crushedrightfoot". The queue fires correctly, it will cure every other affliction in it, except these two. The variables are getting set to the correct number...I have even set them myself to what they should be to make the queue fire.
Still, nothing. Everything is spelled -perfectly-. Also, I noticed that my alias "arnl", to apply arnica to my legs, was only lit up in blue (signifying that it is an active alias), half the time. How is that even possible, that it only recognizes it half the time?
*stabs zmud*
My herbqueue refuses to cure "crushedleftfoot" or "crushedrightfoot". The queue fires correctly, it will cure every other affliction in it, except these two. The variables are getting set to the correct number...I have even set them myself to what they should be to make the queue fire.
Still, nothing. Everything is spelled -perfectly-. Also, I noticed that my alias "arnl", to apply arnica to my legs, was only lit up in blue (signifying that it is an active alias), half the time. How is that even possible, that it only recognizes it half the time?
*stabs zmud*
Unknown2007-10-07 00:05:39
QUOTE(Deschain @ Oct 6 2007, 07:45 PM) 447278
My system is being completely moronic.
My herbqueue refuses to cure "crushedleftfoot" or "crushedrightfoot". The queue fires correctly, it will cure every other affliction in it, except these two. The variables are getting set to the correct number...I have even set them myself to what they should be to make the queue fire.
My herbqueue refuses to cure "crushedleftfoot" or "crushedrightfoot". The queue fires correctly, it will cure every other affliction in it, except these two. The variables are getting set to the correct number...I have even set them myself to what they should be to make the queue fire.
Mine used to do somethng similar with one of the PB afflictions, but I don't remember which specifically. I never did fix that...
I blame Zmud, too.
Unknown2007-10-07 00:10:50
It's frustrating because I'm setting here -looking- at the variable, I know that the number is correct.
I'm -looking- at the queue, I know it's correct.
I have altered every affliction in the queue, and it -perfectly- cures them all, except this one.
I'm -looking- at the queue, I know it's correct.
I have altered every affliction in the queue, and it -perfectly- cures them all, except this one.

Acrune2007-10-07 01:29:56
TV has seemed especially bad this weekend...
Only interesting thing on is Suze Orman's financial advice, and even that is more boring then usual.
Only interesting thing on is Suze Orman's financial advice, and even that is more boring then usual.