Jack2007-10-11 19:13:12
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Oct 10 2007, 05:23 PM) 448310
Wait until you have kids with colic. Then you can talk about not sleeping.
I think 93 out of 96 hours without sleep is pretty bad, disregarding coughing midgets.
Ymbryne2007-10-12 19:21:54
Terror Party in Kansas City (the big big Halloween party) is already sold out, and scalpers are selling $35 tickets at $110 or more.
I had such a great costume idea too!
I had such a great costume idea too!

Unknown2007-10-12 19:25:55
QUOTE(Jack @ Oct 11 2007, 09:10 AM) 448712
Don't forget me! My atheism is equally rabid but less noticeable, because I tend not to speak out on it for fear of offending people.
You're a non-nerd, your opinion is absolutely worthless, regardless of the topic.
QUOTE(Ymbryne @ Oct 12 2007, 02:21 PM) 449245
Terror Party in Kansas City (the big big Halloween party) is already sold out, and scalpers are selling $35 tickets at $110 or more.
I had such a great costume idea too!
I had such a great costume idea too!

Terror Party? It can't be too big, I've never heard of it...unless it is a relatively new thing, or you're one of those evil people on the KCK side...
Noola2007-10-12 19:38:42
I hate that Halloween is on a freakin Wednesday this year. 

Jack2007-10-12 19:45:08
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Oct 12 2007, 08:25 PM) 449247
You're a non-nerd, your opinion is absolutely worthless, regardless of the topic.
I'm a nerd, damnit. I like, uhm, parties, and... sports...

Ymbryne2007-10-12 20:09:42
QUOTE(mitbulls @ Oct 12 2007, 07:25 PM) 449247
Terror Party? It can't be too big, I've never heard of it...unless it is a relatively new thing, or you're one of those evil people on the KCK side...
I'm relatively new to the area, so I searched the internet for Kansas City events, and it came up at the top. It's held at Union Station and they get around 2,000 people each year with a big costume contest.
Arix2007-10-12 21:47:53
The kittens at the Humane Society grief me with their cuteness
Unknown2007-10-12 21:51:47
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 12 2007, 05:47 PM) 449277
The kittens at the Humane Society grief me with their cuteness
Yeah, I hate that.

Unknown2007-10-12 21:59:11
QUOTE(Ymbryne @ Oct 12 2007, 03:09 PM) 449257
I'm relatively new to the area, so I searched the internet for Kansas City events, and it came up at the top. It's held at Union Station and they get around 2,000 people each year with a big costume contest.
The RenFest also has a vampire dinner event. Phantom's Feaste
Daganev2007-10-12 21:59:23
My Rant: This is for Ialie as well.
I just found out that Carebears were drasitcally changed. And they no longer live in clouds, and no longer have the carebear stare, or rainbows!
(I discovered this while making one of their games.. so I'm a few years behind on this catastrophe)
I just found out that Carebears were drasitcally changed. And they no longer live in clouds, and no longer have the carebear stare, or rainbows!
(I discovered this while making one of their games.. so I'm a few years behind on this catastrophe)
Ymbryne2007-10-12 23:00:40
QUOTE(Demetrios @ Oct 12 2007, 09:59 PM) 449282
The RenFest also has a vampire dinner event. Phantom's Feaste
I like RenFests and all (went to the KC Renfest last year), but my costume is rather modern..
Shiri2007-10-13 00:29:28
QUOTE(daganev @ Oct 12 2007, 10:59 PM) 449283
My Rant: This is for Ialie as well.
I just found out that Carebears were drasitcally changed. And they no longer live in clouds, and no longer have the carebear stare, or rainbows!
(I discovered this while making one of their games.. so I'm a few years behind on this catastrophe)
I just found out that Carebears were drasitcally changed. And they no longer live in clouds, and no longer have the carebear stare, or rainbows!
(I discovered this while making one of their games.. so I'm a few years behind on this catastrophe)
So what the hell is the point of them now? That was the whole thing.
Yrael2007-10-13 01:12:15
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 13 2007, 10:29 AM) 449312
So what the hell is the point of them now? That was the whole thing.
They don't have one. THey're just another tv show with what looks like an attempt to be a "hip, real cast that little kids can relate to and still think is cool" designed by 50 year old men in their lunch hour. The little pink one will be a giggly thing that spends lots of time trying to cheer up the blue one and fluttering her eyelashes at everyone else, the purple one will be the hippest one of the group who always manages to be in perfect fashion and style while being entirely G rated and coming up with solutions because otherwise the entire show is sexist, you pig men. The blue one the pessimist who turns out to be the vehicle for the show's moral message, green comic relief, and yellow the nice, non threatening carebear who every little girl would want to be friends with if he was real and a human, and a naturally charismatic leader for the boys to aspire to.
Aoife2007-10-13 03:02:51
QUOTE(daganev @ Oct 12 2007, 05:59 PM) 449283
My Rant: This is for Ialie as well.
I just found out that Carebears were drasitcally changed. And they no longer live in clouds, and no longer have the carebear stare, or rainbows!
(I discovered this while making one of their games.. so I'm a few years behind on this catastrophe)
I just found out that Carebears were drasitcally changed. And they no longer live in clouds, and no longer have the carebear stare, or rainbows!
(I discovered this while making one of their games.. so I'm a few years behind on this catastrophe)
Noooooooo, my Care Bears!
And have you seen what they've done to My Little Pony? My childhood loves, they are destroyed

Reiha2007-10-13 03:50:39
I accidently witnessed e-surance Erin pr0n. OMFG. It had me and my sister screaming! Probably woke up the poor neighbors 

Arix2007-10-13 03:52:33
was it that bad, or that good?
was it that bad, or that good?
Unknown2007-10-13 04:07:30
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 12 2007, 11:52 PM) 449351
was it that bad, or that good?
was it that bad, or that good?
Verithrax2007-10-13 07:58:23
QUOTE(Arix @ Oct 12 2007, 06:47 PM) 449277
The kittens at the Humane Society grief me with their tastiness
Fixed that for you.
Penna2007-10-15 01:44:30
Hate @ choppy area power lines. And surge protectors getting blown out. And computers getting blown out. And minor surges that knock out cards. And static. And electricity. Electricity OP, please liberally apply nerf bat. Will supply bat.
power problems have cost me over $3k in repair and replacements.

Yrael2007-10-15 08:46:32
I got pwnt. British woman comes in, I draw myself up and growl "get out." "What, because you suck at rugby?".