Moriana2007-11-24 16:19:53
A certain company, from which I ordered merchandise online, shipping one-half of my order a month after I ordered it. The other half was returned without any notification to me whatsoever. Now, I'll probably have to re-order it, and it will undoubtedly take yet another month to reach me.
Inefficiency. Grrrrrrrr.
Inefficiency. Grrrrrrrr.
Shamarah2007-11-25 03:25:22
I hate how whenever I pick Cherub Rock - Hard on Multiplayer, they either quit halfway through or lose by 150,000 points. 

Shiri2007-11-25 08:28:23
speakers/sound card/PCI bus latency/EAX whatever the hell is causing this crackling! If I can't listen to music/games/anime without this snap, crackle & pop BS I'm going to snap and kill someone. IRL. 

Acrune2007-11-29 19:32:23
I got a $10 parking ticket for "failure to properly display a parking permit", when I put the damn thing on my mirror in plain sight. Couldn't be more obvious that its there. I could care less about $10, but when I pay $300 for a damn parking permit that I can't even use because parking is so mobbed on campus, when I actually use it (no more then twice a week, usually once), I don't want to pay extra because some ticket writer is too incompetent to look at the permit obviously placed where it is and always has been on every single car in the garage. On top of that, when I went to appeal it, I was sent to all corners of the campus until the last person told me to appeal it online. Assholes. 

Tervic2007-11-30 21:32:14
QUOTE(Acrune @ Nov 29 2007, 11:32 AM) 461044
I got a $10 parking ticket for "failure to properly display a parking permit", when I put the damn thing on my mirror in plain sight. Couldn't be more obvious that its there. I could care less about $10, but when I pay $300 for a damn parking permit that I can't even use because parking is so mobbed on campus, when I actually use it (no more then twice a week, usually once), I don't want to pay extra because some ticket writer is too incompetent to look at the permit obviously placed where it is and always has been on every single car in the garage. On top of that, when I went to appeal it, I was sent to all corners of the campus until the last person told me to appeal it online. Assholes. 

Sounds like it'd be less costly for you to not get the permit in the first place and just pay the ticket when it comes up

Unknown2007-12-01 06:50:02
I'm still waiting for a Forgotten Realms motion picture.
Unknown2007-12-01 06:58:18
QUOTE(Kromsh @ Nov 30 2007, 10:50 PM) 461350
I'm still waiting for a Forgotten Realms motion picture.
*shudders* Come on, we already got two horrendously bad D&D movies. Do we really need a third?
Furien2007-12-01 07:26:48
Ah, life.
I've been getting almost all my classwork done fairly easy, now that I've gotten used to the transition from the dumb to the smart classes. Ahead on my homework, in some cases.
But for the rest of this weekend..I have nothing to do! I don't see a lot of people to talk to on Lusty, nobody wants to spar a Druid, I have no work to do. Ran out of books to read, no good movies On Demand, can't go anywhere because my parents spend all of their time either sleeping or working. Cats are more annoying than enjoyable to spend time with, same with my little brother, same with the two friends I know from school I've got on MSN.
I've been getting almost all my classwork done fairly easy, now that I've gotten used to the transition from the dumb to the smart classes. Ahead on my homework, in some cases.
But for the rest of this weekend..I have nothing to do! I don't see a lot of people to talk to on Lusty, nobody wants to spar a Druid, I have no work to do. Ran out of books to read, no good movies On Demand, can't go anywhere because my parents spend all of their time either sleeping or working. Cats are more annoying than enjoyable to spend time with, same with my little brother, same with the two friends I know from school I've got on MSN.
Shiri2007-12-01 07:35:39
Pst. Black Lagoon.
Unknown2007-12-01 07:43:01
QUOTE(Furien @ Dec 1 2007, 02:26 AM) 461358
Ah, life.
I've been getting almost all my classwork done fairly easy, now that I've gotten used to the transition from the dumb to the smart classes. Ahead on my homework, in some cases.
But for the rest of this weekend..I have nothing to do! I don't see a lot of people to talk to on Lusty, nobody wants to spar a Druid, I have no work to do. Ran out of books to read, no good movies On Demand, can't go anywhere because my parents spend all of their time either sleeping or working. Cats are more annoying than enjoyable to spend time with, same with my little brother, same with the two friends I know from school I've got on MSN.
I've been getting almost all my classwork done fairly easy, now that I've gotten used to the transition from the dumb to the smart classes. Ahead on my homework, in some cases.
But for the rest of this weekend..I have nothing to do! I don't see a lot of people to talk to on Lusty, nobody wants to spar a Druid, I have no work to do. Ran out of books to read, no good movies On Demand, can't go anywhere because my parents spend all of their time either sleeping or working. Cats are more annoying than enjoyable to spend time with, same with my little brother, same with the two friends I know from school I've got on MSN.
I've been ignoring all your spar requests because I thought you were a monk still.

I'll spar you when I have some free time, I need to test my system more, and get my sap curer figured out. I've never been able to test it.
Unknown2007-12-01 15:54:41
QUOTE(S.A.W. @ Dec 1 2007, 01:58 AM) 461355
*shudders* Come on, we already got two horrendously bad D&D movies. Do we really need a third?
As long as an utterly incompetent retard doesn't direct it then it shouldn't be as bad. We were just unlucky, so start being optimistic or STFU.

Unknown2007-12-01 15:59:34
QUOTE(Kromsh @ Dec 1 2007, 07:54 AM) 461390
As long as an utterly incompetent retard doesn't direct it then it shouldn't be as bad. We were just unlucky, so start being optimistic or STFU. 

Psh. You're gonna get Uwe Boll.
Shiri2007-12-01 16:20:38
I wonder if any nerd films are gonna be of a quality good enough to get into the mainstream somehow...I can't think of any off the top of my head. D&D was a travesty even as far as our community is concerned so I can't be too hopeful, but we need more cultural penetration - D&D is like one of the only IPs broad, generic and well-known enough (leftover 70s infamy) for non-nerds to have a vague idea about what's going on at least.
Unknown2007-12-01 16:26:00
QUOTE(Shiri @ Dec 1 2007, 08:20 AM) 461394
I wonder if any nerd films are gonna be of a quality good enough to get into the mainstream somehow...I can't think of any off the top of my head. D&D was a travesty even as far as our community is concerned so I can't be too hopeful, but we need more cultural penetration - D&D is like one of the only IPs broad, generic and well-known enough (leftover 70s infamy) for non-nerds to have a vague idea about what's going on at least.
What do you call videogame and comicbook movies? Aren't those "nerd films"?
Unknown2007-12-01 17:33:13
QUOTE(S.A.W. @ Dec 1 2007, 11:26 AM) 461395
What do you call videogame and comicbook movies? Aren't those "nerd films"?
Not if enough "normal" people watch them, as is the case with quite a few of 'em. Just make good previews (esp. those with hawt wimmenz) and you'll sell lots of tickets, heh.
Noola2007-12-01 17:51:34
QUOTE(Kromsh @ Dec 1 2007, 11:33 AM) 461417
Not if enough "normal" people watch them, as is the case with quite a few of 'em. Just make good previews (esp. those with hawt wimmenz) and you'll sell lots of tickets, heh.
Well, if enough "normal" (and what is "normal" anyway?) people watch them, they become mainstream, right? Which is what Shiri wondered - if 'nerd films' could become mainstream. So, if comic book and video game movies are 'nerd films' then at least some of them have become mainstream (Tomb Raider did, Mortal Combat, not so much!

Noola2007-12-01 20:58:21
hate idiots who can't
drive. Learn to pay the
attention to what's going on around you
Heading home just now from what had been an utterly delightful barbecue lunch, I was nearly in a nasty wreck. Why? Because a jackass in a big ol SUV decided they were too good to wait on the person in front of them to make their turn and suddenly pulled into my lane to go around them. When we were only one car length apart! Thank god I have decent brakes and actually pay the
attention to what the
tards around me are doing or it could have gotten nasty. As it was, I slammed on my breaks (everything in the back of my vehicle wound up in the front with me) and blared my horn to wake the
up. Then, when I passed him, he had the nerve to blare his horn at me. Like it was my fault the daffy bastard doesn't know how to use his mirrors or turn his head to look in his blindspot.
I'm still all shakey and everything from my near-death (for if it didn't kill me, it would have definetly killed my vehicle!
) experience. 

Heading home just now from what had been an utterly delightful barbecue lunch, I was nearly in a nasty wreck. Why? Because a jackass in a big ol SUV decided they were too good to wait on the person in front of them to make their turn and suddenly pulled into my lane to go around them. When we were only one car length apart! Thank god I have decent brakes and actually pay the

I'm still all shakey and everything from my near-death (for if it didn't kill me, it would have definetly killed my vehicle!

Reiha2007-12-01 21:07:54
Eeep! A mad Noola!
But justifiably so! We ought to make people who have a certain number traffic violations (like that guy surely must have) take the written test again. If they fail, their fault for being an inconsiderate driver
When stuff like that happened when I was a kid, my mom would have me give the people the middle finger and they couldn't flare their horns angerily back at a 10 year old (who looked 8). It was fun, but kind of embarassing.

When stuff like that happened when I was a kid, my mom would have me give the people the middle finger and they couldn't flare their horns angerily back at a 10 year old (who looked 8). It was fun, but kind of embarassing.
Unknown2007-12-01 21:12:23
Holy :censor: Noola can curse? I'm so disillusioned.
Xenthos2007-12-01 21:13:22
QUOTE(Reiha @ Dec 1 2007, 04:07 PM) 461463
Eeep! A mad Noola!
But justifiably so! We ought to make people who have a certain number traffic violations (like that guy surely must have) take the written test again. If they fail, their fault for being an inconsiderate driver
When stuff like that happened when I was a kid, my mom would have me give the people the middle finger and they couldn't flare their horns angerily back at a 10 year old (who looked 8). It was fun, but kind of embarassing.

When stuff like that happened when I was a kid, my mom would have me give the people the middle finger and they couldn't flare their horns angerily back at a 10 year old (who looked 8). It was fun, but kind of embarassing.
The written test has very little to do with consideration... you can answer the questions, and then go right back to being a bad driver. The written test just evaluates whether you *know* the right answer, not whether you follow the laws.