Veonira2007-12-11 22:07:21
QUOTE(Noola @ Dec 11 2007, 03:26 PM) 464437
I'd have had to fail that day's lesson.
I've been known to pull over to the side of the road to rescue turtles that've wandered into the street. 

Me too, I've done it twice

Unknown2007-12-11 22:09:43
I love turtles and tortoises. Once on my way home I saw a tortoise in the road, and stopped my car and got out and carried it across. It didn't seem too happy with me, but I think it really appreciated it.
Sea turtles are also one of my favorite animals. <3

Sea turtles are also one of my favorite animals. <3
Xenthos2007-12-12 01:51:41
There are often a few flattened turtle shells on our road when I'm walking my dog.
Always sad, though I did rescue the only one I ever saw that was unflattened and walking across.
Always sad, though I did rescue the only one I ever saw that was unflattened and walking across.
Amarysse2007-12-12 02:01:15
My fiancé and I are the same way. Both of us adore animals, and two of the cats we've had over the years have been "rescue" kittens found literally in the road. It wasn't too long ago that, despite working in different cities, we called each other to talk about the turtles we'd each rescued that from bad ends.
I try very, very hard not to hit animals, and it's always depressing to see them lining the roadways.
I try very, very hard not to hit animals, and it's always depressing to see them lining the roadways.
Jayden2007-12-12 13:53:21
Unknown2007-12-12 15:24:58
The packaging for Microsoft Office.
Yes, it's simple once you figure it out. Yes it makes you feel like a retard. Yes, my next step, had I not gone online for a step by step, pictoral explination was going to be climbing up somewhere really really high and dropping it.
Yes, it's simple once you figure it out. Yes it makes you feel like a retard. Yes, my next step, had I not gone online for a step by step, pictoral explination was going to be climbing up somewhere really really high and dropping it.
Jigan2007-12-12 17:00:56
Turtles are bad to run over. Like little speed bumps and we all inherently feel bad for running the poor thing over. At least those of us who've read the Tortise and the Hare (Do children just not read these anymore?).
Squirrels are fair game. Perfectly fair. Beyond fair. I don't trust them, they hate me. They try to kill me. Always watching, and waiting. Always watching with those beady little eyes. Yes, they are cute, but then they attack. Always go for the juicy eyes, they do.
Me mum, a couple of years ago, ran into a herd of deer in the middle of the road. She nailed three of them, one right after the other. She just kept driving (The car wasn't totaled, they just sorta hit the hood and bounced off or were thrown to the side), found a driveway, turned around, and then came back and parked. Two were pregnant, so she hit a fair decent amount of deer. We were okay though, and a farmer got the bodies. My driving instructor also said (Maybe slightly paraphrased, I was asleep at the time): "Some little animal in the road? Slow down, never hit the brakes. If you have to, hit it. It's either you or them, and you are the one driving the couple ton tin can around. Hit them if you have to, slow down, check for damage and PETA, and drive away unless it is over twenty pounds. Then call a redneck buddy." I probably added a bit to it, possibly. As I said, I was asleep at the time, going in and out.
My advice: Learn how to do those Hollywood stunts. The one where you jerk the wheel to one side and the car flips over the deer/squirrel/rabbits/turtle/child, lands on the other side, and skids around so you can continue on your way. Of course, if you are so inclined to avoid hitting them.
Squirrels are fair game. Perfectly fair. Beyond fair. I don't trust them, they hate me. They try to kill me. Always watching, and waiting. Always watching with those beady little eyes. Yes, they are cute, but then they attack. Always go for the juicy eyes, they do.
Me mum, a couple of years ago, ran into a herd of deer in the middle of the road. She nailed three of them, one right after the other. She just kept driving (The car wasn't totaled, they just sorta hit the hood and bounced off or were thrown to the side), found a driveway, turned around, and then came back and parked. Two were pregnant, so she hit a fair decent amount of deer. We were okay though, and a farmer got the bodies. My driving instructor also said (Maybe slightly paraphrased, I was asleep at the time): "Some little animal in the road? Slow down, never hit the brakes. If you have to, hit it. It's either you or them, and you are the one driving the couple ton tin can around. Hit them if you have to, slow down, check for damage and PETA, and drive away unless it is over twenty pounds. Then call a redneck buddy." I probably added a bit to it, possibly. As I said, I was asleep at the time, going in and out.
My advice: Learn how to do those Hollywood stunts. The one where you jerk the wheel to one side and the car flips over the deer/squirrel/rabbits/turtle/child, lands on the other side, and skids around so you can continue on your way. Of course, if you are so inclined to avoid hitting them.
Acrune2007-12-12 17:08:38
If you're going 40 mph with cars behind you, yeah, hit the animal, squirrels aren't worth wrecking your car for.
If you're going 25 mph on residential streets with no one behind you, and you don't slow down for animals, you're an asshole.
If you're going 25 mph on residential streets with no one behind you, and you don't slow down for animals, you're an asshole.

Unknown2007-12-12 17:25:17
When my dad was taking his driver's test, back when you had to have a cop ride with you, they were going down a dirt road where some birds had landed in the center and were pecking away for whatever reason.
My dad jammed on the breaks, completely suprising the officer who didn't even register the birds as there. When asked why? It was because my grandmother, who's house is adorned with bird paintings, sends out holiday cards with birds on them, and has some very complex bird feeders in her lawn (probably out of disdain of squirrels), would probably have killed him if he hit the birds.
My dad jammed on the breaks, completely suprising the officer who didn't even register the birds as there. When asked why? It was because my grandmother, who's house is adorned with bird paintings, sends out holiday cards with birds on them, and has some very complex bird feeders in her lawn (probably out of disdain of squirrels), would probably have killed him if he hit the birds.
Noola2007-12-12 17:45:10
Well, yeah, if it's a choice between hitting a squirrel and wrecking, you have to hit the squirrel.
Now... a dog? I honestly don't know how I'd react to that choice.
Luckily, I've never had a dog run out in front of me. (knock on wood)
My brother hit a deer once. He said it was the most horrifying thing that had ever happened to him. But then, a few years later, he got majorly into deer hunting.
A neighbor of mine, when I was a kid, hit a horse. He honestly couldn't prevent it from happening, he was going too fast and there just wasn't time to stop or swerve or anything. It destroyed his car. It was disgusting... there was horse everywhere... and the smell!
My Design teacher in college makes sculpture with animal bones. She'd scoop up road-kill animals and wrap them in plastic to take home in her trunk. Then, she'd dump them out onto a fire-ant bed she let stay on her property for this reason. A day or three (depending on how big a critter it was) she'd go get the completely clean bones out of the ant bed to use in her art.
And.... that's my road-kill ramble for the day.

My brother hit a deer once. He said it was the most horrifying thing that had ever happened to him. But then, a few years later, he got majorly into deer hunting.

A neighbor of mine, when I was a kid, hit a horse. He honestly couldn't prevent it from happening, he was going too fast and there just wasn't time to stop or swerve or anything. It destroyed his car. It was disgusting... there was horse everywhere... and the smell!

My Design teacher in college makes sculpture with animal bones. She'd scoop up road-kill animals and wrap them in plastic to take home in her trunk. Then, she'd dump them out onto a fire-ant bed she let stay on her property for this reason. A day or three (depending on how big a critter it was) she'd go get the completely clean bones out of the ant bed to use in her art.
And.... that's my road-kill ramble for the day.

Acrune2007-12-13 04:17:46
On the review sheet for my object oriented design final I'm taking tomorrow, one of the things it says is to be able to "Explain java's approach to the creation of multi-typed classes". I google "multi-typed class", and get one hit.
That one hit is the midterm study guide for my object oriented design class. Sometimes I wish I bothered to take notes in school.
That one hit is the midterm study guide for my object oriented design class. Sometimes I wish I bothered to take notes in school.

Veonira2007-12-13 04:52:31
QUOTE(Acrune @ Dec 12 2007, 11:17 PM) 465156
On the review sheet for my object oriented design final I'm taking tomorrow, one of the things it says is to be able to "Explain java's approach to the creation of multi-typed classes". I google "multi-typed class", and get one hit.
That one hit is the midterm study guide for my object oriented design class. Sometimes I wish I bothered to take notes in school.
That one hit is the midterm study guide for my object oriented design class. Sometimes I wish I bothered to take notes in school.

That happens to me all the time. THANKS GOOGLE.
But actually, I just spent an hour reading some Sun tutorial on generics/typing because apparently college no longer teaches you anything, they just give you links to the places that -can- teach you. Going to college is essentially paying someone to force you into reading.
Acrune2007-12-13 04:58:36
Wait, you're supposed to read in college?
Well, that explains a lot. *peer GPA*
Well, that explains a lot. *peer GPA*
Veonira2007-12-13 06:44:45
The girl who shares my wall is seriously going to be screaming and wrestling someone at 2am on the early morning finals start?
Xavius2007-12-13 11:20:37
QUOTE(Veonira @ Dec 13 2007, 12:44 AM) 465253
The girl who shares my wall is seriously going to be screaming and wrestling someone at 2am on the early morning finals start?
Orgasms are good stress relief?
Arel2007-12-13 12:41:35
QUOTE(Veonira @ Dec 12 2007, 11:52 PM) 465183
That happens to me all the time. THANKS GOOGLE.
But actually, I just spent an hour reading some Sun tutorial on generics/typing because apparently college no longer teaches you anything, they just give you links to the places that -can- teach you. Going to college is essentially paying someone to force you into reading.
But actually, I just spent an hour reading some Sun tutorial on generics/typing because apparently college no longer teaches you anything, they just give you links to the places that -can- teach you. Going to college is essentially paying someone to force you into reading.
My chemistry professor puts our quizzes online, slaps a link or to to Wikipedia at the top, and tells us to get them finished before the end of the week. Maybe I should be paying tuition to Wikipedia instead...
QUOTE(Xavius @ Dec 13 2007, 06:20 AM) 465308
Orgasms are good stress relief?
For them maybe, not when you're knee deep in finals studying. The chick who lives above me must have an rockin' boyfriend, 'cause she has screaming orgasms. I've been staying with a friend so I could study in peace and quiet.
Ashteru2007-12-13 14:31:29
QUOTE(Acrune @ Dec 13 2007, 05:17 AM) 465156
On the review sheet for my object oriented design final I'm taking tomorrow, one of the things it says is to be able to "Explain java's approach to the creation of multi-typed classes". I google "multi-typed class", and get one hit.
That one hit is the midterm study guide for my object oriented design class. Sometimes I wish I bothered to take notes in school.
That one hit is the midterm study guide for my object oriented design class. Sometimes I wish I bothered to take notes in school.

Dude, they seriously called generics multi-type classes? Wtf. Not even sun calls them that, afaik. (I am taking that stupid SCJP certificate, cause our teach forced us to. And that's my rant, I guess.)
Veonira2007-12-13 15:13:20
QUOTE(Xavius @ Dec 13 2007, 06:20 AM) 465308
Orgasms are good stress relief?
That would have at least been amusing. They were literally...just wrestling. Unless they are extremely freaky and having some sort of orgy in there.
Arel2007-12-13 15:42:36
QUOTE(Veonira @ Dec 13 2007, 10:13 AM) 465361
That would have at least been amusing. They were literally...just wrestling. Unless they are extremely freaky and having some sort of orgy in there.
I find the fact that they were wrestling more amusing than that they were having sex, to be honest.
Unknown2007-12-13 15:59:43
QUOTE(Arel @ Dec 13 2007, 09:42 AM) 465376
I find the fact that they were wrestling more amusing than that they were having sex, to be honest.
Still hot, though.