Noola2008-01-02 05:45:15
QUOTE(Shiri @ Jan 1 2008, 07:58 PM) 471941
Mmh. Dog died while she was in Wales last week. I've had her for over a decade now and she's really grown up with me (though she's tiny even for a cockerspaniel, so only in the figurative sense.) Sorry in advance if I'm a bit snappy for a while.

Losing a pet is the worst.
Arix2008-01-02 05:51:48
I lost one of mine on a new years, so I can sympathise
Noola2008-01-02 20:07:15
Note to self: Lunch hour, the first (business) day of the month, is not the appropriate time to go to the State Revenue office to renew one's tags. That is, if one wants to keep their sanity intact.

Oh, and when one is eating duck gumbo, one should be very careful when chewing as there just might be bird shot in the duck meat. I just almost cracked a tooth!

Oh, and when one is eating duck gumbo, one should be very careful when chewing as there just might be bird shot in the duck meat. I just almost cracked a tooth!

Veonira2008-01-02 21:55:29
I just got my grade back for my last class that I was SURE I was getting an A in and I got a B+. Not even a B, a b PLUS. I am FURIOUS. I already emailed my teacher asking for all of my grades from the semester :|
Krellan2008-01-03 01:03:25
I'm generally excited if if I don't have to repeat a class 

Unknown2008-01-03 16:21:56
Yeah but see, Veo's one of Them. The Overachievers.
Ildaudid2008-01-03 18:09:20
People irritate me. in general.... cept for Myndie he always showers his gay pride banners over me, engulfing me in a sea of colors that I now have the challenge to swim through. Kind of like escape from alcatraz 

Noola2008-01-06 17:52:07
I just found out I accidently left my fridge door cracked open all night. 

Murphy2008-01-06 18:16:53
I hate you all, and thusly declare all your opinions...nay YOURSELVES and everything you stand for, to be invalid, especially you noola.
Xenthos2008-01-06 18:20:06
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jan 6 2008, 01:16 PM) 473730
I hate you all, and thusly declare all your opinions...nay YOURSELVES and everything you stand for, to be invalid, especially you noola.
Can we go with "Null and void" instead of invalid? As in, "Every time that Murphy types something, his opinion is made null and void." Just a thought! It sounds so much better than "invalid."
Murphy2008-01-06 18:22:40
I prefer invalid, as in Xenthos has a right to his opinions, invalid as they may be (I don't necessarily believe that, I don't think Xenthos has a right to anything except to die in a fire)
People seek validation, especially women (nto sexist, just an observation you fem-nazis, you can die too) So to blatantly deny such validation, I find to be much more satisfying on a personal level.
People seek validation, especially women (nto sexist, just an observation you fem-nazis, you can die too) So to blatantly deny such validation, I find to be much more satisfying on a personal level.
Xenthos2008-01-06 18:25:31
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jan 6 2008, 01:22 PM) 473737
I prefer invalid, as in Xenthos has a right to his opinions, invalid as they may be (I don't necessarily believe that, I don't think Xenthos has a right to anything except to die in a fire)
People seek validation, especially women (nto sexist, just an observation you fem-nazis, you can die too) So to blatantly deny such validation, I find to be much more satisfying on a personal level.
People seek validation, especially women (nto sexist, just an observation you fem-nazis, you can die too) So to blatantly deny such validation, I find to be much more satisfying on a personal level.
Oo, oo, I know-- it's a word problem / puzzle! Let's see... where do the missing pieces go. I think I will buy a "not," an "i," and an "it" for $0.50, Alex. If you can throw in a pair of quotation marks for free, I'd appreciate it! And how about one extra period?
Murphy2008-01-06 18:28:00
Yanno what's workt han a fem-nazi? A gram-nazi (grammar nazi for those of you less intelligent people, IE all of you)
Especially one who fails so badly as xenthos. /hate
Especially one who fails so badly as xenthos. /hate
Noola2008-01-06 18:36:15
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jan 6 2008, 12:16 PM) 473730
I hate you all, and thusly declare all your opinions...nay YOURSELVES and everything you stand for, to be invalid, especially you noola.
God, Murphy. Your posts become less and less interesting to read. Kind of dull and tiresome. Much like yourself, actually. Why don't you crawl back under your rock and try to wrap your mind around the idea that you are not all that and a bag of potato chips.
(How was that, Murphy?

Xenthos2008-01-06 18:38:27
QUOTE(Murphy @ Jan 6 2008, 01:28 PM) 473743
Yanno what's workt han a fem-nazi? A gram-nazi (grammar nazi for those of you less intelligent people, IE all of you)
Especially one who fails so badly as xenthos. /hate
Especially one who fails so badly as xenthos. /hate
Surprisingly enough, I think Noola got it in one. Well done, Noola!
Noola2008-01-06 21:21:54
QUOTE(Xenthos @ Jan 6 2008, 12:38 PM) 473751
Surprisingly enough, I think Noola got it in one. Well done, Noola!

Lysandus2008-01-07 12:51:08
You know, it's irritating to have a father who smokes everyday, buy 2-5 packs a day and here I am, suffering from dry cough and he's not helping and to put things worse, he's not buying any meds for me.
Smoking should be banned really, I see no medical benefits with it and the hell with "they help the economy by buying", it's
whoever came up with that excuse.
Smoking should be banned really, I see no medical benefits with it and the hell with "they help the economy by buying", it's

Unknown2008-01-07 14:17:27
5 PACKS ?! That's CRAZY. That would be like... continuous - one right after another.
But not going into economy and business issues, banning it is not really an option because of millions of addicts.
But not going into economy and business issues, banning it is not really an option because of millions of addicts.
Shayle2008-01-07 14:59:49
I -think- I have an ear infection, which I woke up with this morning. Otherwise I am just going deaf in my left ear for no apparent reason. I'll know in a couple hours when I go to the doctor. But blargh. 

Unknown2008-01-07 16:39:44
QUOTE(Kashim @ Jan 7 2008, 09:17 AM) 474097
5 PACKS ?! That's CRAZY. That would be like... continuous - one right after another.
But not going into economy and business issues, banning it is not really an option because of millions of addicts.
But not going into economy and business issues, banning it is not really an option because of millions of addicts.
There's millions of addicts to lots of drugs, tobacco just happens to be legal. Banning it is an option, but it likely wouldn't be too effective.