Noola2008-03-18 18:07:45
What the
is up with
's pulling out in front of me and then getting irritated at ME over it?
Stupid woman in an SUV (and it's always
SUVs. Does owning one drain people's IQs or do you just have to be that dumb to buy one?) decided she didn't want to be in the turn lane anymore, and decided the perfect time to whip out of it would be when I'm about three feet from her rear bumper about to pass by. Luckily, I do pay attention to what the
is going on around me and managed to dodge into the other lane and avoid running right the
into her. I blared my horn, of course and the dumb broad blared hers back. Like she had a right to be upset at all. 
Nearly getting into a horrible accident before getting to eat lunch is a sucktastic thing. SUVs should all be destroyed. Maybe in an actual car, stupid people would be able to use their mirrors or turn their heads to see if they're about to run someone off the freakin road before abruptly changing lanes.

Stupid woman in an SUV (and it's always

Nearly getting into a horrible accident before getting to eat lunch is a sucktastic thing. SUVs should all be destroyed. Maybe in an actual car, stupid people would be able to use their mirrors or turn their heads to see if they're about to run someone off the freakin road before abruptly changing lanes.
Unknown2008-03-18 19:19:19
Move to Canada. SUVs are more rare here 

Noola2008-03-18 19:22:28
QUOTE(MrShrimp @ Mar 18 2008, 02:19 PM) 494307
Move to Canada. SUVs are more rare here 

I actually looked into it when Dubya was reelected.

Kharaen2008-03-18 21:11:46
Come to Ottawa then. We rarely get snow (and I won't be alone >>)
Jigan2008-03-18 22:27:56
QUOTE(Noola @ Mar 18 2008, 02:22 PM) 494309
I actually looked into it when Dubya was reelected.
But then saw that by the time the whole process was done, he'd be out of office anyway so decided that it wasn't worth the effort. The Canadian medical care system is something I wish we had here in the US with all my heart, but winter lasts WAY too long up there!
I like snow to play in, not snow that buries you alive.

Move to Wisconsin. Up near Fond du Lac. It's real pretty in the summer, and it's real pretty in the winter. The snow could be less, but it doesn't kill you. But it's still warm in the summer. AND, people are nice. I mean, if they think you could drive better, all they do is honk. But people wave to each other while driving. It's stange. Back in Illinois, if someone's making a hand sign, it's a one finger salute in reference to your driving skills or lack thereof.
Then I won't be alone.

Arix2008-03-18 22:38:34
Or if you really want no snow and lots of near misses, move to Tucson, where driving like a maniac is one of the skills they test you on at the Arizona DMV
Unknown2008-03-19 00:32:38
Arthur C. Clarke died. 

Unknown2008-03-19 02:34:25
Just about everywhere on the internet that automatically detects DST not realizing that, in fact, it is in effect and has been for a week.

Diamondais2008-03-19 02:50:50
QUOTE(Noola @ Mar 18 2008, 03:22 PM) 494309
I actually looked into it when Dubya was reelected.
But then saw that by the time the whole process was done, he'd be out of office anyway so decided that it wasn't worth the effort. The Canadian medical care system is something I wish we had here in the US with all my heart, but winter lasts WAY too long up there!
I like snow to play in, not snow that buries you alive.

Winters haven't been so bad, if you're in Southern Ontario. Especially if you completely discount this year, winter hasn't been this bad in.. a long time.

Shiri2008-03-19 03:17:33
QUOTE(Kromsh @ Mar 19 2008, 02:34 AM) 494391
Just about everywhere on the internet that automatically detects DST not realizing that, in fact, it is in effect and has been for a week.

Summertime doesn't actually start RL for another week and a half or so, so that may have something to do with it.
Unknown2008-03-19 03:47:59
QUOTE(Shiri @ Mar 18 2008, 10:17 PM) 494398
Summertime doesn't actually start RL for another week and a half or so, so that may have something to do with it.
I was under the impression that it's because pre-2007 US DST began on the first Sunday in April. Either way, it's still really annoying.
Shiri2008-03-19 03:48:51
That could be it too, didn't know about that.
Nezha2008-03-19 10:59:06
I've been trying to learn perl and bought this gargantuan 1000page book to help me along. The first chapters was promising.. but when I managed to bring it home, I found out why it was 1000 pages..
The authors seemed more interested in trying trying to look intelligent and to teach all the known IT programming jargon, they seem to have forgotten to teach perl itself..
I would read 10 pages of 'explanations' before I see a bit of perl code, read another 10 page of goobledegook to see another set of a few perl code.. blah!
I searched in google, found a 100page concise perl tutorial and learned much more from there..
To the creators of "Programming perl".. you guys are total ripoffs.. give me back my $60.. *hack ptew*
cat /dev/null > 'Authors of "Programming perl"'
The authors seemed more interested in trying trying to look intelligent and to teach all the known IT programming jargon, they seem to have forgotten to teach perl itself..
I would read 10 pages of 'explanations' before I see a bit of perl code, read another 10 page of goobledegook to see another set of a few perl code.. blah!
I searched in google, found a 100page concise perl tutorial and learned much more from there..
To the creators of "Programming perl".. you guys are total ripoffs.. give me back my $60.. *hack ptew*
cat /dev/null > 'Authors of "Programming perl"'
Penna2008-03-19 11:01:46
Always, always, always websearch first. I ran into something similar with C/C++. Bah at publishers that put out junk like that. 

Veonira2008-03-19 19:51:50
I haaaaate interviewing.
Unknown2008-03-19 20:05:17
QUOTE(Noola @ Mar 18 2008, 06:07 PM) 494276
What the
is up with
's pulling out in front of me and then getting irritated at ME over it?
Stupid woman in an SUV (and it's always
SUVs. Does owning one drain people's IQs or do you just have to be that dumb to buy one?) decided she didn't want to be in the turn lane anymore, and decided the perfect time to whip out of it would be when I'm about three feet from her rear bumper about to pass by. Luckily, I do pay attention to what the
is going on around me and managed to dodge into the other lane and avoid running right the
into her. I blared my horn, of course and the dumb broad blared hers back. Like she had a right to be upset at all. 
Nearly getting into a horrible accident before getting to eat lunch is a sucktastic thing. SUVs should all be destroyed. Maybe in an actual car, stupid people would be able to use their mirrors or turn their heads to see if they're about to run someone off the freakin road before abruptly changing lanes.

Stupid woman in an SUV (and it's always

Nearly getting into a horrible accident before getting to eat lunch is a sucktastic thing. SUVs should all be destroyed. Maybe in an actual car, stupid people would be able to use their mirrors or turn their heads to see if they're about to run someone off the freakin road before abruptly changing lanes.
That's right, give in to the anger, the rage.
Enough of your smilies, now is the time to reap your bloody vengeance upon those that dare turn into your lane.
Noola2008-03-19 20:12:31
QUOTE(Refugee @ Mar 19 2008, 03:05 PM) 494525
That's right, give in to the anger, the rage.
Enough of your smilies, now is the time to reap your bloody vengeance upon those that dare turn into your lane.
Enough of your smilies, now is the time to reap your bloody vengeance upon those that dare turn into your lane.

Gelo2008-03-19 20:38:04
Stupid friend ordered 5 bottles of beer. He doesn't drink and he was down on the 2nd bottle. He went out so I followed him, concerned that he will run into something. Found him throwing up in the corner.
After puking, he turned around and kissed me, thinking I was his girlfriend. >_____<

Tasted like puke... ew... ew.. ew... That's why I hate being with drunk people.
After puking, he turned around and kissed me, thinking I was his girlfriend. >_____<

Tasted like puke... ew... ew.. ew... That's why I hate being with drunk people.
Noola2008-03-19 20:39:19
QUOTE(Gelo @ Mar 19 2008, 03:38 PM) 494528
Stupid friend ordered 5 bottles of beer. He doesn't drink and he was down on the 2nd bottle. He went out so I followed him, concerned that he will run into something. Found him throwing up in the corner.
After puking, he turned around and kissed me, thinking I was his girlfriend. >_____<

Tasted like puke... ew... ew.. ew... That's why I hate being with drunk people.
After puking, he turned around and kissed me, thinking I was his girlfriend. >_____<

Tasted like puke... ew... ew.. ew... That's why I hate being with drunk people.

Did you hit him? I'd have hit him. Right in the nose.
Gelo2008-03-19 20:43:12
QUOTE(Noola @ Mar 20 2008, 06:39 AM) 494529
Puke kiss! Yuck!
Did you hit him? I'd have hit him. Right in the nose.

Did you hit him? I'd have hit him. Right in the nose.
I didn't because I'd have to drag him home if I KOed him. What's frustrating is that it was 1. a puke kiss. 2. m2m kiss in front of lots of people.