Unknown2008-04-02 16:33:33
Misreading assignment due dates and finding out a draft paper that I haven't started on is due... a week ago. Oops! I send a "pleading for mercy' email to the professor, and now have that stomach wrenching waiting for death feeling. On the bright side, the professor always struck me as a pretty good person, but the part that's late is 35% of my grade!
Noola2008-04-02 16:37:32
QUOTE(Rainydays @ Apr 2 2008, 11:33 AM) 498831
Misreading assignment due dates and finding out a draft paper that I haven't started on is due... a week ago. Oops! I send a "pleading for mercy' email to the professor, and now have that stomach wrenching waiting for death feeling. On the bright side, the professor always struck me as a pretty good person, but the part that's late is 35% of my grade!

I'm sure your teacher'll let you turn it in, especially if you don't have a history of slacking off and not turning in work. Might take a deduction off of it for being late, but that's better than nothing.
If not, then he's a big jerk-head and should die a death of a thousand spiderbites.
Reiha2008-04-03 00:55:24
I think I'm finally getting fired 

Noola2008-04-04 02:50:43
I think I'm about to have a tornado land on me. Lots of freaky sirens going off, the news is saying there's one on the grownd and my apartment is in the little red pathway. So... yeah... I'm gonna go stand in the stairwell. Here's hoping I'm still here in an hour or so! 
Ah, it dissipated and the cell is passing. The sirens are still sounding, but I've decided to leave the stairwell. Might have to go back a little later when the next cell starts going over Little Rock though! Fun night!

Ah, it dissipated and the cell is passing. The sirens are still sounding, but I've decided to leave the stairwell. Might have to go back a little later when the next cell starts going over Little Rock though! Fun night!

Lokin2008-04-04 04:22:48
My alternator fell of the car. Again. At night. Again.
The battery BARELY lasted long enough to get home.
And good luck Noodla! Or is it Noodle? Noole? Noo..something.
I hope a little of that rain heads my way after it's through ruining your night, my car is still a bit green.
The battery BARELY lasted long enough to get home.
And good luck Noodla! Or is it Noodle? Noole? Noo..something.
I hope a little of that rain heads my way after it's through ruining your night, my car is still a bit green.
Noola2008-04-04 04:38:45
Christ, it's getting bad again. I think a building a little ways over actually got hit by lighting! Scared the crap out of me! 

Shiri2008-04-04 04:46:30
Err, if there's a thunderstorm going on that close, shouldn't you be shutting off your computer just to be safe?
Noola2008-04-04 04:49:20
QUOTE(Shiri @ Apr 3 2008, 11:46 PM) 499454
Err, if there's a thunderstorm going on that close, shouldn't you be shutting off your computer just to be safe?

Unknown2008-04-04 13:38:59
Noola, those are some really happy rants.
Druken2008-04-04 13:52:46
I've been disgustingly sick for the past 2 weeks now with no hope in sight for better health.
Essays are due, and I'm... not able to write them due to the fact that 10 hours of sleep just isn't enough, the bathroom is the furthest I've gone on campus, and I just don't really see a positive correlation between writing about PR campaigns and potentially decreasing my health s'more. 
Blast college.

Blast college.
Noola2008-04-04 14:46:18
QUOTE(MrShrimp @ Apr 4 2008, 08:38 AM) 499526
Noola, those are some really happy rants.
I like storms!

Caffrey2008-04-04 22:14:33
ok enough of my previous weak and feeble pseudo-rants.
I am ill. I've been valiantly fighting a cold/flu for the last few days but it is winning! So now I'm sat here with my sinuses on fire, aching all over, but just to my right I have a Maths assignment which I need to post Monday afternoon at the latest and the whiskey I've had to "help fight the cold" isn't really helping me concentrate on the second order differentials in this damned oscillations question. I've taken on too much this year, which assuming I manage to do well will be fine but right now I feel stressed! Then, that aside, I'm still fighting the *&%$£ useless council who couldn't issue a correct bill if their lives depended on it... When I have maths to do the last thing I need to think about is writting a letter to the Housing Minister explaining how usless the council is when all I get in return is a brief flurry of activity and then more of the same overcharging and incompetence. Which of course is making me feel great about the huge major works plan they are doing. I may have to sell a kidney to fund THAT one. Then there's work, which has been bearable, except the IT director taking credit for the system I suggested, imlemented, and developed, even though he was against it for ages until he finally realised how good it was! Then next week I have a couple of crappy and fiddly systems to upgrade, which will consume both my time and my patience, ohh and no pay rise this year even though my appraisal was great as usual, because this retarded pay structure has a cap for my section and I've reached it. Then theres my dad who has MS, and is currently not doing very well. I visited him earlier today, and he is struggling to walk at all, saying he has had to crawl to the bathroom on his hands and knees on a couple of occasions. He isn't scheduled to see the doctor till the end of the month. Ohhh yes and of course my love life, or lack of it. There is one guy who has visited me a couple of times now and we get on well, spent a brilliant day last year going around the Salvador Dali exhibit talking about the various influences on Dali's work. But of course, he lives in Germany, and long distance relationships sux0r. Plus my German is far too poor to consider moving there, so if this was ever going to work, he would have to move here, which is a huge commitment, and... well... I'm also commitment phobic, which doesn't help. To top it off, all the study means I have no time for Lusternia, although all the mapping is done anyway
I'm also paying £6 a month to queue skills for training in Eve online, because I also have no time for that. Also, is there no version of Prokofievs Peter and the Wolf without the damned talking, I KNOW the story, I've known it since I heard it first at a concert when I was about 10. I just want the damned music!! Ohhh and city living is not good, I was accosted by some drunk teen today, last weekend I was in the shop under my flat and someone had an argument with the shopkeeper and threatened to burn down the shop and the weekend before that someone fired a gun on the bus I was on, leaving a nice bullet hole in one of the windows.
I am ill. I've been valiantly fighting a cold/flu for the last few days but it is winning! So now I'm sat here with my sinuses on fire, aching all over, but just to my right I have a Maths assignment which I need to post Monday afternoon at the latest and the whiskey I've had to "help fight the cold" isn't really helping me concentrate on the second order differentials in this damned oscillations question. I've taken on too much this year, which assuming I manage to do well will be fine but right now I feel stressed! Then, that aside, I'm still fighting the *&%$£ useless council who couldn't issue a correct bill if their lives depended on it... When I have maths to do the last thing I need to think about is writting a letter to the Housing Minister explaining how usless the council is when all I get in return is a brief flurry of activity and then more of the same overcharging and incompetence. Which of course is making me feel great about the huge major works plan they are doing. I may have to sell a kidney to fund THAT one. Then there's work, which has been bearable, except the IT director taking credit for the system I suggested, imlemented, and developed, even though he was against it for ages until he finally realised how good it was! Then next week I have a couple of crappy and fiddly systems to upgrade, which will consume both my time and my patience, ohh and no pay rise this year even though my appraisal was great as usual, because this retarded pay structure has a cap for my section and I've reached it. Then theres my dad who has MS, and is currently not doing very well. I visited him earlier today, and he is struggling to walk at all, saying he has had to crawl to the bathroom on his hands and knees on a couple of occasions. He isn't scheduled to see the doctor till the end of the month. Ohhh yes and of course my love life, or lack of it. There is one guy who has visited me a couple of times now and we get on well, spent a brilliant day last year going around the Salvador Dali exhibit talking about the various influences on Dali's work. But of course, he lives in Germany, and long distance relationships sux0r. Plus my German is far too poor to consider moving there, so if this was ever going to work, he would have to move here, which is a huge commitment, and... well... I'm also commitment phobic, which doesn't help. To top it off, all the study means I have no time for Lusternia, although all the mapping is done anyway

Xavius2008-04-05 19:39:49
QUOTE(caffrey @ Apr 4 2008, 05:14 PM) 499638
ranty rant

Caffrey2008-04-05 19:47:17
QUOTE(Xavius @ Apr 5 2008, 08:39 PM) 499886
Heh, I have considered emigrating, I was once considering Australia as I have family over there. The other alternative is Germany, but I would really need to improve my German before then. The other thing is I really need to stay around right now for my dad, plus I want to finish my part time degree. So, I'll just have to put up with things, it just feels like I'm being attacked from all sides right at the moment.

Munsia2008-04-07 02:01:22
Stupid sister of mine decided to run off 6-8 months ago from Disney World. (She worked there). She completly lied to my mother and disappeared off the map. I tracked her down because she left all her info on her myspace/facebook. Found out the boy's name. Used the yellowpages.com to get his adress and with the help of their local police she was informed to call my mother, which she never ended up doing. (Lol) At this point she was in New Jersey. After that she ran off with some other boy apparently to avon lake (and noone knew it. Avon lake is where we use to live and is onyl a 30 mins from my mums.) She hid there till she moved to North Carolina with another guy (3 guys now). There...she got engaged and married. This entire time she refused to talk to my mom and only would talk to my moms sibling. My grandma wasn't even contacted. Now my sister's little 'marriage' went wrong about 2 weeks into it and she cried to mommy. So my mother drives 10 hours 1 way to get her and then drives back. At this point you'd think everyone would be pissed at my sister. Also me and my mom had plans to go to the book store. The one in rocky river (good hour or so drive). Today. So my mom completly forgets about me and takes my sister instead... I am really pissed. My entire life i was the 'bad' kid and she was the good one. But she screws up and everyone is finally seeing that she wasn't that good. (One of those siblings who screws with you on the side y'know?)
Everyone has like completly forgotten whe she had done, running of with 3-4 different guys and refusing to talk to my mother while she was clearly distraught. I was the only one there for her. I took care of her dogs. I got kicked out of the house before my sister ran off just so my mom and my sister could live in 'peace' so they say. But then she pulls that stunt and my mom starts crying about it to me. Now she's back and everything's okay? This really grinds my gears!
Edit: Oh and to top the weekend off. My roommate got fired. Currently she already owes me 400$ in bills. She owes me 150 for rent that was due the first of this month. But she was stealing at work, has to pay them back 300$, and now is trying to get out of the lease. I'm in a year contract so I can't just be like 'Gotta leave.. bye'. They'll sue me. I can't move back home either because she doesn't want me there. I'm unemployed to top it all off and I can't find a job
Stupid sister of mine decided to run off 6-8 months ago from Disney World. (She worked there). She completly lied to my mother and disappeared off the map. I tracked her down because she left all her info on her myspace/facebook. Found out the boy's name. Used the yellowpages.com to get his adress and with the help of their local police she was informed to call my mother, which she never ended up doing. (Lol) At this point she was in New Jersey. After that she ran off with some other boy apparently to avon lake (and noone knew it. Avon lake is where we use to live and is onyl a 30 mins from my mums.) She hid there till she moved to North Carolina with another guy (3 guys now). There...she got engaged and married. This entire time she refused to talk to my mom and only would talk to my moms sibling. My grandma wasn't even contacted. Now my sister's little 'marriage' went wrong about 2 weeks into it and she cried to mommy. So my mother drives 10 hours 1 way to get her and then drives back. At this point you'd think everyone would be pissed at my sister. Also me and my mom had plans to go to the book store. The one in rocky river (good hour or so drive). Today. So my mom completly forgets about me and takes my sister instead... I am really pissed. My entire life i was the 'bad' kid and she was the good one. But she screws up and everyone is finally seeing that she wasn't that good. (One of those siblings who screws with you on the side y'know?)
Everyone has like completly forgotten whe she had done, running of with 3-4 different guys and refusing to talk to my mother while she was clearly distraught. I was the only one there for her. I took care of her dogs. I got kicked out of the house before my sister ran off just so my mom and my sister could live in 'peace' so they say. But then she pulls that stunt and my mom starts crying about it to me. Now she's back and everything's okay? This really grinds my gears!
Edit: Oh and to top the weekend off. My roommate got fired. Currently she already owes me 400$ in bills. She owes me 150 for rent that was due the first of this month. But she was stealing at work, has to pay them back 300$, and now is trying to get out of the lease. I'm in a year contract so I can't just be like 'Gotta leave.. bye'. They'll sue me. I can't move back home either because she doesn't want me there. I'm unemployed to top it all off and I can't find a job
Acrune2008-04-07 03:31:57
QUOTE(munsia @ Apr 6 2008, 10:01 PM) 500129
Stupid sister of mine decided to run off 6-8 months ago from Disney World. (She worked there). She completly lied to my mother and disappeared off the map. I tracked her down because she left all her info on her myspace/facebook. Found out the boy's name. Used the yellowpages.com to get his adress and with the help of their local police she was informed to call my mother, which she never ended up doing. (Lol) At this point she was in New Jersey. After that she ran off with some other boy apparently to avon lake (and noone knew it. Avon lake is where we use to live and is onyl a 30 mins from my mums.) She hid there till she moved to North Carolina with another guy (3 guys now). There...she got engaged and married. This entire time she refused to talk to my mom and only would talk to my moms sibling. My grandma wasn't even contacted. Now my sister's little 'marriage' went wrong about 2 weeks into it and she cried to mommy. So my mother drives 10 hours 1 way to get her and then drives back. At this point you'd think everyone would be pissed at my sister. Also me and my mom had plans to go to the book store. The one in rocky river (good hour or so drive). Today. So my mom completly forgets about me and takes my sister instead... I am really pissed. My entire life i was the 'bad' kid and she was the good one. But she screws up and everyone is finally seeing that she wasn't that good. (One of those siblings who screws with you on the side y'know?)
Everyone has like completly forgotten whe she had done, running of with 3-4 different guys and refusing to talk to my mother while she was clearly distraught. I was the only one there for her. I took care of her dogs. I got kicked out of the house before my sister ran off just so my mom and my sister could live in 'peace' so they say. But then she pulls that stunt and my mom starts crying about it to me. Now she's back and everything's okay? This really grinds my gears!
Edit: Oh and to top the weekend off. My roommate got fired. Currently she already owes me 400$ in bills. She owes me 150 for rent that was due the first of this month. But she was stealing at work, has to pay them back 300$, and now is trying to get out of the lease. I'm in a year contract so I can't just be like 'Gotta leave.. bye'. They'll sue me. I can't move back home either because she doesn't want me there. I'm unemployed to top it all off and I can't find a job
Stupid sister of mine decided to run off 6-8 months ago from Disney World. (She worked there). She completly lied to my mother and disappeared off the map. I tracked her down because she left all her info on her myspace/facebook. Found out the boy's name. Used the yellowpages.com to get his adress and with the help of their local police she was informed to call my mother, which she never ended up doing. (Lol) At this point she was in New Jersey. After that she ran off with some other boy apparently to avon lake (and noone knew it. Avon lake is where we use to live and is onyl a 30 mins from my mums.) She hid there till she moved to North Carolina with another guy (3 guys now). There...she got engaged and married. This entire time she refused to talk to my mom and only would talk to my moms sibling. My grandma wasn't even contacted. Now my sister's little 'marriage' went wrong about 2 weeks into it and she cried to mommy. So my mother drives 10 hours 1 way to get her and then drives back. At this point you'd think everyone would be pissed at my sister. Also me and my mom had plans to go to the book store. The one in rocky river (good hour or so drive). Today. So my mom completly forgets about me and takes my sister instead... I am really pissed. My entire life i was the 'bad' kid and she was the good one. But she screws up and everyone is finally seeing that she wasn't that good. (One of those siblings who screws with you on the side y'know?)
Everyone has like completly forgotten whe she had done, running of with 3-4 different guys and refusing to talk to my mother while she was clearly distraught. I was the only one there for her. I took care of her dogs. I got kicked out of the house before my sister ran off just so my mom and my sister could live in 'peace' so they say. But then she pulls that stunt and my mom starts crying about it to me. Now she's back and everything's okay? This really grinds my gears!
Edit: Oh and to top the weekend off. My roommate got fired. Currently she already owes me 400$ in bills. She owes me 150 for rent that was due the first of this month. But she was stealing at work, has to pay them back 300$, and now is trying to get out of the lease. I'm in a year contract so I can't just be like 'Gotta leave.. bye'. They'll sue me. I can't move back home either because she doesn't want me there. I'm unemployed to top it all off and I can't find a job

Diamondais2008-04-07 14:40:09
QUOTE(Acrune @ Apr 6 2008, 11:31 PM) 500133

Position Papers, I always get the weirdest feeling that I am just going on and on and on. Sadly, I keep picking classes that have to do them.

(Plus my topic is getting way too much negative attention.

Caffrey2008-04-07 14:55:07
Hmmm, so, my rants of the other day seem trivial now. My manager just called me and told me that a collegue I have worked with for the last 8 years, aged 36 and who I played Badminton with often, swapped books with and shared many pub lunches with, died, earlier today. Just had the HR manager up here too, but not sure of the cause yet.

Unknown2008-04-07 16:36:09
Munsia, I had a similar roommate situation a few years ago. My roommate was 2 months into a 1 year lease when she decided she'd rather live in Kansas (KTHXLOL), and left me with the rent which I couldn't pay on my crappy retail salesgirl's income. I was luckily able to find someone at the last moment but maybe read over your contract and talk to the leasing office/whoever about the situation?
I also feel for you on the unemployment thing...I'm unemployed and having a hard time finding another job and I just sort of suddenly ran out of savings when a big bill came up that I didn't plan for. Are you able to get unemployment money?
I also feel for you on the unemployment thing...I'm unemployed and having a hard time finding another job and I just sort of suddenly ran out of savings when a big bill came up that I didn't plan for. Are you able to get unemployment money?
Reiha2008-04-07 18:14:33
QUOTE(munsia @ Apr 6 2008, 07:01 PM) 500129
I'm sorry