Noola2008-04-09 16:22:49
I hate when I reread an email I've sent to a client or vendor (as I often do, because I just have a need to reread things I've written - you should see how many times I reread my own posts here, even hours after the fact!
) and spot something that makes me sound completely dumb. Like:
"I also did not receiving the results emails telling me of there being a problem with either of these leads - though I should have and have in the past with previous tests."
That started out as "I'm also not receiving..." But then, I decided that since I was talking about not getting the results email for the leads that already happened, I should make it past tense. Except I forgot to make sure I changed everything in the sentence and now I look dumb.

"I also did not receiving the results emails telling me of there being a problem with either of these leads - though I should have and have in the past with previous tests."
That started out as "I'm also not receiving..." But then, I decided that since I was talking about not getting the results email for the leads that already happened, I should make it past tense. Except I forgot to make sure I changed everything in the sentence and now I look dumb.

Belloc2008-04-09 17:48:01
Forecast for Cleveland County
Updated: 11:08 am CDT on April 9, 2008
Flood Watch in effect through Thursday evening...

Updated: 11:08 am CDT on April 9, 2008
Flood Watch in effect through Thursday evening...

Desitrus2008-04-09 22:39:13
Hope you float away
Belloc2008-04-09 23:23:46
Actually, I almost did. Little backstory: My workplace is on a small airfield, so it's (obviously) flat. Thus, whenever it rains it floods. I was driving down the road to the highway, and low and behold I saw what I thought was a slight cover of rain on the road. Apparently it was about a foot deep, because when I drove into it around 25 mph my care came to a -dead- stop. Luckly, I kept the RPMs up to keep a positive pressure coming out of the exahust pipe so I didn't kill it and have to push. Needless to say, I shouldn't have made it home. Oklahoma weather ftl.
Ashai2008-04-09 23:45:36
Well, you could always just move to Colorado. It rained here (for an hour), the first time in about six months.
Unknown2008-04-10 14:21:00
QUOTE(Noola @ Apr 9 2008, 12:22 PM) 500774
I hate when I reread an email I've sent to a client or vendor (as I often do, because I just have a need to reread things I've written - you should see how many times I reread my own posts here, even hours after the fact!
) and spot something that makes me sound completely dumb. Like:
"I also did not receiving the results emails telling me of there being a problem with either of these leads - though I should have and have in the past with previous tests."
That started out as "I'm also not receiving..." But then, I decided that since I was talking about not getting the results email for the leads that already happened, I should make it past tense. Except I forgot to make sure I changed everything in the sentence and now I look dumb.

"I also did not receiving the results emails telling me of there being a problem with either of these leads - though I should have and have in the past with previous tests."
That started out as "I'm also not receiving..." But then, I decided that since I was talking about not getting the results email for the leads that already happened, I should make it past tense. Except I forgot to make sure I changed everything in the sentence and now I look dumb.

Noola2008-04-10 16:22:00
More tornados.... and now I'm stuck at work.
Um, moving away from my desk, it's stopped raining and the wind is doing weird things....
Um, moving away from my desk, it's stopped raining and the wind is doing weird things....

Belloc2008-04-10 16:23:57
At least the thunderstorms are hitting you during the day. Damn things kept me up till 3 am AND woke me back up at 430 am. Yay for not having to do much at work today other than sleep.
Noola2008-04-10 16:34:43
QUOTE(Belloc @ Apr 10 2008, 11:23 AM) 500957
At least the thunderstorms are hitting you during the day. Damn things kept me up till 3 am AND woke me back up at 430 am. Yay for not having to do much at work today other than sleep.
I'd rather be at home, where I can watch the news on tv with all their helpful weather maps.
But the tornados on the ground are just north of where I am, think, if I read this silly map on the local news station's website right.

Xavius2008-04-10 17:05:35
QUOTE(Noola @ Apr 10 2008, 11:34 AM) 500959
I'd rather be at home, where I can watch the news on tv with all their helpful weather maps.
But the tornados on the ground are just north of where I am, think, if I read this silly map on the local news station's website right.
Though, the sirens are still going crazy.
But the tornados on the ground are just north of where I am, think, if I read this silly map on the local news station's website right.

Kindly remind your employer that not telling you where to go and where to shepherd your customers in the event of an official tornado warning is a violation of federal law.
Noola2008-04-10 17:11:34
QUOTE(Xavius @ Apr 10 2008, 12:05 PM) 500963
Kindly remind your employer that not telling you where to go and where to shepherd your customers in the event of an official tornado warning is a violation of federal law.
My employer is an idiot.

Belloc2008-04-10 17:43:43
Err, where I work we do quite the oppisite. When we know a tornado is coming we all run outside to go watch. Just a bunch of crazy weather guys, hehe.
Noola2008-04-10 17:47:24
QUOTE(Belloc @ Apr 10 2008, 12:43 PM) 500971
Err, where I work we do quite the oppisite. When we know a tornado is coming we all run outside to go watch. Just a bunch of crazy weather guys, hehe.

That's what I did after I got bored and abandoned the office interior. Except the wind was blowing too much and I kept getting drenched in the rain, so I settled for just sitting at my desk and watched out the window.
Belloc2008-04-10 18:00:01
Yeah, that's the only bad thing about it. Just the other day we had a funnel cloud (non cyclonic) drop down right behind my office. Was pretty neat - Everyone went outside and watched as it dissapatted as it passed over our building.
Furien2008-04-16 14:16:56
Oh, exams.
This week and maybe a week or two ago are/were being spent on taking our state exams. 3 hours or so taken out of the mornings, with the rest of the day being odd/even periods depending on what day it was. Sophomores go in the gyms, Freshmen taking the test early (It's a 10th grade and graduation requirement) in another classroom.
So, this week we arrive at the Math portion of it all. After listening to the obnoxiously bland-voiced proctor lady reading all the instructions out to us like two year olds who don't realize they can just read them all on the first page, we all get started. I start encountering problems like "Pull random equation x out of your rear and tell me what it's shaped like" or "Your teacher gives you a geometry handout with the following diagram : (weird picture of a star with oval-like shapes between the points) Unfortunately, your f-tarded friend is a genius who lost (ate) his three seconds after getting it. Tell him how to reconstruct the diagram". Wtf does that one even have to do with math?
An hour in, all of the sophomores who don't give a damn about their life leave the exam because that's the designated 'you may leave now if you're finished' time. There's a lot of those people, too. The proctor lady has us 'remain seated for a few more minutes' while they bring the freshmen, juniors and seniors. They all file in, freshmen first, and they (thank god) are decent enough to just sit down and chat as normal. Juniors and Seniors come in right after, yelling at eachother across the ECHO-SUPPORTING room like complete idiots and we spend the next 30 minutes (we've spent 30 minutes waiting by now) bringing out chairs and new tables to accomodate all these newpeople tards. While we're waiting for that to happen, the girl across from me (Who looks JUST LIKE Nicole Richie's little sister (if she even has one) and sounds just like her too. Has the same droopy-eyed look of Paris, too) starts saying she's probably ADHD/ADD/whatever and it's driving her nuts. So we (including the one other girl at the table) start playing tic-tac-toe on the front of her test book. We're not supposed to, but oh well, and that girl completely owned me at the game. Wtf?
By the time I finish and leave, Lunch is starting in 5 minutes and I missed a free hour and a half study period in my AP World History class (we're spending the next 30 days or so studying for the exam) and am very short on patience.
Did I mention I'm going to go take part two of this particular test in 12 minutes?

This week and maybe a week or two ago are/were being spent on taking our state exams. 3 hours or so taken out of the mornings, with the rest of the day being odd/even periods depending on what day it was. Sophomores go in the gyms, Freshmen taking the test early (It's a 10th grade and graduation requirement) in another classroom.
So, this week we arrive at the Math portion of it all. After listening to the obnoxiously bland-voiced proctor lady reading all the instructions out to us like two year olds who don't realize they can just read them all on the first page, we all get started. I start encountering problems like "Pull random equation x out of your rear and tell me what it's shaped like" or "Your teacher gives you a geometry handout with the following diagram : (weird picture of a star with oval-like shapes between the points) Unfortunately, your f-tarded friend is a genius who lost (ate) his three seconds after getting it. Tell him how to reconstruct the diagram". Wtf does that one even have to do with math?
An hour in, all of the sophomores who don't give a damn about their life leave the exam because that's the designated 'you may leave now if you're finished' time. There's a lot of those people, too. The proctor lady has us 'remain seated for a few more minutes' while they bring the freshmen, juniors and seniors. They all file in, freshmen first, and they (thank god) are decent enough to just sit down and chat as normal. Juniors and Seniors come in right after, yelling at eachother across the ECHO-SUPPORTING room like complete idiots and we spend the next 30 minutes (we've spent 30 minutes waiting by now) bringing out chairs and new tables to accomodate all these new
By the time I finish and leave, Lunch is starting in 5 minutes and I missed a free hour and a half study period in my AP World History class (we're spending the next 30 days or so studying for the exam) and am very short on patience.
Did I mention I'm going to go take part two of this particular test in 12 minutes?

Shiri2008-04-16 14:21:01
Regarding the maths problem with the sounds like you were supposed to tell the friend the formula for the lines that formed the curves (like y=2x+3 or something) and maybe the coordinates for the points of the star? Without having seen it I can't really say though.
Unknown2008-04-16 17:55:59
QUOTE(Furien @ Apr 16 2008, 10:16 AM) 502685
Oh, exams.
I 1-up your rant with this: birthday in the middle of exam study week! Granted it could've been worse with a birthday on a exam, but at least I'd see friends at school.
And supposedly I need to sign up for MCATs for later this summer

Ialie2008-04-17 15:29:01
I smelled smoke and I heard fire sirens and my first thought, was "Oh no my house in on fire!"
To my embarrassment my second thought was, "Crap don't want to go afk in my shop room."
To my embarrassment my second thought was, "Crap don't want to go afk in my shop room."
Shiri2008-04-17 15:52:10
That's awesome, not a rant (unless your house was actually on fire...)
Rant: unannounced visitors staying for an hour past my bedtime and no one warned me they would be coming!?
Rant: unannounced visitors staying for an hour past my bedtime and no one warned me they would be coming!?
Ashteru2008-04-18 01:49:29
It's 4 am and I am learning how to configure stupid cisco routers for an exam I have in 8 hours. uck.