Bashara2008-05-10 19:26:05
Drugs + Mono = zombie me
Furien2008-05-13 06:11:17
I feel like just filling up half a page with frustration. Kinda like....
that. Yeah. But way longer.
Honestly, the family vacation I had from Wednesday -> Sunday was crap, made even crappier by the fact that I missed all those days I could've been studying for the AP World History exam I have in..well, if we bump ahead an hour temporarily, TWO DAYS. I don't even want to think about all the other school assignments I've missed for the sake of family fun (inhaling too much carpet cleaner).
What's pissing me off right now the most is my brother. We've got our usual shifts. Me: 3-5PM. Him: 5-8PM. Me: 8-11+PM. My shifts are me being at the only desk we've got in this house. Same with him. Does he use his shifts to do homework? Nope, plays computer. What makes it so terrible? If I drift off, even a BIT during my 5-8 break, he doesn't wake me up. At all. I've woken up anywhere from 11PM to 3AM from those naps, and he's either on the computer down here or upstairs and asleep as if nothing's happened. Greedy little bastard. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep on a daily basis, now, because he spends all night sucking face with his 'girlfriend' over the phone. The LAST thing I need is missing whatever study time I have left.
that. Yeah. But way longer.
Honestly, the family vacation I had from Wednesday -> Sunday was crap, made even crappier by the fact that I missed all those days I could've been studying for the AP World History exam I have in..well, if we bump ahead an hour temporarily, TWO DAYS. I don't even want to think about all the other school assignments I've missed for the sake of family fun (inhaling too much carpet cleaner).
What's pissing me off right now the most is my brother. We've got our usual shifts. Me: 3-5PM. Him: 5-8PM. Me: 8-11+PM. My shifts are me being at the only desk we've got in this house. Same with him. Does he use his shifts to do homework? Nope, plays computer. What makes it so terrible? If I drift off, even a BIT during my 5-8 break, he doesn't wake me up. At all. I've woken up anywhere from 11PM to 3AM from those naps, and he's either on the computer down here or upstairs and asleep as if nothing's happened. Greedy little bastard. I'm running on 4 hours of sleep on a daily basis, now, because he spends all night sucking face with his 'girlfriend' over the phone. The LAST thing I need is missing whatever study time I have left.
Xenthos2008-05-14 13:39:36
My long-term companion and faithful friend for fifteen years passed away this morning.
Shiri2008-05-14 13:41:28

Diamondais2008-05-14 15:48:34
Have a hug. (though you may not want one.

Meliana2008-05-14 16:29:59
I'm sorry for your loss 

Xavius2008-05-14 17:34:53
QUOTE(Xenthos @ May 14 2008, 08:39 AM) 512031
My long-term companion and faithful friend for fifteen years passed away this morning.

Wow. Ouch. I hope you're doing ok.
Druken2008-05-15 00:35:58

Bashara2008-05-15 05:40:06
QUOTE(Xenthos @ May 14 2008, 01:39 PM) 512031
My long-term companion and faithful friend for fifteen years passed away this morning.
My heart goes out to you, man.
My rant:
I work as a busboy/dishwasher at a restaurant. I start at 3:00, the restaurant closes at 10, but I normally get out anywhere from 1030-11. Tonight was slow as hell, only one really big group, but the rest of the shift was cake. Around 945 we started to bring everything back from the kitchen to the dishroom, and we were halfway through washing and putting stuff away when at 10:15 the night shift manager came back to the dishroom and told us to start bringing some of the kitchen stuff back. Apparently, my old high school's baseball team had won the state championship and decided to come celebrate at our place.
First off, that's awesome they won, congratulations. Secondly, they came in 15 minutes AFTER we were closed, but the doors weren't locked so they just came on in. And it wasn't just the baseball team. No, it was them, their parents, and half the f-

The entire back line, the kitchen, the salad/sandwhich bar, the dishcrew, everyone in the back room was pissed. We were done! We had one foot out the door! But no! We had to stay until 11:30 when the crowd finally decided it was time to go home.
Oh, don't worry guys, we only stayed open an hour and a half extra for you pieces of

Let me repeat that: 1AM. 100 HOURS MILITARY TIME.
It was all I could do from taking the vintage Louisville Slugger that we have hanging up in the bar and just going postal. That was just wrong. You don't come into a restaurant after it's closed and seat yourselves. If you wanna do that, then you can go to Waffle House or IHOP.
Diamondais2008-05-15 15:48:26
*bunt teacher*
Don't come to me a week after I handed my poems in, tell me the deadline is tomorrow and to condense the one poem you like at the end of my lunch so I can't have that time to work on it.
Also, I handed it in a week ago.. Couldn't I have been told a -bit- earlier?
Don't come to me a week after I handed my poems in, tell me the deadline is tomorrow and to condense the one poem you like at the end of my lunch so I can't have that time to work on it.
Also, I handed it in a week ago.. Couldn't I have been told a -bit- earlier?

Emar2008-05-15 19:24:15
Law exams I had no idea existed.
I hate lecturers, especially contract ones. They're the epitome of evil.

I hate lecturers, especially contract ones. They're the epitome of evil.
Alef2008-05-16 21:05:22
Having to sit through solid state physics and thermodynamics in a single exam, and to make matters worse I can't seem to concentrate of the revision notes I've written for the topics. 

Ashai2008-05-16 21:50:23
I ate too many cupcakes. 

Unknown2008-05-17 19:19:46
Dropping a very new record on a very dusty floor. Nothing makes me say "Oh, crap!" like dirty record
Snaithy2008-05-17 23:10:31
my uncle having a mental breakdown and going into a psychiatric ward. In the same week his 17 year old daughter gives birth against medical advice (well against medical advice for her to become pregnant at all so meh). Ouch
Lysandus2008-05-18 01:15:38
So... it's my birthday, sure I should be happy today but one thing I completely forgot yesterday was attending my nephew's birthday... which was held 3 pm at my sister's house. Now I don't feel all that cheery anymore that I broke a promise from my sis...
sucks to be me, bad way to start a new year in your life...
sucks to be me, bad way to start a new year in your life...

Astraea2008-05-18 05:35:54
My dog has parvo and the vet said he has a 50/50 chance.
Astraea2008-05-18 23:43:45
Correction. My dog had parvo. He's dead now.
Druken2008-05-18 23:50:42
Hugs to both Astraea and Lysandus.

Diamondais2008-05-19 03:05:36
I always feel so bad when someone decides to cut their night short just because I want to go home. Go enjoy yourselves.
However, I know exactly how it is to be a third (or fifth) wheel while out or drinking, it's not fun.
So I definitely understand why she went home, but I wish it wasn't just because I wasn't going to be there.

However, I know exactly how it is to be a third (or fifth) wheel while out or drinking, it's not fun.
So I definitely understand why she went home, but I wish it wasn't just because I wasn't going to be there.