Snaithy2008-05-29 10:49:38
rant: me
stop logging in when pissed you dick
stop logging in when pissed you dick
Saaga2008-05-29 10:58:48

Also, V for Vendetta

Kharaen2008-05-29 15:48:40
My grandma keeps getting verbally attacked by a blond woman in her building. My grandma's timid, she just tries to ignore her and get back home, but each time she gets attacked she ends up crying and shaking. Now the blond woman's been harassing her so much that she's been trying to get my grandma evicted and take away her dogs.
How can people take enjoyment of attacking, sick, aging women? My grandma has several kinds of cancer, asthma, diabetes, surgery in her legs that render them almost useless, depression, and arthritis in almost every joint. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, she's a nice woman! A lot nicer then me, or most others I know.
I want to beat this blond woman up, but I'm worried my grandma will get upset over that too :/
How can people take enjoyment of attacking, sick, aging women? My grandma has several kinds of cancer, asthma, diabetes, surgery in her legs that render them almost useless, depression, and arthritis in almost every joint. She doesn't deserve this kind of treatment, she's a nice woman! A lot nicer then me, or most others I know.
I want to beat this blond woman up, but I'm worried my grandma will get upset over that too :/
Amarysse2008-05-29 17:09:22

Has she (or have you) tried reporting the harrassment to the building manager, or filed for a restraining order? That sort of treatment should definitely not be allowed.
Kharaen2008-05-29 17:23:07
She won't and she won't let me do it. I was sneaky today though, I got my grandma's postal code from her under the claim I was getting her a Crisco basket (which I will anyways, was planning to do that for a while now), and soon as I get the blond's name I'm going to see if I can get a restraining order... Problem is she lives in the same building as my grandma, and she's 'sweet' with the security guys of that building (security's been letting the blond abuse my grandma :/). The manager takes the blond's side too, since her boyfriend is his brother.
It's frustrating!
It's frustrating!
Jigan2008-05-30 03:53:10
The baseball bat has no brother, nor can it be sweet-talked.
Talk to the blonde, find out why she treats your gran in such a fashion. Then threaten to use her spinal cord as handles for her intestines when you use them as a jump-rope. Good luck though, in all seriously-ish-ness.

Talk to the blonde, find out why she treats your gran in such a fashion. Then threaten to use her spinal cord as handles for her intestines when you use them as a jump-rope. Good luck though, in all seriously-ish-ness.

Xavius2008-05-30 03:54:58
I have a feeling that it takes a certain presence to pull off that method, and Ashteru doesn't live close enough to Kharaen to go help.
Jigan2008-05-30 04:17:34
All you need is an insane glint in your eye and a smile that chills the blood when you use the threat. If she sues and says "She had a crazy look in her eye" your lawyer says "Exactly. She went insane. Some twit was abusing her gran, so she went nuts." Then the judge goes ""

(I know your real name, probably, from the compendium e-mails. Just in case you don't want too many people to know, it's been removed for your sake (And theirs, once you learn Bat-ju-jitsu)

(I know your real name, probably, from the compendium e-mails. Just in case you don't want too many people to know, it's been removed for your sake (And theirs, once you learn Bat-ju-jitsu)
Ildaudid2008-05-30 04:38:21
Nobody should ever
with an old lady. Even those mean old ladies who have 30 cats. They should not be :fucked: with either.
My method would be to go and mind
the blonde. Things from slashing tires (make sure you do at least 2 though, 2 or more tires require a flatbed truck to tow it and cost alot more.), to making my presence known but never seen, like a creepy stalker, that only stops when the grandma is not being bothered.
Now, the real method:
Talk to the blonde (in person, in the blondes apartment... these things in parenthesis are very important in case this plan doesn't work), find out what her problem is. (Sit down in a room where you can see things, like mail, liquor cabinets, etc.. basically scope the house, know how many people live there, her full name from the mail, any quirks about her. Use you mind to memorize) Explain to her that it is really bothering your grandmother. If this blonde is smart she will understand and relax some.
Now if the blonde acts like a bitch or something. This is where the things in parenthesis come into play. Before leaving start to cry and ask to use her bathroom. When in her bathroom check her medicine cabinets, the way the bathroom is laid out, if the toilet seat is up, since that could mean a man is there frequently also. Check everything, see if she even uses that Rogaine for women stuff. Afterwards, apologize to her politely even though she is being a bitch. Excuse yourself and leave crying.
Now, go home and research her, everything you picked up in the apartment, use it to build a profile of her. What did you see in the trashcan, was she a veagan, did she eat fish... Write it all down, then get online and build up the info on her from her name, if you got a maiden name from being in the house, or better a social number, get all the info you can on her.
This is where you need to have a soul of steel. Take all that info out there. And find out what she does, if there is anything possible you can use to "blackmail" her into leaving your grandmother alone, hold onto it and put it aside. Try to find at least one more piece of dirt on the lady.
Having two pieces of dirt on this blonde will make it easier for you to let her know she WILL be leaving your grandmother alone. Simply because the first piece she may be able to blow off, but if you tell her:
"Look, if you think this is the only thing I know about, you are quite mistaken. I know alot more..... alot of things that might be in your best intrest to remain buried. But like I told you before, leave my grandmother alone and this stuff will never come to light by me. "
Hopefully it won't go this far, but like I said... this is the better way than breaking the law using violence. Just find something she didn't want found and she is bound to shuttup.
Hope this helps

My method would be to go and mind

Now, the real method:
Talk to the blonde (in person, in the blondes apartment... these things in parenthesis are very important in case this plan doesn't work), find out what her problem is. (Sit down in a room where you can see things, like mail, liquor cabinets, etc.. basically scope the house, know how many people live there, her full name from the mail, any quirks about her. Use you mind to memorize) Explain to her that it is really bothering your grandmother. If this blonde is smart she will understand and relax some.
Now if the blonde acts like a bitch or something. This is where the things in parenthesis come into play. Before leaving start to cry and ask to use her bathroom. When in her bathroom check her medicine cabinets, the way the bathroom is laid out, if the toilet seat is up, since that could mean a man is there frequently also. Check everything, see if she even uses that Rogaine for women stuff. Afterwards, apologize to her politely even though she is being a bitch. Excuse yourself and leave crying.
Now, go home and research her, everything you picked up in the apartment, use it to build a profile of her. What did you see in the trashcan, was she a veagan, did she eat fish... Write it all down, then get online and build up the info on her from her name, if you got a maiden name from being in the house, or better a social number, get all the info you can on her.
This is where you need to have a soul of steel. Take all that info out there. And find out what she does, if there is anything possible you can use to "blackmail" her into leaving your grandmother alone, hold onto it and put it aside. Try to find at least one more piece of dirt on the lady.
Having two pieces of dirt on this blonde will make it easier for you to let her know she WILL be leaving your grandmother alone. Simply because the first piece she may be able to blow off, but if you tell her:
Hopefully it won't go this far, but like I said... this is the better way than breaking the law using violence. Just find something she didn't want found and she is bound to shuttup.
Hope this helps

Unknown2008-05-30 04:40:10
Getting robbed by your brother-in-law because his need to buy porn is greater than your need to hoarde your money.
Laggy Computers at school when you're trying to make a movie (pictures and text) for your final.
Moon Blood.
Laggy Computers at school when you're trying to make a movie (pictures and text) for your final.
Moon Blood.
Unknown2008-05-30 08:31:48
QUOTE(Myrkr @ May 29 2008, 11:40 PM) 516611
Moon Blood.

Bashara2008-05-30 09:45:27
Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus for having way too many cut-scenes and interrupting the flow of game play.
Rika2008-05-30 09:55:33
That's what happens with all in the FF series, though.
Shiri2008-05-30 10:02:43
QUOTE(rika @ May 30 2008, 10:55 AM) 516655
That's what happens with all in the FF series, though.
...which FFs did you play where that happened?
The main series I get that exerience from is Metal Gear Solid.
Snaithy2008-05-30 10:56:39
QUOTE(Shiri @ May 30 2008, 11:02 AM) 516657
...which FFs did you play where that happened?
The main series I get that exerience from is Metal Gear Solid.
The main series I get that exerience from is Metal Gear Solid.
agreed but metal gear is still awesome

Bashara2008-05-30 11:51:21
The other FF games didn't stop me in the middle of combat every other minute to show me a cut scene of Vincent acting like the bad
I already know he is.

Xavius2008-05-30 13:04:24
QUOTE(Ildaudid @ May 29 2008, 11:38 PM) 516609
Hope this helps 

Ildy, you're awesome.
vorld2008-05-30 13:15:06
Blackmail I like. Messing with the blond lady's mind works too
Unknown2008-05-30 17:28:26
Bah, a perfectly good derailed thread got locked before I could post my answer.
Oh wait, I can do it here too, can't I?
I prefer yuri.
Oh wait, I can do it here too, can't I?
Necroing threads pointlessly! Bad! Filling it with a bunch of off-topic posts about Cuber's yaoi fascination or Shiri's love for hands, equally bad.
I prefer yuri.
Lysandus2008-06-03 17:58:28
So at this point my dad cannot afford to pay the rent in our previous apartment so we are sent out to find a new place to live, I was sent to his best friend's house which I will describe as 'awful' while he stays with his 'girlfriend's' house with a bit of cleanliness and decency
My dad's instructions are this: I am not to mingle with my uncle's (his best friend) family at all so meaning I am to turn down offers of food, etc especially if I am in need of water! And if I am in need to urinate, I am to urinate outside in public, in front of a wall ("Damn with privacy" he said), and I am to use their comfort room every 1 AM to perform some necessities and take a bath. His reason for putting me in this 'hellish' (from awful to hellish since my first day here) place? So that I'll experience what he went when he was young, sleeping with the poor, etc. Why are there some parents who want their children to undergo the same hellish experience in their life?
Ok let's talk about their bathroom in my uncle's house, the air around it is so disgusting (imagine smelling urine left uncleaned in the toilet for days) that I had to breath in my mouth (and hope whatever bacteria I inhale in won't make me sick in the next few days), what's worse is that I have to watch out of roaches creeping in their place (I have a phobia with roaches. Right now my butt is screaming for release right now that I wish my uncle (he's sleeping right now, totally forgot our agreement) would wake the f*ck up and take me to their comfort room now and use their toilet and bath at the same time.
This is the lowest point in my life... Typing this now in an internet cafe and mail my mom about my current situation here hoping she'd send one of her relatives to whisk me away from this place.
My dad's instructions are this: I am not to mingle with my uncle's (his best friend) family at all so meaning I am to turn down offers of food, etc especially if I am in need of water! And if I am in need to urinate, I am to urinate outside in public, in front of a wall ("Damn with privacy" he said), and I am to use their comfort room every 1 AM to perform some necessities and take a bath. His reason for putting me in this 'hellish' (from awful to hellish since my first day here) place? So that I'll experience what he went when he was young, sleeping with the poor, etc. Why are there some parents who want their children to undergo the same hellish experience in their life?
Ok let's talk about their bathroom in my uncle's house, the air around it is so disgusting (imagine smelling urine left uncleaned in the toilet for days) that I had to breath in my mouth (and hope whatever bacteria I inhale in won't make me sick in the next few days), what's worse is that I have to watch out of roaches creeping in their place (I have a phobia with roaches. Right now my butt is screaming for release right now that I wish my uncle (he's sleeping right now, totally forgot our agreement) would wake the f*ck up and take me to their comfort room now and use their toilet and bath at the same time.
This is the lowest point in my life... Typing this now in an internet cafe and mail my mom about my current situation here hoping she'd send one of her relatives to whisk me away from this place.