Saaga2008-07-10 18:26:55
So, I quit school last autumn for the fact that my condition prevented me from studying - I just didn't get anything done. I am now returning to my studies on September 1st and going to wrap it all up in a year of evening school (which is quite a pace, to be honest). Well, my mother keeps inviting me over and showing me all these job ads and whatnot - when I explain to her that I can manage with the social support and a weekend job just and just and that I need to focus on my studies, she snaps at me for being a lazy-ass brat just for the fact that I can't cope six-eight hours of studies (plus assignments) AND six-eight hours of work daily.
"I mean, there are other people that do that too!"
Sorry for the bad grammar&language, I'm just so very pissed.
"I mean, there are other people that do that too!"
Sorry for the bad grammar&language, I'm just so very pissed.
Desitrus2008-07-10 18:36:08
The world needs strippers. At least then you can take day courses.
Saaga2008-07-10 18:39:52
Hrm, you do get quite decent money for that...
Seriously, it'll be english/philosophy/folkloristics for me at the University.
Seriously, it'll be english/philosophy/folkloristics for me at the University.
Desitrus2008-07-10 18:42:21
QUOTE(Saaga @ Jul 10 2008, 01:39 PM) 531051
Hrm, you do get quite decent money for that...
Seriously, it'll be english/philosophy/folkloristics for me at the University.
Seriously, it'll be english/philosophy/folkloristics for me at the University.
Hey, they are always putting themselves through college. That's what they say anyway...
Just get a generic business degree and make a bundle of money! Otherwise you will just lead a life of correcting other people's grammar and spelling. Also, composing Haiku. So much Haiku...
Saaga2008-07-10 18:45:56
Well, that'd probably lead to working as a translator or such. Finnish-English-Finnish. I'd have to work on my German though, or start Russian or French.'
EDIT: And no business degrees, I can't stand economics or mathematics. I would probably get in anywhere, though, if I manage to keep my grades where they are now.
EDIT: And no business degrees, I can't stand economics or mathematics. I would probably get in anywhere, though, if I manage to keep my grades where they are now.
Desitrus2008-07-10 19:29:26
What archaic document could you possibly need to translate from Finnish? The Lake Troll chronicles?
Silvanus2008-07-10 19:30:20
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Jul 10 2008, 12:29 PM) 531008
Rant: Getting circumcised. Even if it needed to be done.
First off, I bleed like a pig two days after going home.
Today I go into hospital, got a
needle stuck in and watched blood coming out again, which wasn't the most pleasant feeling, and now I am gonna be under strong drugs for a week additionally to sleeping pills. WTF.
First off, I bleed like a pig two days after going home.
Today I go into hospital, got a

Did this make anybody else wince? (my hand immediately went to my nuts to protect them)
Caffrey2008-07-10 19:54:40
QUOTE(Saaga @ Jul 10 2008, 07:26 PM) 531043
So, I quit school last autumn for the fact that my condition prevented me from studying - I just didn't get anything done. I am now returning to my studies on September 1st and going to wrap it all up in a year of evening school (which is quite a pace, to be honest). Well, my mother keeps inviting me over and showing me all these job ads and whatnot - when I explain to her that I can manage with the social support and a weekend job just and just and that I need to focus on my studies, she snaps at me for being a lazy-ass brat just for the fact that I can't cope six-eight hours of studies (plus assignments) AND six-eight hours of work daily.
"I mean, there are other people that do that too!"
Sorry for the bad grammar&language, I'm just so very pissed.
"I mean, there are other people that do that too!"
Sorry for the bad grammar&language, I'm just so very pissed.
If you feel you can manage on social+weekend work then stick to it. Studying and working full time can be a real struggle. I work full time, and this year I'm doing 130 points of courses for my degree, which is more than full time equivalent and I have really found the workload a struggle. My evenings are filled with naps and study, and my weekends don't exist except inside an equation or three.
Jack2008-07-13 08:54:53
QUOTE(Silvanus @ Jul 10 2008, 08:30 PM) 531076
Did this make anybody else wince? (my hand immediately went to my nuts to protect them)
I felt winded, like I'd been punched in the stomach.
Doman2008-07-13 09:29:48 so horrifying to even think about....
vorld2008-07-14 02:03:21
meh had worse happen.
Jack2008-07-14 06:07:54
Yeah but there's a certain stigma attached to sack-related wounds.
Unless you've had yours chopped off, though. Then you'd prob'ly trump him.
EDIT: And then had the wound cauterized with a blowtorch.
EDIT2: Let's not go that far.
Unless you've had yours chopped off, though. Then you'd prob'ly trump him.
EDIT: And then had the wound cauterized with a blowtorch.
EDIT2: Let's not go that far.
Esano2008-07-14 06:13:40
The above reminded me of this Darwin Award. Warning: NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH.
Unknown2008-07-14 06:15:59
My reaction to that was simply O_o and my legs just closed a little bit.
I don't even think I can think of something sympathetic to say.
I don't even think I can think of something sympathetic to say.
Diamondais2008-07-14 13:06:02
QUOTE(Esano @ Jul 14 2008, 02:13 AM) 532293
The above reminded me of this Darwin Award. Warning: NOT FOR THE SQUEAMISH.

Ah, good times with this one in my Writers Craft course.
Ashteru2008-07-14 13:24:52
Oh, it's healing now, only a week or so and he works as good as always. But my girlfriend left me now, so I am kind of pissed off. xD I shall coin a new term. "Luck of the Irish", "Bad Luck of the Austrians"
Desitrus2008-07-14 14:18:35
QUOTE(Ashteru @ Jul 14 2008, 08:24 AM) 532382
Oh, it's healing now, only a week or so and he works as good as always. But my girlfriend left me now, so I am kind of pissed off. xD I shall coin a new term. "Luck of the Irish", "Bad Luck of the Austrians"
She left you because of that operation? Or she was a nympho and couldn't handle a couple weeks off the carousel?
Ashteru2008-07-14 14:28:51
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Jul 14 2008, 02:18 PM) 532388
She left you because of that operation? Or she was a nympho and couldn't handle a couple weeks off the carousel?
You will laugh, but it's the latter. (With some more things)
Saaga2008-07-14 16:22:27
I'm sorry to hear.
Hugs for the Ash!
Hugs for the Ash!

Ashteru2008-07-14 16:29:02
Naah. I'll take my new favorite quote by it's words.