Esano2008-08-08 11:42:34
Need I elaborate?
Need I elaborate?
Desitrus2008-08-08 14:39:15
While abrasive, what he was basically saying is that if you come home and say "so and so disrespected me for being Pagan" or "this cool person I met and had fun with didn't talk to me anymore because they found out I'm Pagan", don't whine about it. If you choose to go against the grain there will always be "problems". His advice was sound, while a bit misguided and heavy-handed. Likely, he catches a lot of shtick about your religious habits from zealots at his church who know your family. Oddly enough, with that paraphrasing, it does sound like he cares which is why he's dispensing said advice.
I suppose that's one of my main RL rants or whatever, people who are different at all costs but get offended when they get called out on it. Not directed at Myrkr or Saaga or anyone else who walks a different path than the mainstream. I had a friend growing up who was a twin, her sister was fairly straight-laced and in defiance of being a doublemint girl she went fairly goth. Emo wasn't an available style when I was a youngster, so luckily no cutting.
Anyway, for the last 2-3 years of her high school career she took every opportunity to prove that she was independent, against the establishment, and Wiccan. Her parents, sister, and grandmother were Southern Baptists. Religion is a touchy thing, it easily offends people. Especially people who have lived over three of your lifetimes holding certain beliefs. For Graduation, the grandmother sent the nice girl to Paris and gave the goth girl fifty bucks. She cried for a week while her sister was living it up. Just on and on about how she couldn't understand and how it was unfair. If you act different you will be treated different. It's the same philosophy as "killing them with kindness" and such. I wouldn't have laughed at her if she had stuck to her guns and said something like "Crazy old B, glad I didn't put on the happy face just to get sent to Paris" etc. Just annoying when people get treated exactly how they act and are upset about it.
Suppose that goes along with a friend of mine who has a four year degree but can't get employed because he refuses to accept that no one in the real business world wants to put up with seven visible piercings and tat sleeves. The majority of which were had while he fully understood what it meant in the job market. "But they shouldn't care about how I look if I can do my job better than anyone else." Wrong. Moaning about not finding a job in your field while having all of said things is just dumb. Idealism versus reality I guess, should isn't is, etc.
I suppose that's one of my main RL rants or whatever, people who are different at all costs but get offended when they get called out on it. Not directed at Myrkr or Saaga or anyone else who walks a different path than the mainstream. I had a friend growing up who was a twin, her sister was fairly straight-laced and in defiance of being a doublemint girl she went fairly goth. Emo wasn't an available style when I was a youngster, so luckily no cutting.
Anyway, for the last 2-3 years of her high school career she took every opportunity to prove that she was independent, against the establishment, and Wiccan. Her parents, sister, and grandmother were Southern Baptists. Religion is a touchy thing, it easily offends people. Especially people who have lived over three of your lifetimes holding certain beliefs. For Graduation, the grandmother sent the nice girl to Paris and gave the goth girl fifty bucks. She cried for a week while her sister was living it up. Just on and on about how she couldn't understand and how it was unfair. If you act different you will be treated different. It's the same philosophy as "killing them with kindness" and such. I wouldn't have laughed at her if she had stuck to her guns and said something like "Crazy old B, glad I didn't put on the happy face just to get sent to Paris" etc. Just annoying when people get treated exactly how they act and are upset about it.
Suppose that goes along with a friend of mine who has a four year degree but can't get employed because he refuses to accept that no one in the real business world wants to put up with seven visible piercings and tat sleeves. The majority of which were had while he fully understood what it meant in the job market. "But they shouldn't care about how I look if I can do my job better than anyone else." Wrong. Moaning about not finding a job in your field while having all of said things is just dumb. Idealism versus reality I guess, should isn't is, etc.
Shayle2008-08-08 14:46:06
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Aug 8 2008, 10:39 AM) 542500
Oh, harsh reality, thy name is Desitrus.
And -saying- you don't care what people think is a whole lot different than really not caring.
Shishi2008-08-08 15:59:56
My dog is being put down today. Her name is bebop, (Toy manchester) she's 2 weeks older than I am at 17 almost 18 and she's literally been around since a week after I was born. She's blind, deaf, and has stuffed up nose problems and her kidneys are pretty much shut down. She's not keeping her food down and all she does is sleep but dang, she's the last of 4 dogs that I've grown up with. Rocky (australian shepard) died of cancer on the day he was going to be put down. I witnessed Spike (mutt dog) die on the blanket in the laundry room. Calibur (australian shepard) died just a few years ago. Now I'm all sad because I'll be totally alone every day.
Now I have to clean up the house today sometime because my mom started breaking down when she said goodbye to the dog, and have to take care of her until my dad comes to take her away and I'm all sad. 

Noola2008-08-08 16:12:04
QUOTE(shishi @ Aug 8 2008, 10:59 AM) 542523
My dog is being put down today. Her name is bebop, (Toy manchester) she's 2 weeks older than I am at 17 almost 18 and she's literally been around since a week after I was born. She's blind, deaf, and has stuffed up nose problems and her kidneys are pretty much shut down. She's not keeping her food down and all she does is sleep but dang, she's the last of 4 dogs that I've grown up with. Rocky (australian shepard) died of cancer on the day he was going to be put down. I witnessed Spike (mutt dog) die on the blanket in the laundry room. Calibur (australian shepard) died just a few years ago. Now I'm all sad because I'll be totally alone every day.
Now I have to clean up the house today sometime because my mom started breaking down when she said goodbye to the dog, and have to take care of her until my dad comes to take her away and I'm all sad. 

It's so hard having to put your dog down. Dogs are so special, members of the family and best friends, and losing them always hurts. Especially when they've been with you so long.
Unknown2008-08-10 02:34:24
Liquid medicine that tastes like nailpolish.
Unknown2008-08-10 04:03:19
On Myrkr's stuff:
My answer to all the people who try to make you conform is: "screw them". I go my way, and see conformism as the death of your soul. Note, that doesn't mean you should always do exactly the opposite of what others expect you to do. Or do stuff on purpose to cause trouble - both of these are simple idiocy. But do what you want, be what you are, and to hell with other people. Someone doesn't like me the way I am? They didn't deserve to be my friend anyway. They don't want to hire me because I have tattoos/piercings (I don't, just an example)? Screw 'em. I'll find another job.
My way.
My answer to all the people who try to make you conform is: "screw them". I go my way, and see conformism as the death of your soul. Note, that doesn't mean you should always do exactly the opposite of what others expect you to do. Or do stuff on purpose to cause trouble - both of these are simple idiocy. But do what you want, be what you are, and to hell with other people. Someone doesn't like me the way I am? They didn't deserve to be my friend anyway. They don't want to hire me because I have tattoos/piercings (I don't, just an example)? Screw 'em. I'll find another job.
My way.
Diamondais2008-08-10 04:12:12
Drunken arguements from grandfather and his friends over stupid stuff. It's past midnight now, shut up. 

Lorina2008-08-11 07:59:15
I WANT TERENTIA! Where are you! I misssss youuu.
Next time I see her........She is not gonna leave. I will be sure of it. That is my little rant.
Give me Terentia!

Next time I see her........She is not gonna leave. I will be sure of it. That is my little rant.
Give me Terentia!
Shaddus2008-08-11 11:39:46
QUOTE(Lorina @ Aug 11 2008, 02:59 AM) 543930
I WANT TERENTIA! Where are you! I misssss youuu.
Next time I see her........She is not gonna leave. I will be sure of it. That is my little rant.
Give me Terentia!

Next time I see her........She is not gonna leave. I will be sure of it. That is my little rant.
Give me Terentia!
We ate her. With favva beans, and a nice bottle of chianti.
My rant? Being too poor to have anything for supper besides black bean tacos.
I .
Saaga2008-08-11 14:35:40
Students are the poorest group in Finland after the homeless. And I am not even officially a student so I don't get support since I go to evening scrool. Macaroni and ketchup, macaroni and ketchup, macaroni and cheese...
Ardmore2008-08-11 15:52:10
QUOTE(Saaga @ Aug 11 2008, 10:35 AM) 544041
Students are the poorest group in Finland after the homeless. And I am not even officially a student so I don't get support since I go to evening scrool. Macaroni and ketchup, macaroni and ketchup, macaroni and cheese...
Welcome to my world, I'm living on student and bank loans.
I like to toss in bowls of rice cooked in chicken broth in. Mmm.
Unknown2008-08-11 16:59:01
People who seem to know exactly how I should handle my money.
Saaga2008-08-11 17:04:01
Hee, Ardmore. And noodles. Oh the noodles.
As well as rye bread. The cheapest one available.
EDIT: And they won't even grant me loans!
As well as rye bread. The cheapest one available.
EDIT: And they won't even grant me loans!
Moiraine2008-08-11 17:44:57
Wait, they give loans to students?
I'm a student! 

Yrael2008-08-11 21:51:39
Being sick enough that even running for a half hour is a fairly serious push for me. How can a flu degrade you this much? I had a flu vac during basic, damnit! YRAEL WANT RUN FOR HOURS AGAIN.
Unknown2008-08-11 22:22:22
QUOTE(Yrael @ Aug 11 2008, 09:51 PM) 544247
Being sick enough that even running for a half hour is a fairly serious push for me. How can a flu degrade you this much? I had a flu vac during basic, damnit! YRAEL WANT RUN FOR HOURS AGAIN.
Being unable to run for an hour, even though I'm fairly fit

Also, hunting for Colleges. It's making me feel stupid and wishing I had worked harder in school

I still have no idea what I want to be.
Noola2008-08-11 22:27:26
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Aug 11 2008, 05:22 PM) 544267
Being unable to run for an hour, even though I'm fairly fit
Also, hunting for Colleges. It's making me feel stupid and wishing I had worked harder in school
I still have no idea what I want to be.

Also, hunting for Colleges. It's making me feel stupid and wishing I had worked harder in school

I still have no idea what I want to be.
If you really aren't sure about what you want to major in, have you considered going to a two-year school at first, getting the core subjects taken care of (things like math and english and whatever sciences you decide on) at a cheaper school and then, when you know for sure, transferring to a 4 year school?
Unknown2008-08-11 22:28:03
QUOTE(Noola @ Aug 11 2008, 10:27 PM) 544270
If you really aren't sure about what you want to major in, have you considered going to a two-year school at first, getting the core subjects taken care of (things like math and english and whatever sciences you decide on) at a cheaper school and then, when you know for sure, transferring to a 4 year school?
Well, I'm actually doing that

But it's still daunting.
Ashteru2008-08-11 22:39:59
QUOTE(Yrael @ Aug 11 2008, 09:51 PM) 544247
Being sick enough that even running for a half hour is a fairly serious push for me. How can a flu degrade you this much? I had a flu vac during basic, damnit! YRAEL WANT RUN FOR HOURS AGAIN.
Try being barely able to push 180lbs on the chest because of shoulder problems. With unknown duration. -.- Now I need to overhaul my whole chest-training.