Acrune2008-09-08 22:09:58
QUOTE(Ehona @ Sep 8 2008, 02:00 AM) 554804
Till I got bored and timed my boot on it's little head.. Fred was happy for the meal. My coworkers still look at me funny for that.. 

My grandmother hit a mouse with a hammer once

Mice are so cute though, when I was little, I found one in our trap, and I petted him. Mom was not pleased.

Noola2008-09-08 22:20:04
I've always had much better luck with live traps, honestly. Stick a cookie in a live trap, when you wake up, you'll have a mouse. Then you can take it out and toss it in the woods somewhere.... or in a neighbor you don't like's backyard. 

Diamondais2008-09-08 22:21:21
QUOTE(Noola @ Sep 8 2008, 06:20 PM) 554966
I've always had much better luck with live traps, honestly. Stick a cookie in a live trap, when you wake up, you'll have a mouse. Then you can take it out and toss it in the woods somewhere.... or in a neighbor you don't like's backyard. 

My family has done this.

Except with a rat.
Unknown2008-09-08 22:22:05
It's always good to know that the players of Lusternia are professional mice-catchers!
Unknown2008-09-08 22:42:00
Or place the cage in a puddle of gasoline, then light said puddle on fire.
Shaddus2008-09-08 22:47:38
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Sep 8 2008, 05:42 PM) 554983
Or place the cage in a puddle of gasoline, then light said puddle on fire.
You, sir, obviously don't have to buy your own gas.
Casilu2008-09-08 22:50:55
QUOTE(Archer2 @ Sep 8 2008, 03:42 PM) 554983
Or place the cage in a puddle of gasoline, then light said puddle on fire.
I was thinking about that but my thought went to Kerosene.
Noola2008-09-08 22:51:07
QUOTE(Shaddus Mes @ Sep 8 2008, 05:47 PM) 554984
You, sir, obviously don't have to buy your own gas.

Noola2008-09-09 14:56:00
Ok, so, my grandmother passed away a few months ago. It was fairly quick and painless considering she had pancreatic cancer and all, which I'm glad about. I was worried she'd be in for a long, painful road. She left everyone a little money when she died, and had my cousin draw up her will. NOT her lawyer, and she did have a lawyer. My goofy cousin. Of course, my goofy cousin messed it up and forgot to file it and so she wound up having to get a lawyer to help her straighten things out anyway. In the mean-time the money sits in probate for months. It'll be November at the earliest before I can see it, which is annoying as hell cause it was supposed to come through at the end of this month - but it could be much longer than that, which ticks me off.
Also, I'm currently negative nearly three hundred dollars in my bank account because I was a tard and spent too much money in Florida which caused me to overdraft. Then that overdraft carried over into this pay period because it left me with not enough money to pay my rent and utilities. I had to overdraft again to cover them, so I did. This upcoming paycheck was supposed to break the cycle of overdrafts because I don't have a lot of bills to pay in the second half of the month.
But now, my car is
up. It keeps overheating and I don't know why because it HAS FLUID IN IT! This means it's probably something disgustingly expensive to fix. Some kind of pump or fan or something, I don't know. But it'll mean a huge bill that'll probably crush my dreams of not overdrafting again into tiny, tiny peices. Stupid
I'm getting a new one (well, a new used one anyway!
) with my inheritance money. Unfortunately, because of my cousin's screw up, it might be several months before I get that - which means that I'm probably going to have to invest hundreds of dollars into the POS I'm driving now to get it fixed enough to keep driving it until I get the money to get a new one.

Why the
can't my town have a decent public transportation system?
You know what?
it. I'm just going to suffer with the sucktastic bus system here (the busses stop running at 5pm on the weekends for god's sake! And before 9 on weekdays! They don't cover the entire city and the stops aren't labled so you have no sure way to know if you're at the right stop till the bus arrives. AND they don't even have a comprehensive route map! You have to have little individual maps for each bus!
Plus, they charge WAY too much for their crappy service.) for a few months. I'm not putting hundreds of dollars into a vehicle that I won't even be owning in a few months.
Also, I'm currently negative nearly three hundred dollars in my bank account because I was a tard and spent too much money in Florida which caused me to overdraft. Then that overdraft carried over into this pay period because it left me with not enough money to pay my rent and utilities. I had to overdraft again to cover them, so I did. This upcoming paycheck was supposed to break the cycle of overdrafts because I don't have a lot of bills to pay in the second half of the month.
But now, my car is

I'm getting a new one (well, a new used one anyway!

Why the

You know what?

Unknown2008-09-09 17:50:37
SPORE GALACTIC EDITION - PC 1 1 $79.99 Shipped
THEY LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

THEY LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aison2008-09-09 18:20:54
QUOTE(diamondais @ Sep 5 2008, 04:20 PM) 554167
We have dishes in our sink and my roommates wont let me wash them. Something about I help with the dishes too much.
Then two go on about how gross it is.

Go wash them and then blame it on the dish fairy >.>
QUOTE(Kharaen d @ Sep 7 2008, 08:37 PM) 554755
Noola getting this song stuck in my head. Damn you Noola!
You need to change the your avatar...

QUOTE(Acrune @ Sep 8 2008, 03:09 PM) 554960
Mice are so cute though, when I was little, I found one in our trap, and I petted him. Mom was not pleased. 

When I was a wee little girl my friends and I used to buy mice and play with them. We kept them at my house with my sister and I. We found one dead mice one day, another the next, and then we thought that the runt of the pack was going to get killed, so we separated the biggest mouse from them. The next day we discovered it was the runt that was killing all the other mice

QUOTE(Myrkr @ Sep 9 2008, 10:50 AM) 555251
SPORE GALACTIC EDITION - PC 1 1 $79.99 Shipped
THEY LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

THEY LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think 'shipped' means it's on its way... 'delivered' will be when it's supposed to be there

Diamondais2008-09-09 18:25:26
QUOTE(Aison @ Sep 9 2008, 02:20 PM) 555257
Go wash them and then blame it on the dish fairy >.>
They stopped threatening me with butter knives every time I try to do it, but it seems some of them are at least cleaning them.

Now, it sucks when you do dishes earlier that are mostly not yours and when you go and try and do it when they mostly are yours and one goes on about teaching the others a lesson about washing dishes.
I think one of them actually did them while I was at classes, it looks like there's dishes laying out to dry.

Jigan2008-09-10 05:21:20
1. Internet connection likes to go on and off. Not conductive for gameplay, or cooking in-game.
2. My newish job (Starting four weeks this week) is slowly increasing hours. Ten hour shifts this week. Leaving me tired.
3. Puppy likes eating things off the counter. And likes my glasses.
4. Finally being classified as being light sensitive and it only took twenty years.
5. Because of my work hours, and the time in which I am currently working (3:30pm to 2am) I can not eat dinner with my family. Which means, if I want to try out a new recipe and I want my family to try it, I either wait for the weekend or I tell my sister to cook it, considering she thought you made buttered toast by putting buttered bread in the toaster is not a good thought. Not to mention I'm too tired to even make anything fancy.
6. The past two days, I was up at 4am and had to witness the sunrise because I was moved to first shift. I don't like the sun. I don't like mornings. I like second shift, I skip morning completely.
Raves connected: Walmart at 1-2 in the morning is freaking awesome. I'm getting paid what I used to make in a month in a day at this job. I'll be able to pay of Myndean soon. And I'm learning how to use a plasma cutter that can cut steel one and a half inches thick (I think it can go up to three, but I don't trust that peice of junk to do it.)

2. My newish job (Starting four weeks this week) is slowly increasing hours. Ten hour shifts this week. Leaving me tired.
3. Puppy likes eating things off the counter. And likes my glasses.
4. Finally being classified as being light sensitive and it only took twenty years.
5. Because of my work hours, and the time in which I am currently working (3:30pm to 2am) I can not eat dinner with my family. Which means, if I want to try out a new recipe and I want my family to try it, I either wait for the weekend or I tell my sister to cook it, considering she thought you made buttered toast by putting buttered bread in the toaster is not a good thought. Not to mention I'm too tired to even make anything fancy.
6. The past two days, I was up at 4am and had to witness the sunrise because I was moved to first shift. I don't like the sun. I don't like mornings. I like second shift, I skip morning completely.
Raves connected: Walmart at 1-2 in the morning is freaking awesome. I'm getting paid what I used to make in a month in a day at this job. I'll be able to pay of Myndean soon. And I'm learning how to use a plasma cutter that can cut steel one and a half inches thick (I think it can go up to three, but I don't trust that peice of junk to do it.)

Diamondais2008-09-11 19:47:42
Daily bank limits effecting cheque deposits to my University, so not only did the cheque not go through, I have to write another one and pay a fee to the University because of this. 

Unknown2008-09-11 19:59:31
I'm confused as to why I can't start any threads. Can anyone help me with that? Did I miss something? wtf is wrong?
I'll just post what I want here anyways.. I'm thinking of coming to Lusternia. Is it better than Imperian? Is it more RP focused rather than, GOK GOK I SMASHY like Imperian is becoming?
I'll just post what I want here anyways.. I'm thinking of coming to Lusternia. Is it better than Imperian? Is it more RP focused rather than, GOK GOK I SMASHY like Imperian is becoming?
Noola2008-09-11 20:12:15
QUOTE(cireb @ Sep 11 2008, 02:59 PM) 556180
I'm confused as to why I can't start any threads. Can anyone help me with that? Did I miss something? wtf is wrong?
I'll just post what I want here anyways.. I'm thinking of coming to Lusternia. Is it better than Imperian? Is it more RP focused rather than, GOK GOK I SMASHY like Imperian is becoming?
I'll just post what I want here anyways.. I'm thinking of coming to Lusternia. Is it better than Imperian? Is it more RP focused rather than, GOK GOK I SMASHY like Imperian is becoming?
First, I think you have to reply to a thread before you can start one of your own. A measure against bots and so on. Since you've replied to this thread, you might just be able to start one now.
Second, I've never really played Imperian so I don't know much about it, but Lusternia is very awesome and there's some really excellent RP going on. Give it a shot! I bet you'll love it!
Unknown2008-09-11 20:15:42
Nope, I still can't make my own thread. I'll just reply to threads for a few days.
Mostly what I'm tired of with Imperian is that it's more focused on PK than RP. I understand the game engine itself is pointed that way as well, but my internet connection is in a constant 1-2 second lag and I'm really unable to PK at all because of my lag. What I would like to do is play in a RP environment where I can contribute without getting too involved in PK, because at this time I'm unable to PK.
Can I do that here?
Mostly what I'm tired of with Imperian is that it's more focused on PK than RP. I understand the game engine itself is pointed that way as well, but my internet connection is in a constant 1-2 second lag and I'm really unable to PK at all because of my lag. What I would like to do is play in a RP environment where I can contribute without getting too involved in PK, because at this time I'm unable to PK.
Can I do that here?
Diamondais2008-09-11 20:26:47
QUOTE(cireb @ Sep 11 2008, 04:15 PM) 556191
Nope, I still can't make my own thread. I'll just reply to threads for a few days.
Mostly what I'm tired of with Imperian is that it's more focused on PK than RP. I understand the game engine itself is pointed that way as well, but my internet connection is in a constant 1-2 second lag and I'm really unable to PK at all because of my lag. What I would like to do is play in a RP environment where I can contribute without getting too involved in PK, because at this time I'm unable to PK.
Can I do that here?
Mostly what I'm tired of with Imperian is that it's more focused on PK than RP. I understand the game engine itself is pointed that way as well, but my internet connection is in a constant 1-2 second lag and I'm really unable to PK at all because of my lag. What I would like to do is play in a RP environment where I can contribute without getting too involved in PK, because at this time I'm unable to PK.
Can I do that here?
Look for a thread called Rolecall, that'll get rid of your Newbie status.
Noola2008-09-11 20:40:44
QUOTE(cireb @ Sep 11 2008, 03:15 PM) 556191
Nope, I still can't make my own thread. I'll just reply to threads for a few days.
Mostly what I'm tired of with Imperian is that it's more focused on PK than RP. I understand the game engine itself is pointed that way as well, but my internet connection is in a constant 1-2 second lag and I'm really unable to PK at all because of my lag. What I would like to do is play in a RP environment where I can contribute without getting too involved in PK, because at this time I'm unable to PK.
Can I do that here?
Mostly what I'm tired of with Imperian is that it's more focused on PK than RP. I understand the game engine itself is pointed that way as well, but my internet connection is in a constant 1-2 second lag and I'm really unable to PK at all because of my lag. What I would like to do is play in a RP environment where I can contribute without getting too involved in PK, because at this time I'm unable to PK.
Can I do that here?
Ah, apparently only posting in this thread will work: Rolecall
And sure! Of course PK is important somewhat, it's totally possible to contribute and advance without having to engage in much of it. There's lots of other ways to help. For example, one way that has nothing to do with PKing at all is if you're good at writing you can contribute books to your org's library (the librarian will love you!) that can help increase your org's culture rating - which can help to generate power.
Acrune2008-09-12 00:09:11
Jon Stewart has been such a failure lately. There's nothing funny about quoting 4 words from the republican convention that have nothing to do with anything, then appending something stupid to the end that amounts to nothing more clever then an insult you'd hear on a middle school playground.
I'm watching Hole In The Wall instead. Yes, seriously.
I'm watching Hole In The Wall instead. Yes, seriously.