Shayle2006-07-06 21:33:10
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jul 6 2006, 04:18 PM) 305289
Wait, does this mean that we won't be pushed into Faethorn for a futile attempt to keep the place infested for a whole two weeks?
...listen, do you hear that? That's the collective cheering of every druid in the game!
Except Borca...

Unknown2006-07-06 22:36:46
Whoa, whoa wait what? I'm cheering for something I've got no clue about?

Soll2006-07-06 22:50:25
All Magnagorans raid when I'm not there to play! It's so irritating having zero raiding attempts made when I'm here, disappear for thirty minutes, and come back to see a raid happened and gone! Or to log in after sleeping and see a raid's -just- finished that second! Bah! 

Unknown2006-07-06 23:05:58
QUOTE(Xavius @ Jul 6 2006, 09:18 PM) 305289
Wait, does this mean that we won't be pushed into Faethorn for a futile attempt to keep the place infested for a whole two weeks?
...listen, do you hear that? That's the collective cheering of every druid in the game!

(We will miss Xenthos, though.)
Veonira2006-07-08 05:04:32
There are elections or referendums that you have not yet voted in.
Type ELECTIONS or REFERENDUMS to list the elections or referendums that you may
participate in.
Lusternia is having both auctions *and* a credit sale! See HELP AUCTIONS for
more info or use the AUCTIONS command to see the current open auctions. Credit
sale is a 15% bonus until July 15.
There are currently these Elections:
4171h, 4408m, 3460e, 10p qesSixk
There are currently these Referendums:
4171h, 4408m, 3460e, 10p qesSixk
Unknown2006-07-08 05:13:50
That is all.
That is all.
Unknown2006-07-08 08:27:24
...Ok, well since this is an thread to rant, then I shall rant! But not about Lusty...
God, sometimes I really hate my mom..and her boyfriend, Mr. Bob.
So, we went to see Pirates of the Caribean 2 today, and before we left I asked if we were going to get any snacks. Mr. Bob always seems to like to say "If you have the money, then sure." And Mom is like a freakin' parrote!
WELL! She knows I HAVE NO MONEY! Cuz I haven't gotten allowance and the last bit of money i had ($40 bucks) I gave to my dad to buy me credits for Imperian. It irritated me but that's not the problem, problem is we've come up for a new way to cook/chores. For cooking, you voluteer for a day its assumed that if no one volunteers for a day then its fend for yourself...which is pretty common. It kind of pissed me off for today, because neither mom nor mr. bob had been home for more than 30 mins and I was tired, so was my sister, brother and my sis' bf. My bro wanted to know what we were having for dinner and I told mom. She gave the reply "well, no one signed up for today, so its fend for yourself." which I understood and stuff (brother was there when we redid it so he knew) but what pissed me off was they, while my sis and I had visited my dad, have gone out to eat practically every day! And what pissed me off even more was they had gone ahead to "get tickets and seats early" so we wouldn't have to wait nor would we accidently get split up like we had when we went to watch another movie. This arrive early was only to go gamble! And it pisses me off to no end when they're like "yea, we're going to go gamble and never get back until early the next morning!"
...Just..totally skip over this I just need to post or put it somewhere to get it off my chest...and I can't talk with my bro or sis without getting into an argument. family is so disfunctical.
God, sometimes I really hate my mom..and her boyfriend, Mr. Bob.
So, we went to see Pirates of the Caribean 2 today, and before we left I asked if we were going to get any snacks. Mr. Bob always seems to like to say "If you have the money, then sure." And Mom is like a freakin' parrote!

...Just..totally skip over this I just need to post or put it somewhere to get it off my chest...and I can't talk with my bro or sis without getting into an argument. family is so disfunctical.
Veonira2006-07-08 14:44:46

Druken2006-07-08 15:00:33
QUOTE(Veonira @ Jul 8 2006, 10:44 AM) 305673

Unknown2006-07-08 19:04:21
QUOTE(Sarvasti @ Jul 8 2006, 03:27 AM) 305649

...Just..totally skip over this I just need to post or put it somewhere to get it off my chest...and I can't talk with my bro or sis without getting into an argument. family is so disfunctical.
My family is more dysfunctional then yours

Unknown2006-07-08 19:30:26
...and they reallly either need to get a new bed or move it away from the damn wall...
I'm partially thankful I do not have the room that's against theirs, my sis and her bf do. ...*shudder*

Ialie2006-07-08 20:00:46
I am really angry that some item that is a built in feature (that everone, even novices have) in other IRE games is going for so many credits.
I am angry at myself for suggesting it as an artifact.
I am angry at myself for suggesting it as an artifact.
Torak2006-07-08 20:17:27
What is the item and price?
Veonira2006-07-08 20:25:12
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
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3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
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3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
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3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
A dried riverbed.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. The
bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A large gila
lizard rests here.
You see exits leading northeast, east, and south.
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
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3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
A dried riverbed.
Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. The
bright sun shines down, blanketing you with its life-giving warmth. A large gila
lizard rests here.
You see exits leading northeast, east, and south.
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
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3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk
3934h, 4171m, 1927e, 10p qesSixk

Torak2006-07-08 20:32:32
I remember the clot bug with Thorgal's system and a few people illusing me bleeding 100000000 

Jahan2006-07-08 21:13:38
outr myrtle;eat myrtle x 50
There went my myrtle!
Oh and people beckoning out of the village in play. That's just naughty.
There went my myrtle!

Oh and people beckoning out of the village in play. That's just naughty.
Torak2006-07-08 21:36:05
Thats just dumb, you get suspect that way.
Ialie2006-07-08 21:44:37
*cry* crystal ball.. not mine.
Can't believe it cost him 502 credits though, I'd feel ripped off especially since its free for anyone in any other IRE game. ... It is like.. paying credits to type BW
Can't believe it cost him 502 credits though, I'd feel ripped off especially since its free for anyone in any other IRE game. ... It is like.. paying credits to type BW
Torak2006-07-08 22:08:42
What does it do, farscout or scry? Eitherway hardly worth 502 cr, hell not even worth 120 cr.
Ialie2006-07-08 22:12:55
All it does is tell you when mutual allies have signed on.