Noola2008-10-15 15:43:21
QUOTE(Shiri @ Oct 15 2008, 10:39 AM) 571160
You may have to explain that one to me. I'd've thought Spanish Moss would come from Spain.
Because Florida was first settled by the Spanish.

Shiri2008-10-15 15:49:50
Oh, ok. Never heard that before either.
Ardmore2008-10-15 16:50:12
I -still- have a tummy ache! 3 days straight! It sure is going to make eating my delicious ice cream cake regretful tonight... 

Iola2008-10-15 16:55:59
The dye came out of my skin! Wheeeee!
This is more of a rave, but a follow on from my rant, so it goes here >.>
This is more of a rave, but a follow on from my rant, so it goes here >.>
Unknown2008-10-15 17:04:34
My electrical engineering exam didn't go that great. It was too long to be reasonably taken in 50 minutes. 
I got a B if I'm lucky, probably a C otherwise.
In other news, I did get a 91 on that Discreet Math exam I had a couple of weeks back, and since an 80 - 100 was an A, that's not bad.

I got a B if I'm lucky, probably a C otherwise.
In other news, I did get a 91 on that Discreet Math exam I had a couple of weeks back, and since an 80 - 100 was an A, that's not bad.
Ardmore2008-10-15 20:29:54

Nezha2008-10-16 10:41:08
Trying to create a new system.. i wanted this one to be elegant, but then i end up doing what ive always done
and also, im doing it in lua.. maybe i should code in perl so i learn a new language at least..

and also, im doing it in lua.. maybe i should code in perl so i learn a new language at least..
Noola2008-10-16 15:54:15
I have a headache. Not a migraine or anything like that, just a regular old sinus headache. But it sucks cause it's making me feel vaguely nauseous. Plus, my sinuses are all congested and it's actually making my face hurt. 

Ardmore2008-10-16 16:09:41
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 16 2008, 11:54 AM) 571658
I have a headache. Not a migraine or anything like that, just a regular old sinus headache. But it sucks cause it's making me feel vaguely nauseous. Plus, my sinuses are all congested and it's actually making my face hurt. 

I can't wait until I move back out on my own. My parents are driving me insane. Jeeeeesus why didn't I just go rent an apartment instead of cheaping out and staying with them. Shoot me now, please!
Noola2008-10-16 16:24:36
QUOTE(Ardmore @ Oct 16 2008, 11:09 AM) 571660

I can't wait until I move back out on my own. My parents are driving me insane. Jeeeeesus why didn't I just go rent an apartment instead of cheaping out and staying with them. Shoot me now, please!
Thanks Ardmore!

And I totally understand how you feel. I've done that myself. It's really hard moving back in with the folks after you've lived by yourself for a while (for whatever reason) too cause they try to slip back into 'parent mode' and you've gotten used to kind of doing your own thing. When you're used to fixing/eating supper when it's convenient for you, for example, being told to stop what you're doing to come eat is a bit jarring.

Diamondais2008-10-16 16:40:11
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 16 2008, 12:24 PM) 571666
Thanks Ardmore! 
And I totally understand how you feel. I've done that myself. It's really hard moving back in with the folks after you've lived by yourself for a while (for whatever reason) too cause they try to slip back into 'parent mode' and you've gotten used to kind of doing your own thing. When you're used to fixing/eating supper when it's convenient for you, for example, being told to stop what you're doing to come eat is a bit jarring.

And I totally understand how you feel. I've done that myself. It's really hard moving back in with the folks after you've lived by yourself for a while (for whatever reason) too cause they try to slip back into 'parent mode' and you've gotten used to kind of doing your own thing. When you're used to fixing/eating supper when it's convenient for you, for example, being told to stop what you're doing to come eat is a bit jarring.

Yeah, I'm starting to know the feeling pretty well. I lived (essentially, my mother was there but hardly ever) on my own for a year when I was 16-18 (birthday is in march, moved out in feburary, moved out again the april after my 18th birthday) it was difficult to adjust and so I used to get a lot of yelling at and into a lot of :censor: for no reason other than I couldn't make the adjustment. I do a lot better living on my own than living under parental rule. I never force myself to eat when I can't, I never have to force myself to eat stuff my stomach immediately rejects (mushrooms, bean stalks, etc.) and I never have to worry about whether what I'm doing is the wrong thing or the right, it's five of us muddling about trying to keep on top of work, homework, extra activities, house work, etc. Also, had I had stayed in Southern Ontario and still lived with them I would've almost never have been able to go out, do anything fun like read a book or play a video game, or gone to stay at my boyfriends and vice versa or even my moms! I would've been told to either sit down, study non-stop or get out of the house for good.
Noola2008-10-16 17:18:16
WTF is up with the fourms breaking a few times a day? It's taken me nearly 15 minutes to post this. Took almost three minutes for the Forums to load. Another FOUR minutes for the thread to load. Another three minutes for this reply page to load. I'm guessing how long it's gonna take for this reply to actually post, but I'm gonna assume between 2-4 minutes.
WTF is up with the fourms breaking a few times a day? It's taken me nearly 15 minutes to post this. Took almost three minutes for the Forums to load. Another FOUR minutes for the thread to load. Another three minutes for this reply page to load. I'm guessing how long it's gonna take for this reply to actually post, but I'm gonna assume between 2-4 minutes.

Unknown2008-10-16 19:03:57
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 16 2008, 01:18 PM) 571673
WTF is up with the fourms breaking a few times a day? It's taken me nearly 15 minutes to post this. Took almost three minutes for the Forums to load. Another FOUR minutes for the thread to load. Another three minutes for this reply page to load. I'm guessing how long it's gonna take for this reply to actually post, but I'm gonna assume between 2-4 minutes.
WTF is up with the fourms breaking a few times a day? It's taken me nearly 15 minutes to post this. Took almost three minutes for the Forums to load. Another FOUR minutes for the thread to load. Another three minutes for this reply page to load. I'm guessing how long it's gonna take for this reply to actually post, but I'm gonna assume between 2-4 minutes.

It's always during the afternoon hours too, 11 - 3 or so.
Noola2008-10-16 19:09:25
QUOTE(Deschain @ Oct 16 2008, 02:03 PM) 571674
It's always during the afternoon hours too, 11 - 3 or so.
Heck it wasn't working at all between my post and now. Stupid forums.

Ardmore2008-10-16 19:24:37
QUOTE(Noola @ Oct 16 2008, 12:24 PM) 571666
Thanks Ardmore! 
And I totally understand how you feel. I've done that myself. It's really hard moving back in with the folks after you've lived by yourself for a while (for whatever reason) too cause they try to slip back into 'parent mode' and you've gotten used to kind of doing your own thing. When you're used to fixing/eating supper when it's convenient for you, for example, being told to stop what you're doing to come eat is a bit jarring.

And I totally understand how you feel. I've done that myself. It's really hard moving back in with the folks after you've lived by yourself for a while (for whatever reason) too cause they try to slip back into 'parent mode' and you've gotten used to kind of doing your own thing. When you're used to fixing/eating supper when it's convenient for you, for example, being told to stop what you're doing to come eat is a bit jarring.

Meh! The story goes... I'm in College, I have co-op every four months so I study in school for four months, then I 'study' at the workplace every four months... Well THIS co-op is where I grew up at. I was going to get an apartment but my mom was like 'Why pay rent? Come stay with us! Live and eat for free' and I specifically told her I don't want to be treated like a child. I'm independent. I'll eat when I want. Stay up as late as I want... etc, and she was like 'So? That's fine, I don't have a problem with that.'
Yeah right...

Should have just got apartment.

Unknown2008-10-17 03:20:55
I have a genetic predisposition to tooth decay. I brush my teeth every day, floss every day, and even use mouth wash every day.
My last tooth on the top row on the left has started to decay and has this night big cavity. Just now, a piece of my tooth came off and I accidentally swallowed it... looks like I take after my mom after all...
My last tooth on the top row on the left has started to decay and has this night big cavity. Just now, a piece of my tooth came off and I accidentally swallowed it... looks like I take after my mom after all...

Ardmore2008-10-17 16:26:31
My dad!
He's such a dick. When he's sick he'll be a prick try to make other people sick, which he succeeded in. But if other people are sick and you come within 10 feet of him he'll freak out and start ranting like a little baby. I'm going to make his life hell this weekend, coughing every 10 seconds while he watches TV. Toss and turn, accidentally kicking the wall when he tries to sleep...
He's such a dick. When he's sick he'll be a prick try to make other people sick, which he succeeded in. But if other people are sick and you come within 10 feet of him he'll freak out and start ranting like a little baby. I'm going to make his life hell this weekend, coughing every 10 seconds while he watches TV. Toss and turn, accidentally kicking the wall when he tries to sleep...

Noola2008-10-17 19:09:59
I am the only one at work.
Everyone else has left early. Kelly the IT guy left to get ready for his band's CD release show tonight. The Boss went out to the farm he and his friends hunt ducks at to get started fixing up blinds and what-not for the upcoming duck season. The other Amanda has been out all week and Tammy left early for some reason I don't know.
I wanna go home too.... but someone has to be here to answer the phone.
I could prolly get away with skipping out in a couple of hours, but not this early. 
I'm so totally goofing off though.

I wanna go home too.... but someone has to be here to answer the phone.

I'm so totally goofing off though.

Unknown2008-10-17 19:10:21
Hehe, I didn't go to work today.
Noola2008-10-17 19:11:31
QUOTE(Deschain @ Oct 17 2008, 02:10 PM) 572181
Hehe, I didn't go to work today.