Acrune2008-11-15 17:19:33
The democrats eff up the economy, then hand out billions of dollars as a nice little band-aid fix, and point their fingers at Bush like its his fault. Americans reward the idiocy by electing democrats to office. Now I get to look forward to paying half my income to taxes. Democrats insist this is not the case, but come on. A trillion dollars in bailout money doesn't come from the sky, not to mention all the spending Obama wants to do, and social security and medicare will probably need bailing out too, which means even more tax. Sickening 

Xavius2008-11-15 18:25:11
QUOTE(Acrune @ Nov 15 2008, 11:19 AM) 582592
The democrats eff up the economy, then hand out billions of dollars as a nice little band-aid fix, and point their fingers at Bush like its his fault. Americans reward the idiocy by electing democrats to office. Now I get to look forward to paying half my income to taxes. Democrats insist this is not the case, but come on. A trillion dollars in bailout money doesn't come from the sky, not to mention all the spending Obama wants to do, and social security and medicare will probably need bailing out too, which means even more tax. Sickening 

Hi, Reason here, just popping in to say hi.
The second vote, the one that passed, was very strongly in favor from both sides. 80% of Senate Democrats voted for it, 75% of Senate Republicans voted for it. (I couldn't find a pre-made chart for the House, and I'm not willing to count that one by hand.) If you'd like to grandstand over that 5%, be my guest.
Then you have the issue of who gets the money. Congress approves spending, but the President and his Cabinet dole it out according to the guidelines from Congress. So, while both parties are to "blame" for the existence of the bailout (I'm not sure it was a bad idea. I'm not sure it was a good idea either, but hey), if you want to point to mismanagement of bailout funds, you actually do get to point fingers at the head of the executive branch, since that's basically what the President does all day--manage troops, allocate federal money.
Obama has said what he plans to do. It's not really his decision to make, so take it with a grain of salt, but I have no fear that he can turn a Democrat fighting him in Congress into political suicide. That being said, if you just inherently expect him to lie through his teeth on matters that affect us all like a certain Republican in office, there's nothing that can be said to you until the votes happen.
Unknown2008-11-15 19:17:06
QUOTE(Acrune @ Nov 15 2008, 10:19 AM) 582592
The democrats eff up the economy, then hand out billions of dollars as a nice little band-aid fix, and point their fingers at Bush like its his fault. Americans reward the idiocy by electing democrats to office. Now I get to look forward to paying half my income to taxes. Democrats insist this is not the case, but come on. A trillion dollars in bailout money doesn't come from the sky, not to mention all the spending Obama wants to do, and social security and medicare will probably need bailing out too, which means even more tax. Sickening 

Really? Seriously? How long have the Dems had a majority? And considering it isn't even a real thing? The Republicans had huge majorities for years until recently. Why is it that none of the damage was done then? Oh, that's right, because reality has a liberal bias, so you just feel free to ignore it.
Unknown2008-11-15 20:02:20
QUOTE(S.A.W. @ Nov 15 2008, 07:17 PM) 582596
Oh, that's right, because reality has a liberal bias, so you just feel free to ignore it.

Acrune2008-11-15 20:51:54
QUOTE(Xavius @ Nov 15 2008, 01:25 PM) 582593
Hi, Reason here, just popping in to say hi.
I stopped reading here. If reason has a voice, its certainly not you

Acrune2008-11-15 20:53:31
QUOTE(S.A.W. @ Nov 15 2008, 02:17 PM) 582596
Really? Seriously? How long have the Dems had a majority? And considering it isn't even a real thing? The Republicans had huge majorities for years until recently. Why is it that none of the damage was done then? Oh, that's right, because reality has a liberal bias, so you just feel free to ignore it.
Democrats are the main reason Fannie and Freddie offered loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back. As a result, people *gasp* couldn't pay the loans back. Tada, economic doom.
Xavius2008-11-15 22:59:42
QUOTE(Acrune @ Nov 15 2008, 02:53 PM) 582624
Democrats are the main reason Fannie and Freddie offered loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back. As a result, people *gasp* couldn't pay the loans back. Tada, economic doom.

Hi dere, it's me again.
Fannie and Freddie are not programs that created adjustable rate mortgages. In fact, I just went and looked, and Freddie Mac still has an AAA credit rating. It also had a bias against adjustable rate mortgages built into it from day one--no adjustable rate mortgages were bought until last year, and only if the borrower qualified for the maximum rate of the loan. It has other issues, but contributing to the current situation is not on that list. Fannie Mae is maybe a little less innocent in the deal, but that's more because someone decided not to keep the books in order. Republicans are in charge of it at the moment by virtue of Bush still being there, but you can't even blame the Republicans for one idiot and a board of yesmen who happen to be mostly Republican. What happened there was preventable, but unfortunate and not worth pointing fingers over.
In contrast, you have unregulated banks offering ridiculous loans to people because of the housing market collapse, and the housing market collapsed because somehow Bush and a Republican congress somehow managed to drive us into a recession, even with an expensive war going on. If the only problem with banks were these federally-backed programs, there'd be a much smaller issue at the banks.
Yrael2008-11-16 07:49:01
Turns out the brady bunch were dating each other. The opposites (Cindy and the little boy, jan and the middle guy, marsha and greg, etc)
And Greg and Mrs Brady.
Goodbye, Childhood. On the junkheap you go. Don't worry, you aren't going alone.
And Greg and Mrs Brady.
Goodbye, Childhood. On the junkheap you go. Don't worry, you aren't going alone.
Reiha2008-11-17 09:21:13
My sister stealing my bed and then farting in it. GTFO!
Ilyarin2008-11-17 12:37:19
Acrune2008-11-17 23:26:32
C++ GUIs, especially CTabCtrl. I feel like its unnecessarily annoying using just C++ and visual studios, considering how incredibly easy it is with qt 

Aerotan2008-11-18 05:08:59
Rant: Missing helping with the Domoth because my roommate wanted to show me a video
Iola2008-11-18 05:30:13
Right now, to be honest, everything. A select few things such as my boyfriend, best friend and family are amazing. Everything else...well it's not. To the point that I end up venting here because it's 6am and I can't sleep. I would like things to be tolerable again. I have been waiting three years for this and telling myself it's much better than it was then doesn't really help a great deal.
In summary: being ill sucks.
In summary: being ill sucks.
Noola2008-11-18 16:54:47
I hurt myself over the weekend. Pulled a muscle in my neck or something and it's caused all the muscles on the right side of my upper back to spasm and knot up. I'm gonna have to go to the doctor for some scripts if the heating pad and IcyHot don't start working here pretty quick.
Unknown2008-11-18 17:03:27
QUOTE(Noola @ Nov 18 2008, 11:54 AM) 583592
I hurt myself over the weekend. Pulled a muscle in my neck or something and it's caused all the muscles on the right side of my upper back to spasm and knot up. I'm gonna have to go to the doctor for some scripts if the heating pad and IcyHot don't start working here pretty quick.
Was it bad that I thought "I don't know how coding will help your muscle spasms"?
Noola2008-11-18 17:14:40
QUOTE(Myrkr @ Nov 18 2008, 11:03 AM) 583593
Was it bad that I thought "I don't know how coding will help your muscle spasms"?

When I first started playing MUDs and so on and heard people talking about scripts I was so confused. I was all, "They're writing a play?"
Unknown2008-11-18 17:24:16
QUOTE(Reiha @ Nov 17 2008, 10:21 AM) 583167
My sister stealing my bed and then farting in it. GTFO!
Silly Reiha. Girls don't fart.
OT: A person in The Weakest Link not voting off the very obvious (and retarded) weakest link because "she has six kids."
Desitrus2008-11-18 17:29:38

Noola2008-11-18 17:36:18
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Nov 18 2008, 11:29 AM) 583597

Does your tedium goo application only move when bad music starts playing too?

Noola2008-11-18 18:08:50
Netflix sending my DVDs out of order! Damn you Netflix!!!!!