Noola2008-11-21 22:11:46
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Nov 21 2008, 04:11 PM) 585211
I thought Cedrik Diggory died in like book 5...
OMG! Desitrus! I had the exact same thought!

Rakor2008-11-21 23:26:11
QUOTE(Raiha @ Nov 20 2008, 02:05 PM) 584743
Day two of the water in our apartment complex being switched off at the most inconvenient time imaginable, meaning no shower for me thus far today, and I've missed two of my four classes, which makes me very very irritable. It's supposed to be back on at 3pm, which is unlikely, given the incompetence shown thus far in all parties involved (including but not limited to NEVER informing any of us that the water would be out yesterday, or today, and I sure hope it isn't out tomorrow because I can miss class, kind of, but not work). 

Huh, our on campus water was out yesterday, and was supposed to come back on at 3pm also.
Unknown2008-11-21 23:37:10
QUOTE(Desitrus @ Nov 21 2008, 05:11 PM) 585211
I thought Cedrik Diggory died in like book 5...
@Yrael: I'll be there too.
Of my own free will!

@Rakor: Do you go to school at Chinoe Creek Apartments?
Desitrus2008-11-21 23:43:23
QUOTE(Deschain @ Nov 21 2008, 05:37 PM) 585268
@Yrael: I'll be there too.
Of my own free will!
@Rakor: Do you go to school at Chinoe Creek Apartments?
@Yrael: I'll be there too.
Of my own free will!

@Rakor: Do you go to school at Chinoe Creek Apartments?
Yrael2008-11-21 23:47:20
QUOTE(Deschain @ Nov 22 2008, 10:37 AM) 585268
@Yrael: I'll be there too.
Of my own free will!
@Rakor: Do you go to school at Chinoe Creek Apartments?
@Yrael: I'll be there too.
Of my own free will!

@Rakor: Do you go to school at Chinoe Creek Apartments?
I'll be there of my own free will also. I just don't think the estrogen content of the theatre (There were 15 of us for the preview. I was the only guy, and the only one over 20. Does this mean I should be exposing myself outside of a highschool with a trench coat?) will allow me to escape manhood intact. Besides, everyone knows Raiha is about as squishy as a marshmellow, so you'll have to go or be murdered and covered in glitter and sealant so that you are set forever as her "perfect adonis" and mounted above the bed.
Unknown2008-11-22 01:55:21
I have a defective gift card. The security key on the thing doesn't work. 
Either that, or I just fail. I'm pretty sure it's the key though.

Either that, or I just fail. I'm pretty sure it's the key though.
Unknown2008-11-22 02:02:13
To be honest, I think I'll hate the Twilight movie. But alot of what Cedric Diggory has said about the characters, the book and it's fangirls have brought me pure joy.
Yrael2008-11-22 02:45:57
I sort of liked the preview, even if it was, to put it bluntly, a cross between what I imagine Isune's first player's wet dream to be and a mormon morality tale.
Raiha2008-11-22 05:07:49
Pah, I don't know anything about this squishy nonsense, I'm horribly vicious.
Let's see, a rant. Twilight was too short, and there was not nearly enough of Carlisle, Emmett, or Jasper to lust over. Mostly Jasper. So cu-
oh hey a revolt!
Let's see, a rant. Twilight was too short, and there was not nearly enough of Carlisle, Emmett, or Jasper to lust over. Mostly Jasper. So cu-
oh hey a revolt!
Unknown2008-11-22 05:34:32
QUOTE(Raiha @ Nov 22 2008, 12:07 AM) 585328
Pah, I don't know anything about this squishy nonsense, I'm horribly vicious.
Let's see, a rant. Twilight was too short, and there was not nearly enough of Carlisle, Emmett, or Jasper to lust over. Mostly Jasper. So cu-
oh hey a revolt!
Let's see, a rant. Twilight was too short, and there was not nearly enough of Carlisle, Emmett, or Jasper to lust over. Mostly Jasper. So cu-
oh hey a revolt!
QFT. Needed more of the other characters. Should have been five hours long.
Jigan2008-11-22 10:35:06
They should always do two versions of a movie.
One: Based on the book/game. True to the damned thing. Even if it's 20 hours long.
Two: The first one, but condensed down into action with little plot. Most Americans who don't know about the Game/Book won't care.
True fans will buy the first, even if it's installments. That's where the money is, hint, hint Mr. Lucas. Give us the whole damned Clone Wars. In a boxed set. From a Jedi/Trooper point of view. Label each DvD, "Chrisptope", "Geonosis", "Kysshak", and so on. Each planet or major battle. We will buy them. Then turn around and give us the C.I.S. version of events. Get Timothy Zhan to help you. He's good for it.

One: Based on the book/game. True to the damned thing. Even if it's 20 hours long.
Two: The first one, but condensed down into action with little plot. Most Americans who don't know about the Game/Book won't care.
True fans will buy the first, even if it's installments. That's where the money is, hint, hint Mr. Lucas. Give us the whole damned Clone Wars. In a boxed set. From a Jedi/Trooper point of view. Label each DvD, "Chrisptope", "Geonosis", "Kysshak", and so on. Each planet or major battle. We will buy them. Then turn around and give us the C.I.S. version of events. Get Timothy Zhan to help you. He's good for it.

Rakor2008-11-22 14:58:09
QUOTE(Deschain @ Nov 21 2008, 06:37 PM) 585268
@Rakor: Do you go to school at Chinoe Creek Apartments?
Nope, I'm in Asheville. Must have just been coincidence.
Gregori2008-11-22 15:59:39
wrong rants thread, delete me
Unknown2008-11-22 17:14:33
QUOTE(Krackenor @ Nov 20 2008, 07:22 PM) 584963
Pushing Daisies was cancelled 

I can only hope that Heroes will be good again with Fuller returning. But I think I'd rather have Daisies around.

Diamondais2008-11-22 19:43:12
I have no complaints about the huge amounts of snow we got last night, or the fact that I stayed the night with someone.
What I do have complaints about is my mother not believe I was snowed in because they didn't plow the paths until this morning, early, and that I went grocery shopping all because I said "I stayed the night with Julian and went grocery shopping with the guys".
If I wanted to lie, I would've said I was in the laundry room when you called.
What I do have complaints about is my mother not believe I was snowed in because they didn't plow the paths until this morning, early, and that I went grocery shopping all because I said "I stayed the night with Julian and went grocery shopping with the guys".

Sarrasri2008-11-22 20:53:54
My desktop computer has been slowly going downhill since it was taken to have its fan fixed and the computer people went and did other things to it. It's annoying enough that I couldn't play cds of any sort on it, whether it be music or installation or just a plain old cd to burn something onto. The random resets were annoying, but I could continue on, even when all my scans fruitlessly brought up nothing. Today, my desktop computer shut down and didn't restart and refuses to restart. I'm pissed. If I can't start up that computer, I'm going to lose everything. Zmud, all the notepad things I have, pictures. We're going to take the computer in to be wiped and hope things are fixed after that. I'm just miffed I will lose everything, since I have a lot of stuff to lose.
Xenthos2008-11-22 20:59:22
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Nov 22 2008, 03:53 PM) 585433
My desktop computer has been slowly going downhill since it was taken to have its fan fixed and the computer people went and did other things to it. It's annoying enough that I couldn't play cds of any sort on it, whether it be music or installation or just a plain old cd to burn something onto. The random resets were annoying, but I could continue on, even when all my scans fruitlessly brought up nothing. Today, my desktop computer shut down and didn't restart and refuses to restart. I'm pissed. If I can't start up that computer, I'm going to lose everything. Zmud, all the notepad things I have, pictures. We're going to take the computer in to be wiped and hope things are fixed after that. I'm just miffed I will lose everything, since I have a lot of stuff to lose.
That doesn't sound like something that will be fixed by wiping... wiping addresses software issues. If it's not turning on at all, that sounds much more like hardware.
My rough guess would be that they screwed up the fan-fixing and your computer overheated. It then shut itself off for protection. When it does this, it refuses to turn on again for a certain amount of time. Did it beep at all before it shut down?
Try turning it on again in another 30 or so minutes. If it starts up, you've got an issue with your fan->chip cooling system.
Sarrasri2008-11-22 21:08:42
Oh, the people who 'fixed' the computer were told to fix the fan but my sister went and told them to do software stuff. We're going to take the computer back to the place it was built so they can go through and fix any issues they find, hardware or software. It's just bothersome.
Xenthos2008-11-22 21:35:55
QUOTE(Sarrasri @ Nov 22 2008, 04:08 PM) 585439
Oh, the people who 'fixed' the computer were told to fix the fan but my sister went and told them to do software stuff. We're going to take the computer back to the place it was built so they can go through and fix any issues they find, hardware or software. It's just bothersome.
Did it beep when it turned off?
And does it turn back on now?
The issue as you described it doesn't sound like software at all, and getting it wiped seems a bit overkill. Especially if you've got stuff on it you want to save.
Sarrasri2008-11-22 21:38:45
I can't remember if it beeped. I know the light on front continued flashing after it turned itself off and I haven't tried turning it back on yet.