Casilu2008-12-05 05:19:10
QUOTE(Acrune @ Dec 4 2008, 08:21 PM) 590323
It will for the last two. Havent taken the first one 

First one is at 7:30 in the morning. I have trouble waking up by noon.
Ardmore2008-12-05 15:13:18
QUOTE(casilu @ Dec 5 2008, 12:19 AM) 590337
First one is at 7:30 in the morning. I have trouble waking up by noon.
You'll do great, you're really smart.

Noola2008-12-05 20:36:52
As much as I love the fact that gas prices have gone down (I'd love it more if it had happened when I had a car to drive!
), it also ticks me off just a little bit. Because there are fools who'll say, "What do we need electric cars for? Gas is only $1.50 a gallon!"
As if it's going to stay that low? As if it's not a ploy to try to keep people buying big gas guzzling monstrosities instead of efficient vehicles? As if it being $1.50 turns a non-renewable resource into an endless supply? As if the environmental concerns cease to exist because gas is cheap now.
And yes. There are fools who say that because my boss just said it. And when Kelly the IT guy and I mentioned all those as ifs, he scoffed and said he doubted prices would go back up and of course it's not a ploy and that the shortage isn't anything to worry about and there are no environmental concerns. All's well in the world cause the gas is cheap.

As if it's going to stay that low? As if it's not a ploy to try to keep people buying big gas guzzling monstrosities instead of efficient vehicles? As if it being $1.50 turns a non-renewable resource into an endless supply? As if the environmental concerns cease to exist because gas is cheap now.
And yes. There are fools who say that because my boss just said it. And when Kelly the IT guy and I mentioned all those as ifs, he scoffed and said he doubted prices would go back up and of course it's not a ploy and that the shortage isn't anything to worry about and there are no environmental concerns. All's well in the world cause the gas is cheap.

Ayisdra2008-12-05 20:54:18
My finals week:
Monday: IME (english, probably need about an 70 ish)
Tuesday: Computer Science (my major) and Religions of the world (which I ned a 175 of 200 on to get a B in the class
Wednesday: Heros and Villains of the middle ages (no idea what I need for a B )
Thrusday: None
Friday: Precal (would need like a 100.....(60 for a CB, and 53 for C(passing)) to a B over all)
I hate how most of my grades are 2 exams and a final...I hate how I need high final grades to get a B (I need atleast a C in CS and Math)....
Monday: IME (english, probably need about an 70 ish)
Tuesday: Computer Science (my major) and Religions of the world (which I ned a 175 of 200 on to get a B in the class

Wednesday: Heros and Villains of the middle ages (no idea what I need for a B )
Thrusday: None
Friday: Precal (would need like a 100.....(60 for a CB, and 53 for C(passing)) to a B over all)
I hate how most of my grades are 2 exams and a final...I hate how I need high final grades to get a B (I need atleast a C in CS and Math)....
Shayle2008-12-05 21:26:30
QUOTE(Noola @ Dec 5 2008, 03:36 PM) 590537
As much as I love the fact that gas prices have gone down (I'd love it more if it had happened when I had a car to drive!
), it also ticks me off just a little bit. Because there are fools who'll say, "What do we need electric cars for? Gas is only $1.50 a gallon!"
As if it's going to stay that low? As if it's not a ploy to try to keep people buying big gas guzzling monstrosities instead of efficient vehicles? As if it being $1.50 turns a non-renewable resource into an endless supply? As if the environmental concerns cease to exist because gas is cheap now.
And yes. There are fools who say that because my boss just said it. And when Kelly the IT guy and I mentioned all those as ifs, he scoffed and said he doubted prices would go back up and of course it's not a ploy and that the shortage isn't anything to worry about and there are no environmental concerns. All's well in the world cause the gas is cheap.

As if it's going to stay that low? As if it's not a ploy to try to keep people buying big gas guzzling monstrosities instead of efficient vehicles? As if it being $1.50 turns a non-renewable resource into an endless supply? As if the environmental concerns cease to exist because gas is cheap now.
And yes. There are fools who say that because my boss just said it. And when Kelly the IT guy and I mentioned all those as ifs, he scoffed and said he doubted prices would go back up and of course it's not a ploy and that the shortage isn't anything to worry about and there are no environmental concerns. All's well in the world cause the gas is cheap.

It's not a ploy. It's called a "recession." And electric cars and gas prices are going to be the least of our worries if things keep up the way they're going.
Desitrus2008-12-05 21:40:31
QUOTE(Shayle @ Dec 5 2008, 03:26 PM) 590559
It's not a ploy. It's called a "recession." And electric cars and gas prices are going to be the least of our worries if things keep up the way they're going.
No u.
Yrael2008-12-05 22:35:04
QUOTE(Shayle @ Dec 6 2008, 08:26 AM) 590559
It's not a ploy. It's called a "recession." And electric cars and gas prices are going to be the least of our worries if things keep up the way they're going.
Oh, you. Of course things will stay the way they are! Coal is cheap, so is oil! Plentiful, too! Stop scaremongering with your filthy, liberal agenda, baby aborting tactics.
Oh, Shayle. SUCH a joker.
Diamondais2008-12-05 22:36:55
Exams on the weekends suck, especially when they're at 9am.
Gwylifar2008-12-05 22:46:03
QUOTE(Noola @ Dec 5 2008, 03:36 PM) 590537
As much as I love the fact that gas prices have gone down (I'd love it more if it had happened when I had a car to drive!
), it also ticks me off just a little bit. Because there are fools who'll say, "What do we need electric cars for? Gas is only $1.50 a gallon!"

The only possible explanation is that the people you talk to are all denizens, thus generously provided with amnesia dust.
Casilu2008-12-05 23:45:02
QUOTE(diamondais @ Dec 5 2008, 02:36 PM) 590587
Exams on the weekends suck, especially when they're at 9am.
I'll gladly trade.
Unknown2008-12-05 23:52:38
I don't have any exams for another 2 months! Wheeee! And I only take one exam per day! Whooo!
But I will most likely be getting at least 1 migrane per week every day untill december 29th, which is when my Neurologists appointment is.
But I will most likely be getting at least 1 migrane per week every day untill december 29th, which is when my Neurologists appointment is.

Unknown2008-12-06 09:13:44
I know I should go to the doctor, but I really don't want to.
Warning: The following is most likely TMI. Do not read unless you care. You don't have to read it.
Anyone in the NYC area willing to force me to go to the Doctor?
Warning: The following is most likely TMI. Do not read unless you care. You don't have to read it.
I've had a UTI for over three months now, and every time I've gone to the doctor they go, "Oh, you have a UTI!" and they give me medication. I take it, and I don't get better. I come back, and they ask me if I've taken my medicine. This has happened four times over the last 3 months, and I don't feel like going again to have it happen again.
Another issue is my sleeping schedule, which has been me going to sleep at 4 AM, waking up at 5 PM, and then staying awake for 36 hours, and repeating.
On top of that, I, like Kialkarkea, have been having migraines, with the added beauty of... hallucinations!
Double this with fevers at about 100F I can't seem to get rid of, and my eating two meals a day, and trichotillomania, and the fact I've literally become afraid to leave the house, no less be in crowds, and surely you can see why I need a doctor. Unfortunately, my fear of leaving the house also is preventing me from leaving the house.
Also, my memory's getting really shotty. I'm 18, not 70! My memory should be here completely still!
Another issue is my sleeping schedule, which has been me going to sleep at 4 AM, waking up at 5 PM, and then staying awake for 36 hours, and repeating.
On top of that, I, like Kialkarkea, have been having migraines, with the added beauty of... hallucinations!
Double this with fevers at about 100F I can't seem to get rid of, and my eating two meals a day, and trichotillomania, and the fact I've literally become afraid to leave the house, no less be in crowds, and surely you can see why I need a doctor. Unfortunately, my fear of leaving the house also is preventing me from leaving the house.
Also, my memory's getting really shotty. I'm 18, not 70! My memory should be here completely still!

Shaddus2008-12-06 10:25:43
Cranberry juice, Azo, and NO SEX.
Noola2008-12-06 17:01:25
Myrkr, you prolly have that fever (and possibly some of the other problems) because you've had that infection for so long. I mean, I'm no doctor, but a long standing infection seems like it would cause some issues. Get your stepdad to take you to the emergency room. Take all your prescriptions, empty bottles and all, with you. Explain what's going on. You obviously need some kind of stronger antibiotic or something.
Callia2008-12-06 17:31:58
It is a kidney infection, most likely a penicillin resistant strain as I will put money down that you've been getting amoxacillion which will not work on penicillin resistant strains. It would only take a flu or minor other problem to slap you into a serious condition, which by the way at 100+ degree fever you are in, especially with hallucinations, and memory issues, it means your brain is being cooked. Get to a doctor, do what Noola said, and tell them they need to fix the problem and fix it now.
Ayisdra2008-12-07 18:34:09
Finals week this week....need to study and stuff. Also I need to interview an engineer for a thing due tomorrow....(that includes CS people). Thus this rant is also a request to anyone that is an engineer out there and would be interested in me doing a small interview with them....
if you are interested please PM me. All I really need is: your name, job, location, what do you do overall at your job, what a normal day is like for you and anything interesting that you do.
if you are interested please PM me. All I really need is: your name, job, location, what do you do overall at your job, what a normal day is like for you and anything interesting that you do.
Gregori2008-12-07 23:41:48
6 hours in the hospital to have 2 blood pressure tests, 1 ecg, 1 ct scan, 1 blood workup, 2 chest xrays.... Just to find out "You suffered the mild onset of heart condition. Take it easy or next time could be worse, but currently you are doing well!"... geee thanks...
6 hours in the hospital to have 2 blood pressure tests, 1 ecg, 1 ct scan, 1 blood workup, 2 chest xrays.... Just to find out "You suffered the mild onset of heart condition. Take it easy or next time could be worse, but currently you are doing well!"... geee thanks...
Noola2008-12-07 23:43:21
QUOTE(Gregori @ Dec 7 2008, 05:41 PM) 591289
6 hours in the hospital to have 2 blood pressure tests, 1 ecg, 1 ct scan, 1 blood workup.... Just to find out "You suffered the mild onset of heart condition. Take it easy or next time could be worse, but currently you are doing well!"... geee thanks...
6 hours in the hospital to have 2 blood pressure tests, 1 ecg, 1 ct scan, 1 blood workup.... Just to find out "You suffered the mild onset of heart condition. Take it easy or next time could be worse, but currently you are doing well!"... geee thanks...

You're ok though?
Gregori2008-12-07 23:43:42
eh, supposedly.
Unknown2008-12-08 18:41:42
Getting the courage to go to the doctor, waking up early for it, even not eating for it...
... and then finding out my keys are missing because my stepdad moved them.
And he won't answer his phonecalls.
... and then finding out my keys are missing because my stepdad moved them.
And he won't answer his phonecalls.