Soll2006-07-19 12:48:21
Yeah, it's -definitely- the sip penalty. It's a killer.
Joli2006-07-19 12:50:02
I hate that I can't lastlogin anymore.
I hate that the person that can is AFK. -EYE TELRATH-
I hate that the test server is more fun than the real one.
I hate that there is this evil thread talking about how I should be kicked back to Newton because I'm snuggly and how I can't roleplay being a rabbit and how I should be kicked out of Celest... and a whole lotta bitching. Apparently you people are very very fickle as the same ones that bitched elected me Guild Admin.
I hate that the person that can is AFK. -EYE TELRATH-
I hate that the test server is more fun than the real one.
I hate that there is this evil thread talking about how I should be kicked back to Newton because I'm snuggly and how I can't roleplay being a rabbit and how I should be kicked out of Celest... and a whole lotta bitching. Apparently you people are very very fickle as the same ones that bitched elected me Guild Admin.
Unknown2006-07-19 14:35:34
I hate that I had to format my hard drive to get rid of the idiotic things it was doing in colaboration with norton 2006, and now it doesn't know how to do anything, and it doesn't have said drivers and it doesn't tell me how to set up said drivers and when I do set up said drivers it turns out it won't do me any good because said drivers use my modem and 56k dialup connections instead of the DSL connection I have.

I don't hate that I can get on my dad's old crapy computer to post this, but I do hate that it's old and crappyand the keyboard makes all these clickity noises when I use it and is jammed into the Library which is full of crap he's stored in here and the moniter is so so so so tiny and extremely dark..

I don't hate that I can get on my dad's old crapy computer to post this, but I do hate that it's old and crappyand the keyboard makes all these clickity noises when I use it and is jammed into the Library which is full of crap he's stored in here and the moniter is so so so so tiny and extremely dark..

Charune2006-07-19 15:22:22
I hate that I went to bed early last night and couldn't fall asleep until 15 minutes before my alarm clock went off!
I hate that I could have stayed in bed a lot longer, because the call I was waiting for about work today hasn't happened and I have been up 3 hours since my alarm clock went off!!
Oh and I hate that I ran out of beer last night!!!
I hate that I could have stayed in bed a lot longer, because the call I was waiting for about work today hasn't happened and I have been up 3 hours since my alarm clock went off!!
Oh and I hate that I ran out of beer last night!!!
Unknown2006-07-19 15:56:49
QUOTE(Charune @ Jul 19 2006, 11:22 AM) 309224
I hate that I went to bed early last night and couldn't fall asleep until 15 minutes before my alarm clock went off!
I hate that I could have stayed in bed a lot longer, because the call I was waiting for about work today hasn't happened and I have been up 3 hours since my alarm clock went off!!
Oh and I hate that I ran out of beer last night!!!

I know what I'm imbuing next time.
Forren2006-07-19 16:35:43
QUOTE(Joli @ Jul 19 2006, 12:50 PM) 309203
I hate that the test server is more fun than the real one.
Agreed. Grief on the test server is someone going around, killing you and then immolating. It's fun grief. Griefing on the real server is killing you repeatedly, making sure you can't bash, and just generally making your life hell.
I hate griefers.
Diamondais2006-07-19 17:16:39
I hate how someone asked me to be in their family and said that wed talk but hasnt contacted me yet. I was thinking Id imagined it until Amavan asked me how it went 

Isluna2006-07-19 17:17:06
You have recovered equilibrium.
1828h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p ex-
A lumbering sandojin suddenly leaps and crashes into you, sending you tumbling
to the ground.
1262h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p exp-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1262h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p exp-You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
1262h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p ex-
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at a lumbering
sandojin. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his
1262h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p x-
You take a drink from a jade vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
1804h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p x-
You bleed 51 health.
1753h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
1753h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p ex-
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:04 AM ---
--- Connected for 53 minutes, 40 seconds ---

1828h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p ex-
A lumbering sandojin suddenly leaps and crashes into you, sending you tumbling
to the ground.
1262h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p exp-
You must first raise yourself from the floor and stand up.
1262h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p exp-You stand up and stretch your arms out wide.
1262h, 3186m, 3632e, 10p ex-
The end of your cudgel forms a knotty burl and you point it at a lumbering
sandojin. The burl pops and ruptures, shooting a barrage of splinters into his
1262h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p x-
You take a drink from a jade vial.
The potion heals and soothes you.
1804h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p x-
You bleed 51 health.
1753h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p x-
You have recovered equilibrium.
1753h, 3096m, 3632e, 10p ex-
--- Disconnected on Wednesday, July 19, 2006, 11:04 AM ---
--- Connected for 53 minutes, 40 seconds ---

Unknown2006-07-19 17:35:55
I hate that I can't get a hold of a weapon on the test server. And I hate that Viravain nerfed me into a Furrikin, and that with both of those combined, I have no reason at all to log in, because I can't do anything.
And on a side note, Tae'dae Serenguard heavily rock.. 1.6k gore is just dreamy, though I never got a chance to test their speed with the lightning combat style...
And on a side note, Tae'dae Serenguard heavily rock.. 1.6k gore is just dreamy, though I never got a chance to test their speed with the lightning combat style...
Yini2006-07-19 18:30:18
QUOTE(Charune @ Jul 19 2006, 11:22 AM) 309224
I hate that I went to bed early last night and couldn't fall asleep until 15 minutes before my alarm clock went off!
I hate that I could have stayed in bed a lot longer, because the call I was waiting for about work today hasn't happened and I have been up 3 hours since my alarm clock went off!!
Oh and I hate that I ran out of beer last night!!!
Aww... Have cookie...

Unknown2006-07-19 19:29:55
I hate that Joli keeps leaving me locked in her tower, leaving me to beg people over clan aethers to act as teleport targets and get accused of doing nasteh things. 

Sylphas2006-07-19 19:53:32
QUOTE(Forren @ Jul 19 2006, 12:35 PM) 309238
Agreed. Grief on the test server is someone going around, killing you and then immolating. It's fun grief. Griefing on the real server is killing you repeatedly, making sure you can't bash, and just generally making your life hell.
I hate griefers.
Dying in good fun isn't test server grief. Test server grief is sitting at Avechna sitting Avatars on anyone you possibly can, peacing them all, then whining when we bitch at you.

Hazar2006-07-19 19:59:53
I'm mad that I finally killed Shamrock on the test server and it turned out he was on the forums.
Diamondais2006-07-19 20:18:24
Yes, I use this thread a lot. You would too if you had no one to talk to IG or in RL. But thats life, get over it.
Im tired that if you ask a question there is maybe one answer, most of the time none. I hate how if you ask what happened in an event IG youre ignored and have to resort to asking here on the forums only to hear people say 'go ask IG' guess what? I have tried. No answer there.
I hate how everyone just bloody well ignores me at all times.
I hate how I do not have the mental capacity to keep up with most people and no one has the time or wants to spare the effort to slow down their lives just so I can maybe glean a little understanding.
I hate how the only way people give a damn about me is because they want to see Diamondais. I will never play her again, get over it. I hated playing her because every mistake I made with her I had so many people upset with me or starting to ignore me that I just couldnt play anymore.
I especially hate how inconsiderate some people are and Im no exception to this either. The way I think makes me leave out details because I expect the others who have been playing as long as I have, or longer to know about them.
Though I dont know what the point is of writing this because nobody gives a damn.
Im tired that if you ask a question there is maybe one answer, most of the time none. I hate how if you ask what happened in an event IG youre ignored and have to resort to asking here on the forums only to hear people say 'go ask IG' guess what? I have tried. No answer there.
I hate how everyone just bloody well ignores me at all times.
I hate how I do not have the mental capacity to keep up with most people and no one has the time or wants to spare the effort to slow down their lives just so I can maybe glean a little understanding.
I hate how the only way people give a damn about me is because they want to see Diamondais. I will never play her again, get over it. I hated playing her because every mistake I made with her I had so many people upset with me or starting to ignore me that I just couldnt play anymore.
I especially hate how inconsiderate some people are and Im no exception to this either. The way I think makes me leave out details because I expect the others who have been playing as long as I have, or longer to know about them.
Though I dont know what the point is of writing this because nobody gives a damn.
Unknown2006-07-19 20:31:37
Diamondais gets my once-a-year forum snuggle. *snuggle*
I've never really interacted with you, but you've always struck me as a genuinely nice person.
I've never really interacted with you, but you've always struck me as a genuinely nice person.

Arix2006-07-19 20:57:59
I always interacted with Dia IG. But now she no longer exists, and so I only have Minxie and -shudder- Syntobis to talk to in that clan. And Aeto, sometimes. And hardly any of the Carthans are ever on, so most of my interaction with anyone IG is me collaborating with other 'Mancers about the research I am doing.
I also hate having insomnia IRL and not being able to cure it by smoking coltsfoot
I also hate having insomnia IRL and not being able to cure it by smoking coltsfoot
Diamondais2006-07-19 21:07:25
The Diamondais thing could easily be changed, its called talking to me. I have no care whatsoever if someone talks to me in tells. No problem even in person. Im not anti-anything beyond anti-destroying Serenwilde. If you guys want me on as Diamondais its tough luck, but you know its not so hard to send a tell saying hello.
Joli2006-07-19 21:50:06
QUOTE(Temporary_Guido @ Jul 19 2006, 02:29 PM) 309264
I hate that Joli keeps leaving me locked in her tower, leaving me to beg people over clan aethers to act as teleport targets and get accused of doing nasteh things.

I hate that for some reason your perms don't ever want to work.

I hate that I stayed up till 4 in the morning actually roleplaying for once and then slept until 4 in the afternoon! My mom is terribly pissed off at me and I think I might be going to get grounded soonish...

I hate that I can't get on the test server on this computer.
Unknown2006-07-20 03:59:16
I hate that someone seems to have a personal vendetta because I'm a guild hopper. And I can't get advanced for the life of me because of said person
And it's not like I power game. It will tke me years to gain enough money to have TWO artie swords. I don't have a cubix and no arties in general. I will only trans 3 skills and leave one in fabled at most.
I hate that I have no family IG
I'm trying to persuade Athana or Ixion to concider me, but I can't act that freely because my character's very shy and it seems rather silly to go about and asking them "Hey! Adopt me!". And, well, Ixion's not Silly so I don't want to get slapped
I hate that the only good Television is the Public Television. I hate that in Mexico, every channel acts like a whore selling themselves at companies. I mean, they are practically giving commercials WHILE the show's on. And I hate that I'm so far away from Home, the border and my TV that I can't watch PBS (yes, I watch it and it's cooler than any other TV station)
I hate that Serenwilde seems so cool but some people are just annoying, but the organizations where the cool people are suck. Magnagora sucks for me and Glomdoring just doesn't appeal me.
I hate that everyone goes Moon Serenguard because of Weapon Aura and I get a funny look when I say I want to be a Stag user. I mean, HE F'ING GUILD PRACTICALLY FOLLOWS THE STAG! Tribalwarcry? Chieftans? Acting on your own? FACE PAINTS?!
I hate being Peaced and having a TDF from Charune in the Test server. Hey, I just kissed you like 10 times and heartstop before you could strip the grace out of me... it's not that bad
And it's not like I power game. It will tke me years to gain enough money to have TWO artie swords. I don't have a cubix and no arties in general. I will only trans 3 skills and leave one in fabled at most.
I hate that I have no family IG

I hate that the only good Television is the Public Television. I hate that in Mexico, every channel acts like a whore selling themselves at companies. I mean, they are practically giving commercials WHILE the show's on. And I hate that I'm so far away from Home, the border and my TV that I can't watch PBS (yes, I watch it and it's cooler than any other TV station)
I hate that Serenwilde seems so cool but some people are just annoying, but the organizations where the cool people are suck. Magnagora sucks for me and Glomdoring just doesn't appeal me.
I hate that everyone goes Moon Serenguard because of Weapon Aura and I get a funny look when I say I want to be a Stag user. I mean, HE F'ING GUILD PRACTICALLY FOLLOWS THE STAG! Tribalwarcry? Chieftans? Acting on your own? FACE PAINTS?!
I hate being Peaced and having a TDF from Charune in the Test server. Hey, I just kissed you like 10 times and heartstop before you could strip the grace out of me... it's not that bad

Diamondais2006-07-20 04:07:09
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Jul 19 2006, 11:59 PM) 309413
Lotsa stuff
Im tired so you can have a hug.

I know exactly how you feel about the family issue. Its hard to get to know people especially when you RP/are a shy person. And even worse when certain people hold past actions against you.
Youll get through the Guild problems, Serenwildes bearable but they all need a good kick in the arse to get them to talk. And go Stag, its a neat looking skill. Moon is the most favoured in the Commune it seems, it has good potential for both guilds that follow it so it kinda overshadows the Stag abilities.