Joli2006-07-21 01:31:48
I hate steam also because my brother uses it.. or tried to.. and it lagged our home network to shit.
Unknown2006-07-21 01:33:04
QUOTE(Aoisan @ Jul 20 2006, 09:03 PM) 309766
I hate that the summit on Faethorn is being held on the one evening I absolutely CAN'T make it. Grrr!
Aww. Maybe someone can take your questions/comments/ideas and ask them at the summit for you?
Reiha2006-07-21 01:44:10

Ialie2006-07-21 03:05:28
I hate when someone rants about something on the public forum and this refuses to explain what they are ranting about.
Tervic2006-07-21 06:28:59
QUOTE(Ialie @ Jul 20 2006, 08:05 PM) 309840
I hate when someone rants about something on the public forum and this refuses to explain what they are ranting about.
I second that motion.
And now for more fruity fly goodness, also known as why I really hate my job right now:
Tuesday morning: set 300 of the buggers up for mutagenesis.
Wednesday morning: They're all dead. Every single one. Restart mutagenesis in the afternoon with a fresh batch of 300 flies, normalize all conditions in a climate-controlled room, one control bottle with no chemical.
9:45 this morning (total of 18 hours in EMS so far, normal is 24+): I check on the flies, about 70% are still alive, which is really good considering they've been starved for 24 hours and then fed chemicals that seriously f*** up their DNA. I rejoice thinking that we got a successful run done.
11:30 this morning (1 hour, 45 minutes later): Check again, only abou 20 flies are still alive (out of 300, so fewer than 10%. over 60% of the flies died over the course of about 2 hours), we transfer them to clean bottles (no EMS mutagenic nastiness, just sugar water) to prep for breeding. Ugh, not so great, but still liveable.
3:00 PM (3 hours, 30 minutes later): Every single fly is dead in every single bottle.

And now the female flies we collected last week for this week's breeding session are too old to use, so poof, there goes 40 person-hours of work down the drain. I'm tired, hungry, and royally cheesed off. A mutagenesis session is NOT fun, especially when you're not expecting to have to do one, and bring a garlic-laden lunch, and then are stuck smelling your own poop-breath because of the stupid facemask. Thank god for peppermint chewing gum and me being stupidly lucky enough to have some in my backpack.
Unknown2006-07-21 06:45:27
further proof that Tervic is in fact, mad... and not only that, he's a mad scientist
I'm going to guard myself and be sure to kill any suspicious fly around the house
I'm going to guard myself and be sure to kill any suspicious fly around the house

Tervic2006-07-21 06:46:37
normal flies are still safe. It's only fruit flies that you need to worry about, but as I stated before, all the dangerous ones are -dead-.
Unknown2006-07-21 06:57:56
I will not fall to your ruse, you evil winged dolphin lover 
You'll see.. once I develop enough skills in Bio-engineering, my pack of hungry winged-monkeys will tak you to your doom!

You'll see.. once I develop enough skills in Bio-engineering, my pack of hungry winged-monkeys will tak you to your doom!
Tervic2006-07-21 07:09:56
QUOTE(Corinthian @ Jul 20 2006, 11:57 PM) 309920
I will not fall to your ruse, you evil winged dolphin lover
You'll see.. once I develop enough skills in Bio-engineering, my pack of hungry winged-monkeys will tak you to your doom!

You'll see.. once I develop enough skills in Bio-engineering, my pack of hungry winged-monkeys will tak you to your doom!
ah but you see, I'm already 85% transcendent (on the way to reaching Full Professor

Either that or I shall unleash swarms of EMS-laden flies and your monkies will writhe in agony as they are consumed by squirmy cancerous blob things.
I play too much lusty.... >.<
By the way, there are 3 different critters in my avatar, only one of which is a dolphin. The other two are a shark and an orca, based off my 3 favorite stuffed animals who are sitting on my bed and laughing at you right now.....

Unknown2006-07-21 08:40:05
I hate it that no one listens to me, I was just outside the Ship of the Dead and had they teleported immediately when I said I'm out here so that we could take down Loyen and Ashteru, no one listens, I repeat, NO ONE LISTENS.
Another time when we're protecting the Tide Lords from Ixion, we are 5 people against him and I know that the 4 people with me could take Ixion down, I was giving out the plan when they suddenly left me and go after Ixion themselves, the result? They die to him, one by one, they broke the group then after that they whined because they have to pray, well BOO HOO, that's what you get for going solo.
Then when I was asking what's the situation in Celestia, no one replies, I don't know WTF is going out there.
So if this is how useless I am to them, I am so close in leaving Celest.
Another time when we're protecting the Tide Lords from Ixion, we are 5 people against him and I know that the 4 people with me could take Ixion down, I was giving out the plan when they suddenly left me and go after Ixion themselves, the result? They die to him, one by one, they broke the group then after that they whined because they have to pray, well BOO HOO, that's what you get for going solo.
Then when I was asking what's the situation in Celestia, no one replies, I don't know WTF is going out there.
So if this is how useless I am to them, I am so close in leaving Celest.
Ashteru2006-07-21 08:57:05
QUOTE(Lightzout @ Jul 21 2006, 08:40 AM) 309936
I hate it that no one listens to me, I was just outside the Ship of the Dead and had they teleported immediately when I said I'm out here so that we could take down Loyen and Ashteru, no one listens, I repeat, NO ONE LISTENS.
Another time when we're protecting the Tide Lords from Ixion, we are 5 people against him and I know that the 4 people with me could take Ixion down, I was giving out the plan when they suddenly left me and go after Ixion themselves, the result? They die to him, one by one, they broke the group then after that they whined because they have to pray, well BOO HOO, that's what you get for going solo.
Then when I was asking what's the situation in Celestia, no one replies, I don't know WTF is going out there.
So if this is how useless I am to them, I am so close in leaving Celest.
You can't kill the Ash. He runs too fast.
QUOTE(Tervic @ Jul 21 2006, 07:09 AM) 309922
ah but you see, I'm already 85% transcendent (on the way to reaching Full Professor know that there's a manga that has nearly the same theme?
Tzekelkan2006-07-21 10:07:58
QUOTE(Taika @ Jul 20 2006, 07:32 PM) 309549
I wish Kyleel would come back and talk to me.
Where'd Kyleel go?!?

QUOTE(Arix @ Jul 20 2006, 11:41 PM) 309656
I hate that nobody ever wants to debate me when I actually need to practice
I'll debate.

EDIT: I hate -temporary- OOC problems that prevent me from coming online!!!!!!!!
Shayle2006-07-21 14:37:58
I hate that Xenthos still isn't back yet. 

Aiwendil2006-07-21 15:41:35
After reading Tervic's post about his job, I'm suddenly glad that I was never really good at science. 

Hazar2006-07-21 15:49:41
I hate that as soon as Xenthos came back, he got wrapped up in four hours of meetings and then promptly logged off. 

Sylphas2006-07-21 16:32:29
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jul 21 2006, 11:49 AM) 310019
I hate that as soon as Xenthos came back, he got wrapped up in four hours of meetings and then promptly logged off.

Welcome to being a leader. One day, I woke up early to make a meeting, started it, then had to influence for 8 hours with little sleep and no breakfast, THEN had to reschedule the meeting for some other time. That more than anything is why I retired; you have very little time to do what you want.
Shayle2006-07-21 16:53:19
QUOTE(Hazar @ Jul 21 2006, 11:49 AM) 310019
I hate that as soon as Xenthos came back, he got wrapped up in four hours of meetings and then promptly logged off.

I think actually something happened to his computer/power OOC. Xenthos never logs off without saying goodbye and giving his ETA of return.
He didn't log off, he poofed.

I just want him back.
Unknown2006-07-21 17:50:11
QUOTE(Shayle @ Jul 21 2006, 04:53 PM) 310056
I think actually something happened to his computer/power OOC. Xenthos never logs off without saying goodbye and giving his ETA of return.

Xenthos2006-07-21 17:50:29

Well, I feel here.
Hazar2006-07-21 17:51:36
Now, let me log on and pester you about joining the Black Tower Society.
Now, let me log on and pester you about joining the Black Tower Society.